Chapter 362 Ghost Mask
After making contact with the nine-tailed demon fox Tamamo, Mo Mo was no longer in the mood to continue strolling on the deck. The main reason was that he already had a general understanding of the hull structure of the Caribbean cruise ship.

This luxury cruise ship, which can carry 5000 people at the same time, is far more complicated and larger than Shen Mo imagined. Apart from the guest rooms and entertainment areas, the passages under the cabin are intricate. After ordinary people enter, it is like entering a maze. According to Shen Mo's guess, nine The enchantment node set up by the tailed demon fox Yuzao should be under the cabin. As for where it is, you must enter it to lock the position.

Now is clearly not the time.

At the same time, Shen Mo also discovered that this luxury cruise ship carrying 5000 people is not equipped with even a lifeboat, which means that in the event of a shipwreck, all passengers on board will be buried in the sea.

Mo Mo couldn't help but think of the Titanic, because no one believed that it would encounter a shipwreck, so the lifeboats prepared were extremely limited, and only a very small number of people survived that disaster, and our Rousi is one of the lucky ones .

Could it be that the Caribbean, like the Titanic, suffered a shipwreck in the Pacific Ocean, and then announced the bad news to the world? !

impossible!The Nine-Tailed Demon Fox's vision shouldn't be so short-sighted. To do this kind of business of killing chickens and taking eggs, keeping these merchants alive can maximize their interests. Dead people are worthless to them.

Could it be that there is a person or monster behind the nine-tailed demon fox? What he wants is not to keep these people alive, but to let them die.

Shaking his head silently, looking at the back of the nine-tailed demon fox, maybe he should really sit in the nine-tailed demon fox's room, go deep into the enemy camp, and inquire about information.

Sure enough, everything cannot escape the law of truth.

After finishing the deck walk, Mo Mo originally planned to take Chen Xue directly to the masquerade ball, but was rejected by Chen Xue, because Chen Xue did not prepare the costumes and props for the ball in advance, and she needed to go to the shopping mall on the ship to buy suitable costumes .

Only then did Shen Mo realize that he didn't have suitable costumes and props either. According to the high society, everyone must wear evening gowns when participating in the ball. In addition, this time it is a masquerade ball, everyone must wear masks to cover their faces. mask.

"In that case, let's go buy it!"

Buy buy buy!It is the best method and means for men to solve 90.00% problems of getting along with men and women.

As long as you say buy, most of the problems that bother you can be solved.

Mo Mo took Chen Xue to the shopping mall on the Caribbean, where a large number of evening dresses and masks had been prepared for tonight's dance, and there were many people who came to buy them. It seems that no evening dresses and masks were brought. The props are not just Shen Mo and others, most of the passengers choose to buy them on board.

Some people will ask here, why buy on the boat, the things on the boat are so expensive! Can’t you buy them outside and bring them on the boat?How much money can this upside-down save!
Hey, why save money?Which of the people present is short of money?The tycoons in the jewelry industry are not short of money.

"I'll pick out clothes, and I'll help Uncle Xu and Akai pick out clothes. Look at it first, and I'll give you advice later."

As soon as Chen Xue entered the store, she was like a husky with a dog leash, and disappeared in a blink of an eye, wandering in the ocean of evening dresses, looking for her favorite prey.

snort!The nature of women is indeed like this, no matter how highly educated a woman is, she cannot escape the shackles of nature.

Shen Mo shrugged, wandered alone in the store, looking for clothes that suit him like a horse, and soon, Mo Mo chose a good evening dress.

This is a very common tuxedo. It has a slightly long back hem, which can reflect slender legs, and has a good waist effect. It is more formal and gorgeous when paired with a chest scarf and scarf.

The reason why Shen Mo fell in love with this tuxedo was because it was very similar to the props in a movie called "Tuxedo" that Shen Mo had watched before, and it almost came out of the same mold.

The tuxedo in this movie is an exclusive prop for agents. It has super technological power and can turn ordinary people into top agents in an instant. Out of memories of this movie, Shen Mo chose this tuxedo.

He took the tuxedo off the hanger and brushed it with his palm. It was smooth and made of fine material. He thought it must be very comfortable to wear. When he opened the collar, he could see its price.


hiss!A tuxedo actually costs more than 8, or US dollars? !This translates to at least 60 RMB, that is to say, this tuxedo can buy a house in some cities.

