The aura of a priest is infinite

Chapter 338 The Sun Golden Sutra

Chapter 338 The Sun Golden Sutra
Here is Hamna Tower!

Located in the thousand-year-old city of the undead in the Sahara Desert, even though the wind and sand have invaded it so much that it cannot see the grandeur and magnificence of the past, Mo Mo and the others can vaguely see its former glory from the ruins exposed outside the sand. Magnificent, everything that was buried in the sand will be revealed to people again in the excavation by Shen Mo and others.

Shen Mo sat on the back of the camel, tightening the reins with both hands, and the cold sweat on his back was about to soak his shirt unknowingly. This was not only caused by the hot weather, but also an extremely dangerous warning from Shen Mo's spiritual sense.

In the eyes of Evelyn and others, Hamna Tower is just a dilapidated or even dilapidated ancient city, but in Shen Mo's eyes, Hamna Tower is another scene.

What's the scene? !

Mo Mo couldn't help but think of the tomb of thousands of corpses under the parking lot of Yancheng Central Hospital. The corpse spirit condensed by that resentment has been eroded for a long time, enough to make ordinary people seriously ill and the weak to die suddenly on the spot. Compared with Hamnata's corpse, it was like the difference between a younger brother and a grandfather.

Hamnata!In this tomb where the pharaohs of ancient Egypt were buried, the living people sacrificed in it cannot be measured by numbers at all, so the condensed corpses are even more unimaginably huge, like a prehistoric beast dormant under the yellow sand , anyone who dares to approach or step into it will be devoured by it without leaving any bones.

Just standing outside Hamna Tower, Shen Mo was almost out of breath. If he hadn't blessed himself with weapon blessing and purification power in time, he really didn't have the strength to step into this city of the undead.

Then the problem is coming!

A strong man like Silence would have such an astonishing performance in the face of Hamna Tower, so why ordinary people like Evelyn can freely step into this city of the undead like a normal person.

Shen Mo looked at Evelyn and the others beside him, seeing their calm and composed appearance, the corners of his mouth twitched. Could it be that this city of the undead only suppresses those with abilities?Ordinary people like Evelyn will not be suppressed by the city of the undead at all, because the city of the undead doesn't look down on these mortals at all? !
No!Silence soon shook his head. He knew that such a reason seemed very far-fetched and unreasonable, and the truth of the matter would definitely not be like this.

Well, there is only one truth.

Evelyn, none of them are ordinary people!

That's right, Shen Mo, who is familiar with the plot, knows that Evelyn's previous life was the daughter of Seti I, that is, the orthodox Pharaoh's blood, and it must be no problem for her family to enter her own cemetery.

As for why Jonathan was okay, it was probably because of Evelyn's favor.

And the tattoo engraved on O'Connor's arm represents that he has the blood of a part of the descendants of the Pharaoh, so he can also freely enter and exit the Hamna Tower.

In the end, after a long time, except for the outsider Silence, everyone else was relatives or subordinates of Pharaoh's family.

hey-hey!This is very oolong!It's dramatic!

After a long time, my family dug their own family's grave.The younger generations feel the call of the dark in the blood, and come to wipe the buttocks of the sins of the ancestors, this is very Egyptian!
As for why those Americans are fine?Hey, don't they all have their braids in the end?This is the consequence of ordinary people stepping into the city of the undead.

Silence corrected the situation and left these things behind. After all, these things did not help him obtain the Black Sutra of the Undead and the Golden Sutra of the Sun. Origins and allusions.

"Let's go! Enter the city!"

Silence waved his arms and gave orders, and the already impatient crowd immediately whipped the camels below their buttocks, shouting excitedly and rushing towards this city of the undead, which represents wealth and death.

after an hour.

The people set up camp in Hamna Tower, set up tents and temporary living areas, because mining and excavation did not take a day or two. They had to find the correct location and dig out the sand and boulders that had been dusty for many years.These are very time-consuming, especially when there are only four of them present, except for the woman Evelyn, there are only three laborers left.This is clearly not enough.

"Hi! You actually arrived before us."

Just as Shen Mo and the others had just settled down, the Americans who followed them rushed over. Under the leadership of Benny, they also arrived at Hamna Tower smoothly, and they also hired people in the small town of Sham. A large number of local coolies were used to excavate this ancient city.

Mo Mo said happily from the bottom of his heart, you are finally here, I have been waiting for you for a long time.

The Americans shouted, "Hey! Don't think that you have an advantage if you arrive before us. Look at you. You are not professional at all, and you don't even bring coolies. You just want to hunt for treasure? I swear, we will find it before you Treasure."

