The aura of a priest is infinite

Chapter 333 My Silly Sister

Chapter 333 My Silly Sister
Silence no longer hesitated, and walked straight into the Museum of Antiquities. Unlike modern museums, this museum has no checkpoints such as tickets or access control. Those who want to enter it only need to bypass the two security guards with guns at the door, and There is no problem.

When dealing with two ordinary people who are armed with guns, Shen Mo can naturally avoid their sight quietly, and at the speed of Shen Mo, use a stone to divert the two people's attention a little bit, and then directly blend in.

When Shen Mo walked down the corridor of the Museum of Antiquities and went deep into the library, he saw a blonde beauty in a European-style corset, stepping on a high ladder, holding four or five ancient books, and sorting them out in a hurry She is working on collecting books, and she is classifying ancient books. Obviously, she is Evelyn who understands ancient Egyptian and ancient monk hieroglyphics.

If Shen Mo can't understand the ancient Egyptian language in the Black Book of the Dead, Evelyn will become an extremely important role.

Therefore, Silence must get closer to Evelyn, gain her basic favor, and at least be willing to teach the spells in the Silence scripture.

And his chance came quickly.

ah!There was an exclamation, and Evelyn, who was sorting, was in big trouble. She encountered a problem that people who climbed the ladder were least willing to encounter, that is, the straight ladder stood up, and the person hadn't come down.

Evelyn's face turned pale from fright. If she fell down the nearly two-meter-high straight ladder, it was inevitable that she would be injured. In the original plot, Evelyn even wiped out the entire library. The bottom of the bookcase was turned upside down, knocking down all the bookcases, and messing up all the book classifications. It was the result of her hard work in the past half a year, and it all disappeared in an instant.

Da da!Mo Mo's eyes were quick, his feet connected, and immediately turned into a gust of wind, flying directly to Evelyn's side, and just before she was about to knock down on the bookcase, she rescued her gorgeously and perfectly, and even more romantically, Shen Mo didn't forget to give Evelyn a big princess hug. Coincidentally, Evelyn was indeed the princess of Egyptian pharaoh Seti I in her previous life.

"Ah! Thank you! If you hadn't saved me, I really don't know what terrible things will happen in a while."

The English spoken by Evelyn's mouth was directly translated into Chinese and passed into Shen Mo's ears. Her face was blushing, and her eyes were full of gratitude.

Shen Mo bowed his head and smiled, and replied very gentlemanly to Evelyn in his arms.

"For people who need help, this is what I should do, you're welcome."

The silent gentlemanly behavior and strong and stalwart mind immediately won Evelyn's favor, just as in the original plot, when Evelyn saw O'Connor's gentlemanly demeanor, she began to have a good impression of O'Connor, and O'Connor just offered Evelyn a heavy salute. Compared with the silent life-saving grace, the severity is obvious.

As Evelyn, who has British and Egyptian ancestry, their family is all well-known gentlemen except Jonathan, an old hooligan who is greedy for money and sex. Naturally, they also like men with gentlemanly demeanor.

"Please let me down first, sir... huh? Are you from Huaxia?" Evelyn blushed, but also with a hint of surprise. After all, it is 1926, and China is still in a period of war. In the eyes of white people, there is somewhat prejudice.

"Yes! As you can see, I am a Chinese."

Evelyn was taken aback and said in surprise.

"So, how did you come to Egypt? This place is really rare for you. Besides, you speak English very well."

The silent Mandarin was directly translated into English in Evelyn's ears.

And Evelyn's reaction to questioning the origin of silence is not Evelyn's abruptness and impoliteness, but the inevitable reflection of contemporary white people on the origin of silence, just like you, as a contemporary Chinese, suddenly bump into a foreigner who claims to be from the Middle East , Naturally full of curiosity and surprise, I want to know what it is like to live under gunfire and guns every day, and what kind of desire prompts him to come to you.

In Evelyn's memory, the current China is synonymous with backwardness and war, and there is no essential difference from the contemporary Middle East.

Silence has long been prepared to answer such questions.

"I am a traveler who pursues mystery and unknown power. You can call me Shen. I am very interested in the history of ancient Egypt in a short time recently, so I came here alone, wanting to find the treasure buried under the yellow sand. secret."

