Chapter 334

"Miss Evelyn!" Shen Mo said with a gentlemanly look on his face, "The reason why I want to get these two books is not for my own benefit, but because I have hidden secrets. As I said just now, I Can't understand ancient Egyptian and hieroglyphs, so you can still read these two books and study them. My only request to you is that you must not say the spell of resurrecting the dead without my consent .”

"Really? Are you willing to give these two books to me for research?" Evelyn's face raised an excited look. The reason why she was entangled was the extreme longing and pursuit of ancient Egyptian history in her heart. It is a rare quality for a scholar. Silence naturally respects such a person.

"I mean what I say." Shen Mo stretched out his right hand, "Miss Evelyn, I wish us a happy cooperation."

"Happy cooperation!" Evelyn clenched silent hands, her gratitude and excitement were beyond words.

"Hey! I said brother! Can you tell me what is the hidden secret you said? Why don't you let my sister read the spell to resurrect the dead? Can those two books really resurrect the dead?" Jonathan Unlike his younger sister Evelyn, who is as keen on ancient Egyptian culture as he is in bars and markets all year round, he can see problems that Evelyn cannot see. Therefore, he asked about the purpose of silently searching for ancient books. An insight into the origin of silence.

"Jonathan! Are you kidding? How can there be a spell to resurrect the undead in this world? The reason why Shen said that may be because of other concerns! If he doesn't want to say it, we don't need to ask." Evelyn relieved Followed by brother Jonathan's rude questioning.

"It's okay! This question is not an important one. I can tell you, just as I believe in you." Shen Mo waved his hands and continued, "The purpose of my search for these two books is to resurrect a person, he is my guide People, not long ago, he died in the line of duty, but I know that he should not die, because there are still many things waiting for him to do. Therefore, I searched all over the mountains and rivers, looking for the mysteries and footprints of the ancients, hoping to be resurrected His method. And those two scriptures may be his hope of resurrecting him."

Shen Mo took the key from Evelyn, pointed to it and muttered, "It is the key to open the two scriptures. It is said that the Black Book of the Undead has the ability to resurrect the undead, but it also seals a monster that has been sleeping for 3000 years. If we If it is used improperly, it is very likely to bring disaster to Egypt and even the whole world."

Evelyn was thoughtful, and almost blurted out, "Are you talking about the ten plagues?!"

Nodding silently, after Imerton's resurrection, he will bring ten plagues to Egypt, namely bloody flood, frog plague, lice plague, fly plague, livestock plague, blister plague, hail plague, locust plague, and darkness plague.

These disasters are not only a manifestation of Imerton's strength, but also a manifestation of the ancient Egyptian mythology and prophecy.

Evelyn and Jonathan looked at each other. They didn't believe Shen Mo's words. After all, in their eyes, they still believed that what Mo Mo said was just a legend, a joke made up by the Israelis to deceive children.

"Shen, is what you said true?" Evelyn questioned, her three views had not been reshaped by Imerton, and it was normal to behave like this.

Silently smiled, "When we reach Hamna Tower, you will believe my words. Remember, if you want to get what you want safely, whether it is scriptures or wealth, you must heed my advice, otherwise, The consequences are serious!"

In the original plot, it was Evelyn who released Imerton. Mo Mo didn't want to face the resurrected Imerton abruptly. He absolutely controlled the time of Imerton's resurrection, so as to increase his chances of re-sealing Imerton. .

Evelyn and Jonathan nodded. Regardless of whether what Shen Mo said was true or not, they had to reach Hamna Tower first. As the saying goes, seeing is believing is believing, and their three views need to be crushed to the crushing level , to realize that this world is not the world they understand.

"Okay! Let's get ready to go. Before that, I have to tell the curator of the museum about this. He is also an expert in ancient Egyptian culture. Maybe he can give us some good advice."

Evelyn said, wanting to get the key back from Silence, and hand over the treasure map inside to the curator to read.

Shen Mo frowned, and directly refused, "Miss Evelyn, this is my first advice to you, don't tell the curator the news. Otherwise, we will be killed."

Evelyn: "???"

Why?Although the curator is mean, treacherous, stingy, and stubborn, he is not a desperado, so how could he bring them a fatal disaster.

