Chapter 348

To the island country, should we go by car?Or go by boat?Or go by plane?

The answer is obvious. For you who are reading novels with your mobile phone, of course it is most convenient to go by car.

But for Shen Mo and Nan Nan, flying to the island country is the most convenient and safe way of transportation.

But here comes the problem, Xu Zhangxun did not arrange a plane to the island country for Shen Mo, but arranged a cruise ship to the island country for him.

Their itinerary was to board the Majestic Princess cruise ship from Shanghai, and after a day and night of sailing, they arrived at the island country Fukuoka, and then took a plane from Fukuoka to Yokohama, and arrived at Yokohama Port two hours before the departure of the Caribbean ship.

This kind of journey is really tight, but for Shen Mo, as long as there are no accidents on the road, he will definitely be able to arrive on time.

After Shen Mo said goodbye to Uncle Nan Nanxiang and Yu Zihui, they took the special plane to Shanghai and boarded the Shengshi Princess without spending much energy.

Majestic Princess is a cruise ship specially built by Carnival Cruise Lines for the Chinese market. She stands in the port, like a princess sitting in a beautiful pavilion, shy but majestic, elegant but friendly and heart-warming.This is Shen Mo's first time on a long-distance cruise, so he is quite looking forward to this trip.

The Princess cruise ship has a total of 16 floors. The 9th to 12th floors are all guest rooms, and there are a small number of guest rooms on other floors. The silent guest rooms are on the 11th floor, which is the so-called balcony room. The price is three or four times higher than ordinary rooms.

After boarding the cruise ship, Shen Mo found his own guest room 2873 under the guidance of the staff, pushed the door in, and the configuration of the room was not inferior to that of a five-star hotel, especially the soft big bed , people can't help but want to sleep on it, the room is not big, but it is exquisite and elegant, with a strong European style, at a glance, you can see the sea view outside through the balcony, which is great for people who take a cruise for the first time It is indeed very attractive.

From this point of view, Xu Zhangxun grasped the silent mind just right.

With a sigh of emotion in silence, he turned off the travel notes on the Princess on his phone, and thought brokenly, "No wonder people who have been on the Princess are all using it, and even threatened to take the second Princess. It turns out that it is really good."

Shen Mo placed his salute properly, and then patted the lucky cat on his waist.

"Nannan, we have already boarded the ship, and we will reach the island country in one day and one night."

Nan Nan manifested her body shape, her eyes were complicated, she used to want to go home day and night, but since she became silent, she found that she no longer misses home so much, because Laifu Wood Carving Shop is her home , Mo Mo is her family... Although Mo Mo is greedy for money, stingy, and mean, Nan Nan still likes being with Mo Mo.

Now, the time to go home is so close at hand, but Nan Nan has some unspeakable feelings in his heart, as if he is worried about losing something.

"Boss!" Nan Nan blinked her big eyes, begging for silence.

"what happened?"

"If Nannan finds his family, can he come back with you?"

Silence silence!
How should he answer this question? From his own point of view, Silence naturally wants Nan Nan to follow him, but from Nan Nan's point of view, Zashiki Warji's group is her destination.

Silently touched Nannan's head and said with a smile, "If you want to come back with me, you can come back. If you want to stay in the Zashiki warji group, then stay in the group. After all, you have grown up and can decide your own affairs."

Nan Nan's eyes were fixed, and crystal tears flickered. The worries that had plagued her heart for a long time disappeared in an instant, and her little head nodded like a rattle, "Yeah! I will make my own decision... Then, let's go out and play now! This is Nannan's first cruise, and Nannan wants to go out and play."

"Okay! Let's go!"

Shen Mo agreed to Nan Nan, and subconsciously saluted herself. There was a white jar inside, which was nothing but the ashes of the bone girl.

Shen Mo didn't forget his promise to the bone girl. The words the man said are like nails on the chopping board. Once they go up, they are settled.

"I will scatter your ashes in your hometown."

On the 14th floor of Majestic Princess, there are not only various restaurants, but also open-air swimming pools, sun-soaked decks, and a constant flow of tourists.

Shen Mo took Nan Nan to the cafeteria on the 14th floor to solve the problem of lunch, and then went to the deck to bask in the warm sunshine.

