The aura of a priest is infinite

Chapter 360 Deviating to Tiger Mountain

Chapter 360 Deviating to Tiger Mountain

What's the matter? !

How can I become a shameless person!

Silence is telling the three of Xu Zhangxun very seriously that the Caribbean cruise ship must never be boarded. There are very powerful and powerful evil spirits on board. Such a earnest and considerate reminder, how could it become a shameless person.

His silent eyes couldn't help looking at the Caribbean cruise ship, and the woman who appeared suddenly entered his line of sight.

uh-huh? !What a big evil!
Mo Mo knew it in his heart, no wonder Xu Zhangxun and A Kai reacted like this, no wonder Chen Xue called them shameless, it turns out that the root of everything is here.

But the evil that Silence refers to is not this evil!

etc!Shen Mo frowned slightly, and the power of the mind and eyes was activated again, and a tidal wave of mental power exploded, covering the Caribbean and the woman. Immediately, the projections of the Caribbean and the woman appeared in Shen Mo's mind.

Roar!The entire Caribbean is like a monster with teeth and claws, greedily devouring ordinary people who are constantly boarding the ship, and the evil spirit that is constantly emitting is eroding the flesh and blood of ordinary people. Presumably, it will not take long for ordinary people to fall under this evil spirit He is not a human being, a ghost is not a ghost, and a demon is not a demon.

Looking at the woman again, her original form has been revealed. It is a white-faced golden-haired fox with nine snow-white fox tails dancing on the ground behind her. A strange yin energy continuously rises from her feet, enveloping her in an evil manner. abnormal.

Nine-tailed demon fox? !
Silence is inexplicable. The nine-tailed demon fox is an extremely conspicuous and powerful monster no matter which version of myths and legends it is in. She usually regards people as a peerless beauty, and she can turn clouds and rain at every turn, and influence all living beings with the power of charm.

Now, this nine-tailed demon fox appeared on the Caribbean cruise ship. Is it a good thing or a bad thing?

whee!The melodious and captivating laughter like a copper bell rang in Shen Mo's ears, and the aura reflection of the nine-tailed fox in Shen Mo's mind unexpectedly cast its gaze on Shen Mo, as if aware that Shen Mo was using some kind of ability to spy on her.

not good!been discovered!
Shen Mo immediately withdrew the power of his heart and eyes, and stared at him, only to see the nine-tailed demon fox dancing with cherry blossoms and a fan in his hands, half covering his brows and half covering his smile, teasing Shen Mo with playful eyes, as if telling
[Young master, come up! 】

The obscene words that charmed the mind sounded in Shen Mo's ears, and his body began to uncontrollably want to board the Caribbean, and rushed to the Nine-Tailed Demon Fox recklessly, as if he was willing to give up everything, just to win the beauty's smile.

hum!The power of purification was instantly ignited, covering the entire silence. Immediately, the flattering words in his ears disappeared, and the silence also regained its sanity.

Looking at the side, Xu Zhangxun, A Kai, and even Chen Xue were all caught in the charm of the nine-tailed demon fox, and walked towards it involuntarily.


He shouted loudly in silence, released the power of purification again, helped Xu Zhangxun and others to dispel the charm, and protected them behind him.

Xu Zhangxun: "Brother Shen, what happened just now? I have no memory at all."

Akai: "Dad, I seem to be in love..."

Chen Xue blushed, ashamed to speak.

"You were just charmed by that nine-tailed demon fox."

Shen Mo explained, a pair of heroic eyes looked directly at the nine-tailed demon fox, and an invisible aura erupted, forming an incomparably sharp aura. This is obviously not the time to show weakness to the enemy, and the nine-tailed demon fox must see the power of silence, otherwise , the other party will definitely stretch out the blood blade to Shen Mo and others without any scruples.

"Yo?! She has some skills, which surprised my sister slightly."

The nine-tailed demon fox was far away on the boat, but her words were close to Shen Mo's ears.

"Hey, your charm technique is not easy."

Silently smiled heartily, and responded calmly.

"Little brother has good eyesight, and my sister is very happy. Why don't you come on the boat, drink a few cups of fine wine with my sister, and swim in the Pacific Ocean together?"

hey-hey!What a trip to the Pacific Ocean together, this nine-tailed demon fox is definitely not shallow, but she should not have lived in modern times, and she is not very familiar with today's diction and sentences. weird.

"Sorry, I can't drink, I can't swim, so goodbye!"

Before Silence finished speaking, he was about to take Xu Zhangxun and others to leave, but was stopped by the nine-tailed demon fox again.

