The aura of a priest is infinite

Chapter 335 You are faster or I am faster

Chapter 335 You are faster or I am faster
Before Silence could finish his words, the aura erupted like a wild beast, crushing the warden unstoppably. Although the warden was also a desperate man who licked his blood, facing such a terrifying power of Silence, his spine couldn't help but shudder. , His forehead was covered with cold sweat.

The warden swallowed subconsciously. How can he be an ordinary person who can get into this position in this lawless place? Naturally, he has his abilities and skills. His keen intuition told himself that the seemingly mediocre man in front of him Surprisingly, the inconspicuous young man in the crowd is definitely not an unknown person, because ordinary people simply cannot condense such a terrifying power.

The power of Shen Mo is like a hero coming out of a mountain of corpses and a sea of ​​blood, or like a fierce beast dormant in the ice of the nine heavens, and even more like a unparalleled king on the peak of an independent mountain. He can only look up but not desecrate.

But the warden still tried his best to stabilize his mind, because his subordinates and all the prisoners were looking at him, he couldn't lose face and dignity in front of so many people, otherwise, in the future management, After all, it will bury a fatal hidden danger. This is his precious experience of dying on a cliff for many years.

The warden regained his composure and gave his cronies a wink. The executioner standing on the gallows nodded in agreement, and directly put the gallows rope around O'Connor's neck. As long as he gently pulls the mechanism lever of the wooden board under Connor's feet, the wooden board under O'Connor's feet will open in response, suspending O'Connor in the air, and life and death will only be in an instant.

"Hey! As I said, his life is worth more than this diamond. If you want to get him from me, you have to pay a higher price than this diamond. Otherwise, just watch him hanged!" The warden's eyes were cold, threatening silence.

The corner of Shen Mo's mouth raised. He originally wanted to solve this problem through gentle means, but the warden in front of him was so blind that he insisted on forcing Shen Mo to use uncivilized means to solve this small problem.

"You can give it a try, is your order faster, or my action faster?"

The warden was taken aback for a moment, his face was puzzled, he naturally didn't know what the silent words meant?
Could it be that what Silence wants to express is "his movements are faster than the warden's order?!"

Ha ha!This is simply a big joke. Although the people in the prison are all uneducated rough people, there are still many people who know how fast the sound travels. After all, it is 1926, which is almost modern.

His speed is faster than the speed of sound? !

Hey, stop joking.He must be playing tricks, being strong and calm, to blackmail himself.

The warden sneered and shouted sharply, "Hang him!"

The hangman received the warden's order, just about to nod, took a deep breath, and was about to pull the mechanism lever. The atmosphere exploded instantly following the warden's order. Countless prisoners waved their arms and roared loudly, and countless gamblers waved their hands. He started to win the ticket, with a ferocious look on his excited face.

They have seen too many people carried to the gallows and too many people lost their lives on it, although they know what it means when the lever is pulled.

It was the passing of a life that was worth nothing, it was the end of a gamble with winners and losers, and the beginning of the next life gamble.

But just as they were waiting for O'Connor to struggle and despair, the ropes of the gallows were empty, not to mention anyone, not even a single figure could be seen.

Warden: "???"

Hangman: "???"

Everyone present was taken aback, not knowing what happened just now.It wasn't until Jonathan let out an exclamation that everyone's eyes fell on the warden.

I saw a muscular Caucasian man in Shen Mo's hands. He also had a bewildered look on his face. The joy of the rest of his life hadn't yet arisen, and he seemed a little unconvinced that he would appear in this place in such a way.

The corner of the warden's mouth twitched, and he subconsciously clenched the British pistol in his hand. He stared at Silence in disbelief, even staring at Silence with the eyes of a monster.

"You... how did you do it?" The warden turned the fear in his heart into stumbling words. The pistol in his arms was already loaded and pointed at silence. This was an instinct of his, wanting to use the power of the pistol , to ease your inner fear and anxiety.

Because he knew very well in his heart that human beings could not move faster than the speed of sound, but Silence was real. At the moment he gave the order, he rescued O'Connor from the gallows. What kind of speed and manipulation was this? ··· Could it be that the person in front of him knows magic, or the legendary oriental martial arts? !

