The aura of a priest is infinite

Chapter 347 The Pharaoh's Shroud

Chapter 347 The Pharaoh's Shroud


He was silent for a while. The mission reward this time surprised him. Is Imerton, who has 3000 years of mana, only worth such a small mission reward?
Could it be that the system has already begun to frantically deduct reward points? !
This damned evil system!

Silence worked so hard to revive Imerton, and then took so much trouble to kill Imerton, isn't it just a little reward?How did he become a poor man who was exploited.

Take a closer look, and the silence will soon be relieved. Generally speaking, the task of the city of the undead is not difficult. With absolute control over the plot, the silence can be said to be very easy to pass this task, so , It is completely reasonable to get such a low reward.

The most valuable props in the City of the Dead should be the Black Book of the Dead and the Golden Book of the Sun. It's a pity that Silence failed to bring these two books back to the real world, so I can't blame others.

Silence had no choice but to focus on his spiritual energy.

Level: Level 12 (Aura 28150/8000)

Twenty-eight thousand and 150 aura points!Silent enough to go up to three levels!

But Mo Mo doesn't plan to advance to three levels in a row, he plans to advance to level 14 first, and the remaining 11150 points of spiritual energy will be used as reserve spiritual energy.

After making up his mind, Shen Mo decisively chose to upgrade!

hum!The pleasure brought by the upgrade makes Mo Mo indescribably happy, and the feeling of being bathed in the warm sun, even after experiencing it many times, is still unforgettable.

With the passing of the warm current, the silent four-dimensional property has changed.

Not surprisingly, under the boost of the dragon god's body, Silent's four-dimensional attributes increased by 8 points respectively. Except for agility, all of them broke through 90 points, and the mental power directly reached 100 points.

Before, Shen Mo had a premonition that when one of his attributes reached 100, his body would undergo a quantitative change to a qualitative change. Now that his mental strength has broken through 100 points, that premonition really did not disappoint Mo Mo. Something had really happened to his body.

hum!The sea of ​​consciousness between the silent eyebrows buzzed like a dragon chant, his consciousness came out from the center of the eyebrows like a soul coming out of the body, floating in mid-air in a mysterious and mysterious posture, in a trance of silence, unexpectedly passed through his own body. The soul sees its own body.

This feeling is somewhat different from looking at one's body with the help of Liu Xiaoci's puppet body. This kind of inspection is through the direct inspection of the soul. What you see is not a simple body, but a collection of spiritual energy, like Silence is a humanoid form composed of countless auras.

What kind of ability is this? !
【Ding!Mental power breaks through 100!Gain a special ability: Mind's Eye. 】

[Mind Eye: Your spiritual power and spiritual sense are fused together, so that your spiritual sense can be manipulated and perceived. Using the mind eye, you can perceive everything within a range of 300 meters.At the same time, the ability of spiritual perception to predict danger has also been greatly enhanced. 】

[Reminder: As your mental power continues to improve, your mind-eye perception range will continue to increase. 】

Silent and stunned, mind? !Why did a sentence suddenly flash in his mind [The knife cuts the body, the heart cuts the soul, cut with the heart, listen with the ears. 】

The so-called "mind and eye" can't be GSD... that is, the ability of GSD as a professional mentor and a disabled person? !
As the most powerful blind man in the dungeon, what he said cannot be ignored.Because the blind man's knife is also very fast.

The ability of the clergy possessed by Silence, with the continuous improvement of spiritual power, seems to really possess incredible power.

hum!With a thought in silence, he took the initiative to release the power of his mind and eyes.

In an instant, the world in his eyes has undergone earth-shaking changes. He saw everything within a range of 300 meters in the direction that was transformed into a world composed of aura lines reflected in his mind.

Flowers and plants, trees and trees; insects and birds; fish swimming and shrimp playing; in the alchemy room, Nan Nan is counting all the things that are silent. Harazi wet half of the table...

Everything is displayed in Silence's mind.

This is the ability of the mind's eye, the ability to see everything.

The corner of Shen Mo's mouth raised, and he took back his mind and eyes ability, and everything returned to the original state. Looking at the original world again, it was still the original world, but in his heart, it was no longer the original world.

