Chapter 366
What can Silence do to the nine-tailed demon fox Yuzao? !

As a person with good and upright views, Mo Mo can still bring Yuzao to justice on the spot!That is definitely impossible. The cooperation between Shen Mo and Yu Zaoqian is of course out of interest considerations.

Shen Mo got the eight-foot Qiong Gouyu, and relieved the crisis of demonization on the ship, ensuring the smooth start of the auction conference. These are the benefits Shen Mo gained.

And the nine-tailed demon fox Yu Zaoqian benefited from it, and naturally she used the power of Silence to realize her unattainable dream. How to realize it, naturally, Shen Mo and Yuzao had a long talk in the room all night.

"Brother Shen, I really admire you!"

Xu Zhangxun's admiration for Mo Mo came from the Qilian Mountains. With such strength and talent at such an age, the future is absolutely limitless.

On the other hand, my son Akai... Hey, my own son, I can't lose it!

Although A Kai is lazy and only wants to be a rich second generation, his nature is not bad. Under the subtle influence of Shen Mo, he gradually made some good changes, which made Xu Zhangxun a lot gratified.

"So, what should we do next?" Xu Zhangxun asked about the next action arrangement. Now that the crisis on the ship has been resolved, a new plan is naturally needed.

Silently pondered for a while, "The crisis on the ship is temporarily lifted, it shouldn't be..."

Beep!Nan Nan's voice suddenly rang in Shen Mo's mind.

"Boss, if you think that this is the end of the matter, you will die a miserable death."


He thought silently in his heart, what do you say? !Hasn't the nine-tailed demon fox, Yuzao, already betrayed him?Could it be that she is really feigning surrender, but she has already laid an ambush in the room, waiting for me to go in, to catch a turtle in a urn, close the door and beat the dog? !
"Boss, this is the first time I've heard someone call himself a turtle or a dog."

"Don't interrupt, get to the point! Why did I die so badly, what's the problem?"

Nannan explained, "The danger does not come from the boat, nor from the front of the nine-tailed demon fox Yuzao, but from the bottom of the boat. According to my luck attribute, you must be vigilant, otherwise it will be very dangerous!"

Get off!Not from the danger in front of Tamamo!

The silence suddenly dawned on me. That is to say, in addition to Yuzao, Toshiba also sent other monsters to participate in this operation. Although Yuzao rebelled, the monsters hidden in the bottom of the sea did not rebel. It or they will become a threat Silence the ticking time bomb of life safety and planning.

This bomb must be disarmed as soon as possible, otherwise, Shen Mo will have trouble sleeping and eating. He is not willing to sink the Caribbean to the bottom of the Pacific Ocean due to the attack of monsters at the most critical moment in the bidding.

"It shouldn't be anything?" Xu Zhangxun and the three asked curiously.

Silent coughed twice, "It shouldn't be that, we must remain vigilant to prevent accidents from happening at any time."

Xu Zhangxun: "..."

Why does this talk give people a feeling of sudden change, an illusion?It was still silent and found out what happened.

"Old Xu, the three of you go back to the guest room first, and I'll meet that nine-tailed demon fox for a while."

"Silence..." Chen Xue still wanted to say something, but she hesitated to speak. She could only watch Shen Mo leave alone. She knew that if she wanted to follow, it would be a burden for Shen Mo, so she couldn't go.

"When I come back, let's talk about the next plan."

"it is good!"

The room in front of the nine-tailed demon fox Yuzao!
Shen Mo naturally knew which room it was, because Yuzao had told him twice before, if he couldn't remember this, Shen Mo could go to sleep.

Boom boom boom!
Silence knocked on the door in front of Yuzao.

"Please come in! The door is not closed." Yu Zaoqian's voice came to Silent's ears through the gap in the door, it was still so charming and full of temptation, as if it had some kind of magical power, which could go straight to the bone marrow and stabilize the soul.

Shen Mo swallowed subconsciously, and then pushed open the door with the palm of his hand, a scent of cherry blossoms blooming paved the surface, and everything he saw was covered with a layer of pink gauze, like looking at flowers in the fog, or like Pink is ready to go.

hum!The power of purification was triggered, and Silence was forced to calm down instantly.

Facing Tamamo, who is good at charm, Shen Mo must maintain 100% calmness and vigilance, otherwise, if he is a little careless, he will be caught by her charm and become a dead ghost under her pomegranate skirt.

Since ancient times, confidante has always been unlucky, but in front of Yuzao, she is a rose with thorns. As for whether she has been injured, Shen Mo doesn't know.

Of course, Shen Mo didn't want to try it, after all, she was a vixen who had lived for a thousand years, so she could bear it.

"Little brother, you came very early. My sister thought I would wait for you for a long time."

Tamamomae sat cross-legged on the tatami mat, her perfect figure was covered by a gorgeous kimono, only the upper body was exposed enough to make people crazy.

Mo Mo calmed down. If ordinary people faced such a posture, most of them would immediately disarm and surrender, but Mo Mo was different. With the help of the power of purification, he was not affected by the power of charm at all. Staring at Tamamo, said aggressively, "Let's get straight to the point!"

"Hee hee! Stop joking with my brother, you just can't stand jokes."