"It's very simple, because the curator of this museum is a descendant of the Pharaoh. They are responsible for guarding the Hamna Tower, preventing anyone from entering that holy place, and not letting any living person go out of that holy place. If you Tell him the information we got about Hamna Tower, and guess what he'll do?"

Evelyn's hands in mid-air froze, and her back felt even colder. If it was true as Shen Mo said, then she would tell the curator the news. It was like a sheep entering the tiger's mouth, an old hen feeding a weasel, and sending her to death. .

"Shen! Are you sure that the curator is a descendant of the Pharaoh? You need to know that there is a history of 3000 years from Seti I to the present. Will the descendants of the Pharaoh still exist?"

"Because 3000 years have passed, their number now is beyond your imagination."

really!The descendants of the pharaoh have formed a semi-modern army, which already has the strength to crush the regular British army, and its coverage even involves the whole of Egypt.

If it weren't for their duty to guard Hamna Tower, the British would not be able to occupy Egypt at all.

Evelyn looked at Shen Mo's firm eyes, and she believed Mo Mo's words in her heart, because she couldn't bear the consequences of this matter. Based on the mentality of believing it or not, Evelyn decided to hide it from the curator. this matter.

"Okay! I won't tell the librarian about this, but I have to ask him for leave. You know, I like my job very much, although it is just a librarian."

Shen Mo put the key away, and said, "Okay, you go to deal with your business, I will go to my friend, this afternoon, before the sun goes down, we will gather at Giza Port and board the passenger ship to our destination."

"Okay! See you in the afternoon!"

"Wait! My friend, I don't have work to arrange, why don't you just let me follow you, after all, we are a team now." Jonathan gave his sister a look, obviously because he was afraid of Silence carrying the key Running away, this is to keep an eye on the rhythm of Silence, and Silence doesn't mind about it, after all, he still needs Evelyn's ability to translate the ancient Egyptian and hieroglyphs in the Black Book of the Dead for him.

"No problem, but if my friend sees you, he will greet you kindly."

The silence deserves to be O'Connor who was thrown into prison by Jonathan. If it hadn't been for Jonathan getting O'Connor drunk and taking away the money and keys from the other party, O'Connor would never have been thrown into prison. The prison is facing a life-and-death crisis of hanging.

That's right! Egypt in 1926 was so simple and rude. The simplest and most direct way to deal with criminals was a rope. What's more, they would gamble with the criminal's life. Gambling, if it cannot be broken, is another gambling.

Shen Mo led Jonathan, a follower, straight out of the Museum of Antiquities. When the two security guards at the door saw Shen Mo, they looked confused. They didn't even know when Mo Mo entered the museum. Yes, if it weren't for Jonathan's familiarity with Silence, they would even raise their guns and question the origin of Silence.

Jonathan crossed his shoulders and looked familiar, "Friend, you have just come to Cairo not long ago! Do you know the location of the Cairo prison? It doesn't matter. I know it very well. I will take you to find your friend." By the way, how did you know O'Connor, he was a captain in the British Army before..."

Jonathan seemed to be chatting, but in fact he was continuing to talk about Silence, wanting to learn more about the details and origins of Silence.In the eyes of Jonathan, who is famous for his profit, what Shen Mo said is to search for rivers and mountains to revive his friends is simply untenable.

Although Jonathan's younger sister Evelyn believed in Shen Mo's words, Jonathan himself was skeptical and cautious, otherwise, he would not have followed Shen Mo to find O'Connor.

Shen Mo glanced at Jonathan, and said with a sneer, "You may not believe it, but O'Connor doesn't know me, but I do know him."

"Huh?!" Jonathan was taken aback, his brows were furrowed, and he secretly thought that this kid really had a problem, "Mr. Shen, this is not a good answer. You'd better clarify this question."

Looking up at the sky at a 45-degree angle in silence, there was a strange brilliance in the deep eyes, "Jonathan, there are more and more magical existences in this world than you have ever seen, if you are still struggling with such trivial things , you will miss a lot, such as the opportunity to become the richest man in the world."

