Chapter 346
Just try it!
For Yu Zihui, it is really just a try, but for Shen Mo, this is a golden finger that has been tried countless times, but wherever the luck attribute of Nan Nan is used, Mo Mo is not disappointed once. .

Therefore, Yu Zihui was full of expectations and desires for the next operation, but for Shen Mo, he had already seen through everything.

"Nannan, raise Nan for a day, use Nan for a while. Next, it's up to you!"

Nan Nan pouted her small mouth, she was very familiar with her silent urination, almost every time she used Nan Nan, she would say something very pleasant and comfortable.

Nan Nan is no stranger to it!

I saw that Nannan's hands were bluffing, and she set her eyes on the alchemy furnace with great interest.

babble? !What is such a large stove used for?Alchemy?Nan Nan has never practiced medicine pills!Knowing about alchemy, she only heard it from others a few times, so she was a little at a loss in her heart, and didn't know how to use her ability to help Shen Mo.

This operation is also quite challenging for Nannan.

Frowning slightly, Nan Nan rolled her eyes, and she realized that she needed to have a good communication with Yu Zihui.

"Hello! My name is Nannan, and I'm a zashiki boy! I'm so happy to be able to cooperate with my sister!"

Nan Nan looked away from the alchemy furnace and landed on Yu Zihui, showing her kindness.

"Hi, I'm Yuzihui."

"Yuzihui! It's a nice name, just like my sister's appearance, so beautiful!" Nan Nan's small mouth was sweet.

"You are so cute too! My sister likes it too."

Yu Zihui showed a rare smile on her cold face, and she also liked Nan Nan who was cute, sensible and talkative, as if she had forgotten her old age.

Silence watched from the sidelines, wondering in the bottom of my heart, one second you were bothering about who was older, and the next second you became sisters, good girlfriends, this good impression came too fast!
Hey!Friendship between women is really unpredictable!

You can become an iron lover because of a word, and you can never see each other because of a look.

Why!It's really astonishing.

But the crux of the problem is not this, but the cooperation between Yuzihui and Nannan. To crack the formula of Zhuyan Pill as quickly as possible, the two must have a certain foundation of trust and an understanding of each other's abilities.

This is what Mo Mo can't see through, but Nan Nan is doing it.

Next, Yu Zihui chatted with Nan Nan a lot about alchemy knowledge and the details that need to be paid attention to next. Nan Nan also showed his ability to Yu Zihui. The two of them prepared for the first time after making sure everything was clear. try.

"Boss! Why are you still in a daze? Why don't you come over and help me and my sister, we are about to start alchemy!"

Nan Nan looked like an old city, pointing to Mo Mo who couldn't see through the truth.

Oh ho!Being pointed at by Nan Nan, Shen Mo finally understood that Nan Nan and Yu Zihui became iron friends suddenly, in order to complete the task Shen Mo entrusted to her as quickly as possible, and take the initiative to show affection to Yu Zihui.

Nan Nan's actions instantly made Shen Mo feel that Nan Nan, a little monster, has grown up. The originally innocent and lovely Nan Nan has grown up psychologically.

Silence showed a gratified smile, and he felt a sense of accomplishment in his heart. He grew up with a family and a family, was sensible, well-behaved and warm-hearted, delicate and weak, and strong in ability.

Momo was happy in his heart, and immediately used his mimicry ability, turning his hands into countless tendrils, ready to cooperate with Yuzihui and Nannan's next actions.

Yuzihui laid out the eight main ingredients needed for Zhuyan Pill in turn.

"Nannan, which one should we take medicine first?"

A reddish halo ignited on Nannan's body, instantly covering the main ingredients of the eight flavors. Under the gaze of Yu Zihui and Shen Mo, the main ingredients of the eight flavors were covered with different degrees of blush, implying the order in which they were put into the furnace.

"Sister, you use the medicine according to the thickness of the blush. The thicker the blush, the sooner it goes into the furnace."

Yu Zihui's eyes flickered, Nan Nan's ability was really miraculous, and the order of taking and taking medicine was calculated in just one click, but the problem was not solved.

"Nannan, the order of taking the medicine has been settled, so what's the time for taking the medicine?"

Nan Nan exerted his strength again, the blush on his body manifested, and the Lucky Cat trembled even more, increasing Nan Nan's luck attribute, less leaning, Nan Nan replied.

"When it's time to use the medicine, we talk about it while practicing, but it's not obvious now."

"it is good!"

Yu Zihui nodded, gave Shen Mo a wink, and signaled him to use the Sky-reaching Tenmber to prepare medicine.

Yuzihui used another method to activate the method, preheating the alchemy furnace, and when the time was right, the first main medicine was put into the furnace.

Seven minutes and 12 seconds later, Nan Nan's body blushed.

