The aura of a priest is infinite

Chapter 332 New Daily Tasks

Chapter 332 New Daily Tasks
Jingci fan!With such an artifact in hand, Silence is naturally happy.

I can't help but want to hum a song... The shoes are torn, the hat is torn, and the cassock on my body is torn.You laugh at me, he laughs at me, a fan is broken.

Hey!How can you send out voice!

After being silent for a while, he put the Jingci fan in his personal storage, and used it as a trump card when necessary.

Next, Silence set his sights on personal level and experience points.

More than 2 aura points, enough to silently upgrade to three consecutive levels, raising the level to level 13.

According to Shen Mo's speculation, he should be able to trigger the clergyman's job change task at level [-], so it is very important to increase the level as soon as possible.

But considering that Shen Mo needs to reserve some aura points to guarantee the use of the epee three thousand feathers in the gossip yin and yang sword pouch, Mo Mo can only upgrade two levels in a row, and reserve 8150 aura as a reserve aura for emergencies.

Such a decision is obviously reasonable.After making up his mind to pay attention to the silence, he directly chose to upgrade the level. As for the level up after completing the uncle's business, he really couldn't wait.

[Consume 13000 aura points to upgrade the level! 】

【Ding!Ding! 】

Two crisp sounds rang out in Shen Mo's mind, and immediately, several warm currents were generated out of thin air and flowed through his limbs and bones. The sense of joy and power that can only be obtained by upgrading made Shen Mo couldn't help moaning.

Tut tut!Nan Nan on the side saw it and said contemptuously, "Boss, why do you have to moan every time you finish opening the jar? Opening the jar can make you so excited?!"

Naturally, Nan Nan didn't know that Silence's excitement didn't come from the pocket pot, but from the improvement of the level. Silence didn't plan to explain this to Nan Nan.

After all, with Nan Nan's life experience, how can he understand such a complicated and joyful thing as upgrading?

As the sense of pleasure dissipated, Mo Mo looked at the changes in his own thinking attributes again.

Level: Level 12 (Aura 8150/8000)

Strength: 38 (+46) [84]

Physique: 37 (+48) [85]

Dexterity: 36 (+44) [80]

Spirit: 45/41 (+51) [92]

Lucky: 1 (3) [4]

Charisma: 1
When the level is upgraded to level 12, 8250 points of aura are still reserved, and the thinking attributes are increased by 12 points, and the mental power is about to break through the hundred mark.

This is naturally good news for Silence.Somewhere, Shen Mo has an intuition that when his mental power breaks through the 100 mark, his mental power will undergo some essential changes.

This is the feedback from the spiritual sense, and it is absolutely unmissable.

Therefore, Shen Mo is looking forward to breaking through the [-]th place in his mental power, and there will definitely be unexpected surprises when the time comes.

After the level was raised, Silence was not idle, and he set his sights on the refreshed daily tasks.

Because of accepting the side missions before, the silent daily missions were not refreshed, and with the completion of the side missions, the daily missions began to refresh normally.

Mo Mo doesn't plan to do the daily tasks right away. After all, Uncle Lame's business is more important than the daily tasks. In terms of time, it is enough for him to finish the uncle's business before receiving the daily tasks.

But when Shen Mo read the brief introduction of the daily tasks, he immediately denied his previous decision.

That's not to say Silence is a fickle person.

It's because the daily task this time is so crucial and important that it has a great relationship with Uncle Lame's life and death. If not, Mo Mo can use the power in the world of daily tasks to revive Uncle Lame.

Silence unfolds the list of daily tasks.

[Simple task (mirror world): swine fever]

Gao Laozhuang has been very uneasy recently. The domestic pigs kept in captivity in the farm have been infected with swine fever and died one after another. Even if a doctor with good medical skills is invited, the swine fever cannot be cured. There seems to be some evil spirit in it.

The clergy are asked to go to Gaolaozhuang to check the situation of swine fever, find out the reason for the rampant swine fever, and eliminate the swine fever.

[Task reward: 500 aura points.Gratitude from all villagers in Gaolaozhuang (title)]

[Thanksgiving (title) from all the villagers in Gaolaozhuang: This is the gratitude from all the villagers in Gaolaozhuang. Wearing this title, the clergyman will gain charm points when he enters any scene named after a village, village, township, town, etc. +20 attribute increase. 】

[Reminder: As a person with a charm of only 1, you can't imagine the horror of a charm value of 20.Children, believe that appearance is justice! 】

[General Quest (Mirror World): Swan Castle]

The dreamlike Swan Castle is a palace built by King Ludwig II of Bagoria. It is known as the place closest to fairy tales and has the reputation of fairy tale kingdom.But Princess Sissi, who lives in the Swan Castle, is very troubled recently, because she always has the same dream. In the dream, there is a handsome and handsome prince who rides a white horse and brings a sword to the castle to marry her.