Walk around the world in a suit? !The world of the rich is truly miraculous.

"Silence, what do you think of this one? I chose it for Uncle Xu, and the price is not expensive, just over 9."

Chen Xue's voice interrupted Shen Mo's thoughts and emotions, and she was seen holding a heavy and rigorous dark suit, please Mo Mo to help her as a counselor.

More than 9? !Not much? !

The daughter of a rich family is really unimaginable.

"Okay, buy it, you decide."

Silent and confused, he said it almost subconsciously, and it wasn't his money that was spent anyway.

"Huh? Did you choose one for yourself too? A tuxedo!? It's pretty good, you must be very handsome in it."

Maybe it was the words of silence that made Chen Xue very happy, and she also very much agreed with the choice of silence.

"Have you decided on this one?"

"Hey, it should be!" Shen Mo gritted his teeth, reluctant to let the child not be caught by the wolf, so he had to bleed heavily in order to participate in the masquerade ball.

Although more than 60 ribs must be very delicious... No, if you take more than 60 to the meat stall and say, "Boss, give me 60 ribs."

The boss either thought you were crazy, or was frightened on the spot.

But in this situation, Shen Mo had no choice but to give up the ribs and choose a tuxedo.

"Okay, give it to me, I'll go check out together later."

Silence: "Huh?!"

This is inappropriate!

"What's inappropriate? Akai and I haven't chosen yet, and we'll settle together later to avoid trouble."

As Chen Xue said, she took the tuxedo from Shen Mo's hand and handed it to the waiter who was following her, "Please, pack it for me."

"OK!" The waiter responded quickly, serving Chen Xue very thoughtfully.

What else can Shen Mo say, all the girls are so willing to pay for Shen Mo, how can Shen Mo live up to her good intentions.

good!you buy it.I'm going to pick another mask.

This time the silence was let go, he went directly to the mask area, and chose what he liked without any pressure. As for the price... that was no longer something he considered.

It's nice to have some rich friends...

Huh? !There is something interesting about this mask!
Silence set his sights on a very special mask.

Ordinary masquerade balls, people would choose feathers, lace, gold trim... and other half-covered masks, but this mask has a full face shape, and the pattern it depicts has a very strong island style.

Ghost mask!

This is a horror mask that outlines the face of a ghost. There is a fang full of sharp teeth on the ferocious face. The scarlet eyes faintly reveal a cold light, and the thick black hair extends from the top of the mask, covering half of the mask.

The reason why Silence is very concerned about this mask is because it is not just an ordinary mask, but a monster.

Pay Mourning God!
Shen Mo explained before that the so-called Fu Sangshen is a monster formed from objects stored for more than a hundred years.

The ghost mask in front of him is a kind of Fusangshen. It is a ghost mask that has been stored for more than a hundred years. At this moment, it is sleeping quietly, waiting for the appearance of its new master, or new slave.

The corner of Shen Mo's mouth raised, and he reached out to take the ghost mask off the shelf. The entrance was cold, and a trace of evil spirit spread over the face.

Ho ho!Has someone finally picked me up again? !

The ghost sound entered the ears, and the ghost shadow mask trembled undetectably in Shen Mo's hands. A bewitching force erupted from the mask, rushing towards Shen Mo's mind like a broken bamboo, intending to crush Silence's soul into powder, and thus seize Silence's soul. Body.

hum!The power of purification was activated, instantly purifying the bewitching power, and at the same time, a milky white holy light ignited in Silence's hands, covering the ghost mask completely.

Roar?Roar? !pain!pain!It hurts... stop!stop...don't...don't...

A series of begging sounds sounded in Shen Mo's ears, and the ghost mask trembled violently in Shen Mo's hands, trying to break free from the shackles of Silence, but it was firmly held in his hands, unable to break free at all.

hum!Silence withdrew the holy light for a while, and stared at the ghost mask with interest.

Scouting skills activated!
[Ghost shadow mask, alien-like monsters, a kind of Fusangshen, a mask made by a mask maker in the Heian period for sacrifices, and later affected by the monster's evil spirit, turned into Fusangshen.It has the evil power to devour the soul of the living and seize the flesh of the living.He was once sealed in Udo's tomb, but with the revival of the spiritual energy, the seal changed and he was able to escape. 】

The ghost mask of the Heian period! ?This is a monster more than 1200 years ago, how could it appear in this shop.

