Chapter 323
Just!And not just!this is a problem!
Still a very serious question!

Silence is certain that these women are like the water breaking the bank of the Yellow River, and the cut is constant. If you want to control them and leave this hell, you must change your method and thinking.

If you savor the big peach wood carefully, you can conclude from Silence that the way to leave hell is not in these women, but in Silence itself, that is, the heart of Silence.

Shen Mo asked himself, he is not a person who loves sex, but even if he guesses with his toes, he can guess that it belongs to the hell of sex.

Does this mean that Shen Mo is essentially a lustful person?

Pooh!Shen Mo couldn't help but spit, he began to despise the review system of hell.What kind of system is this that actually thinks Shen Mo is a person who is greedy for beauty? !

Although everyone in this world has fantasies about beauty, and every man has the desire to pursue beauty, Shen Mo swears by touching his conscience that he is not a person who is greedy for beauty to the extreme, he just likes it slightly more than normal people It's just a little bit more, how could you fall into the hell of beauty?
This hell is tricky!
For the sentence of hell, the silent heart is resistant, he can't accept that he is a lustful person, so he wants to prove himself.

Shen Mo put down the phantom battle ax in his hand, and put it back in his personal storage. Then, he took a step forward in a dignified manner, and faced those gorgeous women.

"Come on! Who is afraid of whom! Don't you just want to get me? I am a man of seven feet, but I can be afraid of you! Today I will show you people what is an upright gentleman and what is sitting in the arms No chaos, what is called..."

Before Silence finished speaking, the women on the other side made new moves. They rushed towards Silence like a madman, as if they regarded Silence as pork on the chopping board. In addition, the recent soaring price of pork further strengthened their desire to snatch pork. desire.

They tried their best, as if they wanted to disassemble the silence into pieces of pork, took them home, set up a big pot, lit up a big fire, and boiled it into a pot of thick soup and tender meat.

Silently snorted coldly, without changing his face, he flicked his wrist and pasted the three middle-level talismans on his body respectively.

Vajra Bodyguard!A pale golden Buddha phantom appeared behind him, protecting him silently.

Nine bulls and two tigers!A phantom in the shape of a tiger appeared on his back, and roared like a tiger, shaking the group of monsters back.

Wind gallops!The cyan wind shadow appeared under the feet, tossing and turning, wandering among the group of monsters.

The talisman added to the body makes Shen Mo run away in an instant, like a little green among thousands of flowers, floating in the dust for thousands of years, without touching the body.

Even if thousands of sails pass by the side of his sinking boat, silence is Wan Muchun in front of the sick tree.

"Hey! Little brother, don't run away!"

"Come on! Anyway, we have a lot of time, let's work together!"

"Young man, don't you want to know what's under my skirt?"

"Lang Jun! How about serving you to bed personally?"

"You need to break the branches when the flowers bloom, don't wait for the flowers to fall in the spring! My son, I promise you a lifetime of wealth!"

Thousands of obscene words rang in Shen Mo's ears, disturbing his mind, but he was upright, he didn't need to throw money on his purification skills, completely isolated the other party's mental interference, and kept a gentleman's heart.

Because Shen Mo knows that as long as he falls into the trap once, he will end up in a situation beyond redemption.

This is hell!These women are not humans, but demons in hell. They are the masters who really want to eat the silent pigs.

With such thoughts in mind, silently looking at their peerless beauties will feel bored in the bottom of my heart, and I won't be able to arouse any interest.

No matter what methods they use, silence means not being moved by it, but they are deeply involved in it, accepting the edification and influence of the beauty of the recipient all the time.

At first, Shen Mo was a little restless, but as time went by, Shen Mo found that he began to become numb!

There is an old saying that goes well, no matter how delicious the food is, there will be times when you get tired of eating it, no matter how beautiful the scenery is, there will be times when you get tired of looking at it, and by analogy, no matter how beautiful the beauties are, there will be times when you get tired of looking at them.

In the silence at this moment, he realized that when he looked at these beauties again, he had lost the excitement he had before. He was used to seeing these beauties, so he didn't think they were so beautiful anymore.

hehe!No matter how beautiful the skin is, it still cannot escape the fate of the pink skull; no matter how beautiful the face is, it still cannot escape the time of Zhu Huangyu.

He sees through the silence!

Isn't it just a group of perfect women?What does it have to do with me? !
You play your tricks, I'm just a passerby, waving my sleeves doesn't carry a little fragrance of you.