Princess Sissi didn't think about eating because of this, she was almost dizzy.

Please ask the clergy to go to Swan Castle to check, and fulfill Princess Sissi's wish.

[Reminder: If you are the Prince Charming in the princess dream, then things may become simpler.Unfortunately, you are not a prince, you only have a Luthor with a charm of only 1. 】

[Task reward: 1000 aura points.The Heroic Knight of Schwanstein Castle (Title)]

[The Heroic Knight of Swan Castle (Title): This is the adoration from the people of Swan Castle. Wearing this title, the clergyman will get an attribute increase of Charm Value +30 when he enters any scene with a princess. 】

[Reminder: As I said before, as Luthor with a charm value of 1, you can't even imagine the horror and power of a charm value of 30. 】

[Nightmare Mission (Mirror World): City of the Dead]

3000 years ago, the high priest of ancient Egypt, Imerton, and the pharaoh's wife, Suanna, were exposed for adultery. Suanna committed suicide. His soul has been tortured for 3000 years, and the energy that is so lifeless has given him extremely terrifying power.

Now, the tranquility of Hamna Tower is about to be broken, Imerton will usher in the fate of resurrection, and a ten plagues from the ancient Egyptian high priest Imerton befalls Egypt.

Ask the clergy to go to Egypt, find Hamna Tower, prevent Emerton's resurrection, or re-seal Imerton.

[Task Reward: To be determined. 】

[Reminder: Imerton, who has 3000 years of mana, is extremely dangerous, please be careful with the clergy. 】

[Reminder: There is a huge difference in rewards between preventing the resurrection of Imerton and re-sealing Imerton. The clerics are asked to choose independently. 】

[Reminder: There are special props in this mirror world, and if the special props are taken out of the mirror world, additional aura points will be deducted. 】

Silence directly ignored the missions of [Swine Fever] and [Swan Castle], because these two missions were obviously for Goddess of Luck. Seeing that Silence's charm value was too low, she felt ashamed of Silence, and forced to add charm to Silence. To do it or not to do it is not a big problem.

After all, even if the charm value of an excellent man is 1, he will exude an excellent temperament in every gesture.

He directly set his sights on the City of the Dead mission.

City of the Dead - Hamna Tower!
The cheating ancient Egyptian high priest Imogen!

Isn't this the legend of gods and ghosts!
Shen Mo has a certain understanding of this movie, which is the pioneer of adventure and supernatural movies, and many of the settings and plots look quite charming and textured in the present.

In particular, the Black Book of the Dead that Imerton used to revive his lover Suanna in the movie left a deep impression on Shen Mo. It is a book that can bring the dead back to life!
If Silence obtains the Black Book of the Dead, is it possible to revive the lame uncle? !

Although I don't know whether the resurrected lame uncle is a normal lame uncle or an asura-like lame uncle, but this topic is worth trying. If the lame uncle is revived normally, it will be excellent.If the lame uncle still maintains the Asura attributes after his resurrection, then another book of props will come in handy.

Sun Jinjing!

The Black Book of the Dead is a wonderful book for bringing the dead back to life, and the Golden Book of the Sun is the collection for controlling life and death.

The Sun Golden Sutra not only records various secret spells in ancient Egypt, but also records the spells that seal the dead. As long as the Sun Golden Sutra is in Shen Mo's hands, he is not afraid that the asura-turned lame uncle will run amok and get out of control.

After comprehensive consideration, Silence naturally chose to take a risk.

Of course, silence can also gain great benefits in this resurrection ceremony.

Not only can he get two precious props, the Sun Golden Sutra and the Undead Black Sutra, but he can also get valuable mission rewards.

This is obviously a good thing that kills three birds with one stone. If Shen Mo is a smart person, he will naturally know what to do next.

He read the mission introduction carefully again, and found that the mission prompt gave him two choices.

First, prevent Emerton from resurrecting.

Second, revive Emerton and re-seal him.

Obviously, the difficulty of the first choice task is relatively low, and the task rewards that Silence can get are naturally low. Except for the two scriptures, it is estimated that it is difficult to get valuable things.