Mo Mo's words are very cryptic, but for Evelyn, a family whose two generations are also obsessed with ancient Egyptian culture, Mo Mo is simply a like-minded friend!She immediately became interested, and even abandoned her prejudice against the silent race, because in Evelyn's eyes, no matter how bad a gentleman can pursue ancient Egyptian culture, he can't be so bad.

It's a pity, Evelyn didn't expect that Mo Mo was an old hooligan pretending to be tender, and came here specially to lie to her, a little girl, and she had already eaten her through in a few words.

"Shen, my name is Evelyn! Like you, I am also very interested in ancient Egyptian culture. I think we can have an in-depth exchange. How about now? Do you have time?"

Mo Mo didn't expect that he could get along with Evelyn so easily. He had planned more backhands and routines, but he took Evelyn down with just one trick of saving the beauty with a hero and another trick of congeniality. , It's really too simple, not a little more innocent than contemporary women who have seen various routines.

pretty!simple!Easy to put on!It is simply synonymous with women at the moment. No wonder all my colleagues want to travel back to ancient times. With just one bad routine, you can do whatever you want.

"Sorry! Evelyn, I don't have time to discuss information about the history of ancient Egypt with you now, because I'm looking for someone who brought me something, a very important thing, and I think you may know him."

Silence rejected Evelyn's invitation for an in-depth exchange, and immediately went straight to the topic to express his intentions.

Evelyn was aroused again, "I know him?! You can say more in detail, if I know that person, I will definitely help you find him."

Shen Mo smiled and thanked, "Thank you, your heart is as beautiful as your appearance. The man I'm looking for is not tall, thin, and has a wretched temperament. He is particularly greedy for women and money..."

Who is the character described by Silence?Naturally, it was Evelyn's brother Jonathan. According to Shen Mo's understanding of the plot, the key to the Black Book of the Dead is in Jonathan's hands, that is, in this museum of antiquities.

"Wait..." Evelyn had already guessed who Shen Mo was looking for, she muttered angrily, "Shen, I know who you are looking for, that damn bastard is outside again You've got into trouble, he's always looking for trouble like this, again and again... Don't worry, if he takes your things, I'll make him return them to you. Now, I'll take you to find him."

"Thank you. I saw him walk into this museum just now. He must be in that house now."

Ding dong!There was a strange noise in the next room at the right time. Shen Mo and Evelyn both heard the sound, and tacitly believed that the sound must have come from Jonathan.

Evelyn puffed her cheeks, there was nothing she could do about his brother who always caused trouble.

"Jonathan, come out and see what good deed you have done this time! Immediately apologize to this handsome and handsome gentleman and return his things to him."

uh-huh? !Hiding in the mummy's coffin, Jonathan, who was accompanying the mummy, couldn't help but froze. He sensed the resentment and anger from his sister Evelyn, and subconsciously touched the prototype box in his trouser pocket, remembering that in order to get it, he started from the drunk Shouldn't that drunk now be thrown in jail in Cairo for having no money?How did I catch up to the museum, damn it, it's really disgusting.

Jonathan's first reaction was to run away, but when he got up from the coffin, he saw Silence and Evelyn walking in through the door.

uh-huh?Jonathan was very surprised, because he didn't know the person around his sister Evelyn at all. He swore that he had never taken a penny from this person, nor had he slept with this person's wife or woman, and even daughter.

Then what did he come to see me for? !Could it be that you have found the wrong person!
With a fluke mentality, Jonathan raised a smirk on his face, "Hi! My dear and beautiful sister, what made you talk to your handsome and handsome brother like this, you know, I am a decent person , have never done anything harmful to nature."

Pooh!Silence and Evelyn spat on Jonathan's face almost in unison. The former had seen Jonathan's obscenity and greed in the movies, and the latter had seen through Jonathan's since he had lived with Jonathan for more than [-] years. Nature.

Embarrassed, Jonathan retorted, "Okay! I admit, I made a small mistake today, but that incident has absolutely nothing to do with this gentleman."

"No! It's related!" Shen Moyou said, "Jonathan, you took a box from my friend, it's an extremely important thing."

