Chapter 327
Permanently ban the underground palace? !
Everyone knew from the bottom of their hearts that this underground palace was actually the tomb of King Asura, and it was absolutely necessary to seal the underground palace. What's more, the relevant authorities should send full-time personnel to strictly guard the underground palace, and King Asura must not be allowed to escape from the underground palace.

Everyone has already experienced the power of Asura's hostility. If Asura's hostility leaks out and a large-scale infection occurs, it will not be a simple small-scale incident, and the degree of crisis will be no less than a biochemical virus.

Therefore, everyone raised their hands in favor of the proposal of silence.

This is no longer a question of the interests of individuals and countries, but a question of the survival of the human race.Maybe they will mutate collectively, and they will not be human.

Everyone decided to leave the underground palace first, and then report the situation of the underground palace to the superiors, so that they immediately organize manpower to carry out the sealing work of the underground palace.

And the first problem before them is how to leave the underground palace.

In the previous missions, Silence was always picked up by car, ahem, that is, the portal went directly back and forth, which was very convenient.

But for this mission, Shen Mo couldn't use the portal, and leading a large group of people, he naturally had to find a way to leave the underground palace.

After all, each head of these people represents 1000 aura points, as long as silence brings them out of the underground palace, it will be a fortune of great value.

Shen Mo counted the number of people, including him, a total of 16 people, that is to say, if there is no accident, he can get 15000 spiritual energy.

Tut tut!Shen Mo's eyes on everyone changed a little, as if he was looking at a pile of middle-grade spirit stones that could move.

Getting back to business, Mo Mo carried Uncle Lame's body behind his back, and then began to look carefully at the stone room.As far as the eye can see, it is not difficult to find that the stone chamber is completely sealed. Except for some fist-sized holes on the stone ceiling, which are similar to ventilation holes, there is no way to leave.

Shen Mo frowned, and everyone was helpless, how should they leave this stone room?
"Which one of you is good at dividing gold and fixing acupoints?" Shen Mo asked.

Everyone looked at each other in blank dismay, but no one stood up.

"Then who knows how to do divination and mental arithmetic, and can find the way out?"

At this time, a person stood up. She was wearing a white shirt and a red skirt priestess costume, with air bangs and a long ponytail. She looked immature, and she was definitely not more than 20 years old.

"Sakura Team Takano Kanto has met senior."

Shen Mo frowned slightly, looked at the other party up and down, and didn't comment on her name. She was sent to such a dangerous task by the Sakura team at her age. Not bad ability.

"Do you have a solution?"

Gao Ye Jianren nodded slightly, and replied immaturely, "Yes, I have a way. My Gao Ye clan is good at divination and mental arithmetic. I can try to find a way to leave."

"Let's get started! If you need our help, just ask."


Gao Ye Jianren took out a stack of white talismans from his bosom, about forty of them, each of which had a humanoid figure carved on it.Jianren clasped his hands together, held up the white talisman, and muttered words in his mouth, all of which were low and secret words that no one could understand.

After a while, a red halo ignited around Gao Ye Jianren's body, covering it completely, and continuously injecting it into the white talisman, as if charging the talisman and awakening the power of the talisman.

Seeing these red halos, Shen Mo seemed to have a familiar feeling. The lucky cat on his waist trembled immediately, and Nan Nan's eager questioning sounded in his mind.

"Boss! The spell she uses is very similar to mine, but she hasn't been disturbed by Asura's hostility in the underground palace. Can you ask me about her origin?"

Nodding silently, he guessed in his heart that Koya Jianren should have some kind of connection with the Zashiki Doji clan, which is related to the Nannan ethnic group, so he naturally couldn't refuse.

"Okay, after she finishes casting the spell, I'll ask for you."

"En! Thank you, boss." After Nan Nan finished speaking, she fell silent again.

At this moment, I saw the white talismans in Gaoye Jianren's hands rising without wind, turning into white paper figures, and under the control of Jianren, they scattered towards the surroundings. They were like children, searching in the stone room vividly Search without missing any gaps and dead ends.

This is the divination shikigami of the Takano clan, a talisman made using the evil spirit of Zashiki Doji, which can not only be used for divination and mental calculation, but also for finding objects and traces when necessary.

After a while, a paper figurine rushed out of a gap excitedly, jumped onto Gao Ye Jianren's shoulder as if asking for credit, and whispered something in her ear.

