The aura of a priest is infinite

Chapter 355 I'm Not A Man Anymore

Chapter 355 I'm Not A Man Anymore
"Lord Seagod admits! Lord Seagod admits! I said I couldn't be mistaken, this is Lord Seagod."

The leading man shouted vigorously, dancing like a child who has been affirmed.

Mo Mo continued helplessly, "Now, in the name of Sea God, I ask you, where is this place?"

"Report to Lord Seagod, this is Okinawa Island."

Okinawa? !After a moment of silence, Okinawa is an island between Kyushu Island and Taiwan Province. It is centered on the Ryukyu Islands, composed of the Miyako Islands and the Yaeyama Islands. It ranks 47th among the 44 prefectures. Cultural characteristics, but the development of relatively backward islands.Historically, it was occupied by the US military, and it was not until 72 that the administrative power was returned to the island country.

In other words, this is a remote island that the grandma of the island country does not love, and the grandma does not love.

How did Silence come here?According to Nannan, there is a way to get him to Yokohama faster. Could it be that he takes a plane from Okinawa to Yokohama, or there is a direct ferry to Yokohama Port.

Silently thinking about the next plan, the fishermen kneeling in front of them didn't dare to say anything, quietly waiting for Sea God's next question in their hearts.

"Do you have a plane or ferry to Yokohama?"

The fishermen were taken aback. Although they were surprised why the sea god asked such a mortal question, they still answered truthfully, "Yes, there are direct planes and ferries from Okinawa to Yokohama. If the weather is good, you can reach Yokohama in more than two hours."

Sure enough, Mo Mo was overjoyed, Nan Nan's deduction was indeed correct.

"Then, take me to the airport, or the nearest ferry port."

The leading man suddenly said, "Lord Sea God, are you going to take a plane or a ferry?"

Or else?Did I go to watch the planes and ferries play?

"I'm afraid it won't work, Lord Seagod."

Silently puzzled, "Why not."

"Lord Poseidon, you can't take the plane and ferry without an ID card."


What else can he say?Pretending to be a god these days, not even being able to get a seat on a plane or a ferry, is simply such a fucking failure.

Shen Mo wanted to say that he had the ability to get on a plane or a ferry, but after thinking about it, he didn't need to risk being mistaken for hijacking a plane or a ferry.

Although he has such strength, his instinct tells himself that the consequences of doing so are not optimistic, and it will bring him unnecessary trouble.

Just as he was silent and hesitating, a middle-aged man suddenly stood up in the crowd. He was a strong man, wearing a coir raincoat that fishermen often wear, and there was a terrifying scar on his face extending from the tip of his eyebrows to the corner of his mouth. What a good man, but Mo Mo's keen intuition found that his eyes were shining with the kindness and depth of being a father.

The appearance of the man made Shen Mo think of a sentence, no matter how bad a person is, there is a good side, no matter how good a person is, there are times when he is selfish.Maybe this person is the villain who turned his prodigal son back!

"Lord Sea God! I can send you to Yokohama, but I have one condition."

oh? !Silence couldn't help being interested, curious about how this man sent him to Yokohama, and what conditions he would put forward.

"Taihui! Don't be rude to Lord Seagod..." The leading man wanted to stop Taihui, but was stopped by silence.

"Finish your sentence."

The man named Tai Hui stepped out from the crowd firmly. He knelt on one knee before Shen Mo, "I beg Lord Sea God to save my wife. As long as you can save her life, I am willing to sail the boat myself. , to send you to Yokohama."

"Taihui! Don't mess around, your wife is about to die. No matter how powerful the Sea God is, it's impossible to save her..."

"I promise you!"

Mo Mo raised the corner of his mouth, shook his wrist, and a strong wind lifted Tai Hui, "Take me to see your wife."

"Okay! Please, Lord Sea God, follow me!"

Tai Hui's face was overjoyed, his face full of evil thoughts was like a child with joy.The rest of the fishermen looked at each other in blank dismay, Sea God had promised Tai Hui, none of them dared to disobey Sea God's decision, they could only follow behind Shen Mo, and walked towards Tai Hui's home.

"Kanako! I'm back! I found a way to save you!"

Before Taihui entered the room, he yelled excitedly at the top of his voice. He pushed open the tatami door, and a thin woman with a waxy complexion struggled to prop up her upper body from the futon, with confused and puzzled eyes , watching the man he loves lead a group of people to his home.

"Taihui-kun...cough cough!" Kanako mumbled, but it was accompanied by a violent cough, as if she was about to cough up her lungs, "Sorry, I'm inconvenient, I can't greet everyone, I'm really sorry."

Taihui's eyes were full of tenderness, "Kanako, you don't have to get up, everything is by me."

"No! Taihui-kun, this is what a wife should do... It's a pity, my body."

Mo Mo frowned slightly, his mind and eyes swept across Kanako's body, and everything was reflected into his mind like a picture of aura, and he had already grasped Kanako's condition to [-]% to [-]%.

"Kanako, your illness is cured! This is Lord Poseidon, he has the power to cure your illness." Taihui said, helping Kanako in the quilt, and introduced the origin of silence to him.