As soon as he heard about the treasure, Jonathan couldn't help it. He just wanted to scold the other party, but was stopped by silence.

Silence: "Okay! Then let's compare, who will find the treasure first."

American: "Compare! We will dig right away!"

After all, the other party greeted a group of coolies and rummaged and dug at Hamna Tower. Although they didn't know where the treasure was, after such a carpet search, it was only a matter of time before they found the treasure. .

Jonathan saw that there were so many people on the other side, and that he had already started the treasure hunt one step ahead of them, he immediately fidgeted and urged, "Shen, let's start quickly too! Don't let them find the treasure first, my world's richest man must not be handed over to these Americans."

Silently waved his hands, muttering in a low voice, "Those gold and silver treasures are not our primary goal, what we are looking for is the Black Book of the Dead and the Golden Book of the Sun."

"That's right!" Evelyn yelled repeatedly, "According to the history books, the Black Book of the Dead is at the feet of the sun god Ra, and the Golden Book of the Sun is at the feet of Anubis of Death. You need to find their statues to find these two books."

O'Connor and Jonathan nodded. They have knowledgeable experts, and they really have an advantage over those ignorant Americans.

But Silence shook his head, "No, Evelyn, you are wrong."

"I'm wrong?!"

"Yes, the Black Book of the Undead is not under the feet of the sun god Ra, it should be the Golden Book of the Sun, and the Black Book of the Dead is under the feet of the god of death Anubis."

Evelyn's beautiful eyes narrowed slightly. She clearly remembered that it was recorded like this in ancient books. How could it be wrong?
"Shen, how do you know that their positions are opposite?"

Shen Mo replied solemnly, "As I said, I know the secrets of ancient Egypt very well. The ancient books you read are only compiled by later generations. Some mistakes are inevitable."

Evelyn pondered for a moment, but she still didn't believe the silence, because she had extremely high self-confidence in terms of professionalism, and she would not give in easily.

"Well, let's make a bet and see who is wrong."

"No problem, anyway, the ending is doomed."

"So, what's the bet?!" Jonathan spread his hands, indicating that there should be some bets between Shen Mo and Evelyn, so that things will become interesting.

Silence said bluntly, "I won, you listen to me. I lost, I listen to you."

Evelyn's face immediately blushed. Such words hit the depths of women's souls in women's hearts, and the atmosphere immediately became ambiguous. O'Connor and Jonathan also showed expressions that men understand.

Shen Mo naturally knows that such a request is a bit out of bounds and excessive, but in order to allow Evelyn to help him translate the Black Sutra of the Dead and the Golden Sutra of the Sun 100%, Shen Mo must make such a bet. It's just smoother.

"Okay...that's the deal!" Evelyn held back for a moment, but still agreed to Shen Mo. Suddenly, she no longer wanted to be strong, but rather hoped that Mo Mo could win the bet.

Jonathan: "So, should we first find the Black Book of the Dead, or the Golden Book of the Sun?"

Sun Jinjing!

Of course it is the Sun Jinjing!

Because what is buried under the feet of Anubis, the god of death, is not only the Black Book of the Dead, but also the ancient Gu that seals Imerton's internal organs, and the secret curse that anyone who opens it must be cursed.

Mo Mo didn't want to face Emerton with the curse on his body, so he naturally chose the safer Sun Gold Sutra and left the danger to the Americans.

As for whether the Americans have the ability to revive Imerton? !Hehe, the key to unlocking the Black Book of the Dead is in Shen Mo's hands, and he is not afraid at all that Americans will be able to read the secret resurrection spell of the Black Book of the Dead.

Therefore, Mo Mo and his group went straight to the statue of the sun god Ra.

clap clap!

Silently patted the beckoning cat on his waist, and called to Zashiki Doji Nannan, "Nannan, can your ability be used in Hamna Tower?"

Nannan: "Of course, there is no magic circle or breath here to suppress the ability."

"Okay, help me find the statue of the sun god Ra."

Nan Nan asked puzzled, "What does the statue of the sun god Ra look like?"


personal?Falcon head?Topless?Loincloths!That's right, it's probably like this.

Huh!Nan Nan was surprised: "This is really strange!"

hum!A reddish halo manifested from the Lucky Cat, and turned into a red line spreading out towards the depths of Hamna Tower, guiding the way forward.

"Come with me!"

Following the guidance of the south-south red line, Shen Mo walked through the ruins of Hamna Tower, and soon found the statue of the sun god Ra. At this moment, most of the sun god Ra had been submerged in yellow sand, only the upper body and the falcon were exposed. Its appearance is even more dilapidated by wind and sand erosion.

