The aura of a priest is infinite

Chapter 345 Complete Formula of Zhuyan Pill

Chapter 345 Complete Formula of Zhuyan Pill
Yuzihui washed off the black ash on her face with water from a porcelain jar in the corner of Danfang, and her once peerless and refined face appeared in front of Shen Mo again. Her eyes that were as cold as ice, when she looked at Shen Mo, some subtle changes had taken place. The things that have come down have changed because of seeking silence, and I am still shocked by the ability of silence, and my heart is touched.

In short, Yu Zihui took out a type of elixir from the porcelain elixir bottle given by Shen Mo.

"The elixir contained in this porcelain bottle should be Zhuyan elixir!"

Mo Mo glanced at it, and it was indeed Zhuyan Pill, which was a kind of medicine that Yuzi Huishen had researched as Uncle Lame said before.

"I've done a lot of research on this elixir, so I plan to try it out first."

Silence nodded.

"So, what do I need to do?!"

Yuzihui opened the porcelain bottle, poured out a Zhuyan Pill, spread it on the palm of his hand, and handed it to Shen Mo.

"I need you···"

Yuzi Whee paused, as if meditating for a while.

"I need you to use the tentacles you just used to hold up this elixir and inject it into the alchemy furnace when I need it."

Mo Mo was a little puzzled, why did he put a Zhuyan Pill back into the alchemy furnace to refine it?

Yuzihui seemed to see the puzzlement of silence, and she explained for the convenience of the next action.

"My practice method is called Jiedan! It is a unique method recorded in the Miscellaneous Records of the Way of Pills, which can decipher the ingredients and proportions of some pills...Of course, this unique technique relies on experience and knowledge. The more experienced the alchemist, the more able to use this unique skill to the extreme."

Silently, this is similar to the laboratory tests in western medicine. Through a series of tests, the ingredients and proportions of the elixir are analyzed, and then the alchemist's experience and accumulation are used to deduce the refining method of the elixir.

This trick really requires a solid foundation and experience.

Yu Zihui is young, and the way of alchemy he has learned is mixed but not correct, chaotic and not pure. Using this method, can he really crack the formula of Zhuyan Dan?
"You can rest assured, I have experience in the elixirs for beauty."

Yu Zihui reassured Shen Mo again, and immediately flipped his wrist, the fire under the alchemy furnace suddenly burst into flames, like the scorching sun at noon, burning wildly the new alchemy refined by Mo Mo furnace.

"Hot oven!"

Yuzihui's vermilion lips parted lightly, and a silver bell-like sound accompanied the firelight, and the first process had already begun.

Hot stove!As the name suggests, it is to heat the cold alchemy furnace with a big fire, suppress the air pressure in the alchemy furnace to a certain extent, and then place the required materials or elixirs in it to achieve a specific effect.

Therefore, the process of hot furnace does not have any technical content.

About 10 minutes later, the original red-yellow alchemy furnace turned red all over, and a little white mist rose from the furnace body, like a fairy or a saint, and it was as mysterious as looking at flowers in the fog.

Yuzi Huimei's eyes were lightly focused, as if she felt something in her heart, she immediately squeezed out a new formula in her hand, like a lotus flower blooming, wafting a delicate fragrance, and she even chanted a wonderful mantra that was as magical as it was real.

Following Yu Zihui's chanting, the alchemy furnace changed again in a trance, and the red furnace body actually began to tremble slightly, and let out a low growl like a dragon chant, which was very miraculous.

Seeing the silence, he was shocked in his heart. He did not expect that Yuzihui's elixir techniques were so perfect. Although he, a layman, could not understand the truth and reality, he could see Yuzihui's medicinal skills from the perspective of excitement. Hui's technique is wonderful, self-improvement.

Under the perception of Shen Mo's spiritual sense, the mantra that Yu Zihui chanted is a mantra that communicates the aura of heaven and earth. It applies the aura to the alchemy furnace in a mysterious order, allowing the high temperature of the furnace to interact with the aura. The reaction formed an effect like a dragon's chant.

Such a method is really eye-opening.

The wisdom of the ancients is simply indescribable.

"Silence! Entering the alchemy!"

Yuzihui's vermilion lips rose again, her beautiful eyes opened instantly, she pinched Fa Jue's show finger, and pointed to the air, and immediately, a gap burst open in the top of the alchemy furnace, and strands of spiritual energy gushed out like a fountain.

Shen Mo's spiritual sense tightened, knowing that it was time for him to act, he immediately urged the tendril in his hand, added the holy light of weapon blessing, and sent Zhuyan Pill into the alchemy furnace.

The elixir is in the furnace!

The stove top fell with a dull hum.

