The aura of a priest is infinite

Chapter 337 The City of the Undead

Chapter 337 The City of the Undead
"Shen, why are you so interested in Seti I?"

Evelyn was holding a thick historical book and sat on the bed in the silent room familiarly. She sat very dignified, with the quality and elegance that a western literary woman should have.

After a moment of silence, he said, "Do you still remember my warning to you?"

Evelyn frowned slightly, tried to remember for a moment, and tentatively replied, "What you said is that you are not going to recite the resurrection spell in the Black Book of the Dead without your permission?! Because it seals a head that has been sleeping for 3000 years. monster?!"

"That's right!" Mo Mo picked up the cup of hot water that he had just filled for himself, and took a sip. The water temperature was right, but the water quality was a bit thick and the mouth felt astringent. He put down the cup and said solemnly, "The reason why I You are not allowed to recite the resurrection spell, because I am afraid that you will resurrect that monster, or the high priest of Centyn I, Emerton!"


Evelyn was puzzled and shocked. She thought she knew the history of ancient Egypt very well, but she never found any records or words about Imerton in any ancient book.

So? !Did this person really exist in history?If so, why was he not recorded, and why did he become a monster sleeping in Hamna Tower?
Evelyn's curiosity was aroused again, and she moved around the bed, subconsciously getting closer to silence.

"Shen, please don't whet my appetite. Tell me everything you know! I'm really curious about the origin of Imerton and what happened to him."

Shen Mo looked at Evelyn who was eager to try, and didn't mean to hide her truth. After all, the more Evelyn knows now, the fewer mistakes she will make when she reaches Hamna Tower. After going through the Sun Golden Sutra, Evelyn is more helpful to Silence.

After all, it's a great way to gain Evelyn's trust and keep her from being a fool.

"Evelyn, this story begins 3000 years ago..."

Silence describes the adultery between Imerton and Suanna, and their joint efforts to kill Seti I. The last one committed suicide, and the other was subjected to the most cruel insect-eating punishment in ancient Egyptian history. His soul was trapped in a mummy and sealed for 3000 years. The story, all told to Evelyn.

Of course, Shen Mo didn't tell Evelyn about the resurrection of Imerton, because this matter involved Shen Mo's plan to use Americans to resist the curse and come up with the Black Book of the Dead.

After hearing the story, Evelyn stood still for a long time without speaking. It was not until Shen Mo finished drinking the hot water in the water glass and filled herself with a new glass of water that Evelyn recovered from the shock.

"Shen, according to your opinion, there really is some kind of mysterious power in this world... or [God]?!"

Shen Mo nodded, the real world is in a state of revived spiritual energy, Shen Mo doesn't know if there are gods, but in this mirror world, there really are gods, such as Anubis, the god of death in ancient Egypt, and the sun god pull.

According to the setting of the plot, the two legendary books that Shen Mo will use are the Black Book of the Dead and the Golden Book of the Sun, which are the artifacts that Anubis, the god of death, came to the world. agent, also known as the Guardian of the Undead.

Imerton was the guardian of the dead chosen by Anubis during Seti I.

If Imerton hadn't offended Anubis' divine power for his so-called love, his history would have undergone earth-shaking changes.

Therefore, there is indeed a certain historical basis for the saying that there are many troubles for beautiful women.

"Then, when we arrive at Hamna Tower, will we offend Anubis, God of Death, will he kill us..."

Evelyn was a little worried and afraid. As long as she accepted the existence of God in this world, as an ordinary person, her first reaction would naturally be awe of God.

Shaking his head silently, he comforted him, "You can rest assured about this. God can't directly interfere with human affairs, at least not in my opinion."

Indeed, no matter how powerful the god of death Anubis is, he cannot directly intervene in the human world, and he has to honestly use the power of human agents to perform his own miracles.

Whether it is Imerton or the Scorpion King, they are actually the medium through which Anubis, the god of death, descends the divine power to the human world.

Therefore, Silence is not worried that he will be directly crushed and shot to death by Anubis, the god of death.