Silence came before the sun god Ra, and under the spiritual perception, he found that the statue of Ra was filled with golden sun luster, as if it was plated with a layer of gold, and it looked so dazzling and gorgeous under the sunlight.

Thousands of years have passed, but the divine power blessed by the sun god Ra has not been wiped out. It is conceivable how powerful the sun god Ra was at the peak.

Fortunately, they are no longer in the human world, otherwise, Shen Mo would not dare to dig each other's grave easily.

"Right here! Dig!"

After giving an order in silence, Jonathan and O'Connor each picked up their shovels and began to bombard at the feet of the sun god La. About two hours later, a stone staircase leading to the ground was discovered, and everyone After some preparations, he followed the stone ladder and entered the underground palace hidden under the yellow sand.

Passing through the stone passage full of yellow sand, everyone soon came to the feet of the sun god La. Here is a closed stone room. In the center of the stone room, you can see the lower body of the sun god Ra, and the sun golden scripture is hidden in the sun god. under the throne of Ra.

"Pry it open!"

The Sun Golden Sutra was not cursed like the Undead Black Sutra, so Shen Mo and others were able to take out the Sun Golden Sutra directly. They pried open a partition stone and found the stone box in which the Sun Gold Sutra was stored. What is wrapped in cloth is the Sun Golden Sutra made of gold.

The four corners of the book cover were tightly locked with golden locks, and the book cover was branded with a scarab representing the divinity of the sun god Ra, and the Eye of Horus representing the divinity of the sun god Ra.

Silent hands stroked the eight-page groove, which was the keyhole to open the Sun Golden Sutra, and next to it was the Holy Light Cross, which represented the meaning of resurrection.

hum!With spiritual perception, the entire Sun Golden Sutra exudes a golden halo, which makes people fascinated and adored.

【Ding!Obtain special props: Sun Jinjing. 】

[Sun Golden Sutra: An ancient and grand collection of secret mantras, which contains mantras, songs of praise to God, etiquette mantras and names of gods, etc.Holding this scripture and consuming corresponding aura points, you will be able to release the Sun Mystery Mantra recorded in the scripture. 】

[Reminder: The specific aura consumption will be manifested after injecting spiritual power. 】

[Reminder: This scripture can bring out the mirror world, and it takes 10000 aura points to bring it out. 】

[Warning: After being taken out of the mirror world, your soul will be engraved with the brand of faith by the sun god Ra, and you will become a god of the sun god Ra.If you reject the brand of the sun god Ra, you will no longer be able to use the Sun Jinjing. 】

Forehead? !

Shen Mo held the Sun Golden Scripture in his hand, and couldn't help but fell into a burst of astonishment. The information he just received completely disrupted his plans and arrangements.

Originally, Mo Mo wanted to bring the two scriptures out of the mirror world and revive Uncle Lame in the real world. The reason why he brought Uncle Lame's body here was just to be on the safe side.

Unexpectedly, for his insurance, it really came in handy.

Because Shen Mo didn't have enough aura to bring the Sun Golden Sutra out of the mirror world, and Mo Mo would never choose to become the god of the sun god Ra.

The so-called gods are the spokespersons of the gods in the human world. Although they can easily obtain power from the gods, these powers do not really belong to themselves. Can the power that the other party can deprive with a single thought be called power?

Therefore, there is only one way before Shen Mo, and that is to try to revive Uncle Lame in the mirror world.

hum!Mo Mo injected spiritual power into the Sun Golden Sutra, his spiritual power blended with the golden divine power, as if he was in the golden warm sun, which made people feel indescribably happy.

creak!Shen Mo used the key to call the Sun Golden Sutra, and quickly read the secret spell about destroying the undead creatures resurrected by the Undead Black Sutra. Consumes 1000 aura points.

Um? !Fortunately, it was still within the acceptable range of silence.

I just don't know how much spiritual energy the secret resurrection spell in the Black Book of the Dead needs to consume.

Snapped!Shen Mo originally wanted to continue searching for the secret spells on the Sun Golden Sutra, but his spiritual sense sent an extremely dangerous warning. People see clearly.

Helios? !
Snapped!Mo Mo closed the Sun Golden Sutra in an instant, withdrew his mental power, and the feeling of being spied on disappeared instantly.

With a dignified expression on his face, he wrapped the Sun Golden Sutra with a sheepskin cloth again. Before he really needed to use it, Shen Mo planned to touch the Sun Golden Sutra as little as possible.

After all, being watched by a god is not a good thing.

(End of this chapter)

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