"Lord Poseidon?!" Kanako was puzzled. To her, Mo Mo was like a neighbor's younger brother. He didn't look like the legendary Poseidon at all. Could it be that her husband deliberately made herself happy in order to make her feel at ease.

"Taihui, you don't have to be like this, I am very clear about my situation, I understand everything you have done for me..."

"Stop!" Shen Mo said bluntly, "Please don't show your affection in front of me."

Mo Mo couldn't afford this heavy dog ​​food, he just wanted to cure Kanako's illness as soon as possible, and then take Taihui's fishing boat and rush to Yokohama before the Caribbean sailed.

"With me here, you can't die!"

Said silently, stepped to Kanako's side, grabbed her wrist, and lifted her from Taihui's arms.

Huh? !Kanako has been ill for a long time, and her body is already weak, how can she withstand such a violent and rude behavior from Silence, her face immediately pales, and she is panting endlessly.

"Lord Sea God!" Tai Hui was worried about his wife, and asked sharply, but was blocked by silence.

"Don't bother me, just watch, don't talk."

The silent eyes were fixed, and the holy light of weapon blessing ignited from the palm of Kanako's wrist, and was transmitted to her body through Kanako's wrist. Immediately, the weak Kanako began to shake violently, as if countless electric currents passed through her body.

"Weapon blessings can't even bring you down! Hehe, there are some methods!" Mo Mo shouted sharply, and the milky white halo was ignited again, which is the power of divine purification.

hum!The power of purification swept up and enveloped Kanako in an instant. Kanako, who was bathed in the holy light, stopped trembling in an instant, and her painful face gradually eased, as if a boulder pressing on her chest had been moved away.

Taihui and the rest of the fishermen were startled, their eyes sparkled with hope that Lord Sea God could really cure Kanako's stubborn illness.

puff!Just when the power of purification was about to enter Kanako's lower abdomen, a stream of thick smoke that was as black as silt and gave off a foul smell struggled out from her lower abdomen.

"Hey! Where are you running!"

Shen Mo's eyes showed a fierce light, and the blessing of the weapon was in his hand, turning into a ball of light curtain, binding the black smoke in it.

Woohoo!The black smoke struggled in the light curtain, and Shao Qing turned into a monster with a human face and a devil body.

"Ah! You monster!"

"It's really a monster!"

The fishermen exclaimed again and again, pointing to the monster with a human face in the black smoke, but none of them could tell the origin of the monster.

Mo Mo raised his brows, the detection skills were released, and the information about the human-faced monster was displayed.

[Birth Demon: A unique monster in Okinawa. Use a doll to carve the name of the person to be cursed, put it into a pot of boiling water, and sing the curse while boiling, then the Raw Demon will possess the cursed person until it is dead tortured to death.Among all kinds of monsters, Shengxie Mo is a very evil monster, and often works hand in hand with gangsters. 】

Live demons!A lowly monster who curses and tortures others.

Mo Mo commented, and immediately twisted his five fingers, the raw demon struggled in pain in the light curtain, making a chilling scream.

"Say! Who is your partner?"

hiss!hiss!There was an abnormal sound of bones rubbing against the raw demon's throat, and its distorted face squirmed, turning into a human face.

"Taijian! It's Taijian! Taihui's own younger brother!"

Someone among the fishermen recognized the owner of this face, and he pointed to the face and shouted in surprise.

Tai Hui also saw this familiar face, and his heart was dull, painful, and unbearable as if hit by a boulder.

It's him!Why him!
Taihui questioned himself in disbelief, why did his own brother use such a bad method to hurt his wife, that is, his sister-in-law.

"Taijian, where are you going?"

Questions rang out from the crowd again. It turned out that Taijian had been in the crowd from the beginning to the end. He didn't want to escape in a panic until his incident was revealed, but it was too late, and the enthusiastic crowd tied him down into silence. in front of.

"Why? Taijian, why did you do this?" Taihui questioned Taijian, his eyes filled with complex expressions.

"Hey! Why?! Because Kanako married you! Because Kanako will marry you, a scum! She doesn't choose a handsome, upright man like me, but chooses you, a bastard, so I hate, I hate her, I want to make her regret it, and make her life worse than death."

Taijian's expression twisted, pouring out the resentment that had been suppressed in his heart for many years in an instant.

"Asshole! You shouldn't hate her, you should hate me, why didn't you deal with me, and let Kanako suffer, what kind of man are you?"

"A man?! Hey, I'm not a man anymore!"


Let me go, this guy's psychology has been twisted to this extent? !No wonder people often say that if you have never been to an island country, you don’t know what a tie is. This is too tie!

Mo Mo doesn't care about Taijian's method to prevent himself from being a man. Anyway, he cured Kanako's illness and helped find the real culprit. What he promised Taihui has been done, and the rest will be left to them Go ahead and fix it.

An hour later, Taihui came to the port with a hesitant face, as if he was ten years old. Silence had been waiting here for a long time.

"Is it resolved?"


"Then let's go! Our destination is Yokohama!"

(End of this chapter)

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