Gao Yejian's face was happy, he nodded repeatedly, then patting the villain's head dotingly, raised his hand, and took all the villains back into his palm.

Looking at the situation, she found the exit out of the stone chamber.

"Senior, I found it, it's that stone wall."

Gao Ye Jianren pointed to an unremarkable stone wall and said firmly.

His silent gaze followed Gao Ye Jianren's fingers, and there was nothing special about that stone wall. He stepped forward, came to the edge of the stone wall, raised his hand and slammed the stone wall, making a dull sound. Obviously, this The facing stone wall is empty.

Silence didn't dare to be careless, he took a few steps back, signaled everyone to get out of the way, then raised one hand, and cast the skill Devil's Hand.

As the pitch-black demonic power surged, a ferocious and strong demonic hand suddenly protruded, turned into a fist, and smashed hard on the stone wall, breaking the stone wall and leaking the passage inside.

really!There is a passage behind the stone wall.

After Shen Mo determined to find the way to leave, he couldn't help but look at the Asura King Dharanu on the stone wall behind him, waited for a long time to ensure that the attack just now did not affect the seal, and then led everyone to prepare to leave the stone room.

"Miss Gao Ye, please let your little paper man lead the way, how about we follow you?" Mo Mo was worried about some traps in the passage, so he made this proposal.

Gao Ye Jianren nodded again and again, calling up the pathfinding paper figurine just now to let it lead the way.

Shen Mo followed Gao Ye Jianren, and asked in a voice that the two of them could hear.

"Miss Takano, what does the spell you just used have anything to do with Zashiki Doji?"

Gao Ye Jianren's body couldn't help but pause. While controlling the paper figurine to explore the way, she turned her head slightly and looked at Shen Mo carefully, "Senior, can you see the original evil spirit of the spell I used? To tell you the truth, the members of our Gao Ye clan The secret method of divination must use the evil spirit of the Zashiki Warji clan as a guide, so our clan has the ability of divination and mental calculation."

Is Zashiki Warji's evil spirit a reason? !Does this mean that your Takano clan has kept a lot of Zashiki doji in captivity?

"Yes. This is an open secret. Iwate Prefecture, where the Takano clan is located, is the hometown of Zashiki Doji, so there are many Zashiki Doji in our hometown. Most of them live in our shrines. After all, modern times can support them. There are not many mansions to live in."

After listening to Gao Ye Jianren's words, Nan Nan in Silence and Lucky Cat asked almost in unison, "Then do you know Toshiba?"

Huh? !Gao Ye Jianren naturally heard Nan Nan's voice, she finally found Nan Nan hiding in the beckoning cat, and there was a slight change in her eyes when she looked at Silence.

No wonder this senior has been asking himself about the Zashiki Warehouse. It turns out that he has a Zashiki Warehouse in captivity, and judging from the monster quality of this Zashiki Warehouse, she is still a high-level Zashiki Warehouse with the potential to become a king .

If you want to talk about why the Takano Jianren can see so much information at a glance, because the Takano clan doesn't understand anything, but they know Zashiki Warou very well, even if they smell a trace of Zashiki Warouji's evil spirit, they can know a lot of information.

"Senior, Toshiba is a notorious organization for selling monsters. It is a very dangerous and evil organization that is rooted in our country to buy and sell monsters privately. Excuse me, where did your zashiki boy come from?"

Takano Jianren's eyes suddenly became sharp, as if he identified Silence as a villain who traded monsters.

"Nannan was rescued from others by me. Seeing that she was helpless, I took care of her all the time."

Gao Ye Jianren frowned slightly, obviously questioning the motive of silence.

"Well, I admit that my shop happened to be short of a lucky boy. Nannan happened to be a professional, and I just needed her, so I left her here."

Gao Ye Jianren's expression was a little relieved, she took out a white, ping-pong ball-sized ball from her bosom, and handed it to Shen Mo.

"This is Zashiki Doji's favorite food, I made it myself. Can I say a few words to her?"

Shen Mo took the Ji Liang Wan, starting with a rice ball wrapped in rice, and felt a faint red evil spirit permeating it, which was very similar to Nannan's evil spirit, and also had the medicinal fragrance of some herbs.

"Of course, as long as Nannan is willing."

Gao Ye Jianren walked closer to Shen Mo's side. Her height was just no higher than Shen Mo's shoulders. After she approached Shen Mo, a faint fragrance came over her face. money cat.