When you come out to hang out, you have to be reasonable and disciplined. If there are no rules and rules, this mirror world will be chaotic.

Evelyn breathed a sigh of relief, she didn't want to face the gods in ancient Egyptian legends, which somehow meant Ye Gong was fond of dragons.

"Shen, since the high priest of Seti I has such supernatural power, is it true that Seti I was the adoptive father of Moses in the legend?"


Silence knows this leader, the founder of Judaism, is hailed as a prophet in many religions, and is highly respected even today, 3000 years later.

As for the relationship between Seti I and Moses, Silence is really unclear, so he can only tell Evelyn the truth and change the subject.

"Let's talk about Hamna Tower!"

Silent eyes swept over Evelyn's pajamas, which were as thin as a veil, and she kindly reminded, "Before and after we arrive at Hamna Tower, I suggest you not to wear pajamas, and it is best to be ready to enter the fighting state at all times."

Feeling the silent gaze, Evelyn twisted her body awkwardly, "Why? Don't you say that as long as I don't tell the curator about our going to Hamna Tower, we won't be in danger?"

"Yes! We will not be in danger, but we are not the only ones on this boat who are going to Hamna Tower. You should understand the reason why the fire at the city gate will harm the fish in the pond!"

Suddenly, Evelyn nodded heavily, "What do you mean, they're already here?"

"Yes, the descendants of the Pharaohs have come."

ah!Evelyn exclaimed, stood up suddenly from the bed, hurried back to her room in a panic, and changed herself into suitable clothes. After all, wearing such revealing pajamas, in front of those gangsters, was simply Anyone would want to take a bite of the fatty meat on the chopping board.

Shen Shen shook his head and smiled, "Don't be so nervous, to be precise, they have already been here."

"Huh? What does that mean?"

"If you want to see them, you should be able to find them at the bottom of the water now, and their bodies will be on the bank of the river tomorrow morning."

Evelyn was even more shocked, " have already fought against them?! When did they board the ship? Are you injured? Is there a big loss on our side? I mean, my brother Jonathan Where's Sen? Is he all right?"

"They're all fine, and they don't even know that the descendants of the pharaohs have been eyeing our ship. Those descendants of the pharaohs have been eliminated by me before they have time to board the ship."

Evelyn blinked her big eyes of surprise and curiosity, "Shen, you solved them by yourself?! How is this possible?"

Evelyn rang her brother Jonathan's reminder to her when he boarded the boat. Jonathan said that Silence is an oriental man with mysterious power. He is not only rich and handsome, but also possesses power that ordinary people cannot understand.

At first Evelyn only thought that her brother Jonathan was drunk and talking nonsense, but now it seems that Silence is really like what her brother Jonathan said, possessing a mysterious power that they can't understand.

This mysterious power is like a very tempting red cloud and mist that envelopes Shen Mo, making him look more charming and outstanding.

Evelyn put down the ancient historical book in her hand, and she asked curiously, "Shen, why don't we talk about you! I'm curious about everything about you."

Silent for a moment, this is the second time he sighed alone with a white woman. The last time was the reporter Rachel he met in the world of the midnight bell. At that time, Rachel was focused on her son, so she didn't ask The silence expresses the bluntness and decisiveness that any white woman should have.

Now this Evelyn, who expresses the openness and directness of white women to the fullest, does not hide her curiosity about silence at all, and just asks everything about silence so straightforwardly.

Such a character is really interesting for a man.

But Shen Mo didn't plan to tell Evelyn about her own affairs. After all, no matter how beautiful she was, no matter how interesting her soul was, she was just a character in the mirror world after all.

To be silent is to let go of the principles and have a love with Evelyn that spans space, time, layers, and everything. It is also doomed to be a fruitless love.

Silence is not a person without principles, even if you are floating, you must be particular about it!How can I see other girls posting upside down.

We are all civilized people, we must know how to measure and depth.

