The aura of a priest is infinite

Chapter 339 See You Tomorrow

Chapter 339 See You Tomorrow

"Is there only one Sun Golden Sutra here?"

Jonathan looked at the stone chamber under the feet of Sun God La with extreme disappointment. Except for the Sun Golden Scripture that Shen Shen had put away, there was nothing that looked like before. This is what Jonathan expected psychologically. Speaking of which, the gap is simply not too big.

Silently patted Jonathan on the shoulder, and comforted, "Where is Jonathan now? If you are really anxious to find gold, remember, you can't eat hot tofu in a hurry."

"I don't eat tofu, I only want my gold!" Jonathan obviously couldn't understand this epilogue, because he only had gold and wealth in his heart.

"Alright then! You can go find your gold, but I remind you, if you hear any strange noises from insects, get out of there immediately, otherwise, you will die very creatively." Silent warned Jonathan, The bugs in his mouth are naturally the scarabs in the plot, this kind of carnivorous bugs have woken up from their slumber due to the intrusion of the crowd, they are hungry looking for food, and now they are rushing deep into it. It is different from feeding on insects.

"Bugs?! Will they die?!" Jonathan felt a chill down his spine. He knew that Shen Mo was not joking there, because Mo Mo's eyes were so sure that everything he said was correct and came true.

"So, I don't care too much about gold or something. If necessary, I can wait."

Silently smiled, "Then, we will stop here for today's treasure hunt. We will wait until evening to see what the Americans have harvested."

"Shen," Evelyn stood up and asked, puzzled, "Do you mean that we don't go to the feet of Anubis, the god of death, to dig the Black Book of the Dead? We know it's there, why should we give it to the United States?" people."

Hush!Silence made a silence gesture, he approached Evelyn, slightly bowed his head to stare at Evelyn who was close at hand, gently lifted her chin, and said so.

"Evelyn, remember our bet?"

Evelyn blushed, she naturally remembered it, but because the bet was too embarrassing, she was too embarrassed to take the initiative to mention it.

Facing the silent questioning, she could only shyly avoid the questioning with silent eyes.

"Of course I remember... how could I forget..."

"Then, next, should you listen to me?"

Evelyn nodded, then shook her head hastily, "Yes... But, you can only ask me to do what I am willing to do... If you make excessive demands on me, I have the right to refuse you .”

Silence gave up Evelyn's fragrant jaw, and said with a light smile, "Do you think I will let you do something excessive?"

"Of course...who can say for may let me..." Evelyn couldn't speak anymore, she fled the stone room angrily, not even daring to turn her head.

Jonathan looked at his sister being molested by Shen Mo, and pretended not to see it. At the end, he did not forget to pat Shen Mo on the shoulder, and said to Mo Mo meaningfully.

"Shen, I didn't expect your skills to be as good as mine! But I warn you, be nice to my sister, otherwise, I'll be rude to you... Then, let's talk about gold again, are you going to When are you going to get them."

Of course the time is right!
That night!

The scorching wind blown by Hamna Tower during the day fell into the depths of the horizon with the sun, and the unique coldness of the desert was displayed in front of everyone. After living in the desert for this period of time, everyone has already adapted to this kind of weather.

But for Silence, the night in Hamnata made him feel more uncomfortable than the desert outside. Those corpse spirits that continued to spread from the ground eroded his body all the time, if it wasn't for Silence's resistance I am afraid that they will have a miserable fate like the Americans.

That's right!Something happened to the Americans!
Not long after Shen Mo and others dug up the Sun Golden Scripture, they discovered the mechanism under the foot of Anubis, the god of death, and found the stone box inside which sealed the Black Scripture of the Dead and Imerton's Organ Gu.

At the cost of the lives of three laborers and the curse on the American body, they got the Death God's Black Book of the Dead and Imerton's Organ Gu.

The first day of excavation was so hastily harvested. Those who wanted to hunt for treasure were naturally very dissatisfied. In their eyes, how much are two broken books worth? Only real gold. It is the real treasure and wealth.

And there is always a comparison in everything. After the Americans got the Black Book of the Dead, they ran to the Shen Mo camp triumphantly, wanting to show off their gains, because a labor force told them that Mo Mo and others had left early. The underground palace hid in his own camp and did not come out, as if he hadn't dug anything.