"Little brother is in such a hurry to leave? Don't you want to participate in this jewelry auction?"

Forehead!Mo Mo was stunned in place. He came this time mainly to participate in the auction to raise funds for research and refinement of elixir, and to build a stable and rich capital chain for Zhuyan elixir's reputation in the upper class.

Now, is this plan going to be killed in the cradle just because of a nine-tailed demon fox?

No!no!Money, he has to do it, otherwise why bother to let Yu Zihui refine Zhuyan Pill 2.0, and where will the follow-up funds be invested in the alchemy plan that is as deep as a black hole.

Shen Mo straightened his expression, looked at Xu Zhangxun and the three beside him, and whispered.

"I saw you too. The situation on the ship is not optimistic. For safety reasons, you cannot board the ship. You must buy the earliest tickets and return home immediately."

The three of Xu Zhangxun fell into deep thought. They had no defense against the dangerous situation just now. If they hadn't acted silently, they would have already fallen into the trap of the nine-tailed demon fox.

Therefore, boarding the Caribbean is definitely a gamble with one's own life.

"I'll stay and let Akai bring Xue'er back to China." Xu Zhangxun stood up, "Without me, you can't complete the auction."

"Father!" Akai looked solemn, "I'll stay, I can't let you take risks, Dafu can't live without you, but he can live without me."

What Akai said is true, without Xu Zhangxun, his life as a rich second generation will be a dream.

"I'll stay too. Although I know I can't help you much, but Akai won't leave, and I won't leave either. Because we are best friends."

Shen Mo's head is a bit big, now is not the time to talk about personal feelings and get angry, this will really kill people.

Do you think this is children's play house?Have you seen those ordinary people boarding the ship one after another?Once they're on board, it's likely none of them will survive...
etc!Silently, a flash of inspiration flashed in his mind. Aside from the strangeness of the Caribbean and the appearance of the nine-tailed demon fox, there seemed to be no other evil spirits worthy of silence and caution on this ship.

Most of the merchants who boarded the ship one after another were just ordinary people.

In other words, the Caribbean was actually a trap set by an illegal organization that wanted to make a fortune from these merchants.

Since it is a trap, it may be destroyed by others, and the benefits brought by destroying the plan of the criminals must not be underestimated.

The opportunities and wealth here are gradually sorted out in Shen Mo's mind.

After some weighing, Shen Mo made a decision that he had to go on this trip to the Pacific even though he knew it was dangerous.

How?How can the benefits be taken by criminals?
How can he be a disadvantaged person by keeping silent?

Isn't it just a nine-tailed demon fox?Are there still few ghosts, demons, dolls, etc. in Mo Mo's house?
"You don't need to fight! We all share the blessings and share the hardships. If you want to go, go together. Isn't it just an auction? With this nine-tailed demon fox, isn't things getting more and more interesting?"

uh-huh? !
Now Xu Zhangxun has no idea.

"Brother Shen, how sure are you?"

How sure are you? !It's hard to say, he asked Nan Nan.

clap clap clap!
"Nannan, if I take Xu Zhangxun and three people on board, there is a probability of [-]% that we can come back safely, I mean all of us."

After a while, Nan Nan's voice sounded in the silent mind.

"Boss, Nannan can't figure it out, because there is a force on this ship that interferes with Nannan, but Nannan can figure it out. If Xu Zhangxun and the three don't follow you, they will definitely die."

how do I say this? !Shen Mo immediately opened his mind and found that the port was already surrounded by a group of men in black and sunglasses. They were hiding behind containers, each armed with guns. If Xu Zhangxun and others left, they would definitely be targeted by these men.

From this point of view, without Silence, Xu Zhangxun and others are really dead.

Silently corrected his color, he decided to tell a lie. Although he had told many lies in his life, this one was definitely the most irresponsible.

"I'm [-]% sure."

"Okay! Let's get on the boat!"

"Wait, let me add a buff to each of you before boarding the boat."

That's right, the three of Xu Zhangxun must add buffs. As I said before, this Caribbean ship has been given some kind of power. In island countries, it should be called an enchantment. It is said that the damage is huge, so Shen Mo must ensure that the three of Xu Zhangxun are not affected by the evil spirit, and find the barrier node as soon as possible to destroy the barrier.

"Give me something that's close to your body."

The three of Xu Zhangxun pondered for a while, and took out their personal belongings one after another.

"This pen was a gift from my lover on my silver wedding day, let's choose it!"

Nodding silently, he applied a weapon blessing to the pen.

"The only thing I wear next to me is this ring. It's meaningless, it's just for fun."

Shen Mo took the ring and blessed the ring with weapons.