Jonathan fell into silence. Obviously, Shen Mo didn't want to answer his question, and he had no reason to continue asking, but he secretly told himself to keep a close eye on Mo Mo, because you don't know your teammates. It is a very dangerous thing in this era. The last person who didn't realize it was already squatting in Cairo's prison, waiting for them to rescue him.

After a while, the two came to the prison in Cairo.Rather than saying that this is a prison, it is better to say that this is a casino, because in addition to the prisoners, there are many desperate gamblers here. They came to participate in the hanging game in Cairo Prison. This kind of gambling has become a common practice in chaotic Egypt. It's something everyone knows.

Jonathan chatted with the prison guards familiarly, took two tickets to enter the casino, and then entered the prison. After spending a tip of 3 pounds, they soon came to the prison where O'Connor was detained. Outside, and saw O'Connor himself through the iron gate.

"Damn it! You bastard, give me back my money." O'Connor's first reaction when he saw Jonathan was to rush out and beat him up, but the heavy shackles restricted his movement. The door also separates the two.

Clap!The two guards who guarded O'Connor beat O'Connor severely with whips to punish him for his rude behavior of breaking free.

"Enough!" Mo Mo sternly stopped the guards, walked straight to the iron gate, and said to O'Connor, "O'Connor, you don't know me, but I know you, now you have two choices , first, I rescued you, you listen to me. Second..."

Before the silent words were finished, O'Connor decisively chose the first option, "I choose the first one, now, rescue me immediately, no matter what you ask me to do. I just want to get out of this damned place as soon as possible. place."

Silence smiled and said, "I want you to take us to Hamna Tower! Although we already have a map, it will definitely be much more convenient to have someone lead the way."

Forehead? !O'Connor's face changed, and he couldn't help recalling what his troops encountered three years ago. After that massacre, he was the only one who escaped from Hamna Tower alive, and he vowed never to set foot on the ground again. It is half a step into Hamna Tower, but compared with the current situation, Hamna Tower is simply heaven, at least there is no hanging there.

"No problem! You can go anywhere! Hurry up and get me out, these bastards are going to gamble with my life."

Clap!As soon as O'Connor finished speaking, he was erected by two guards, who seemed to be taking him to the gallows. According to the gambling cycle in Cairo Prison, it would not be long before it was O'Connor's turn.

"Jonathan, take me to the warden, we have to get O'Connor from him before he hangs him."

"Okay, but that money-grubbing warden will definitely raise the price. You'd better bring enough money. Let me declare first, I don't have a dime."

"money is not a problem!"

"Then there is no problem!"

Countless gamblers and prisoners filled the gallows with water, just like the Colosseum in ancient Rome, cheering and shouting for the condemned prisoners on the gallows. They waved the bills in their hands, betting on the lives of others, and took the blood-stained wealth.

"You want to take someone away from me?!" The warden is a middle-aged man with a fat stomach. He has been immersed in this atmosphere of killing and gambling for a long time, which makes him become bitter and mean. He is greedy for money, "That would require a lot of bail."

Mo Mo glanced at Passer A who was hanged on the gallows, and O'Connor who was in the waiting seat, "Make a price!"

Um!The warden gave his subordinates a wink, and O'Connor was tied to the gallows ahead of time, "That depends on your own sincerity."

Silence sneered, and with a flick of his wrist, he took out a diamond about the size of a quail egg from Tongtian Demon Realm, and threw it to the warden with a whoosh.

To Shen Mo, this diamond is just the most inconspicuous of countless gems. He got too many gems in the underground world.

hiss!The warden took the diamond in a panic, and then stared at the diamond in his hand in disbelief. He swore that he had never seen such a big diamond in his life. Moreover, the quality of this diamond was extremely high, and its value was even higher. Not cheap.

As the saying goes, gold in troubled times, antiques in prosperous times.

The warden naturally knew the value of this diamond. Obviously, he caught a big fish today. He suppressed the restlessness in his heart and said calmly, "This... this is not enough. His life is worth more than this thing gone."

When the warden said this, his heart was full of hypocrisy, because the value of this diamond was enough to buy the death row inmates in the entire prison.

snort? !Shen Mo snorted coldly, and stared straight at the warden with a pair of cold eyes, and exchanged a glance with him.

"you sure!?"

(End of this chapter)

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