"Hi! Shen Mo, take a look at what we have dug up?" The American held Imerton's viscera and dangled provocatively in front of Shen Mo.

But the Black Book of the Dead was tightly embraced by a scholar who was dressed like a doctor. His fingers were red. It was obvious that he had used violence to open the Black Book of the Dead not long ago. Without the key, he naturally returned without success.

Mo Mo looked at these Americans with great interest, and his spirit swept over them.

hum!A dark, ink-like breath of death permeated them, as if evil spirits from hell were possessing them, growling, struggling, twisting and was as if they were in hell.

Is this the curse from Emerton?

"You guys are really capable, even the viscera Gu of the mummy will not be spared."

Organ Gu? !

The Americans looked at each other, what was that.

Frankly speaking, it is a container for storing mummies' internal organs, usually buried in the mummy's coffin, but if you only encounter viscera Gu but not mummies, then congratulations, you have obtained the protection from the heinous sinner. Organ Gu, and the death curse of the heinous sinner.


They immediately remembered the curse recorded on the stone box, whoever opened the box must die without a burial.

Suddenly, the Viscera Gu in their hands became as heavy as a mountain, as if carrying some kind of plague, they couldn't help but want to throw it away.

"Hi! Silence, don't scare us. I think you must want to cheat the treasures in our hands before you say such things. Let me tell you, it's impossible. We won't lose them. We won't lose them until we bring them back. When I go back, I’m sure I can sell it for a good price.”

Shen Shen spread his hands and said indifferently, "You can do whatever you want, I just said what I should say."

After all, in Shen Mo's eyes, these people will eventually become Imerton's sacrifices, the victims of his resurrection.

But the Black Book of the must find a way to get it as soon as possible.

Silent eyes fell on the Black Book of the Dead in the doctor's arms again. Compared with the Golden Book of the Sun, the Black Book of the Dead was completely black, and it was impossible to tell what kind of material it was made of. It is the seal of Anubis, the god of death. Obviously, this is an artifact from Anubis, the god of death.

The undead black book in the doctor's arms couldn't help tightening. He seemed to perceive Shen Mo's fiery gaze, and then stared at Shen Mo warily.

"Doctor, if you want to open it, you are missing a key."

Shen Mo pointed to the keyhole on the cover of the Black Book of the Dead, which was the same keyhole as the Sun Golden Sutra, and the key to open it was naturally in Shen Mo's hands.

"Key!" The doctor frowned, no wonder he couldn't open the Black Book of the Dead even with all his strength, it turned out that he still lacked a key.

"Mr. Shen, since you know the existence of the key, do you know where the key is?" The doctor asked curiously. Like Evelyn, he is also a scholar obsessed with ancient Egyptian culture. Regarding the secret of Seti I, And the mystery that disappears over time is very fascinating.

"Of course, I know where the key is, but I'm afraid you won't see this key."

The doctor was taken aback, puzzled, "Why?!"

Silence didn't answer the doctor's words, but couldn't help but look outside the Hamna Tower. In the dark abyss-like night, there were faint shadows flickering. At the same time, everyone also noticed that the sand under their feet trembled, as if There are thousands of troops and horses rushing from afar.

"If you can survive this fight, I will tell you the answer."

Snapped!As soon as the voice of Silence fell, a gunshot broke the tranquility of the night at Hamna Tower, and a group of cavalry dressed in black costumes of the descendants of the Pharaohs rushed into Hamna Tower and headed straight for the camp of Silence.

Originally, when these descendants of the pharaohs attacked at night, the Americans were still in their own camps, and they had enough manpower and vitality to deal with each other, but now, apart from the guns on their bodies, these Americans no longer They didn't bring any weapons, so it's really unknown whether they can survive tonight.

"Not good! Night attack!"

It wasn't just someone who exclaimed, the whole camp began to become chaotic. Facing the prepared charge of the descendants of the Pharaoh, these invaders were disintegrated in an instant like a mess of loose sand, countless lives died, and the sand was soon stained red with blood. .

Shen Mo's eyes were fixed, and he clicked on his feet, dodged two cavalrymen rushing towards him, and cut off the hooves of their horses, causing them to roll off the horse and be crushed to death.

