Chapter 328

Could it be that the two Asuras were killed by Shen Mo with an ax when Shen Mo ran away?
Shen Mo shook his head, and quickly denied this speculation, because Shen Mo remembered very clearly that he had never beheaded the Asuras who looked very special, and those Asuras who fell under his ax were the first batch to enter the underground palace The mutants of the extraordinary are definitely not the Asuras who have long existed under the underground palace.

Then, those two Asuras are still hiding in the underground palace, waiting for the opportunity to move, are they going to be silent?

Silence can be sure that the two Asuras can't undo the sealed Asura King, otherwise they wouldn't need to spend a lot of time to pull everyone into the illusion and infect the Asuras.

Obviously, to lift the seal of King Asura requires a large number of Asuras.

Therefore, silence and others are their last hope.

If Shen Mo and others leave and seal the underground palace semi-permanently, then the two Asuras will never be able to rely on the strength of the crowd to lift the seal of King Asura.

After figuring this out, Mo Mo has a solid foundation in his heart.Because before they leave the underground palace, the two Asuras will definitely stop them.

All that Mo Mo needs to do is to be ready to meet the enemy. As the saying goes, when soldiers come to cover up water and earth, there is no need for Mo Mo to vain them at all. The initiative is obviously in Mo Mo's hands.

Mo Mo brought the extraordinary person rescued from the stone room, and after meeting with Wang Meng and others, he briefly explained the situation in the stone room, and then explained the next plan.

"Everyone return along the road, leave the underground palace as soon as possible, and then notify all countries to permanently seal the underground palace."

This sentence was almost uttered in a roar. On the one hand, it was to inform everyone of the danger of the underground palace, and on the other hand, it was naturally said to the Asuras who were hiding in the dark.

Everyone agrees with Silence's proposal very much. The transcendents who escaped from the dead are eager to leave the underground palace in the next second, and the sealing of the underground palace even more agrees with both hands. This kind of ghostly place must not allow people to come down, let it be forever Let it be buried in the long river of history.

Immediately, a group of 23 people turned back along the way they came. They quickly passed through the forest where the big peach tree was located, followed the vertical hole at the entrance of hell, and climbed directly to the mountain mountain.

When Mo Mo and the others came to Mount Zhongyue again, the grieving ghost and Li Hun on Grieving Ghost Mountain had already fallen into a deep sleep, and the crowd shifted gently, but did not wake the grieving ghost again, and the runaway ghost mandrill did not come out of it either. Jumping out of the mountains and mountains embarrasses everyone.

And just as everyone was about to pass through Mount Zhongshan and enter the stone room where Jialan Shaye was stationed, two shrill screams came from the rear of the team.

Shen Mo paused in his heart, secretly thinking that the two Asuras finally couldn't help but make a move.

With a flick of his wrist, he added purification power to his hands, and shouted sharply, "The passage is narrow, the man stands on the left and the woman stands on the right, give me a passage."

In the narrow and dark passage, Silence's voice echoed endlessly, everyone heard it clearly, and immediately followed suit, because they knew very well that the milky white holy light in Silence's hands was simply a nuclear-level killer for Asuras.

It's almost shooting whoever dies, staring at whoever dies.

Crash!Except for Silence, the other 21 people quickly made way for Silence.

Wait, why 21 people? !Besides silence, shouldn't it be 22 people?How could there be one less person?

That's because there was another person in the team who chose neither to stand on the left nor on the right. She stood directly in the middle without moving a step.

who is she? !

Shen Mo took a closer look, and saw Valeriva of the Mafia standing there helplessly, staring at Shen Mo with embarrassed eyes.

"My dear little brother! Your order makes it difficult for me to make a choice."

The corner of Shen Mo's mouth twitched, thinking that Valeriva is a robot that has undergone a full-body transformation, his spine couldn't help but feel a chill. Could it be that she is not her, but him.

Silent eyes flicked across Valeriva's enchanting devil figure, could it be that her body was also made by people.

Huh? !Disgusting!

Although Shen Mo personally pinched a Liu Xiaoci, the cuteness and virtuousness of Liu Xiaoci as a puppet are not comparable to that of Valeriva. When she thinks that Valeriva's coquettishness is man-made, Shen Mo resists in his heart.

"Miss Valeriva, just stand where you are and don't move."