"Silence! Fire up!"

Yuzihui issued a new order, meaning that Shen Mo used the tentacles to hold up the red alchemy furnace and hang it in mid-air.

Following Yuzihui's instructions, Mo Mo manipulated the tendrils to form a hand-supporting posture, and lifted the alchemy furnace as a whole.

"The next step is the key! The rotary furnace antidote!"

The rotary furnace antidote? !
Mo Mo didn't understand what it meant, but Yu Zihui didn't mean to explain, because she would tell Mo Mo in detail how to do it, and then do it.

"The alchemy furnace rises, the bear fire burns; the sky rotates, seven seven 49 small circles!"

Mo Mo didn't understand what it meant, Yu Zihui immediately explained to Mo Mo with gestures and words.

"Manipulate the tentacles, and use the key of the small circle to rotate the alchemy furnace!"

The silence instantly became clear, isn't this the gravity separation technology? !
With the help of centrifugal force formed by high-speed rotation, a gravity difference is formed to separate substances.

Whoa!As the saying goes, if you learn mathematics, physics and chemistry well, you will not be afraid to travel all over the world!
Now it seems that if you learn mathematics, physics and chemistry well, you are not afraid of alchemy and cultivation!

Mo Mo didn't dare to procrastinate, and immediately followed Yu Zihui's instructions to control the alchemy furnace with the tentacles, and prepare for the centrifugal force!

Under the silent and precise control, the alchemy furnace rotated at a terrifying speed. The crimson furnace body gradually became reddish white, and the mist and air collided and merged, forming countless smoke clouds, covering the alchemy furnace and the tentacles, which made people feel astonished. Looking at the flowers in the fog, you can't see the mystery.

Looking at Yuzihui again, I saw her eyes opened sharply, a purple charm appeared in her jewel-like eyes, the white mist seemed to become clear and visible under the purple charm, which could make Yuzihui see the mystery clearly, and even The changes in the alchemy furnace can be clearly seen by Yu Zihui.

Mo Mo frowned, secretly thinking that Yuzi Huiguo really had some tricks, just this pair of eyes is not a unique skill that ordinary people can possess and refine.

Silence didn't dare to be careless, as long as Yuzihui didn't call to stop, he would control the tendrils to beat the alchemy furnace non-stop, put it in a high-speed rotating state, and in turn endow the alchemy furnace with powerful centrifugal force, plus the alchemy furnace Under the scorching high temperature and high pressure, the Zhuyan Pill placed in it has undergone some subtle changes.

In Yu Zihui's eyes, the Zhuyan Pill gradually turned into a ball of vermilion potion under the wrapping of countless fiery auras, and with the high-speed rotation, the potion separated and scattered, forming four distinct layers of medicine.

red!dark green!blue ice!white tea!
Yu Zihui's eyes flickered, and the spell in his hand changed again, manipulating the fiery aura, sweeping up according to the medicine layer, and instantly separated the four medicine layers to form a new four medicine group.

Next, Yuzihui didn't let Silence stop, but urged again.

"Continue to accelerate!"

Being silent, he immediately activated the tentacles, accelerated the whipping, and pushed the original spinning speed to a higher level.

With the sudden increase in the rotation speed, the four drug clusters rotated at high speed again and formed a new separation layer.

The four medicine clusters turned into eight medicine clusters in a short moment, and each medicine cluster had a different medicine color and property.

Yuzihui's face showed dismay. She stared at the eight-legged medicine group and forcibly recorded the changes. The moment she recorded it completely, the eight-legged medicine group turned into countless white air and disappeared, submerged in the hot aura. nothingness.

A grain of Zhuyan Pill became white smoke like this and dissipated in the air.

And Yuzihui has already written down the eight main ingredients needed to refine Zhuyan Pill.

"Silence! There!"

Mo Mo slowly slowed down, put down the alchemy furnace, put away the sky-reaching tendrils, and looked at Yu Zihui again, her beautiful eyes were tightly closed, as if she was thinking about something.

Silence didn't dare to disturb, and stood quietly, waiting for the other party.

About 5 minutes later, Yuzihui slowly opened her eyes, stood up in a hurry, and ran straight to the corner of the alchemy room, where there was a desk covered with straw paper. Go, write down what you feel in your heart.

When Yuzihui finished writing, Shen Mo rushed to her side, looked down, and saw densely packed tadpole essays on the rice paper, making people come and go without knowing what to say.

What are these things?
Mo Mo suddenly had the feeling of a doctor prescribing a prescription, as if doctors all over the world had their own secret language. In the eyes of ordinary people, it is obviously a mess, but it can be regarded as a blind medicine. People feel incredible.

asked silently.