The real function of the mind's eye is not only used to detect everything around it, it also has a huge room for development. As long as Shen Mo uses it more, it can improve his overall ability by several levels, and the details need to be studied by Shen Mo. .

Silence temporarily put this matter aside, because it obviously did not happen overnight, and then he looked at the pocket jar in his personal warehouse.

【Dead Dark Pocket Jar*1】

Tut tut!What I got this time is actually the dark pocket pot of the undead, so what kind of props will it open? !
If nothing else, the contents inside must be related to the undead, otherwise it wouldn't be called the dark pocket jar of the undead.

Mo Mo wanted to ask Nan Nan to come out and ask Nan Nan to help open the jar again, but thinking that Nan Nan in the alchemy room was having a lively chat with Yu Zihui, there was no need to disturb them.

Immediately, Silence activated Lady Luck's wool suit skill [Goddess of Luck's Favor], and obtained the lucky blessing of Lady Luck. In the next 1 minute, he was the Emperor of Europe.

When Ouhuang opened the jar, it was naturally full of European spirit.

Silence turned his face, he is now the Emperor of Europe, not the African chieftain of Lucky 1, naturally he has to be a little more arrogant, imitating Nan Nan's momentum when he opened the jar back then, and poked open the pocket jar with his finger.

The dark pocket jar of the undead shattered in response, accompanied by a dazzling black light... yes, it was black light, that kind of colorful black light, which almost blinded the silent eyes.

When the brilliance settled down, Shen Mo finally saw the props in the jar clearly, and then, his face was darker than the colorful black just now.

[Pharaoh's Shroud]

This is a dilapidated, sour shroud full of history. If it hadn't been opened from a pocket jar, Silence wouldn't even look at it.

This is not an item that Ouhuang should have released, it is clearly an item that only non-chiefs will open!

May I ask, which European emperor would covet the pharaoh's shroud? !Doesn't it taste heavy?What's the use of it coming?
Shen Mo looked at the information of the shroud desperately, the expression on his face changed from despair to surprise, and then gradually to madness.

[Pharaoh’s Shroud: This is a Pharaoh’s shroud. It has been blessed by the souls of the Pharaohs of all ages, and it is no longer an ordinary shroud.It is a shroud blessed by the pharaohs of all ages. 】

【Wearing this shroud, you will become a pharaoh-level mummy.And get the following special effect skills: 1 Curse of death, you are cursed by Anubis, the god of death, death becomes your normal state, and you get immortality.But an attack at the soul level will be your fatal weakness. 2 Bandage Bind: Throw sticky bandages and you will bind your enemies. 3 Aura of Despair, turn on the aura of despair, the creatures near you will fall into a state of despair, and each attribute will be suppressed according to the strength of mental power. 4 Mummy army, you will consume your spiritual power to summon the Pharaoh's guard army to help you crush all enemies that stand in your way.The Guardian Army will be summoned at a 1/1 scale. 】

[Reminder: When you take off the shroud of the pharaoh, you will lose the power of the pharaoh. 】

Silence was full of surprises, this is simply a monk traveling, killing people and stealing goods, a must-have artifact!

With this pharaoh's shroud, he wants to do things without anyone noticing, as long as he wears the shroud, it's still not the rhythm of doing whatever he wants.

Such an artifact, how can it not be exciting.Thinking that he was about to go to the island country, Shen Mo liked this pharaoh's shroud even more. Its worn-out appearance became cute in an instant. Rubbing the shroud with his hands, the frosted design , and the old-fashioned appearance is simply a new way to lead the trend of the fashion industry.

It's up to you!When you arrive in the island country, you must try it on.

Shen Mo put away the shroud of the pharaoh, and his thoughts returned to the present moment. There were still two days before he and Nan Nan went to the island country. Counting the journey, they could only stay in Niutoushan for one day. The time can be said to be very short, so Nan Nan and Yu Zihui must be allowed to speed up the progress, otherwise, when Shen Mo and Nan Nan leave, Yu Zihui's work will be passively deadlocked.

Shen Mo turned around and entered the alchemy room again. The moment he appeared, the eyes of Nan Nan and Yu Zihui fell on him. In an instant, Mo Mo felt despised by the two women. Speak ill of yourself behind your back.

Why!Shen Shen shook his head, let them go!If the mouth is on them, we can still control other people's mouth.