And the second task means that Silence must face the mummy high priest Imerton who has been sleeping for 3000 years. The dangers involved are naturally self-evident, but the corresponding rewards must be incalculable.

From this point of view, with a silent personality, he naturally chose the second path. He is not afraid of how strong his opponent is, but he is only afraid that he will earn less.

After all, the mirror world is nothing more than a mirror world, a mirror world where no one can die, how dangerous can it be? !
The question facing Shen Mo now is when he will be in the mirror world after entering the mirror world. Different time nodes and task scenarios naturally have different plans.

Mo Mo couldn't decide when he would appear, so he had to take out his mobile phone, connect to the plane's WIFI, open Tencent Video, search for the movie The Mummy, and prepare to relive this classic and familiarize himself with the upcoming plot .

Of course, Shen Mo has long been a VIP member of Tencent Video. After experiencing the daily tasks of "Dawn of the Living Dead", Mo Mo would watch some popular movies in his spare time, and VIPs of major websites are naturally indispensable.

This is also the reason why he was so arrogant after knowing that this daily task was actually a legend of gods and ghosts.

All of them were ViPs present, and they all spoke a little more arrogantly.

After 15 minutes, Shen Mo finished watching Legend of Gods and Ghosts 2 at twice the speed. With the strong memory at this moment, he naturally knew the details and key points by heart, and clearly understood the relationship between various characters. , From the protagonist to the supporting role, even the passers-by A, B, C, Ding, Silence can remember their faces and what they were doing at that time.

For example, at 1 hour, 10 minutes and 03 seconds, among the five Egyptian beauties standing on the second floor, the one in white was the prettiest, and she blinked three times at the camera, still winking.

Silence can remember this kind of trivial matter very clearly, let alone other important things.

call!Shen Mo took a long breath. During these 15 minutes, he not only watched the movie once, but also used the dog egg to restore his mental power to full value.

Now is the time to enter the mirror world.

Mo Mo looked at the ice coffin behind which the uncle's body was stored, and he slowly stood up and walked towards the ice coffin.

Snapped!Mo Mo put his hand on the ice coffin, and the next moment, his hand turned into countless vines and directly swallowed the ice coffin, and was collected into the Tongtian Demon Realm of the Millennium Tongtian Willow.

Why did Silence do this? !Naturally, it was because of the warning from the task reminder.

[Special props need to be deducted from the mirror world, and additional aura points need to be deducted. 】

Mo Mo was worried that he did not have enough aura to bring the Sun Golden Sutra and the Undead Black Sutra out of the mirror world. To be on the safe side, he decided to bring the body of the lame uncle into the mirror world. In this case, he will complete the resurrection of the lame uncle in the mirror world, if the resurrection is feasible!
Put away Uncle Lame's body, Shen Shen sank his consciousness into the daily task list, and decisively chose the nightmare level task [City of Death]

hum!After a period of trance, when Shen Mo opened his eyes again, he had disappeared in the plane cabin and appeared in another strange scene.

Hurrah!The scorching hot wind mixed with gravel came over the surface, filling the silent nasal cavity, and made him feel short of breath. What he saw was a yellowish-brown color all around, which is the exclusive color of the Egyptian desert. Look around the more conspicuous places.

The building closest to Silence is also the tallest. There are two humanoid statues about four meters in length. The sculptors are wearing loincloths, no jacket, bare upper body, and wearing ancient Egyptian dustproof hoods on their heads.

This is Cairo, Egypt!
This is the first instinct of silence, because it is very similar to the scene described in the movie.

At this moment, Silence was transmitted to the streets of Cairo, Egypt, where she was placed in the crowd, dressed in a modern attire, which was really winking and unusual.

He walked around, his feet connected, and walked into an alley. When he came out again, he had already used his mimicry ability to change into a suit suitable for the current era and atmosphere, which looked quite like an Arabian prince.

Next, the silent eyes fell on the middle of the two statues wearing loincloths. There was an open stone gate with a bilingual sign written in Egyptian and English on the door plaque.

【Antiquities Museum】

Obviously, Silence was transmitted to the vicinity of the Museum of Antiquities. Although he couldn't understand ancient Egyptian, he could understand the English vocabulary of the museum, thanks to Huaxia's nine-year compulsory education.

This is the museum where the heroine Evelyn works? !
This is where silence must go!

Because Evelyn has the key to open the Sun Golden Sutra and the Undead Black Sutra, which are the key props that Evelyn's greedy brother Jonathan stole from the hero O'Connor, and they are also the key props that Shen Mo must obtain.

(End of this chapter)

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