Silence threw O'Connor on the ground, facing the warden's black muzzle, he said without changing his face, "Do you think it's me who is faster? Or your bullet?"

Warden: "..."

This time, he didn't feel that Shen Mo was joking, he knew that Mo Mo was proposing a new gamble to him, a life-and-death gamble, if he dared to shoot, then Mo Mo would dare to appear in front of him in the next second side, and then use the method of cutting off the rope to instantly arm his neck and carotid artery.

Although he is handsome when he shoots a gun, he must be ugly when his arteries are bleeding.

The warden is caught in a life-and-death decision. Should he shoot Silence? !
Snapped!The British pistol fell to the ground in response, and it collided with the ground intimately with the force of gravity. The warden directly raised his hands, looked disheartened, and said in a trance, "Okay! You won! You can put him Take it away, but can this diamond belong to me, you know, it is not easy for me to run this prison, the higher authorities charge more than I earn, and I have no choice..."

The warden seems to have turned on the chatterbox attribute, constantly telling Shen Mo his hard work and difficulty, and even narrating a dark industrial chain of the prison in a subtle way.

Shen Mo secretly thought in his heart, no wonder the prison in Cairo is so fun, and no one has bothered to ask. It turns out that this is a black industrial chain from top to bottom, and it is still a dirty industrial chain that takes people's lives to gamble.

Shen Shen shook his head. If this kind of thing were to be placed in the real world, as a special commissioner of the Super Bureau, he would definitely take care of it, and at the end of the day, he would use his relationship to find the relevant department to solve it.

But now in the mirror world, and in Cairo, which was colonized by the British army in 1926, he does not have so much effort and energy to express his heart to Our Lady.

"Diamond for you! Man, I took it away!"

After saying a word, Mo Mo picked up O'Connor again, and motioned for Jonathan to leave the prison with him.

But Jonathan was not happy, seeing such a valuable diamond, it was so cheap for the warden! ?
impossible!This doesn't appear in his Jonathan's dictionary at all.

Jonathan dodged a few times, picked up the British pistol on the ground, pointed it at the warden's head, and shouted sharply, "Hi! The matter between you and Mr. Shen is settled, then, let's talk about our matter, you Do you want to die, or do you want this diamond?"

The prison warden looked fierce, "Jonathan, if you want to take advantage of the fire, you will fail! Don't forget who you are, dare to shout at me here."

Jonathan sneered, looking like a villain, "Fat pig! Don't forget, I am Mr. Shen's man now. If you dare to do anything to me, Mr. Shen will definitely not let you go. You Think about it for yourself, whether you want this diamond or your own life. You decide for yourself."

Shen Mo couldn't help but stop, looking at Jonathan's appearance, he really couldn't laugh or cry.

Jonathan is really the best. He sent O'Connor to prison for a little money, which is really bad.But he also knows how to seek profit from the trend, and use the majesty of silence to seek violence for himself, which is more clever!
To sum up, Jonathan is an unscrupulous villain for money. It seems that except for his sister, anyone can become a bargaining chip for him.

As for Jonathan's behavior, silence also meant half acquiescence. Although he didn't care about the diamond, it must be a little bit better if the diamond fell into Jonathan's hands than it fell into the warden's hands.

Shen Mo himself is a master, and he doesn't want to talk about such trivial matters. Jonathan is different. He is capable of such dirty work and is very willing to do it for Shen Mo.

The warden showed his reluctance and decision, and after thinking for a long time, he reluctantly threw the diamond in his hand to Jonathan.

He also had no choice. Compared with this valuable diamond, the flower of life was the most important.

No matter how much wealth a person earns in his life, as long as he doesn't spend it, he is making wedding dresses for others, especially for desperadoes like them, who have no relatives and no reason. If they earn so much money, they may give it to others One term has added bricks and tiles.

Hiss!Jonathan snatched the diamond from the warden, and the hala in his mouth almost didn't flow down on the spot. If he didn't suck it fast, it would definitely drip on the diamond.