"Yuzihui, have you unlocked the formula?"

Yu Zihui pondered for a moment, then replied.

"Live up to everyone's expectations! It's untied!"

Mo Mo was overjoyed, the formula of the elixir was solved so easily, it was impressive, the title of the master of elixir benefiting from caviar really lived up to its reputation.

"That's great! When can we refine Zhuyan Pill!"

Yu Zihui looked at Shen Mo meaningfully, "What do you think?"

I think?
Shen Mo chuckled, he felt that it could be done now, as the real owner and beneficiary of the elixir, of course, the sooner the better.

"Now! Immediately! Immediately!"

Yuzihui chuckled, as if expecting Shen Mo to answer like this, "You are too impatient!"

"Am I impatient?!" Shen Mo asked, "Didn't we already get the formula!? Can't we practice the elixir by following the formula?"

Is there any difficulty in this? !

That's right!The formula that Yu Zihui got was nothing more than the formula of the medicine and its ratio, and then the sequence of adding the medicine and the refining method needed to be tested continuously to verify it.

Therefore, they did not really crack the formula of the elixir, but only completed the first step of the formula, which is also the simplest step, and the latter is the most important and difficult.

After listening to Yuzihui's explanation, the silence is considered to be kneeling. According to what Yuzihui said, they want to really practice Zhuyan Pill. If they are lucky, they can do it once. .

Where is this something that people do? !
Who did he aim to spend ten years on a single pill? !
etc? !When you're lucky? !

Mo Mo couldn't help but cast his gaze on the beckoning cat on his waist, and the zashiki boy Nannan inside couldn't help but feel a chill down his spine, as if he had been pushed on top of something bad.

asked silently.

"Yuzihui, are you saying that if we are lucky, we can practice Zhuyan Pill in one go?"

Yu Zihui nodded, "That's the case in theory, but in reality, it's impossible for you to practice it once. You have to know that every pill is the crystallization of the wisdom of the ancients for thousands of years. It is a failure of thousands of times. The summed up experience, is it something you can learn in one go..."

Silence frowned, and smiled playfully.

"What if I say my luck has always been very good?"

"No matter how good it is, it won't work! A pill, pay attention to step-by-step, thick accumulation. What I'm talking about is the road of experience, and what you're talking about is the small road of nine streams. It won't work!"

hey-hey!Mo Mo wanted to laugh, originally he wanted to learn skills from Yu Zihui, but now it seems that what skills to learn!Or the violence and directness of spells.

clap clap!

Silently patted the beckoning cat on his waist, and called out Zashiki-douji Nannan who had already felt it inside.

"Nannan, come out to meet the guests!"

Huh? !

Yu Zihui's beautiful eyes blinked, watching Nan Nan transform into a red demonic aura, manifesting her figure, she was immediately attracted by Nan Nan's cute and well-behaved appearance.

"What a scary little monster..." Yu Zihui said in surprise, "I didn't expect you to have such a cute little monster."

Come!Sister hugs!

As Yuzihui said, she was about to hug Nannan into her arms. As a left-behind child living deep in Niutoushan, although Yuzihui looked cold on the outside, she was extremely eager to communicate with others in her heart.

For an adult, she might be shy to talk to, but for a simple and cute little monster like Nan Nan, Yu Zihui naturally let go of the barriers in her heart and got close to her a lot.

"Hmph! What sister? I'm older than you!" Nannan pouted. Since Liu Ruyan came to Shen Shen's family, this little monster felt that his status had declined, and he valued his seniority again. Liu Ruyan, who was born in [-], has always claimed to be the second eldest eldest sister.

Yuzihui smiled, "How old are you this year?"

"More than 60 years old!"

Yuzihui: "..."

It's really big enough!It's just that in the age of youkai, he is in his 60s and is still underage.

Yu Zihui didn't care where Shen Mo found the underage little monster, what she was curious about was why Mo Mo called her out, and whether she could be helpful in alchemy.

"Of course it helps!"

Mo Mo said confidently, "Do you know who she is?"

Yuzihui was puzzled.

"She's the famous Zashiki warji, a youkai who can control luck."

Yuzihui was startled, there are monsters who manipulate luck in this world? !This is simply too powerful.

Yuzihui immediately understood the intention of silence. He wanted to use Zashiki Doji's ability to deduce the complete formula of the elixir at once with great luck.

If Zashiki-douji can control luck as Shen Mo said, it will definitely be able to complete the accumulation of wisdom of the ancients for thousands of years in one go.

Mo Mo has such a god and little demon, it is simply the treasure that alchemists dream of!
"Then what are we waiting for? Hurry up and give it a try!"

(End of this chapter)

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