"Hello, Nannan. I'm Gaoye Jianren."

hum! "Hi, I'm Nan Nan."

"Excuse me, are you sincerely willing to follow and serve this senior?"

Nan Nan was silent for a moment, "Yes! Nan Nan is very happy with the boss. Of course, Nan Nan is also very curious. Where is Nan Nan's hometown? Nan Nan also misses her mother very much. I wonder if she is doing well now. alive?"

Hearing that Nan Nan really followed Shen Mo, she was relieved of doubting Mo Mo, and her eyes on Mo Mo became kinder.

"Nannan, don't worry, our Takano clan will definitely help you find your hometown and mother."

Silence was a little puzzled, "Isn't Nan Nan's hometown in Iwate County?"

Takano Jianren shook his head, "In Iwate County, not only our Takano clan has zashiki doji, but there are also some zashiki doji hidden in the deep mountains and dense forests. They have not been registered in the Yokai Records, and they have become the primary target of Toshiba's arrest. I guess, Nan Nan should belong to one of them, and Nan Nan's blood is of a high level, she is not an ordinary Zashiki Doji. It stands to reason that Toshiba would never sell her with such a noble it strange? Did they get it wrong?"

Gao Ye Jianren couldn't help looking at the Lucky Cat sitting silently on his waist, his eyes widened immediately, and he almost didn't try to snatch it.

"This is... this is an artifact of the Zashiki Warji clan?! A beckoning cat?"

Silent for a moment, Gao Ye Jianren would know the props that came out of the jar. Sure enough, the brothers of the jar have already made private goods in this world.

"You know it?!"

"Of course! How could I not know it? It is a token of connection between the Takano clan and the Zashiki Waruji clan. Legend has it that it was stolen by Shuten-douji, and its whereabouts have been unknown for 500 years. How could you have it?"

The corner of Shen Mo's mouth twitched, he couldn't tell Gao Ye Jianren that Nan Nan opened the jar himself.

In addition to this lucky cat, Nan Nan also released an item called "Fu Yun Prosperity", which is also an artifact of the Zashiki Doji clan.

In order to avoid causing too much impact on Gao Ye Jianren's young mind, Shen Mo didn't mention the matter of fortune and prosperity, but fooled around.

"This artifact is from my ancestors."

"Ancestral?!" Gao Ye Jianren looked bewildered, the artifact is actually ancestral? !What a way to say this.

Shen Mo waved his hands, obviously not wanting to continue the topic, "Miss Gao Ye, how long before we can go out?"

Takano wanted to continue to ask, but saw that Mo Mo deliberately prevaricated himself, and changed his words, "Come on, my shikigami told me that we will reach the end after walking about 300 meters."

"Where is the end?"

"It should be a forest!"

forest?Isn't that the forest where the big peach tree is located?They passed through this channel and returned to the forest where the big peach tree was.

Wait, silently think about it carefully, and found that the big mahogany is tricky!Since there is a passage to safely enter the stone room, what kind of operation is it to teleport to the stone room through the big peach tree and fall into the illusion of Asura.

Could it be said that Da Taomu and King Asura are in the same group, specially luring strangers into the stone chamber in order to create Asuras and revive King Asura? !
If this is the case, then Wang Meng and others staying in Da Taomu will be in danger.

Silence was anxious in his heart, and he quickly told everyone about his worries.

"Everyone speed up and meet them as soon as possible to prevent the situation from changing."

Under the leadership of the Divination God, the crowd quickly came to the end of the passage. Shen Mo once again used the power of the devil's hand to blast away the stone wall, and suddenly came to the big peach tree world that he had visited before.

Shen Mo locked the direction of the big peach tree through spiritual perception, and hurried all the way, and after a while, he saw Wang Meng and others waiting anxiously under the big peach tree.

Judging from their appearance, there is no danger, and Da Taomu has nothing unusual.

Silently puzzled, did he guess wrong?The reason why Da Taomu sent strangers into the underground palace was not to help Asura refine the Asuras. The so-called Asura's illusion was not caused by Da Taomu?
So, who triggered the illusion of Asura?Pulling them into the illusion, who is it that arouses the hostility of Asura and trains them into Asuras?

Silence had a flash of inspiration, and immediately remembered the two extra people in the first batch of teams entering the underground palace.

So far, Silence has not found any trace of them.

(End of this chapter)

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