Chapter 356

Shen Mo didn't care how Tai Hui punished his younger brother, after all, it was their family matter, and to put it further, it was a matter of the relevant departments of the island country, there was no need for Shen Mo to intervene.

If it wasn't for Taihui to take him to Yokohama Port, Shen Mo would not have intervened in this matter.

As a fisherman in Okinawa, Taihui has rich sailing experience. Although he has no sailing experience from Okinawa to Yokohama, when he was a gangster, he knew an old captain who often went to sea. Okinawa set off across the Pacific Ocean, crossed the Bering Strait, and entered the Arctic Ocean to poach whales. Therefore, Silence wanted to rush from Okinawa to Yokohama, and the old captain's whaling ship could take him there.

"Taihui, how long has it been since you asked me to do something? Two years? Three years? Or longer..." The old captain Koki Mizuguchi tapped his pipe, pouring out the clogged soot inside, covering the With the wide palm of the pock marks, he picked up a pinch of fine shredded tobacco and stuffed it into the pipe, struck a match, and with a burst of huffing and puffing, circles of smoke circled.

Shen Mo frowned slightly. There are very few people who still have the habit of smoking pipes these days. Since cigarettes became popular, pipes have become history, and only a very small number of people retain the way and habit of smoking with pipes. Captain Koki Mizuguchi is a stubborn conservative with his own principles.

"Senior Hangxi, please do me this favor. I, Taiki, have promised this lord to send him to Yokohama Port."

"Hmph! That's what you Taiki promised. What does it have to do with me, Koki Mizuguchi?"

"Senior Hang Xi, the real identity of this lord is Hai..."

stop!Silence blocked Taihui's words, he was not willing to continue this misunderstanding, and he didn't like to do more tricky things.

"Is it Mizuguchi Koki?" Mo Mo asked knowingly.

"What? You young man has heard of my reputation? That's rare. When I was your age, your parents were still breastfeeding!"

Ha ha!The crew members on Shuikou Hangxi's ship burst into laughter, echoing Hangxi's ridicule.

snort!Silence sneered, and asked sharply, "Have you ever felt the resentment from a whale?"

ha? !Mizuguchi Hangxi and the rest of the crew were stunned for a moment, and then laughed again. Their ship was a whaling ship, and there were not one thousand but eight hundred dismembered whales on board. If the whales had resentment, they would not feel it. I wonder if this person has a brain problem.

Smiling silently, he slowly raised his hand, and the invisible temperament erupted like a huge wave, pouring towards the deck, "You are in pain and resentment, and you really want revenge!"

Koki Mizuguchi was startled, he was instantly startled by the momentum of silence, at the same time, his back seemed to be absorbed by something, it became heavier and heavier, and it was about to overwhelm him in a few breaths.

This kind of weird imagination made Mizuguchi Koki, who has many years of sailing experience, widen his eyes in disbelief. His previous arrogance was swept away. He struggled and scratched his neck, trying to absorb a little oxygen of life, but everything It all seemed so futile, no matter how hard he tried, his lungs couldn't take in even a little breath, as if a whale had left the ocean and exhausted all the air in its lungs.

cluck!Mizuguchi Kohi made a desperate struggling sound, and the crew behind him also had the same symptoms as him. In an instant, the people on the entire whaling ship seemed to be whales about to be slaughtered, desperate and helpless, There is no one to rely on.

"What's wrong with you guys?!" Tai Hui stared at the crowd in disbelief. Knowing Shen Mo's identity, he quickly knelt down in front of Shen Mo, "Master Sea God, please spare these rude mortals."

"I don't care about their life or death at all. You should ask them if they are willing to spare them."

As he said silently, with a flick of his wrist, the wrathful souls of countless whales suddenly appeared above the whaling ship. They shouted in a low voice, making a miserable scream when they were dying, and the thick blood covered the sky, as if covering the whole sky.

Mizuguchi Hangxi stared at the sky in horror. Those whales were so familiar, and their tragic death was so fresh in his memory. When he was about to die, Hangxi rang every whale that died tragically on the boat. They had humbly begged Hang Xi to let them go, but none of them could leave the boat. Their resentment condensed on the boat and lingered for a long time. Soul, come to demand the life of these executioners.

What Silence did was to use a little power of the Holy Light to detonate their resentment, giving them the ability and opportunity to manifest their figure, but these resentments that cannot be turned into resentful souls alone cannot truly Killing these people can only make them fall into an illusion and experience the despair and powerlessness of whales when they are dying.

"Help! Help me...I don't want to die...I don't want to die!"

Mizuguchi Hangxi screamed desperately. He struggled to plead with Silence, begging for treatment. His appearance was so similar to the whale that yearned for treatment.

call!Mo Mo took a deep breath, and with a flick of his wrist, the monstrous grievances were temporarily suppressed. Since these grievances cannot kill these guilty people, let them turn into curses and attach to these sinners forever. Mo Mo was not like this before. However, these resentments spontaneously attached to Hang Xi and the others, like tarsal poison, fused into their blood, turning into a curse that eroded their flesh and soul.

Hoo hoo!Mizuguchi Hangxi panted heavily, fresh air circulated in his lungs, he was still in shock, panting wildly, and asked with difficulty.

"What are you... doing to us? Who the hell are you?"

Silently asked, "Don't you understand? What is the reason for all this!"

Mizuguchi Hangxi was stunned on the spot. He recalled the illusion just now, and recalled the whales that died tragically under his hands. He finally understood that all this was not done in silence, but from the revenge of the whales. Those who died tragically by them Whale on hand, coming for them.

"Senior Hang Xi, he is the Lord Sea God! You should bow down to him and pray for his forgiveness."

Mizuguchi Hangxi suddenly woke up, and knelt down in front of Shen Mo with a group of crew members, begging and praying, hoping to be saved.

"Master Sea God, please forgive us! We know we were wrong!"

"Master Sea God, you are the most benevolent god in the world, please let us go!"

Shen Mo shook his head helplessly, he didn't want to continue pretending to be godly, but he couldn't stand Taihui to assist him in the sidelines, and it was really annoying to lead him in this direction every time.

"Cause and effect have their own determinants. The sins you have committed yourself must be repaid by you."

Silence said slowly.

"The rest of your life will be used to atone for the sins of the first half of your life, and you will not be freed until you wash away the sins on your body."

Mizuguchi Hanxi was stunned, he looked at the sail of the whaling ship, took staggering steps, pulled it down fiercely, tore off a foot, and raised it again.

"From today, our ship is no longer a whaling ship, but a whale guard ship."

Mizuguchi Koki originally didn't believe in ghosts, but today's personal experience reshaped his three views. He lit the pipe again, and the hostility on his face was a little less, and a little more relieved and determined.

He knew that for the rest of his life, he would use the energy of his life to redeem the sins of his previous life.

Silence didn't lie to them either. The curse on Hang Xi and the others can indeed be resolved through doing good deeds, and rescuing the whales is definitely the fastest and most direct way.

Of course, there are also those who are unwilling to do this among them, and silence does not force them, because as the curse erodes, those who are unwilling to do so will die under the curse sooner or later, and pass this curse along with their blood. For generations.

The sins committed by the ancestors must be repaid by the younger generations.

This world has its rules and retribution.

"Let's go! This time, are you willing to send me to Yokohama?"

"Please come aboard, we are more than happy to serve you."

(End of this chapter)

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