Silent eyes scanned the passage, and soon found that there was not even a corpse in the passage, but the two screams just now were absolutely true.

So, there is only one truth.

Among the 23 people present, two were replaced by Asuras.Who will be murdered by the Asuras and become the skin of the Asuras.

Da da da!Mo Mo's footsteps continued, and he first came to Valeriva's side. The milky white holy light in his hand was involuntarily called on the other party's body. The specific part is not important.

The important thing is that the Holy Light swept over Valeriva, and there was no drastic change. Obviously, Valeriva is not an Asura.

Silence murmured in a low voice, "Miss Valeriva, please stand back and keep some distance away from people who have not passed the inspection. Because I suspect that two Asuras have sneaked into our midst."

hiss!Everyone was startled, subconsciously distanced themselves from the people around them, and vigilantly shook their heads back and forth, examining the people around them.

Anyone who knows that there is an undercover agent next to them, or the kind of undercover agent who will die in the next second, will feel restless.

"Everyone, don't panic. I'm here. Now, everyone stand still and don't move. Wait for me to bless you with the holy light. If nothing happens, stand by Valeriva's side."

Shen Mo revealed his strategy, and everyone nodded in agreement. This is indeed a very good way, but it is time-consuming, and Shen Mo needs to verify it one by one.

I saw Shen Mo once again raised the power of purification, and at the same time, Goudan's demon soul manifested on Shen Mo's shoulders, restoring Shen Mo's spiritual power that was about to bottom out. Call out Goudan's demon soul early to restore his consumed mental power.

This is a basic operation, mistake six.

Da da!Silence stepped forward and came between the two.

"Please extend your hands and let me bless you."

Silence originally wanted to say purification, but the blessing seemed easier to be accepted by others, and it could also ease the tense atmosphere at the moment.

The first pair of men and women to be silently blessed are Tony Jaa and Fasil Murphy of S.H.I.E.L.D.The two are colleagues, and they fell at the end of the team following the S.H.I.E.L.D. team.

Tony Jia is a mechanic with a unique talent in mechanical transformation. The reason why he was recruited to this mission is mainly to use his technology to explore the situation under the dungeon. As a logistical support, Tony should have been the last It's safe, but I didn't expect that I almost confessed to the underground palace.

Faisley Murphy is a person with abilities. Like Buren, she is a telepath, providing spiritual support and help to the team.But it's a pity that her telepathic ability was affected by Asura's hostility, so she couldn't play its due role.

clap clap!

Silence's palms collided with those of Tony Jia and Faithley Murphy, making crisp and pleasant sounds, and everyone saw a milky white halo attacking the two of them and sinking into their bodies.

The next second, Tony and Murphy groaned, with indescribable enjoyment on their expressions.

Tony Jia swears that this is the first time since he came into contact with the profession of a mechanic that he feels so comfortable and carefree, as if his whole body is bathed in the sunshine of three springs, washing away all his fatigue and giving him new vitality.

The same is true for Faisley Murphy. Her telepathic ability is a double-edged sword. Although she can know many things, it still tortures her fragile nerves all the time.

But just now, at the moment when the silent holy light shone on her, Fasil Murphy seemed to be soaking in a warm bathtub, enjoying the warmth and comfort brought by the hot water, which made her feel so comfortable that she almost flew away. rise.Even her ability seemed to be unaffected by Asura's hostility and recovered.

These two groans are the cry and statement from the heart of Tony Jia and Faithley Murphy.

But in the ears of Shen Mo and everyone, it has a different charm.

What's the matter? !The silent blessing made you fly into the sky?Seeing how you enjoy it, could it be that you ovulate in situ, and you are frightened in situ!

Silence was also in a daze, when did his purifying power come with moaning special effects.What the hell are these two people enjoying so much?Could it be that they are the possessed Asuras?

It shouldn't be!When Asura met the power of purification, it was the rhythm of turning into fly ash, how could it be possible to enjoy it like this.

Therefore, they are not Asuras, but just two ignorant men and women who have never experienced the power of purification.

Why!Let them go!
Mo Mo looked away from the two of them, and once again used the power of purification to hit his palms.

"Next, it's up to you two! Come, let me bless you."

S.H.I.E.L.D. Megan Anderson: "..."