Yuzao said before, and stood up slowly, "Do you know why I called you into the room."

Silently sneered, it was natural to discuss how to deal with Yamata no Orochi.

"No! With our current power, we are no match for that lord at all. Although his current power has not returned to its heyday, he has adapted to the current era and has controlled most of the human resources and power of the island country. Our strength is not his opponent at all, if we fight against him now, we will definitely die."


Yamata no Orochi is so powerful, Mo Mo thought that Yamata no Orochi with one head and one tail was a younger brother, but he did not expect that the other party is not only not a younger brother, but also very cleverly doing things that the protagonist would do, forming gangs and developing secretly strength.

This is not a big rebellion, it is obviously the operation of the protagonist!

The monsters in reality are really different from those in the novel.

So, here comes the question, when it's not time to have an anal confrontation with Yamata no Orochi, what should Tamazamae discuss with him?

"Our immediate priority is to return to the island alive."

Silently stunned, Yu Zaoqian actually thought that it would be extremely difficult for her and others to return to the island country alive, so she was naturally aware of the danger from under the ship.

"Tamamo, besides you, who else is in charge of this task."

Yuzao muttered to himself, "Originally I was the only one in charge, but after I pass your news to that lord, he will definitely send other people over."

"You betrayed my news to Yamata no Orochi!" Silence was surprised, "Why?!"

"Because only in this way can you grow up, isn't it?"

There was an uproar in silence. Could this be the legendary experience of fighting mobs? Once you get enough levels, you will be able to anal with the big boss head-on.

The nine-tailed demon fox Yuzao knows how to keep pace with the times. He deserves to be a monster who has lived for more than 1000 years.

"So, do you know who my opponent is this time?"

Tamamo smiled shyly, "If there is no accident, it should be Cape Seven and Umibozu."

Shen Mo went straight to Yuzao, "Tell me about them, I want to know everything about them."

"Sit down, I will tell you as many as I can."

Let me first talk about Cape Seven, which is the seven undead that often haunt rivers and coasts. It is said that those who see the seven will have a high fever and die. In this way, one of the seven undead will be able to become a Buddha, and he will be killed. Those who join Cape Seven will make up the number of seven.

But this is just a legend, not the reality.


Get to the point, don't water ski.

In fact, the Cape Seven is the Changzongwo clan, a Wu family clan that arose in the Warring States period. They used Wu to prosper their family and participated in many battles. These seven people were the resentful souls of those who died tragically in the war , They are the samurai Ichi Danjiro, the fire monk Kukai, the resentful wife and wife Mushi, the half-faced evil ghost, the weeping baby Gugua, the barbaric monk Zhang Er, and the white bone Guantai.

Although these seven people are all dead souls in the sea, they have different abilities.

A samurai, Danjiro, is good at swordsmanship, and with a ghost knife, he can kill someone silently.

The fire monk Kong Hai, a famous monk and a real bandit, is good at using the art of fire and has burned thousands of lives.

Resenting the wife and wife without a clan, with a ghost face and a snake heart, killing people and eating bones, it is extremely ruthless.

A half-faced evil spirit with extraordinary abilities, wandering through the void, unpredictable to humans and gods.

The weeping baby, groaning, is formed by the condensed spirit of an abandoned baby from our family of the Changzong family. Between croaking and croaking, people's seven orifices are torn apart and their souls are lost.

Zhang Er, a barbarian monk, with a tiger-headed magic staff in one hand, splits the sky and the earth, and makes the sea surge, with unparalleled brute strength.

Bone Guantai, a body of strange shape, Bone Secret Art, strange and silent.

After listening to Yu Zaoqian's talk about the supernatural and evil power of Cape Seven, Silent's head can't help but feel a little big.

These Seven Capes are all resentful souls from the Warring States Period, and each one has terrifying power that is frightening. This time, they appear together, which shows the degree of terror.

If Shen Mo faced the Cape Seven, there was no [-]% chance of winning. Even if he tried his best, it would still be [-]-[-].

Moreover, Shen Mo also learned from Yu Zaoqian that she has a grudge with these Cape Seven, the kind of deep hatred.

An adult who was betrayed by Tamamo-mae was an adult that Cape Seven had served for, so when Cape Seven saw Tamamo-mae, it was an enemy who was extremely jealous when they met, and they did not agree with each other, and they worked together to kill Tamamo-mae , is also reasonable.

As for why Yamata no Orochi still sent Misaki Nana over, it was naturally that Yamata no Orochi didn't trust Tamamo-mae very much. As long as Tamamo-mae showed a rebellious heart, Misaki Nana had the right to kill first and play later.

Shen Mo said solemnly, "Since you have enmity with them, how many points can you deal with by yourself?"

Yu Zaoqian smiled shyly, "Little brother, are you sure you want me to expose my identity from the beginning? Or, you fight them first, and when you are powerless, my sister will strike again, killing them by surprise."


Good guy, your cooperation is out of intention and effortless, and you want to play the trick of killing with a borrowed knife.

However, according to what Yuzao said before, it is really a good idea for her not to reveal her identity for the time being and continue to be an undercover agent.

"Let's go with what you said first, but for safety's sake, I want to keep a hand."

Yu Zaoqian: "Why keep a hand?"

(End of this chapter)

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