Besides, which employee does not bury the boss? !It is understandable that Nannan behaved like this.

As for Yuzihui, as long as she solves the pill matter perfectly, it doesn't matter what she thinks of herself.

"Ahem! Girlfriend time is temporarily put aside," Shen Mo said frankly, "I said before that there are two days left, but now it's gone, because with the time consumed by the journey, I can stay with Nan Nan for a day at most, so, The accelerated progress of your work, preferably after we leave, you can complete them independently."

Nannan and Yuzihui were taken aback for a moment, and immediately accepted the fact that they did not have much time left.

The two of them stared at each other, changed their lazy appearance in the time of best friends, and began to concentrate on cracking the formula of the elixir.

Shen Mo had nothing to do, so he found a chair and supervised them beside them. Watching them discuss the formula of the elixir over and over again, Mo Mo felt a sense of accomplishment in his heart.

The boss's life is so simple and unpretentious, he doesn't need to do anything, he just needs to quietly watch them work hard, and he will feel very satisfied and gratified.

Time flies, the working time always passes quickly for the boss, but for the employees, it is as long as night.

The night passed in a flash, until the sober uncle came to the elixir room, Mo Mo and the others were still working overtime to crack the formula of the elixir.

This time, Yu Zihui and Nan Nan did not carry out actual operations, but deduced the refining method and formula of the elixir through paper and ink calculations. The independent work lays a solid theoretical foundation.

"You've been busy all night!"

As soon as Uncle Lame entered the alchemy room, he said in surprise in a slightly alcoholic tone.

"Young people are really full of energy, unlike me, a bad old man, who will panic if he drinks a little more."

Yu Zihui and Nan Nan ignored Uncle Lai, they were still focused on the formula of the elixir, silently turned their heads and gave Uncle Lai a silent gesture.

"Hush! Uncle Lame, keep your voice down, don't disturb them."

The lame uncle suddenly nodded, tiptoed to Shen Mo's side, patted Shen Mo's shoulder, and whispered in his ear.

"Let's go! Let's do it again."


A little more? !Aren't you tired after the whole night yesterday?If you do it again, you are not afraid to put yourself in the ground?I managed to bring you back to life with great difficulty, and you are in such a hurry to send it to Hades, do you think that my resurrection was not hard enough?
Shaking his head silently, "No!"

Uncle Lame was a little disappointed, the wine worm in his stomach was making noise again.

"Then let's go eat something and bring some for the two of them by the way."

After thinking about it in silence, the three of them had been busy all night, and brought a meal during the period, which was still a ready-to-eat snack, and they only slept for two or three hours for rest. Now counting the time, it is really time to eat something.

"it is good!"

Mo Mo got up, and followed the lame uncle out of the alchemy room. They didn't stop at the right peak, but went down the Niutoushan directly along the mountain path.

After a while, the two came to the south of Niutou Mountain. This is the entrance where Zuofeng allows pilgrims to climb the mountain to worship. Every morning, many pilgrims or morning exercisers pass by here, so this place also attracts many people. Small vendors who operate breakfast, such as tofu, fried dough sticks, pancakes, teppanyaki, etc., are a small market.

Shen Mo was a little surprised, he didn't expect there to be such a lively place under Niutou Mountain.

Uncle Lame looked into his eyes and boasted, "Brother, I didn't expect that! Niutoushan is much more interesting than you imagined."

"Yo! Grandpa! You are here! What do you want to eat today?"

"Hi! Uncle Lame! It's been a long time, and you're out preaching again? You're so busy."

"Hi bro! My baby has never had a nightmare again after wearing your safety talisman. You are amazing. I thank you for my baby."

"Uncle Lame, my daughter-in-law is due in a few days, you have to come over and help her choose a good name!"

Uncle Lai and Shen Mo walked along the way. Most of the small vendors and passers-by in the market knew Uncle Lai and respected Uncle Lai very much. From their words, we can also guess that Uncle Lai had helped them a lot before. Niutoushan Yanran is the patron saint who protects one side.

Silence looked at Uncle Lame's smile filled with a sense of accomplishment, and suddenly realized that this is what Uncle Lame got in return for his hard work.

He is a respectable predecessor and elder.

(End of this chapter)

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