Chapter 361
Chance? !
what chance?
The three of Xu Zhangxun looked at each other in blank dismay. They could not help Shen Mo at all in this regard, and could only hope that Shen Mo could wait for this opportunity as soon as possible.

As for Shen Mo, he naturally would not reveal the specific details of this opportunity, because some plans would not work if they were revealed in advance.

It's not silent shaming, it's true.A person who can't even control his own mouth is destined to fail to achieve any great achievements.

"Old Xu, when will the auction start?"

Xu Zhangxun took out the meeting schedule issued by the organizer in advance, "The Caribbean will set sail in a while, and after entering the high seas of the Pacific Ocean, the auction will be held after the opening ceremony. At that time, everyone will be arranged in the lobby on the 18th floor. Judging from previous events, the number of people who entered the venue was around a thousand, and five of them deserve our attention."

[Beno of the Steinmetz family, he is the largest jeweler in the United States, the gold master behind Trump's son-in-law, the largest and most expensive pink diamond in history came out of his hands. 】

[Dan Greer, the current power holder of the Greer family, their family has been running a diamond cutting and trading business, and their current personal net worth has reached 35 billion US dollars. 】

[Schnett Graf, the founder of the world's luxury brand Graf, has a close relationship with the royal family of the Middle East.Personal net worth of 25 billion US dollars. 】

[Harry Winton, a Canadian jewelry tycoon, known for his big diamonds, is low-key and has ominous assets. 】

[Ralph Larry Ram, a Jewish businessman, a famous diamond investor, the most profitable investment in the world came from him. 】

These five people are our big buyers this time. They have the strength to win our peerless diamond, and they were the first to be notified about the Zhuyan Pill.

Xu Zhangxun paused and emphasized, "They are very interested in Zhuyan Pill."

Shen Mo frowned slightly, and searched through the mobile phone to check the materials and information of these people. From the limited information, Shen Mo had a general understanding of these people.

But what puzzled Shen Mo was that so many jewelry tycoons boarded the Caribbean cruise ship. If he was an outlaw, he would never make a one-shot deal. Holding these people hostage for ransom is tantamount to Kill the chicken and take the eggs.

Then, the outlaws who set up an enchantment on this ship must have another purpose.

Shen Mo has limited information at hand, he has no way of knowing the real purpose of the enemy, so he can only take one step at a time and act by ear.

"In addition to them, we also need to pay attention to a person, or a monster."

"That nine-tailed fox?"

"Yes, Lao Xu, you have participated in many auctions, can you find out which organization she belongs to?"

Xu Zhangxun pondered for a moment, "I can ask my acquaintances, it's not difficult. The difficult part is that I can't deal with those monsters..."

"Okay, I'll leave this matter to you... Remember, the pen must not be lost, as long as it is there, those ordinary evil spirits will not be able to hurt you."

Xu Zhangxun nodded emphatically, wrote down this matter, and planned to find his old friend in a while, on the one hand to exchange information, and on the other hand to inquire about silence.

As the saying goes, if you know yourself and the enemy, you will win every battle. If Shen Mo and the others don't even know who their opponent is, then they still have to hit the hammer. It's better to go home early and plant sweet potatoes.

As for safety, before the auction started, safety was not the primary issue, and those monsters were not yet ready to act.

"What about us? What will I do with Axue?" Seeing that his father had a task, Akai was also excitedly gearing up and eager to try. They didn't come on board to be vases, so they naturally wanted to make a contribution.

"You guys?!" Mo Mo said without thinking, "You guys rest!"

There is nothing wrong with this statement at all, and their rest is the greatest help to silence.

As long as they don't hold back, the difficulty of silence will be much less, and often more gray.

"Don't! Brother Shen, you have to arrange a task for us anyway, otherwise we will have no sense of existence. A Xue and I still have some skills."

"Really? What's the matter?"

Faced with silent doubts, Akai and Chen Xue felt a little guilty in their hearts. Anyone would say big things, but when faced with silent doubts, they were naturally guilty.

As for what abilities they have... Akai, as a standard rich second generation, is good at eating, drinking and having fun. Compared with Hua Yingjun, he has a past and is even worse.

As for Chen Xue... She is very good-looking, has two doctorates and rich cultivation experience.