Holding the diamond in his hand, Jonathan felt joy and excitement in his heart, and his eyes on Silence were even more fiery.

Jonathan is not stupid, on the contrary, he is very smart. How can a person be an ordinary person who can take out valuable diamonds at will? !How can a person who can show extraordinary speed be an ordinary person? !
In short, in the eyes of Jonathan, Mo Mo Yanran has become a super rich and capable donor, not only rich, but also super powerful. If you follow him, Hamnata and his party, Jonathan will definitely be able to do it in one fell swoop. Becoming the richest man in the world, when the time comes, his younger sister will be the younger sister of the richest man in the world. If his younger sister is allowed to win the big benefactor of Silence, his life will be prosperous, rich, and peaceful, and he will pass away in style!
"Mr. Shen! Are you married?" Jonathan followed Shen Mo's footsteps, and said so suddenly.

Shen Mo frowned slightly, very surprised, why did he suddenly raise this question.

Seeing that there was no direct answer from Silence, Jonathan continued, "Could you be doesn't matter, aren't you guys monogamous and multiple concubines? It doesn't matter if you are married, it's okay to have more concubines. "


The evil old society!Although they only have one wife, they have many concubines!

It's a pity that Silence doesn't even have a girlfriend... Although there are many beauties in the family!Beautiful ghost!Beautiful doll!Beautiful man! ····But those have nothing to do with this question!

You have to find a girlfriend slowly!Not urgent!
After all, impatient!Can't eat hot tofu!

Silence ignored Jonathan's question, and said to O'Connor beside him while rushing towards the port of Giza.

"O'Connor, you should know why we rescued you!"

O'Connor has recovered from the frightening scene just now. He escaped from Hamna Tower, and in the shadows, he has already expected that there is a mysterious force in this world that he cannot understand. Obviously, what Silence just said What is displayed is a certain mysterious power.

And a mysterious force finds itself, and the reason is naturally related to the mysterious place he experienced, combined with the Hamna Tower and the map that Jonathan stole from him.

It was not difficult for O'Connor to guess the purpose of the silence.

"You guys want to go to Hamna Tower!"

"That's right! I don't know if you are willing to lead the way."

O'Connor fell into silence, and said from the bottom of his heart that he was unwilling to step into Hamna Tower again in his life, because his troops were buried there, he knew what was there, and he also knew that most of the people had passed by. It's bad luck.

But here comes the question, can he refuse to be silent? !
cannot!O'Connor looked at the silent and firm eyes, and thought of his miraculous ability, and the financial power to buy his life with a diamond.

This is a man he can never afford to offend, nor can he refuse.

"I am willing, but the ugly words are up front. It is a very dangerous and evil place. Are you sure you want to go there?"

Nodding silently, "Hamna Tower! We must go!"

Port of Giza!
This is a very famous port in Cairo, named because it is close to the famous Great Pyramid of Giza, and it belongs to the Nile river system, which is the hub and key of Egyptian shipping, so the port of Giza is very lively and prosperous.

When Shen Mo brought O'Connor and Jonathan to the port of Giza, Evelyn had already packed her luggage and hired two Cairo coolies to carry her four bags full of luggage, waiting at the port for a long time.

The reason why Evelyn didn't get on the boat was because Silence didn't tell her which boat she should get on, so she had to wait on the spot.

"Shen, you're finally here!" Seeing Shen Mo, Evelyn trotted to Mo Mo, covering her veil against the wind and sand, and said expectantly with a little resentment, "Have you found your friend? We When to set off?"

"It's fine now, but we'd better prepare some more things. For example, change my friend into clean clothes and equip him with some weapons."

Silence pointed at the filthy O'Connor. This guy didn't have a chance to take a bath and change clothes in prison, just like a beggar living on the street.

Evelyn's gaze fell on O'Connor's body, which instantly formed a sharp contrast with Silence. In just a split second, Evelyn's eyes moved away from O'Connor's body, and fell on Silence's body again.

"Okay! Then get ready! This is the Port of Giza, and shopping is much cheaper."

Nodding silently, "Then, next is your shopping time."

(End of this chapter)

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