Shen Mo resolutely rejected Evelyn's request, and the two chatted for a while, then Shen Mo issued an order to evict Evelyn and sent Evelyn out of the room.

Before leaving, Evelyn stood in despair outside Shen Mo's door, unwilling to leave for a long time, and wanted to knock on Shen Mo's door again several times, but when Evelyn remembered Shen Mo's rejection of her, she still had no choice but to give up.

As the saying goes, men chase women across the mountain, and women chase men through layers of gauze.

But for Shen Mo and Evelyn, the layer of veil between the two of them is obviously much thicker than that of ordinary people, and Evelyn's wishful thinking will definitely not break it.

The boat bound for the small town of Sham continued on the Nile River. Just at the place where Silence killed the descendants of the Pharaoh, a group of men in black reappeared. They found the broken canoe and the floating boat that had just been filled with water companion corpse.

"Adesby! They're all dead! There's not a single bullet hole in their body, they all drowned."

The man named Adesbey is the leader of the descendants of the current pharaohs. If O'Connor saw him, he would definitely recognize him as the person who stood on the cliff and watched O'Connor leave Hamna Tower.

There was a trace of solemnity in Adesby's wise eyes, and he couldn't help but look in the direction of the ship's departure. As a contemporary leader, he naturally knew more than ordinary guards.

"That boat has the power of a god that we don't know about. He should be able to control the water flow!"

"A god who controls water flow?! Adsby, this is impossible. Among the gods we know, there is no such power at all."

"I know that, but what if he's from somewhere else?"


Everyone looked at each other, not knowing what to do.

"Notify everyone, prepare to gather at Hamna Tower, no matter what, we can't let them release Imerton..."

Adesby said so, but he had another idea in his heart. Compared with his beliefs and responsibilities, this idea seemed extraordinarily outrageous.

That is, Adesby hopes that this group of people can revive Imerton and destroy Hamna Tower.

Why? !Shouldn't Adsby guard Hamna Tower?Why did he have such an idea?

The reason is naturally very simple, 3000 years!Ardesby's ancestors have guarded the city of the dead for 3000 years.

Is this ruin worthy of their protection for 3000 years and continue to protect it?

Over the past 3000 years, their beliefs have been impacted and baptized by time all the time. By the time of Adesby's generation, he had long wanted to get rid of the shackles of Hamnata, or the curse.

May I ask, leading the army of descendants of the Pharaohs that can defeat the British army, does Adesby's only ambition is to protect Hamna Tower?
No!His ambition is the whole of Egypt!Even the whole world.

With the wealth and power in Hamna Tower, Adsby has such background and strength.

In fact, as early as three years ago, he had such an idea. Otherwise, he would not have chosen to let O'Connor and Benny go or leave Hamna Tower. The reason he did this was to let O'Connor and Benny go. Benny brings people back again, and with the help of them, the descendants of the Pharaoh can get rid of the restraint and curse of Hamna Tower 3000.

This is a leader who superficially implements beliefs and principles, but secretly has his own ambitions and ideals.

With such a leader, Shen Mo and others' trip to Hamna Tower became extremely smooth.

Until the ship docked in the small town of Sham, everyone purchased the camels and supplies they needed, and embarked on a journey across the Sahara Desert, they were not hunted down by the descendants of the Pharaoh.

From the desert to Hamna Tower, in the original plot, everyone only walked for four or five days, but in reality, Mo Mo and others walked for fifteen days before arriving at Hamna Tower.

On this day, the morning sun is about to rise on the horizon of the Sahara Desert. Mo Mo and others ride desert camels and stand quietly in place. When the first ray of morning sun falls on the yellow desert, the scenery in front of them is like a mirage Generally take off their mysterious veil, revealing their proper appearance.


City of the dead!

The land favored by wealth and death!
They have finally arrived.

And Adsby has been waiting for Mo Mo for a long time.He didn't choose to directly attack Shen Mo and the others, but like a dormant beast, he quietly waited for Shen Mo and the others, waiting for them to release the monster that had bound them for 3000 years.

(End of this chapter)

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