Chapter 331

These two sentences kept chanting in Silence's mind. With his talent and intelligence, he couldn't figure out the essential connection between these two sentences and the method of shrinking the ground to an inch, and to achieve a breakthrough. What is the necessary connection between the realm.

After contemplating all the way, Shen Mo got nothing, but everyone arrived in New Delhi by helicopter, and the special plane waiting for them had already been prepared at New Delhi Airport.

"Brother Shen, goodbye! Welcome to New Delhi again," Xiao Hei muttered reluctantly, "I mean coming here for tourism, not for missions."

Nodding silently, he couldn't help but think of the Asura king Toronu under the underground palace. He has no nostalgia for India. The only thing worth caring about is Toronu under the underground palace. "If there is a chance, I will come again .Remember, the underground palace must be well guarded, and no living thing can be allowed to enter the underground palace."

Xiao Hei nodded heavily, "Brother Shen, don't worry, we will arrange the follow-up work with the relevant departments."

Wang Meng said inappropriately at this time, "Huh? There are also mysterious relevant departments in India?"

Xiao Hei's face was full of black lines, "Comrade Wang Meng, aren't we the relevant departments! There are also organizations from various countries participating in this mission, don't they all belong to the relevant departments?"

Right!The so-called relevant departments are really their mysterious departments that hide in the dark and protect the safety of human life and property.

In this world where spiritual energy is revived and ghosts are rampant, without their existence, who can imagine what the world would be like.

Some things must be done by someone, and some responsibilities must be resisted by someone.

You need to know that the peace and comfort you can enjoy is the happiness bought by the blood of many revolutionary martyrs and unknown warriors.

Silence watched Uncle Lai's body being placed in the ice coffin prepared in advance, paying high respects to Uncle Lai and sincere thanks to the special commissioners who were fighting on the front line of the Super Bureau.

The world is beautiful because of them.

Da da da!Shen Mo boarded the plane back home with Wang Meng and others, without talking all the way. When the plane landed at Yancheng Airport, Hua Yingjun and others had already been waiting at the airport for a long time.

The news of Uncle Lame's death has been released to the Super Bureau 21 group. All group members, including Ma Shisan, sent out a memorial speech immediately. At the same time, Ma Shisan and some group members drove the plane and high-speed train overnight to Yancheng, I want to give my uncle a last ride.

When Shen Mo got off the plane, he immediately saw Ma Shisan leading the 21 group members, standing in line on the pick-up apron. Among them were group leader Ma Shisan, Modu Huayingjun, Yancheng Niu Zhongmin, Haojing Li Yang , Zhang Nuqing in Xiangxi, and Zhang Pengju in Yancheng.

The members of the 21 groups who could come all came to see the lame uncle off.

Eternal loli Ma Shisan stood at the front of the line. She took the lead and bowed to the body of Uncle Lai, followed by others. Shen Mo also joined the team, and held a memorial service for Uncle Lai on the airport apron. Yes, it wasn't until four hours later that Uncle Lame's body was moved onto the plane again and headed to Niutoushan.

The only person who followed Uncle Lame to Niutoushan was Shen Mo.

As special commissioners of the Super Bureau, everyone has their own responsibilities. There is no way to send the lame uncle to Niutoushan. In other words, silence alone is enough.

Before Shen Mo left, he explained to Hua Yingjun about the acquisition of the Xidelong Hotel, and mentioned the matter of the Priests Foundation to Ma Shisan again.

It has basically been finalized. After Hua Yingjun takes over the Xidelong Hotel, he will transform it into the headquarters of the Priest Foundation. In front of the gate of the headquarters, there will be a stone sculpture carved by Shen Mo himself for Uncle Lame. In his eyes, Uncle Lame deserves this honor, and Ma Shisan has no objection to this.

On the plane to Niutoushan, Shen Shen took a deep breath, and took out the Buddha’s tomb pocket jar from his personal warehouse. Unlike the previous pocket jars, this time the pocket jar was engraved with a printed image of Buddha, silently counting After a while, there are a total of 108 Buddhas, and each Buddha has its own uniqueness. Is this the legendary 108 Arhats? !
No!wrong!In silent memory, there are only eighteen Arhats!One hundred and eight actually represent the number of Arhats.

On this pocket jar, however, one hundred and eight Buddhas are clearly depicted. Obviously, there is some conflict between the truth and Silence's memory.

Silence only needs to pry open the pocket jar and get the props inside.

Clap!Silently patted Nannan's beckoning cat, calling out Zashiki Doji Nannan.

hey-hey!It's time to open the jar again for happiness and anticipation!

Raise the south for one day, use the south for a while.Nan Nan, it's time to show your true skills.

Snapped!Nan Nan didn't say much, she was familiar with luck, the red luck attribute demon light, and her pink hand smashed hard on the body of the pocket pot, and the pot body made of ceramics shattered immediately, and a dazzling white halo burst out .

Fortunately, there was only silence in the cabin at the moment, and the crew did not notice any abnormalities in the cabin.

When the brilliance settled down, the pocket pot in Shen Mo's hand disappeared, replaced by a prop emitting golden Buddha light.


Silence resisted at first, because the props that were released this time looked extremely low-end.But after he finished reading the introduction of the props, he couldn't help but be overjoyed.

What does it mean that people should not be judged by their appearance?What does it mean that sea water cannot be measured? !This is what Silence is encountering now.

I saw Shen Mo holding an old cattail fan in his hand. It was made of palmetto leaves and handles.But the simple appearance can't hide its dazzling power.

[Jingci fan (one-time prop): Subduing the dragon and subduing the tiger, Arhat fruit position.This is a cattail leaf fan used by the Luohan descending the dragon. It is said that it is a treasure given by the Guanyin Bodhisattva to the Arhat descending the dragon. It has magical powers.With special effects skills: like a dream. 】

[Like a dream and an illusion: true and false, false and true.All conditioned dharmas are like dreams and bubbles, like dew or electricity, and should be viewed in this way.Trigger this special effect skill, and you will create an illusion, which is difficult to distinguish between true and false, and unpredictable.Those with this special effect skill, if they can't see through the essence of the world of mortals, they will fall into the illusion forever. 】

[Reminder: The user can withdraw the illusion at any time. 】

[Warning: This item is extremely powerful, please use it with caution. 】

Mo Mo held the broken cattail fan in his hand... Bah!Jingci fan, that is called a liking in my heart.

Isn't this the fan used by Ji Gong? !This baby is a very famous baby.Let's look at the special effect skills attached to it [like a dream]

It is simply a skill against the sky.

If Mo Mo encounters an enemy that is invincible, as long as he is thrown into the illusion, as long as the opponent cannot see through the world of mortals, he will be trapped in the illusion forever.

If you see through the world of mortals, escape from the illusion.Then, would a villain boss who sees through the world of mortals still chase Silence and kill him like a set?
That is definitely not the case!Aren't those who see through the world of mortals all good people!

Obviously, this is an artifact to kill or cleanse the enemy!
(End of this chapter)

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