Shen Mo's face darkened, what's wrong?Are you planning to have a good time with monsters, or exchange Einstein's theory of relativity with monsters?
"Brother Shen, why don't you do this!" Xu Zhangxun said, "Let Akai come with me, he is not young anymore, and he should know big names in the industry. It's time to get in touch with Dafu's business. As for Axue... "

Xu Zhangxun pointed to the program on the conference schedule, "Before the conference, there will be a masquerade ball. Appetizers are necessary for previous auctions. Powerful merchants will exchange information during the ball to avoid oolong incidents during the auction. Some popular stars and socialites will also walk around in it... In short, there is an unwritten unspoken rule here. It is not convenient to say it at the auction, but most of them will choose to say it at the ball. You and Axue can mix in it , for some news, or a waltz on pointe."

Silence looked at the program list, marked with the icon of Masquerade Dancer. According to Xu Zhangxun, this dance is quite important, and it is indeed worth attending.

Because the power of silence, heart and eyes can play the greatest role in this dance, and collect the most effective information, whether it is about the nine-tailed demon fox or the auction.

As for Chen Xue, when she learned that she was about to attend the ball with Shen Mo, her little gesture of refusal and welcome was almost written on her face. Although she was still worried about the matter of Kawajiri Matsuko, this sudden little happiness , I have already blown the previous unhappiness to the back of my mind.

After a moment of silence, he decided.

"Okay! Then Lao Xu is in a group with A Kai, and I am in a group with Chen Xue. After you have inquired about the news, we will gather at the ball."

"it is good!"

After making a plan, Xu Zhangxun and A Kai left the guest room to find out information from their acquaintances.

Only Shen Mo and Chen Xue were left in the huge guest room, because they had to wait for a while for the dance they were going to attend.

It's been a long time...

After a while of silence, Chen Xue took the initiative to chat with Shen Mo.

"Thank you."

"Thanks for what?"

"Thank you for helping me catch that Teddy, and for rescuing Uncle Xu, and for this wood carving..."


This is a typical way of looking for something to say, making Shen Mo embarrassed and not knowing how to answer, isn't this all thank you?Do cultural people like to take out one thing and emphasize it repeatedly, and thank you again and again?

In desperation, Shen Mo had no choice but to resort to the standard answer method.

"It should be, you're welcome, as long as you are happy."

Chen Xue: "..."

There was another burst of silence, and when Chen Xue was about to speak, Moment suggested prophetically.

"Let's go out for a walk. The ship is about to leave. I want to get acquainted with the condition of the ship. This will be very helpful in dealing with emergencies."

"Okay..." Chen Xue pressed back the words that came to her lips, and she nodded in response.

Therefore, Shen Mo took Chen Xue out of the guest room, and the two of them walked along the deck, seemingly strolling, but in fact they were familiarizing themselves with the ship's conditions. How many monsters, and how many extraordinary people like him.

That's right!Besides Silence, there are other transcendent beings on this ship.

These rich and powerful businessmen from all over the world are not as incompetent as they imagined. They can stand at the top of the industry pyramid. They have long known the great changes and truths of the world, and quickly adapted to these changes. Therefore, they came to participate During this feast, they naturally brought with them enough power to make them feel at ease.

Silence has noticed that among the blond Caucasians, there are some existences that are completely different from normal people. Their different breaths have been perceived by Xin Yingwang from SHIELD. It is obvious that these people should belong to ability users. As for The specific ability is unknown.

At the same time, Silence also discovered some spiritual energy users, or wizards, mages and the like. Specifically, there are pure black wizard shamans from the African savannah, and there are Maori psychics with strange tattoos on their faces. , there is a benevolent priest holding a silver light cross, and there is a thin and wretched spell caster wrapped in a black robe.

Silence's experience can't know everyone's true identity and occupation. Although the investigator skill can detect detailed information, but out of another consideration, Silence didn't use it on these people.

He can only sigh with emotion. The revival of globalization's aura has not only awakened the ability users in China, but at the same time, the number of ability users in the whole world is increasing exponentially. Their systems are complex and their abilities are very different. coquettish.

They are all the leaders of this era, and some of them are destined to become the leaders of mankind.