Snapped!The mid-level talisman on Shen Mo's body was scattered, he removed all the attribute enhancements on his body, dispelled all the defenses, faced these women, and walked towards them with righteous steps.

When Mo Momei approached a woman, that woman turned into a pale skeleton and turned into powder with the sound of screams. As he continued to move forward, the women turned into powder and disappeared. Come to the end of this hell, everything will return to nothingness.

Silence only felt a buzzing in his head, and the next moment, the surrounding scenery changed, and he came to another scene.

Huh? !Breaking through the beauty hell so easily? !

In fact, it is not simple at all. If it were not for Shen Mo's many magical skills, he would never be able to leave the Beauty Hell. Those waves of beauty attacks would definitely make Shen Mo fall into the Beauty Hell forever, and he would be addicted to beauty all day long. Extricate yourself.

Among these many god skills, the purification skill is the most critical. It helps Shen Mo resist the attack from the spirit, and at the same time, it also allows Shen Mo to keep a clear mind to think about countermeasures.If it were placed on ordinary people, who would have the mind to think about it, they would have been addicted to it for a long time, and they have been decadent for a hundred years without knowing it.

Let's say that Shen Mo left the Beauty Hell smoothly. When he opened his eyes again, he was immediately dumbfounded.

Where is this again?New hell?

Silence looked around, and found that he appeared in a dark stone room. The surrounding walls were inlaid with pale green fluorescent stones, emitting a faint light, vaguely illuminating the situation in the stone room.

The huge stone room was full of people, including not only unknown figures who had been mummified long ago, but also people whom they knew silently.

Shan Benqiao waved, Xin Ying Wang, Valeriva, was beside Shen Mo.

And Shen Mo soon found Uncle Lame and others, they were standing in a square not far from Shen Mo, in a daze without knowing it.

Silence paused, this is not hell!But reality!

The hell I experienced just now is not the real hell, but an illusion? !
Silence is the first time to react, illusion!The beauty hell that I have just experienced is actually an illusion.

No wonder that hell, the silent spiritual sense couldn't perceive any danger. It turned out that those were all illusions, not reality at all.

And these people are trapped in the illusion, mistakenly thinking that they are in hell and are suffering unimaginable suffering.

Mo Mo frowned, and just as he was about to save everyone, he heard a loud noise.

Moo!In an instant, the change occurred again, and Uncle Lame trembled all over, and a phantom of a kui ox shot out from his body, pierced through the wall of the stone room, and rushed to the sky.

Shen Mo knew in his heart that this phantom of the Kui Niu was the phantom of the Kui Niu they saw outside the entrance of the underground palace. It turned out that this phantom was really made by Uncle Lame.

etc!Silence for a moment, how could the lame uncle in the dream cast a phantom of Kui Niu? !As mentioned before, Uncle Lame would not use this trick at all. Could it be that he is hiding something private?Impossible, Uncle Lame once told Shen Mo personally that he is good at talismans and does not know the secrets related to Kui Niu at all.

Well, there is only one answer to the question.

This is not a simple illusion!

hum!The next moment, the people around Shen Mo changed again.

Izumi Yamamoto's body trembled violently, and a phantom of a bloated woman emerged from behind her. The woman looked extremely tough, and she held a stick as thick as an arm in her hand. She kept waving the stick between her lips. It hit Qiao Yilang's body.

As the stick hit his body, Qiao Yilang kept trembling, and clusters of Asura's hostility rose from his feet, continuously seeping into his body like water melting into a sponge.

Silently stunned, he instantly understood that these so-called illusions not only trapped everyone, they could actually turn illusions into phantoms, and arouse the hostility of Asura under the underground palace, infecting and devouring everyone.

Every time the phantom manifests, it represents that the person trapped in the illusion is one point closer to being turned into an asura.

Mo Mo and the others had just entered the underground palace, and the two Asuras who followed them couldn't stand the torment of the illusion, and became superhumans of the Asuras.

Sure enough, Mo Mo found the bodies of the two Asuras in the crowd. Their bodies still maintained the appearance of humans, but their flexibility had left the flesh and turned into Asuras, leaving only two shells, turned into mummy.

Um? !Shocked in silence, he suddenly looked at Uncle Lai. As far as he knew, Uncle Lai had already experienced the erosion of Asura's hostility twice. His current situation is not optimistic, and Uncle Lai must be rescued immediately.

As soon as Mo Mo thought about it, he wanted to rush to the phalanx where Uncle Lame was, but just as he was about to lift his foot, an extremely dangerous aura came over his face.

