Chapter 326

The blood column was pulled out of Shen Mo's body, and a part remained in Shen Mo's body, covering the fist-sized wound, and the injury was fully recovered in just a few breaths. At the same time, the broken arm before Silence also It begins to grow at a speed visible to the naked eye, like a new plant after a spring rain, bursting out with infinite vitality.

Mo Mo didn't care about his injury, because all his mind was on Uncle Lame at the moment.

After Uncle Lame regained his senses, the first sentence made Shen Mo feel that everything he did was worthwhile. Although Uncle Lame is not the person who knows Silence best, he is the one who trusts Silence the most.

The sentence "I knew you would come" made Silence feel ashamed.

"I'm sorry, Uncle Lame, I couldn't save you."

Uncle Lame shook his head, "Amo, you have done a good job. Life and death are cyclical, and the number is free. Uncle Lame, I am also tired, it is time to rest."

Uncle Lame said with a hint of reluctance for the world in his eyes, "After I leave, you take my body to Niutoushan, and give it to the head of the house, Yu Zihui, and let her bury me under the Huaqing tree. Every year on the third day of June, it is enough to give me a stick of old agarwood."

Shen Mo wrote down Uncle Lame's instructions, nodded subconsciously, but shook his head quickly.

"Wait, Uncle Lame, since you can regain your sanity, then let me use the power of purification to help you clear Asura's hostility, maybe you can still live."

"Silly boy, my three souls and seven souls have already been incomplete. If I want to survive, even King Yama can't do it... If there is a chance, see you in the next life!"

Uncle Lame said and opened his door, "Come on, Ah Mo, let's do it!"

Silent and silent, looking at the lame uncle in front of him, he couldn't do it for a while.Before Silence was able to fight to the death with Uncle Lame, it was because Uncle Lame had already fallen into the Asura Dao. Silence’s pity for him was cruelty to himself. Uncle, it is definitely a great test for Silence's psychological endurance.

"Amo, I know you are in a difficult situation, but there is always a banquet in this world, and what should go is going..."

Before Uncle Lame finished speaking, his face suddenly turned red, and Asura's bewitching face flashed past. Obviously, Asura's hostility revived again, and he wanted to take control of his body away from Uncle Lame right.

"Amo, do it quickly! I'm about to be unable to suppress its demonic nature." A layer of cold sweat broke out on Uncle Lame's forehead, and a look of determination appeared in his eyes.

Silently frowned, he could clearly feel that the Asura's hostility at Uncle Lame's feet was constantly penetrating into Uncle Lame's already battered body, and he was suffering unimaginable pain and suffering.

If this kind of suffering were placed on ordinary people, they would have fainted to death, but when it fell on Uncle Lame, he forcibly endured it and resisted it in the bottom of his heart.

"Amo, remember my words. The opposite is the movement of the Tao, and the weak is the use of the Tao; everything in the world is born of being, and being is born of nothing. When you understand these two sentences, you can truly grasp the power of shrinking the earth into an inch. Dharma tricks."

There was a slight smile on Uncle Lame's face, it was that he was enduring the pain, pretending to be calm and breezy for Shen Mo, and chic and composed for Shen Mo to see.

Silence's nose was sore, and the phantom battle ax was revealed with trembling hands. The cold light of the ax blade was blessed with the holy light of weapon blessing, and it was printed on his face in a dilemma.

"Amo, can't you even hold the ax steadily? Come on, let me study your homework again."

Uncle Lame let out a loud cry, stepped out, and the person disappeared in place. In the next breath, his shadow fell to him, and he suddenly appeared in front of Shen Mo. Under his benevolent eyes, there was an old wrinkled face. The corroded palm was dry and yellow, but with uncharacteristically strong force, it tightly clasped Shen Mo's wrist holding the tomahawk.

hiss!Sisi Asura's hostility rushed into Shen Mo's body with the uncle's palm through Shen Mo's wrist, crazily destroying and infecting Shen Mo's body.

Follow this rhythm, take a few tight breaths, and Silence will be infected into Asuras.

Therefore, Mo Mo couldn't hesitate any longer. With a thought, he mobilized his mental power. He wanted to purify his Asura hostility, but found that Uncle Lame's face changed, and the strange Asura face came online again.

"Not good!" Shen Mo didn't dare to hesitate, directly abandoned the battle axe, and held back the lame uncle, preventing him from being able to use Shrinking Inch. Then, the mental power poured out like a tide, frantically stimulating the purification skills, the milky white Following the silent palm, the halo continued to recoil towards Uncle Lame, like a raging fire steaming up combustibles, unstoppable.

Hiss!Asura let out a scream, and the next moment he turned into Uncle Lame's face. At this moment, Uncle Lame didn't show any pain at all, and the emotion that could only be seen by silence was a look of relief.

"Amo, take my hope and live on."

hum!The milky white holy light swept up, drowning the lame uncle in an instant, and when the dust settled, only a wounded body was left behind.

Lame uncle, really gone!
He just rushed towards Shen Mo on purpose, intentionally brought Asura's hostility closer to Shen Mo's body, deliberately gave up suppressing Asura's heart, and let Mo Mo kill himself who turned into Asura without any knots.

He is the silent guide—Uncle Lame.

Silence's eyes flickered, sadness swept his heart like a river against the current, he turned around slowly, his cold eyes fell on the battlefield.

All the Asuras with their teeth and claws all touching the pain and sorrow in Silence's heart.

"Ah!" Shen Mo arched his body, like a cheetah accumulating power before rushing, picked up the phantom battle ax on the ground, turned into a pink afterimage, and entered the battlefield in an instant.

hum!The ax fell and the soul was scattered, and an asura was split open by an axe.

puff!Strangled by the hands of the devil, the Asuras turned into clouds of blood mist, filling the surroundings.

call!When the tiger attacked, the Asuras fell apart.

Mo Mo didn't know how many Asuras he had killed, but only knew that when he couldn't find any more Asuras around him, he sat powerlessly on the ground, staring blankly at the sealed stone on the stone wall. Asura King Dharanu.

The root of all troubles is her fault.But Shen Mo has nothing to do with her. The Toronu who is sealed in the stone pillar is the scourge that the system has warned Shen Mo four times in a row not to release it.

Silence can only remember everything about her, her face, her breath... When he has the strength to crush her, he will come to find her again.

In fact, there is nothing wrong with Dharanu. According to the mission briefing, Dharanu, who is a low caste, just wanted to liberate the people of the same low caste, but was sealed by the Vishnu family.

Everyone is equal, and the world is a duke.There is nothing wrong with Torono's ideas in the contemporary era, what is wrong is the means she uses and the wrong age.

Leading people to be good is good, and misleading people to be evil is evil.Asura's hostility that can erode people's hearts, no matter how right her ideas are, is still classified as the evil side.

After a long time, Mo Mo stood up slowly. He didn't have the time to pay attention to the task information in his mind, but picked up the broken body of the lame uncle, and said to everyone, "Let's go! Get out of here. Before I come again, forever Seal the underground palace."

(End of this chapter)

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