The aura of a priest is infinite

Chapter 325 I Know You Will Come

Chapter 325 I Know You Will Come

"I lost?!"

There was a trace of astonishment on Uncle Lame's bewitching face. He couldn't help but look down at the arm that was supposed to be inserted into Silent's chest, but found that the arm was not inserted into Silent's body at all. A giant ax with a pink halo.

Uncle Lame was stunned for a moment, he couldn't believe it, how did Shen Mo stab the giant ax into his body? !Does he know where he will flash to? !

"How is this possible?! You..."

"You want to ask, how do you do it!"

"How did you do it? Uh?!" The lame uncle was stunned by the silence, and couldn't help but froze on the spot.

"Soldiers, deceitful way!" Shen Mo explained, while pulling the phantom battle ax vigorously in his hand, intending to cut off the lame uncle's body in one fell swoop, giving the enemy a chance to breathe and fight back. Bad habits that must be abandoned, "Your mind has been blinded by Asura's hostility."

The only reason Shen Mo was able to pierce Uncle Lai with a tomahawk was because he used a strategy of attacking east and west. He first used the epee three thousand feathers as a false move, inducing Uncle Lai to think that his defense was wide open, giving Uncle Lai a chance to attack him.

Then, Shen Mo turned on the special effect skill Goddess of Luck, relying on the unrivaled luck value, guessed that Uncle Lame would appear behind him, so he directly slashed the giant ax behind him, and as expected, he hit it with one blow.

At the same time, Silence also has backhands. If he misses a hit, he will instantly trigger the ultimate special effect skill of the Dragon God's Reverse Scale Armor - Reverse Scale Death, and at the cost of disintegrating the Dragon God's Reversible Scale Armor, he will summon the Dragon God to descend , Beheaded the lame uncle who turned into Asura.

Such a strategy can be said to be seeking wealth and wealth, if the lame uncle is not fooled, and if he makes a careless move, he will lose everything.Fortunately, Shen Mo's luck is not bad, he made the right bet.

Due to the influence of Asura's hostility, Uncle Lame's mind has already lost its due resourcefulness and sophistication.

Puff!Tomahawk swept!
Crimson blood spurted out along with the wound cut by the ax blade, Uncle Lame's whole body was split into two along the chest cavity, his upper body lost the support of his lower body, and fell powerlessly in a pool of blood, demon Surprise was written all over Yi's face.

Mo Mo raised his tomahawk again, aimed at Uncle Lai's head, and whispered, "Uncle Lai, I'm sorry. You have a good journey!"

"Wait! Amo, don't! I'm your lame uncle, how can you kill me?" Lame uncle begged eagerly, his eyes full of unbearable affection.

The silent and high-hanging battle ax couldn't help but froze, and immediately replied, "You are no longer the lame uncle I knew. The lame uncle I knew is dead."

Say it!

The giant ax fell, and the milky white halo stirred, and the uncle's upper body was no longer moving or alive in Shen Mo's eyes.

it's over? !Muttering silently, he stared at Uncle Lai's corpse for a long time, making sure that Uncle Lai had been purified, then slowly turned around and stared at the fierce battlefield in the stone room.

When Shen Mo was fighting Uncle Lame, the other people in the stone room did not watch the whole process online as spectators, but used their respective abilities and methods to start a life-and-death battle.

The superhuman headed by Shen Mo fought against the Asura group headed by Lame Uncle.

From Shen Mo's point of view, due to the number of people at a disadvantage, coupled with the away game, it is indeed lost to the Asuras for a while, but as Shen Mo purifies the lame uncle, the situation of the battle will be greatly reversed.

As long as Shen Mo joins the battlefield, with his purification power specially restraining Asura's hostility, he can definitely eliminate these Asuras in a short time.

But just when Shen Mo was about to join the battlefield, there was a sudden noise from behind him, and an extremely dangerous message was crazily transmitted from the inspiration to Shen Mo's mind.

Mo Mo didn't dare to push it, and immediately prepared to evade, but even if he had sensed it, it was a step too late.

Puff!A crimson blood column instantly pierced his abdominal cavity, stabbing out from just below the rib cage, lifting his whole body high and hanging in the air.

What? !How can this be?Silence clearly confirmed Uncle Lame, he is indeed dead, and the power of purification circulates in Uncle Lame, clearly purifying his Asura hostility, why is he still alive, and still has the ability to kill himself.

Shen Mo suddenly turned back in surprise, and looked behind along the crimson blood column, and saw a red thick blood vortex rolled up beside Uncle Lai's body. Quickly recover from injuries, and suck the blood essence from Silence's body through the blood column piercing Silence's abdominal cavity.

"Tsk tsk! Amo, you are still too young!" Uncle Lame's face was ghastly, and he roared almost madly, "Uncle Lame forgot to tell you, the ability that the king gave me not only made my body shrink into inches Reaching the Transcendence Realm also allowed me to have an immortal body, which is an ability worthy of high-level Asuras. Come on! Let me drain your blood, integrate with me, and serve the king together!"

Forehead!Shen Mo can clearly feel that his liver has been pierced, and the blood of the whole body is crazily drawn out of the body along the blood column. In this strange state, most people will lose consciousness within ten seconds, and then die.But Shen Mo is more and more calm at this moment, because only when he is calm, can he have a chance of life. If he loses his mind, the only thing waiting for him is death.

Trigger the Dragon God Reverse Scale Armor? !
No!Not yet!Silence still has a resurrection coin, so he still has another chance to fight.

If he was right, not only would he have one resurrection coin left, but he would also be able to keep the Dragon God's Reverse Scale Armor.

If he is wrong, he still has a chance to come back.

The silent spiritual sense clearly resisted and gave himself a message, that is, the Asura hostility on Lame Uncle's body was affected by the power of purification, and it was much weaker than before. between, back and forth.If you observe carefully, you can also find that the two are competing fiercely, as if they are fighting for control of the body.

Such details are clearly perceived by Silence, which is definitely good news for him. It seems that Uncle Lame's sanity has not been completely lost, and he is still alive in Asura's body.

Shen Mo took a deep breath, resisted the severe pain from his body, and shouted with all his strength, "Uncle lame! The opposite is the movement of the Tao, and the weak is for the use of the Tao; everything in the world is born of being, and being is born of nothing."

The first half of this sentence is the outline of the talisman that shrunk to an inch, and the second half is what Ma Shisan told Ma Shisan to convey to him personally. Silence has not figured out the meaning of this sentence until now.

At this moment, Shen Mo yelled out these two sentences with all his strength, and with the blessing of weapon blessing, transmitted them through sound waves, and passed them into Uncle Lame's ears.

hum!I saw that Uncle Lame, who was fighting for his body, couldn't help but froze, and the crimson blood around him was also stagnant. The bewitching Asura's appearance was full of astonishment, and he disappeared under the emotion of unwillingness and anger, replaced by Lame Uncle had a kind and kind face.

"Amo, I knew you would come."

Silent and speechless, even if he had a thousand words in his heart, he couldn't express his feelings.

"It's really hard work for you to fight against me!"

"Uncle lame."

"Don't talk, do it! Kill me!"

(End of this chapter)

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