"not good!"

Shen Mo's expression tightened, and he instinctively made a defensive posture, and his weapon blessing instantly blessed him a few times, ready to deal with any danger, he took a closer look, and saw a human figure inlaid on the stone wall directly in front of him The stone carving, just like the stone carvings carved in ancient Egypt, is imprinted with a seductive woman with a figure comparable to that of a devil. She has a peerless beauty, even the woman in the silent illusion is not as beautiful as her.

Silence was a little crazy for a moment. There is such a wonderful woman in this world. If it weren't for Shen Mo's spiritual perception, he found that this female stone sculpture exuded a terrifying Asura hostility. Mo Mo almost thought he had found it. Love.

she is alive!

This female stone sculpture is actually alive.

Silence forced himself to calm down, he sorted out the information he had once again, and immediately understood that the real purpose of this underground palace must be to seal the woman inside the stone sculpture, and she is the king of the Asuras—Queen Asura .

hum!The investigator skill was activated, and when King Asura was sealed, Shen Mo got a lot of useful information.

[Dharanu: As a sudra with the lowest bloodline, Dharanu is lucky. She was fortunate to receive the king's gift and become the king's woman.But she was dissatisfied with the status quo, and she dared to disobey the king's will, inciting the lowly Sudra to rebel against the king's rule.Therefore, she and those slaves who followed her were permanently sealed under the underground palace and became the Asura clan. 】

[Warning: Please do not destroy the stone carving!Please don't destroy the stone carvings!Please don't destroy the stone carvings! 】

[Warning: Repeat again, if the stone carving is destroyed, the death rate of the clergy is as high as [-]%.Please be careful. 】

Important things must be said three times. This time the system not only said it three times, but actually emphasized it four times. Even if Shen Mo is a fool, he knows that the stone sculpture in front of him cannot be destroyed. , Silence will definitely die, even if he still has a resurrection coin, it will not be able to withstand Toronu.

Moreover, why did Shen Mo destroy the stone sculpture? He is not a fool.

uh-huh? !The silent thoughts were undecided, but they saw the first group of trapped people, including Uncle Lame, change again. Their bodies trembled violently, and their respective soul phantoms appeared behind them, and the anger of Asura under their feet was like a tide. Emerging, eroding their soul phantoms.

Mo Mo realizes that the situation is not good. The Dharani in the stone sculpture obviously sensed the existence of a different kind of himself, and used some means to speed up the rhythm of Uncle Lame and others turning into Asuras!

no!Uncle Lame must not be allowed to turn into Asuras. The purpose of Doronu's doing this must be to help her crack the stone carving of the seal for the power of the extremely large number of Asuras.

Therefore, she must be stopped.

Mo Mo didn't care about the dangerous aura emanating from the stone carvings, he tapped his feet, raised the power of purification in his palm, and rushed towards Uncle Lame and the others like the wind.

He had to rescue Uncle Lame and the others before they really became Asuras, and let their souls return to their bodies.

This is a battle for life, either they will be human again, or they will become ugly asuras, or they will fight side by side with Silence, or they will stand on the opposite side and fight against Silence.

hum!A milky white halo glowed from Shen Mo's hands, and flashed across the bodies of everyone he passed by. The milky white halo hit his body, immediately purifying Asura's hostility, and the phantom of his soul returned to his body.

But Uncle Lame is too far away from Silence, and there are still many people blocking them. If Silence wants to get close to Uncle Lame, he must pass by their side.

Silence was originally unwilling to save these people, his purpose was only to save Uncle Lame, but the phantoms of the souls of these people seemed to perceive the existence of Silence, and stretched out countless tentacles to block the path of Silence.

He had to choose to use the power of purification to resolve their obstruction, and kept getting close to Uncle Lame.

Time was already extremely scarce, coupled with the obstruction of other people, it seemed that a thick wall that could not be broken through was built between Mo Mo and Uncle Lame, one side was life, and the other side was death.

But Shen Mo didn't dare to give up, and he couldn't give up either. He tried his best and kept rushing towards Uncle Lai, just when his hand was about to touch Uncle Lai.

Uncle Lame's body stopped trembling, and his phantom of the soul also stagnated.

boom!Asura's hostility collided with the power of purification, and the burst of energy blasted Silence violently, creating a terrifying vortex of hostility.

Silent was startled, he knew he had failed.

Uncle Lame, he has turned into a group of Asuras!
(End of this chapter)

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