Mafia Jean Taylor: "…"

As two organizations, and the CP duo who were lucky enough to match together, they didn't mind silent blessings at first.

But after seeing Tony and Murphy's groans and enjoyment, they somewhat resisted in their hearts. What the hell is this so-called blessing?How to give them the illusion of a forced pairing by a feudal dynasty.

Could it be that Silence is using the excuse of searching the Asuras to forcibly tease them.

Clap!Before the two of them finished questioning, silent palms had already fallen on them.

The next moment, Megan panicked, and he called God directly, because he found that the prostate problem that had plagued him for many years was no longer so uncomfortable at the moment of silent blessing.He seemed to have found the feeling of his youth again.

hiss!Megan sucked in a breath of cool air, her face was full of satisfaction and happiness.

And Jean Taylor of the mafia, staring at the milky white holy light entering her body, her eyes widened in the next moment, because, after undergoing semi-mechanical transformation, she, who has been suffering from friction between machinery and flesh all the time, unexpectedly I can't feel the pain anymore.

Her originally tense nerves also softened instantly at this moment, as if she had returned to the time when she was a human being.

Amazing.She found her sense of being human again.

Tut tut!Shen Mo shook his head, obviously, these two people were not hidden Asuras.

In the eyes of other people, they no longer care about Asura or not.They have been completely conquered by the appearance of the CP of the previous two teams.

The power of silent blessing can make people find happiness.

This sentence has become a default concept in everyone's heart. They are all extraordinary people who are different from ordinary people. Everyone has unspeakable pain, and most of the pain will be judged as a negative state by purification skills. Purify for a period of time or permanently.

So, the silent blessing, that is the hardcore blessing of the real meow.

The rhythm of letting them go to heaven every minute!

"Come! Mister Silence, please bless me!"

Meg Nelson and Haggai Scott of the Mafia, although they are women, Meg is on the side of men.

Silence didn't go into the details, since he didn't care about such things anyway.

Two rounds of purification power were fired, instantly making the two of them feel like Jean Taylor, and found the feeling of being human again.

With the advertising effect of three consecutive CP teams, the following blessings appear to be more smooth and enthusiastic.

Silence seems to be able to see an unstoppable longing in the eyes of people who have not yet been blessed. This is a longing from the heart of human beings, especially when the first three team CPs tell their own benefits, others are even more so. Crazy as if wanting to get silent blessings.

hey-hey? !The silence is a bit confused, what's the matter?Is this the rhythm of the clergymen's debut and online blessings?Bless no money!
The corners of Shen Mo's mouth twitched, his eyes swept over everyone, and he immediately found a pair of CPs that looked extraordinarily different. They were different from everyone's desires, standing in place like zombies, with a stiff smile on their faces, trying their best to cater to everyone's wishes The atmosphere is self-defeating, and it seems more and more out of gregarious and different.

hey-hey!Found you.

As the saying goes, the crowd searched for him thousands of times, and suddenly looked back, but the man was in a dimly lit place.

Silence originally thought that to find them, he needed to bless them one by one. Unexpectedly, he had just blessed the three teams of CPs, and by accident, they revealed their true colors.

Da da!Silence poured energy into his feet in an instant, and he rushed out like a cheetah, dragging out two white comet tails with his palms attached to the holy light, and under the astonished eyes of everyone, he instantly came to the side of the two Asuras.

Clap!The two slaps directly hit the Asuras' chests, and a milky white halo swept over their upper bodies, like gasoline meeting an open flame, and were instantly ignited. At the same time, their chests collapsed and collapsed at a speed visible to the naked eye, turning into light red powder and floating around .

"Ikeda bird!"

"Wooden Ryutaro!"

Gao Yejian hurriedly called out the names of the two, but he could only watch them turn into powder.

Both of them were the first batch of supernatural beings to enter the underground palace. Because their ability was the way of the sword, they became the targets of the asuras.

Silence doesn't feel sorry for them. After all, life and death depend on wealth and wealth. Maybe this is their fate.

After finishing the last two Asuras, if there is no accident, the Asura King under the underground palace will have no possibility of resurrection.

When they leave the underground palace and permanently seal the underground palace, the trip to the underground palace is over.

And Mo Mo picked up Uncle Lame's body again, muttering in a low voice, "Uncle Lame, let's go home."

(End of this chapter)

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