The aura of a priest is infinite

Chapter 322 This Is Hell?

Chapter 322 This Is Hell?
Silence only felt that his eyes were enveloped by a red light, and in the next second he felt a rapid weightlessness, and his entire chest was squeezed by gravity. Even if he opened and closed his mouth hard, he couldn't absorb any oxygen.

This feeling gave the silence a sense of despair, but fortunately it didn't last long, and when the silence was about to suffocate, the sense of weightlessness suddenly disappeared.

Shen Mo opened his eyes suddenly, and he sucked in the air around him with big gulps, and used his lungs to absorb the oxygen in the air to relieve this uneasiness.

After Shen Mo recovered a little bit, he began to look around.

Shen Mo found that he was no longer by Da Tao Mu's side, but came to a new scene.

Where is this place? !

Silence is a little surprised, because this place is completely different from the hell he was in. There is no so-called mountains of swords and fires, no so-called mountains of needles in oil pans, here there are only endless prairie and sunny skies.

"This is hell?!" Monk Zhanger couldn't figure out the silence. How does this look like hell? Is it simply a paradise?

Did Da Taomu let Shen Mo go through the back door?Didn't let him enter the so-called hell, but sent him directly to the end?
Shen Mo hadn't figured out the situation yet, but he saw black spots moving on the horizon of the grassland. These black spots gradually appeared in Shen Mo's line of sight from far to near.

what is that?
Mo Mo looked closely, and couldn't help becoming alert. Fortunately, he was able to display all his abilities and was not restrained by the change in the environment.

After a while, Shen Mo finally saw the appearance of those black spots clearly.

That's... uh? !The corner of Shen Mo's mouth twitched, what did he see?
He actually saw a group of young girls in yellow clothes walking towards him with smiles on their faces. They made a show of their heads, flirted with flirting, and kept throwing winks at Shen Mo, trying to seduce him as much as possible.

They are either eighteen years old and immature and innocent; or they are young and in full bloom, and behave gracefully; or they are like wolves and tigers, charming; or...
The silence may or may not come, because all the descriptions of women in his mind appeared in front of him at this moment, as long as he nodded slightly, these people would drown the silence in the waves rolled up by them .

As the old saying goes, if you die under the pomegranate skirt, you can be a ghost.

The situation in front of Shen Mo now is that a group of pomegranate skirts are in front of him, under which pomegranate skirt you want to die.

Forehead? !This is hell?The hell with so many women? !

Silently swallowed, he directly bless himself with the power of purification to force himself to calm down, and then perceive these women through his spiritual sense.

It's okay if you don't look at it, but after looking at it, Mo Mo almost shuts himself in place.

The beautiful woman who was originally beautiful and charming, under the silent spiritual perception, turned into countless extremely ugly, maggot-covered, and rotten-smelling walking corpses.

Mo Mo woke up instantly, even without the power of purification, he would have no fun in forcing justice.

You walking dead, pink skeletons, dare to tease me.

Mo Mo didn't say a word, he showed the phantom battle ax in his personal warehouse, and the milky white holy light burst out, killing several monsters in front of him instantly.

The walking dead followed a dazzling spark and burned to nothing.

Someone once said that the dirtiest things often bloom the most beautiful fireworks.

These ugly walking dead can really bring a touch of beauty to the senses when they disappear.

Silence couldn't help but say that he just slashed at this group of monsters, and it didn't take long to kill them all.

Return this piece of heaven and earth, a bright and bright universe.

Before Shen Mo could take the Phantom Tomahawk back to his personal warehouse, another group of gorgeous women came from the horizon.

Compared with the previous batch of women, they are more beautiful and perfect, whether it is temperament, appearance, or figure, they are much better than the previous batch.

uh-huh?What's the matter?This is not in the picture, did you change another batch for Shen Mo?

This is hell?Do you think this is KTv?Just change it, have you considered the feeling of silence?
hum!Shen Mo blessed the Specter Tomahawk with a weapon again, and prepared to attack the second group of women.

hum!His spiritual sense swept over again, and the phantom battle ax in his hand couldn't help but stop.

Because Shen Mo discovered that the second batch of women were not walking dead, they were actually real people!
They are actually living people with flesh and blood, and each of them is a peerless beauty who can overwhelm a country and a city in reality.

But now, they just appeared in front of Shen Mo so casually, and cast an olive branch of love for Shen Mo.

This... This is so silent that I don't know what to do? !

cut it? !They are all real people, and each of them is so beautiful.

Don't cut it!Shen Mo knew in his heart that they must be uneasy and well-intentioned. There is no such thing as a pie in this world, let alone the miracle of sister Lin falling from the sky.

Therefore, these women must want to kill silence, no matter what method they use... I won't go into details here.Please use your imagination and speak freely.

Their purpose must be harmful to silence.

So... Silence must choose to kill flowers with harsh hands, and wipe out all these women.

hum!The phantom tomahawk swung again, and those women bloomed the most beautiful fireworks in the world between the blood and flowers, which was regrettable but refreshing.

Silence soon became red-eyed, and when he cleared the enemy again and was about to take a break, another group of black spots appeared on the distant horizon, moving towards him.


what is that?That was the third batch of women. They were more perfect than the first two batches. They were like heavenly maidens descending from the earth. They were enchanting. Even if a person wandered in the mortal world, he would capture the hearts of all men, not to mention that there were countless women here.

Shen Mo's hand holding the tomahawk couldn't help trembling, he was stunned, this time, he really couldn't do it anymore.

He could kill the first batch of walking dead without leaving any room, and the second batch could be treated as enemies, but the third batch was a bit too much. Such a perfect daughter, as long as he is a man, is impossible. Against their opponents!

What about silence?He was almost out of control.

Is it really going to fall here? !Let yourself be addicted to beauty and can't extricate yourself, and start a shameless dirty life from then on? !
Is this really good?

No!Shen Mo quickly shook his head, the purpose of his coming here is not to find beautiful women, he has other things to do!How can you be obsessed with beauty.

But here comes the problem!Facing this third group of women, what should he do?Continue to kill?
Will there be a fourth batch, a fifth batch, or even an infinite loop?

Silence has no time and energy to consume, he must find other solutions as soon as possible.

Silence calmed down his mind, and then tried his best to think about countermeasures.

hum!With a flash of inspiration, he couldn't help but think of what Da Taomu once said in his mind.

"You must be exactly who you are, no matter what hell you face."

So?Is silence supposed to confront these people? !

(End of this chapter)

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