This is a great era in which spiritual energy is revived and all dharmas are about to prosper.

Silence looked at the gradually rising anchor, and the sound of the ship that was about to set sail sounded in his ears. He felt in his heart that in such a great era, he had already embarked on a path of not advancing but retreating, the weak and the strong, and the survival of the fittest.

Under this big wave, Shen Mo not only wants to protect himself, but also acts as the vanguard of the wave and leads the big wave of the times.

Referred to as wanderers.

In a word, if you want to live, you have to live smartly, live vigorously, and live worthy of this life.


Silence's arm was pulled, pulling him back from the emotion to reality.

Chen Xue on the side pulled Shen Mo's arm with a look of embarrassment, motioning him to look forward.

Silent eyes followed, and they saw a peerless beauty standing right in front of them, she was coquettish, she was charming, she was overwhelming, she was peerless... Any beautiful words can be used on her, Any man who sees her is doomed to die alone, because no one can forget her beauty.

Except silence!

hum!The power of purification is activated, and the charming power from the woman is instantly released.

This woman is none other than the nine-tailed fox that Shen Mo saw before boarding the boat.

"Little brother, we meet again."

The melodious voice floated faintly into Shen Mo's ears, making one's bones crisp and numb, and he couldn't feel himself.

"Hey, what a coincidence."

Mo Mo responded cautiously, he knew that it would definitely not be good for this nine-tailed demon fox to find him now.

It is not an exaggeration to use a weasel to pay a New Year greeting to a chicken.Of course, the nine-tailed demon fox here may be a chicken, while Silence is the weasel.

"Little brother, are you interested in sitting in the house with my sister? My sister hasn't seen a little brother like you for many years."

Hehe, I believe you ghost, you are a very bad nine-tailed demon fox, let me go to your room, maybe there is some trap, or you just want to eat me.

Silence sneered and asked back.

"Hmph, you are not afraid that I will eat you!"

"Yo~ sister, I wish you could eat me."

That look, that posture, is simply suffocating.

"Sorry, not interested, goodbye."

As he said silently, he was about to take Chen Xue away. He felt that if he continued to talk to the Nine-Tailed Demon Fox, he would definitely do something that both humans and gods would hate.

Humans and demons are impossible... because there should be reproductive isolation between them.

Moreover, Shen Mo also discovered that his investigative skills were unable to find out the details of the Nine-Tailed Demon Fox, not even her name.

It can be seen that the spiritual power of the Nine-Tailed Demon Fox is far greater than that of Silence.

Mental power exceeding 100 points!This is the nine-tailed demon fox. It's really scary.

"Little brother, you can really talk."

The nine-tailed demon fox is playing with taste.

"If you don't want to now, you will beg to find your sister soon."

Pooh!wishful thinking.I will die if I remain silent, and I will not bow my head to a nine-tailed demon fox, because a vixen is a vixen, no vixen in the world can be trusted.

"Then the mainland is facing the sky, just walk and see."

Shen Mo and Chen Xue looked at the departing nine-tailed demon fox, each with their own thoughts.

Let me talk about Chen Xue first. Chen Xue, who has always been self-confident and self-reliant, felt ashamed after seeing the beauty of the nine-tailed demon fox. Facing the beauty of the nine-tailed demon fox, she closed herself.

There is such a beautiful woman in the world. Even though she knew she was a demon, Chen Xue couldn't convince herself to walk out of the shadow of the nine-tailed demon fox.

Chen Xue's beauty, knowledge, skills...all of them seem small and pitiful in front of the nine-tailed demon fox.

As for Shen Mo, he was savoring the words of the nine-tailed demon fox carefully, why would the nine-tailed demon fox invite himself to sit in her room.

Do you really want to eat the silence before the auction starts?Or maybe there are seven or eight burly men in her room waiting for silence?

And what does the last sentence of Nine-Tailed Demon Fox "You must come back and beg your sister" mean?
What does Silence need to ask the Nine-Tailed Demon Fox?


Silence looked at the Caribbean cruise ship under her feet, and her heart became more and more excited as it slowly sailed to the depths of the Pacific Ocean.

This trip to the Pacific just got more and more interesting.

(End of this chapter)

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