Just as Shen Mo and Nan Nan walked out of the cafeteria, a gorgeous figure passed by them.

It was a fashionable young girl with a 90-point appearance. She walked in a very special way, as if sliding on the floor with her toes in mind, especially the ruby ​​necklace the size of a quail egg hanging around her neck. It is even more eye-catching.

Shen Mo frowned slightly, his eyes looked up and down on the girl, the corners of his mouth raised, and he sneered in his heart, "I didn't expect to encounter strange things on this ship."

That's right!This girl is not human!She is an earthbound spirit with some climate.It was very similar to Linger's situation, except that Linger was bound to the lake, and she was bound to the cruise ship.

Silently looked at the girl carefully again, seeing her walking around the cafeteria familiarly, eating the delicacies he likes, and under the perception of spiritual sense, there is no slightest resentment. For the time being, it seems that she is just a non-dangerous Ordinary earthbound spirits.

Shaking her head silently, she looked away from her body. For such a spirit, there is no need to take special action to purify it. After all, she lives a good life, eating, drinking, and playing. it.

Ignoring the girl, Mo Mo led Nannan through the corridor to the deck on the 17th floor, slipped around on the deck, found a sunny spot, looked up at the port that was fading away, and enjoyed a rare leisure time.

"Huh?! Boss, look! There is a bald man playing hooligans over there."

Nannan pointed to a corner of the deck as if discovering a new continent.

Mo Mo looked along Nan Nan's fingers, only to see a bald man lying on the ground, scanning the crowd of people streaming back and forth with squinting eyes, strangely, no one could find this man, like this man Men don't exist at all.

"Hey?! The second one?! It's still a rogue!"

I can't bear the silence, you say you eat!It's human nature, and ghosts should, but if you use the ghost body to do vulgar and degrading things, that's wrong.

Shen Mo winked at Nan Nan, and Nan Nan turned into a ray of light and fell into the lucky cat. Immediately, Mo Mo stepped towards the bald man, pretending not to see him.

Puff!A faint white halo ignited under Silent's feet. He didn't plan to kill the opponent directly, but to teach the opponent a lesson. Although the faint holy light was not fatal, it firmly stepped on the opponent's wretched face. It hurt for sure. Whether it's painful, or the kind of heart-piercing pain, it's not hard to guess the result from the man's painful groans.

Zizi!Shen Mo pretended to have mud under his feet, and he didn't forget to twist it hard a few times. After the other party's grimace was deformed and his facial features could not be distinguished, Shen Mo moved the soles of his feet and said in surprise, "Eh? I stepped on something." Huh? Why does it feel weird."

Losing the shackles on the soles of his feet, the man turned into a white smoke floating beside Shen Mo. He covered his face in pain, and after a while, he returned to his original appearance. Then, staring at Shen Mo with angry eyes, he clenched his fists tightly, as if To avenge silence.

But his fist did not fall, but he was afraid of the faint holy light under Shen Mo's feet. He looked up and down Mo Mo, and his ghost hands dangled in front of Shen Mo for a long time, making sure that Mo Mo really couldn't see him. Everything just seemed like It was really after an inexplicable misunderstanding that the man raised his fist again, ready to hit Silence's head.

Boom!Shen Mo pretended to wave his hand casually, and another faint holy light ignited, meeting the man's big face, and the face that had just recovered was deformed and distorted again.

Huh? !Ten thousand beasts roared past the man's heart, the first time was an accident, but the second time could still be called an accident!

This kid definitely did it on purpose.

puff!The man hastily distanced himself from Silence, staring cautiously at Silence.

"Who are you?! Don't pretend anymore, I know you can see me." The man shouted, but distanced himself from the silence.

Mo Mo smiled and stared at the man playfully, "Hey! You found out! What should I do then? I have no choice but to save you and let this secret continue to be hidden!"

The man was startled, his originally pale face became even paler, and the ghost trembled uncontrollably. Reminiscent of the white holy light burning on Shen Mo, the man didn't even dare to answer, and turned into a stream of light and disappeared before Shen Mo's eyes. .

"Hey! It's pretty fast."

Silently patted the lucky cat on his waist, signaling Nan Nan to come out and continue to enjoy the leisure time on the cruise.

After bathing in the sun for a while, the two shifted positions again and came to the open-air swimming pool on the top floor.