"Boss, add the second medicine immediately! Reduce the amount by half!"

The silence was so great, the sky-reaching tendrils stirred, and immediately did the same, less pouring, the third taste, the fourth taste... all the main medicines of the eight flavors were put into the furnace, until the blush on Nannan's body faded, and the fire of the alchemy furnace also dissipated. Bursts of strange fragrance came from the alchemy furnace.


Shen Mo sniffed lightly with the tip of his nose. This strange fragrance was very similar to that of Zhuyan Pill, and what was even more surprising was that the fragrance was three points stronger than before.

Yu Zihui squeezed the formula, the top of the stove opened, and the pink medicinal fragrance shot up into the sky, turning into peach-red clouds, permeating the whole alchemy room. In front of everyone.


Once done!

Yu Zihui was surprised and delighted, the elixir that took months or even years of hard work and hard work in her heart was completed only once with Nan Nan's help!

This is simply amazing!
Yu Zihui's liking for Nan Nan sublimated to the extreme in an instant, Nan Nan is simply the auxiliary beast of every alchemist.

Just imagine a half-baked alchemist like Yu Zihui, if she has a helper like Nan Nan, her future and future are unimaginable.

"Silence, I want..."

Yu Zihui originally wanted to beg Nan Nan from Shen Mo, but after thinking about it, Nan Nan is such a beast, how could Mo Mo easily give up his love, and he had no choice but to stop when the words came to his lips.

Shen Mo didn't hear Yu Zihui's request, because his mind was all on the twelve Zhuyan Pills.

hum!The investigative skill was thrown out, and the information about Zhuyan Pill appeared in his mind.

[Zhuyan Pill 2.0: The perfect time to use the medicine, the perfect dosage, and the perfect refining technique... The Zhuyan Pill 2.0 has been achieved. Eating this pill can freeze your appearance for 40 years.This elixir can be consumed repeatedly.Unlimited consumption. 】

[Reminder: This elixir has the same properties as Zhuyan elixir, so it is not recommended to take it together.If you have consumed Zhuyan Pill, please consume Zhuyan Pill 2.0 again after the effect of the medicine wears off]

[Reminder: This elixir has excellent medicinal properties, but the first thing you need to pay attention to is that you can survive the medicinal properties of the elixir. 】

Silently, they were ecstatic in their hearts. They not only practiced Zhuyan Pill, but also increased the properties of the previous medicine by a full four times. Originally, it could only protect the skin for ten years, but now it can directly protect the skin for 40 years.

That is to say, as long as a person eats one pill, he can maintain his youth for 40 years without aging.

Silence seems to have seen the era when the streets were full of young girls and handsome boys.

How do you price such a pill? !
I think that no matter how much a grain sells for, someone will fight their brains to pay for it.

"Silence, judging from its appearance, we have not only cultivated Zhuyan Pill, but also improved its quality a lot."

Yu Zihui has extraordinary eyesight, so she can naturally see the quality of Zhuyan Dan 2.0.

"Yeah! Quadruple times! We're rich!"

Yuzihui was taken aback for a moment, and asked curiously, "Get rich?! Is the person who surpasses the bureau short of money?"

Forehead? !

Silence twitched his lips, savoring it carefully. Since he joined the Super Bureau, he seems to be really not short of money, but his obsession with making money is still very deep. When he encounters a problem, his first thought is still Measure in money.

Silently smiled, "Before I was afraid of being poor. Although I am rich compared to before, who would dislike having a lot of money? Besides, there will be many places to use money in the future!"

Yuzi Hui tasted it carefully, it is true.

Although they have refined Zhuyan Pill, if they want to continue refining, they must purchase materials, and the materials for refining Zhuyan Pill are not cheap. If it is not for Yuzihui's stock, they will have to wait for ten days if they want to try it once. half a month.

Niutoushan's express delivery is not easy!The courier brother doesn't climb mountains!
This is just Zhuyan Pill, and the following Xisui Pill, Fengxing Pill, and Huntian Pill... Which one is not a sky-high cost? The three walnuts and two dates earned by doing tasks in silence are not enough materials for alchemy Money, what is even more worrying is that some materials may not be available at the moment, and if you want to find a substitute, you need to rely on the ability of Nannan.

In short, the success of Zhuyan Pill is only the first layer of the Silent Pill Pyramid Project, and there is still a long way to go to reach the top of the pyramid.

money!Instantly becomes very important!

And Zhuyandan 2.0 will bear the burden of quick money!

For these twelve pills of Zhuyan 2.0, Shen Mo must fetch a sky-high price.

After the fish roe was finished, she also realized that she suddenly became poor.

"Silent, how much do you plan to sell it for?"

When these words came out of Yu Zihui's mouth full of fairy spirit, it seemed a bit vulgar.