"I...I..." Chen Xue showed a look of embarrassment, unable to explain why for a while.

"What are you, where are your personal belongings?"

Chen Xue lowered her head, approached Silence, and whispered, "Nei...Yi, can you please?"


Besides this, don't you have any other personal items?
Silent eyes scanned Chen Xue's body, and found that she didn't like to wear earrings, rings and bracelets, and she really didn't have any personal accessories except clothes.

have to!What a wonderful woman who understands everything.

In desperation, silence can only...

Pooh!What are you thinking?You can only take out the objects you don't use from the gossip yin and yang sword pouch.

【Master Woodcarving】

Since Silence activated the puppet panel, his usage rate of Master Woodcarving has been very low, and he has almost been left idle in the gossip Yin-Yang sword bag for a long time. disuse.

"Take it! It will keep you safe."

Chen Xue was overjoyed. Compared with Xu Zhangxun and A Kai's personal items, the items given by Silence were naturally more powerful. In addition, the woodcarving of the master was Master Lin, which Chen Xue knew well, which made Chen Xue feel more at ease.

"Thank you!"

"Okay! Let's get on the boat!"

Silence gave an order, and Xu Zhangxun and the three boarded the Caribbean in a mighty way.

At the same time, the nine-tailed demon fox had already returned to her guest room. She twisted up a piece of white paper, and the cherry blossom-red demonic aura danced on the white paper. In the next second, the white paper turned into a bird The spirit crane flew out of the window and disappeared into the night.

"My lord, Tamamo has sent you a letter."


"When a dragon enters the pool, it may change."

"Dragon!?" The voice hidden in the darkness sounded, seemingly very surprised and puzzled.

"My lord, is there any difference in the information before Yuzao, she has always been fickle, and she is not the same as us..."

"Shut up!"

"Yes! Your lord!"

"Next time! I'll eat you."


After a long silence, the voice sounded again from the darkness.

"Send Cape Seven and Umibozu there."

hiss!The person who sent the message seemed shocked, but he still took the order.When it came out of the darkroom, it murmured, "My lord actually wants to send Cape Nanami to go with Master Kaibo. Don't you know that Misaki Nanan has a feud with Tamamo-mae? ! This damned fox helps humans deal with my demon clan every time, but is forgiven by adults every time. Just because she is beautiful, she is really damned."

As the messenger spoke, he had already walked into the light, and saw her wrinkled face was covered with fire snakes, her gray hair was abnormally messy, and her dry body seemed to have been extracted from all the essence and flesh, which made her even more intriguing. The creepy thing is that there is a pair of eyes on her forehead, which are disgusting like toad eyes.

"My grandma, Huo, is the general who conveys the message under your lord, when will she be entrusted with important tasks?"

hum!The fire snake turned around, and the grandmother cremated into a ball of fire and disappeared in place. Go to pass on the words of the adult, summon Cape Seven and Umibozu, and order them to go to the Caribbean.

Let’s say that after Shen Mo took Xu Zhangxun and three people on board, they checked into their own guest room smoothly. For safety reasons, they did not choose to live in separate rooms, but changed to a large guest room on the top floor, which is large enough to accommodate them at the same time. four people.

Silent room, Chen Xue room, Xu Zhangxun and Akai father and son room.

After several people finished packing, they held a small meeting in the living room.

"Brother Shen, did you discover anything new after getting on the boat?"

Shaking his head silently, "This ship has some kind of enchantment, and part of my power cannot be used (blessed by Nannan's luck). I wanted to find the junction of the enchantment and destroy it, but found that we have been blocked. stare dead."

"Stay dead? Why didn't I find out?"

Silence recalled, "Most of them are monsters, only a few are people. As for what kind of monsters..."

Shen Mo turned on the phone, found a few pictures and handed them to the three of them.

"Kappa! Mermaid! Fu Sangshen!"

Kappa, as we all know, is a bald green-haired little monster.

Mermaid, everyone is also very familiar with, a monster with a human body and a fish tail.

As for this Fusangshen, it is not qualitative, it refers to all kinds of monsters that have been left for more than a hundred years to become monsters.

Xu Zhangxun frowned, "An object can also become a demon?!"

"That's right! In the island country, the stones in the latrine can become demons. On this ship, Fusangshen's eyes and ears are all over the place. It's very difficult to avoid them, find the enchantment node, and destroy it!"

"Do you have to destroy the enchantment?"

"If the enchantment is destroyed, our chances of winning will be greatly improved."

"What should I do?"

"Wait! Wait for an opportunity!"

(End of this chapter)

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