"Wow! I didn't expect there to be a swimming pool on the cruise ship! Nan Nan wants to swim."

"Swim if you want! Anyway, before we arrive in Fukuoka, we still have a lot of time to enjoy," Shen Mo looked around, and soon found the bar in charge of the swimming pool. After buying a single adult ticket, change Put on your swimsuit and get ready for the pool.

After a while, Nan Nan, who changed into a swimsuit, also came out of the changing room.

hiss!Nan Nan took off her lovely kimono, and condensed it into a well-fitting swimsuit with red demonic aura. That appearance was filled with cuteness and playfulness.

Mo Mo saw it in his eyes, and only thought that he really had foresight to keep this Zashiki boy. If she was sent away early, there would be no benefit today.

"Hey! Nan Nan is here!"

Nannan trotted all the way, her immature little feet exerted force, causing her whole body to jump high, and immediately fell into the water, splashing huge water splashes, but in the eyes of ordinary people, the water in the swimming pool exploded strangely out of thin air, as if there was something Falling into it is normal.

Shen Mo frowned, waved his hands and explained, "Ahem! Sorry, the child is naughty!"

hum!The silent hand plunged into the water and pulled Nan Nan out. After the red light flashed, Nan Nan manifested a figure that could be seen by ordinary people.

Since it's swimming, it's normal swimming. If you swim and play stealth, it will be frightening to ordinary people.

Passers-by saw the lovely Nan Nan, out of yearning for beauty, naturally they would not care about anything with Nan Nan, even some young girls couldn't help leaning towards the silent side when they saw Nan Nan, wanting to talk to Nan Nan play.

This is a little surprising to Shen Mo. I didn't expect that Nan Nan not only has the attribute of luck bonus, but also the attribute of flirting with girls. It's getting more and more amazing.

While the two were enjoying themselves, the depth of the water in the corner of the swimming pool was unchecked, and an undercurrent surged up, enough to engulf an adult's tornado, rushing towards Silence at an extremely fast speed.

Um?Shen Mo frowned, and the power of his mind issued an extremely dangerous warning, and it was released instantly, revealing everything around him in Shen Mo's mind.

[A young girl couldn't help but urinate in the swimming pool...]

[The man stares at the beautiful woman beside him and swallows subconsciously...]

[The heart of a woman diving underwater is beating at a rate of 56 beats per minute...]

[A tornado is attacking Silence! 】

"Revenge came so fast?" Mo Mo's first reaction was that it was the male ghost who escaped before. He immediately took out the Dragon God's reverse scale armor from his personal warehouse, put it on instantly, and triggered the Dragon God's Blessing.

Puff!Before the tornado approached Shen Mo, it was shattered by the power of the Dragon God, and Mo Mo quickly found its target, the thing that wanted to use the tornado to strangle him.

Um? !Shen Mo was very surprised, the other party was not the male ghost from before, but a lady in a bikini who still had charm, and stared at Shen Mo with meaningful eyes.

"Another one?! There are three in a row! These three Earthbound spirits couldn't have been taken away in a group!"

Silence's mouth twitched, the young girl before, the bald man just now, and the charming lady in the water, this is obviously a family of three configuration.

Are you messing with your family? !

No!Let it be said, why did this family fall into his hands!
Shen Mo glanced at his puppet panel, there are already 67 soul fragments, but only 0 complete souls, the current situation, isn't it the rhythm of giving a complete soul to the scene of Shen Mo, and also giving a family at once.

hey-hey!That being the case, then I'm welcome!
Shen Shen shrugged his shoulders and moved his joints. Under the boost of the dragon god's reverse scale armor, his speed in the water was comparable to that of a fast-running shark. He plunged into the water, and within a few breaths, he came to the lady.

hum!The holy light of the weapon blessing ignited, although it was not so obvious under the sunlight, but it directly melted the lady's ghost body into a group of spirit bodies.

[A complete soul is detected, whether to absorb it. 】

absorb!There is no reason not to absorb the soul that was sent to her door. She wanted to put Silence to death just now, so does Silence need to keep her hand?No need, just kill it!
When the lady was silenced, his eyes fell to the corner of the crowd again, where the bald man was hiding.

"Hey! Don't hide, I've seen you!"

Bald man: "..."

(End of this chapter)

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