"It's so vulgar to talk about money!" Shen Mo murmured, "We are sending warmth to the beauty-seeking people in the world, and collecting a little hard work by the way."

Yu Zihui was stunned, really shameless, "Then how to calculate the hard work, I just calculated carefully, the cost of a batch of twelve pills is around 1000 million."

Silently stunned, "How much?! 1000 million?!"

Yu Zihui nodded, "The main medicines of eight flavors are rare elixir in the world. Now that the aura has recovered soon, these elixir are priceless. If we want to continue alchemy or crack other alchemy, money is really important .”

Shen Mo's face changed, "Then I'll give you a ball to warm, we can just change to the pig slaughtering plate."

cough cough!Nan Nan reminded, "Boss, please be more tactful."

"Well, let's hold an auction, everyone bids freely, and the highest bidder wins."

This is much more civilized!
Speaking of the auction, Shen Mo immediately thought of Akai's father, Xu Zhangxun, the diamond jewelry that Mo Mo had given him before should be about to be auctioned.

Shen Mo can use this auction to bid out twelve Zhuyan Pills at a high price.

"Wait, I'll make a call."

Silence dialed Xu Zhangxun's phone.

Xu Zhangxun: "Brother Shen! You said it was a coincidence, I was about to call you! You called me!"

"Oh? Have you talked about the jewelry auction?"

"Brother Shen, don't worry about my work, the auction has been set! Two days later, the No.13 Jewelry Appreciation Auction Charity Conference will be held on the Caribbean cruise ship in Yokohama Port, an island country. Many wealthy businessmen in the industry will participate. to this feast."

"Yokohama? Caribbean cruise ship?!"

Shen Mo couldn't help looking at Nan Nan beside him. He originally planned to wait until the invitation from the Sakura Team before going to the island country. Now it seems that he has to go to the island country ahead of time.

"Okay! I have one more thing here, and I need to trouble you."

"Brother Shen is offended when he says this. Your business is my business. Feel free to speak up if you have anything to do."

"I have a elixir on hand, Zhuyan Pill, which can prevent the person who takes it from aging for 40 years."

hiss!There was silence on the other end of the phone!After a long time, Xu Zhangxun asked.

"Brother Shen, is what you said true?"

"What do you say?!"

Xu Zhangxun thought of the miraculous Taoism shown before Silence. There have been legends since ancient times that the Emperor Qin asked immortals to go overseas, just for the elixir of immortality.

In the current era, there are too many mysteries, so Xu Zhangxun has to choose to believe in silence. He is very clear that in this ever-changing era, if his thinking is solidified and he cannot keep up with the trend, he will be eliminated by the great era.

Jewelry and gold are expensive, but compared with the Zhuyan Pill that Mo Mo said, even the most expensive jewelry in the world is not worth a single Zhuyan Pill.

"Brother Shen, I believe in you. I will report this news to the organizer and ask them to hold an additional auction. In addition, I will organize a publicity campaign to spread the news and create the greatest exposure in the shortest possible time. When the time comes, it will definitely be an unprecedented auction feast.”

"Okay! See you in the Caribbean in two days!"

"it is good!"

Shen Mo hung up Xu Zhangxun's phone, he only needed to leave those trivial matters to Xu Zhangxun, and Mo Mo only needed to take Zhuyan Pill 2.0 and board the Caribbean on time.

As for whether anyone stood up and questioned the effect of Zhuyan Pill?
hey-hey!Those who can participate in this auction feast are those who hold huge wealth and resources. They are definitely the most sensitive and direct to the changes in this world, and they definitely already know the truth of this world.

Therefore, they can definitely understand the appearance of Zhuyan Pill, and with Xu Zhangxun's publicity and exposure, extraordinary people from all over the world will also set their sights on this auction that only ordinary people cared about.

Tut tut!As long as someone comes, Shen Mo is not afraid that his elixir will not be sold at a sky-high price.

With enough funds, Shen Mo can let Yu Zihui continue to crack the pill formula, and then he can get enough pills to improve his strength.

"The sales problem of the elixir has been solved!"

Shen Mo told Yu Zihui the news, and then continued, "I will take Nan Nan to the island country in two days, so you still have time to study new Dan recipes in these two days."

Yuzihui and Nannan looked at each other and nodded repeatedly, "Yes! Leave it to us. Next, we will crack the marrow washing pill!"

Mo Mo left the alchemy room for the time being. After the matter was settled, he had the time to check the rewards he got for the City of the Dead quest.

Originally, the task rewards had already been issued, but Shen Mo was busy all the time and didn’t bother to check it. Now that Uncle Lame is drunk, Yu Zihui and Nan Nan are researching the pill recipe, and Shen Mo has time and effort. I don’t know the task rewards this time. What are they?

(End of this chapter)

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