"What box? I've never seen it..."

call!A gust of wind swept by, and Jonathan felt that the silent figure in front of him disappeared, and then disappeared in place. When he found silent again, he was already standing beside him, and took out a bag from his trouser pocket. Box.

"Hey! How can you do this... How can you prove that this box belongs to your friend, I bought it from Thebes for a lot of money."

Silence sneered, and threw the box directly to Evelyn, "Miss Evelyn, you can try to twist this box, it will open in response, there should be a map inside, it is a treasure map."

Treasure Map? !

When Evelyn and Jonathan heard these three words, they directly ignored the speed that Silence had shown just now, far exceeding the speed of ordinary people, and put their eyes and minds on the box in their hands.

There was a sound of the turning of the mechanism bearing, and the box opened in response to the sound, turning into a key, and revealing the treasured map inside.

Really have a map? !Now it's a solid fact.Jonathan really took something from Silence's friend, and was approached by the other party.

"Ahem! Well, I admit that I made a small mistake. Since the item is yours, I will return it to you. But this treasure map, shouldn't we have a share?" Jonathan She said it shamelessly, not caring about the contemptuous look in her sister's eyes at all.

Shen Mo refused again, "Sorry, it is impossible to share this treasure map with you. I have to take it now and find an expert who understands ancient Egyptian. She may have the opportunity to share this treasure with us."

Evelyn froze for a moment, staring at Silence in surprise and joy.

What a coincidence!I am an expert in ancient Egyptian!
Jonathan immediately stood up, pointed at his sister and said, "Sir, then you don't need to look for it. My sister is the most proficient expert in ancient Egyptian within a thousand miles. If she is ranked second, no one would dare to rank first." .”

Silence pretended to be surprised, "Really? Evelyn, can you help me understand the words on it?"

Evelyn nodded repeatedly, and directly opened the map inside the key, "If it is indeed in ancient Egyptian, then there is absolutely no problem."

Evelyn opened the map, and only a moment later, her face was filled with excitement and excitement.

"This... this is the city of the undead! The map of Hamna Tower!"

Jonathan asked suspiciously, "Where is that place? Is there any treasure? Is there a lot? How many wives is enough for me to marry?"

"Hamna Tower, the mausoleum of the pharaohs of all ages, and the place where wealth is buried. The wealth in him is enough for you to become the richest man in the world." Shen Mo said the origin of Hamna Tower, and the favorability with Evelyn increased again So a little bit.

"That's right! Hamna Tower definitely has that kind of wealth. What's more valuable is that it is said that two priceless books are buried there, the Golden Book of the Sun and the Black Book of the Dead, which not only record the history of ancient Egypt, but also record All the spells of ancient Egypt, as well as the method of communicating with the gods. It is said that those who get them can control life and death, and become the guardians of the dead."

"Miss Evelyn, what I want to tell you is that these two books are not legends, they are as real as Hamna Tower."

Looking at the silent and firm eyes, Evelyn's adventurous heart was instantly ignited, and she blurted out, "Then what are you waiting for, let's rush to Hamna Tower immediately and find these two priceless books! As long as I get these two books, I have enough experience and experience to pass the requirements of Cambridge University's archeology major..."

"My silly sister! When we find Hamnata, she will be the sister of the richest man in the world, and she went to Cambridge University."

For this pair of passionate brothers and sisters, what can Shen Mo say, it is so simple to bring them into his own thief ship, it is too simple.

"Miss Evelyn, you may have misunderstood. These two priceless books are the root cause of my search for Hamna Tower. I have no interest in the wealth there. You can take them all, but these two books must be Leave it to me."

Jonathan's face brightened, "Brother! You said this yourself. You are not interested in wealth, so you must not take away a gold coin. This is a man's promise. Just give you the book, and we have no objection."

Evelyn looked embarrassed, "But... that book is worth more, they cannot be measured by money..."

"My silly sister! Everything in this world can be measured by money except you. If you can't measure it, then you still don't have enough money. Believe me, my sister, promise him and take him to Hamna Tower, that's how we divide."

Evelyn remained silent, obviously struggling with the ownership of the two books.

Silence had long expected Evelyn to behave like this, and had already prepared his speech.

(End of this chapter)

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