Immediately, his silent eyes fell on the doctor. He held the Black Book of the Dead in his arms tightly, and ran away in a panic. It's a pity that a cultural person like him doesn't have the physical fitness of O'Connor and others. With a distance of only one meter, he was exhausted from running and almost fainted.

Call!A descendant of the pharaoh found the doctor, and he aimed his spear at the doctor's chest.

Boom!Flames spewed out, and a scorching bullet passed through the doctor's arm. Although it didn't hit him, it frightened him so much that he lost his soul and struggled to escape from here.

Life seems so fragile at this moment.

A shot missed, the other party tightened the reins, drew out the long sword around his waist, and rushed towards the doctor, aiming to take the other party's life with one sword.

"No! I don't want to die! Help! Help!"

The doctor shouted vigorously. Although he was handsome holding the Black Book of the Dead, his fear of death and his behavior when he was about to die were really ugly.

Just when the doctor was about to despair, Silence loomed in front of him.

"Do you want to live?"

The doctor was taken aback, and nodded quickly, "Yes! I want to live, save me! Save me quickly."

"Give me the book!"

The doctor was stunned. Looking at the Black Book of the Dead in his arms and the descendants of the Pharaoh who was about to kill him, he sat down and made a difficult decision.

The book is gone, you can find it again.People are gone, but nothing is left.

He naturally understands this truth, so he decisively chose his life instead of the book in his arms.

"Here! Save me!"

The Black Book of the Undead was stuffed into Shen Mo's hands, and as soon as he got the book, a new notification sounded in Shen Mo's mind.

【Ding!Obtain special props: The Black Book of the Dead]

[Black Book of the Dead: An ancient and grand collection of secret mantras, which includes mantras, songs of praise to God, etiquette mantras and names of gods, etc.Holding this scripture and consuming corresponding aura points, you will be able to release the Anubis Smith curse, the god of death, recorded in the scripture. 】

[Reminder: The specific aura consumption will be manifested after injecting spiritual power. 】

[Reminder: This scripture can bring out the mirror world, which needs to consume 10000 aura points]

[Warning: After taking out the mirror world, your soul will be branded with faith by Anubis, the god of death, and you will become a god of Anubis, the god of death.If you reject the brand of Anubis, the god of death, you will no longer be able to use the Black Book of the Dead. 】

The silent consciousness just glanced over the information, he didn't care about what was there or what wasn't, and he only wanted to repel the descendants of the Pharaoh at the moment, and then it was time for him to use the Black Sutra of the Dead and the Golden Sutra of the Sun.

boom!He poured his silent energy into his feet, facing the charge of the cavalry, he advanced instead of retreating, rushing out like a shell fired, and the next moment, his legs as hard as steel slammed on the horse under the cavalry's crotch.

boom!An astonishing thing happened.

The galloping horse was like a kite with a broken string, it flew backwards, and the horse and man slammed five or six meters away until they knocked over a wall before stopping.

hiss!The doctor gasped, and stared at Silence's leg in disbelief. Is this still a human leg?Kick the galloping horse away with one leg? !
According to scientific calculations, the horses at that time were traveling at a speed of 20 kilometers per hour, and the weight of a horse plus a person was at least [-] kilograms. Adding in the speed and inertia of Shen Mo's relative dive, what he had to bear on this leg The force is like a high-speed locomotive colliding... How can an ordinary person's body withstand such a terrible impact... But Silence looks like a normal person... What is the situation? !

The doctor's head is still in a state of shutdown, and the silence is so shocking, and it is also seen by the leader of the descendants of the Pharaoh, Adsby.

Adesby also stared at Silence in astonishment, and he was so surprised that he didn't know what to say about the combat power shown by Silence.

"Stop! Everyone, stop!" Adsby immediately stopped everyone's offensive behavior.

The two groups of people separated quickly, and Adesby faced the silence, pondered for a long time before speaking slowly.

"Powerful outsider, I admire your strength, but I must tell you that this is the city of the undead, with unimaginable evil existences, so please leave here as soon as possible."

Nodding silently, "I will leave, but not now."

Adesby frowned, "You guys should come here immediately tomorrow morning, otherwise, I will kill you all, no matter what the price is."

Mo Mo secretly thought in his heart, don't say tomorrow, tonight, he will probably be able to deal with the uncle's affairs, and if the plan does not go wrong, he can also kill Imerton.

"Then see you tomorrow!"

(End of this chapter)

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