Nourish!Silence urged the holy light again, and with the wailing of the ghost mask, asked.

"Say! Why are you here? Who brought you on board."

Roar? !Roar!Stop...don' hurts too much!I said... I said it all... I got on board myself.

Nourish!The power of the Holy Light won by a few points.

Roar! ?I'm telling the truth!Don't burn any more... I'm going to die... I'm going to die.

"I'll ask you one last time, who brought you on board."

I really got on board by myself.

Zizi!Another burst of holy light burned, and the ghost mask almost collapsed, until it was dying, and when it was on the verge of collapse, it still said that it was aboard the boat.

"Hmm! It seems that he really got on the boat, and it should have nothing to do with the nine-tailed demon fox!" Shen Mo muttered inwardly, looking at the nearly dizzy ghost mask, he shook it viciously, "Say, What do you want to do on board!"

"I really got on board by myself..."

"This question is over, next one!"

The Holy Light is floating, ready to go.

Ghost mask: "..."

Sir, you should kill me!
"No! You must answer my question!"

The ghost mask is in disarray, sir!To tell the truth, you don’t believe me, and you burn me again and again. I’ve lived for more than 1000 years, and I’ve never met someone as unnecessarily powerful as you. If I knew it earlier, I wouldn’t join in the fun.

oh! ?Mo Mo frowned, this ghost mask seemed to know something inside!

"Say, it's up to you to choose whether to be burned."

"I said, I said... what do you want me to say?"

"What do you want to do on board!"

The ghost mask mourned, "I just want to get on the boat and get a body... I heard from other Fu Sangshen that there are a lot of bodies on this ship that can be captured, and they haven't been hunted down by the onmyoji, so I got on board." .”

Shen Mo raised his brows, and asked the key point, this Fu Sangshen really knows something inside, no wonder there are so many Fusangshen on this ship, they all want to seize the body... and how the body came, it must be Those merchants.

Shen Mo combined the previous information and realized that the nine-tailed demon fox did not intend to kill these people, but wanted these fusangshen to seize the bodies of merchants, thereby controlling the tycoons in the jewelry industry.

This move is ruthless enough.

However, even if a little fusangshen possesses the merchants, when the merchants return to their own family, they will definitely be found abnormal. Judging from the power of the supernatural beings brought by the merchants, it will definitely wipe out all of them. She is only a small Fusangshen, so the Nine-Tailed Demon Fox's scheme must be more than that, and she must have some unknown backhands and preparations.

A follower who can help the mourning gods to possess themselves more perfectly... what would that be! ?

Silence doesn't know, neither does Ghost Mask.

"Keep talking! Who is manipulating this conspiracy behind the scenes?"

"Eh? I don't know about this either. I only know that the lord is a very powerful monster. After it wakes up, it wants to reproduce the era of the night walk of the ghosts."

The era of the Night Walk of the Hundred Ghosts? !During the Heian period, a hundred ghosts travel at night!

The big demon who awakened with the recovery of spiritual energy wants to bring the island country back into that era.

This doesn't sound like a bad thing, but out of humanitarian considerations, Silence is still unwilling to let that big monster succeed.

demon!After all, it is a monster. If the big monster succeeds, it is impossible to guarantee that his ambition will not expand to the point where he wants to extend his claws to China.

"Is that big monster you mentioned a nine-tailed fox?"

"Huh? Of course not, how can the younger generation of the nine-tailed demon fox Yuzao be compared with that adult!"

Before Tamamo? !It turns out that the name of the nine-tailed demon fox is Tamazamoe, and she is a very famous monster among the monsters in the island country, but this ghost mask actually calls Tamazamoe a young man? !

Take a closer look at the silence, the ghost mask is a demon formed in the early Heian period, and Tamamo-mae is a demon formed in the end of the Heian period, so it is not an exaggeration for the ghost mask to call Tamamo-mae a later generation.

"Who is the adult you speak of?!"

"Master, that lord's name can't be said!"

hum!The holy light is ignited, eager to try.

"Say it, or don't say it."

The ghost mask was desperate, "If you say it, you will die, if you don't, you will die, then you should kill me!"

Silently surprised, saying the name of the big monster, the ghost mask will face death, then, how terrifying is the strength of this big monster to do this.

It seems that I have really encountered a stubble!
(End of this chapter)

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