The aura of a priest is infinite

Chapter 367 Cape Seven and Umibozu

Chapter 367 Cape Seven and Umibozu

The so-called saving one hand does not mean cutting off the arm in front of Yuzao, that would be too cruel and meaningless.

What Shen Mo said to keep a hand is naturally to prevent the method proposed by Yuzao from harming his own interests.

"Come on! Get rid of your evil spirit, and let my Zashiki boy deduce it. Is this method feasible?"

That's right!Shen Mo wanted to use Nan Nan's strength to deduce the danger level of Yuzao's former plan. As long as Nan Nan said that this method was feasible, Shen Mo had the confidence to implement this plan.

There was a strange look on Tamazamae's face. According to her understanding of Zashiki Doji, their ability is not good enough to deduce good and bad, unless...
Tamazamo couldn't help but look at the beckoning cat on the silent waist, her delicate body startled, and she exclaimed, "You actually have the treasure of the Zashiki Doji clan?! No wonder, your luck is so prosperous."

Shen Mo laughed, although his luck was one, but he was a man favored by the Goddess of Luck, not to mention the woolen pants of the Goddess of Luck, even the existence of Nan Nan made Mo Mo have the fate of the protagonist.

Although he is just a lucky 1 non-chief, but he can't stand the people around him, good luck!

hum!Yuzao dissipated her demonic aura before, so that Nannan's ability can be deduced to the plan she proposed.

After a while, Nan Nan had the answer.

"Boss, Yu Zaoqian's plan is feasible, her hiding her identity is indeed beneficial to us."

Nodding silently, "Okay! Just do as you say."

"That concubine will act according to plan."

"Also, what is the origin of that Umibozu?"

Yuzao said earlier.

Umibozu is a monster made of a sea beast. It has a huge body and is covered in pitch-black hair. Its silver pupils are like a lighthouse in the dark. It likes to attack ships, pull them into the deep sea, and devour the humans inside. It is a fierce monster driven by animal nature.

What we have to be careful of is not Kaibozu, but Cape Seven People.

Because there is no order from Cape Seven, Kaibozu will not attack the Caribbean, and at the same time, unless it is a last resort, that adult will not sink the ship, and he still wants to use the humans on the ship.

The silence is clear, but a fierce monster that can pull the Caribbean into the deep sea, if you tell me not to care, I don't care? !

Maybe it will capsize in the gutter and be wiped out by a Umibozu.

Therefore, Shen Mo pays more attention to Master Kaifang. Once he finds this guy, it is better to kill him in advance.

Well, the problem is coming!
Silence already knows the identities of Cape Seven and Kaibozu, the details of their abilities, when will they come?
"I don't know that either."

Shrugging her shoulders in front of Tamamo, maybe they have already arrived, maybe they are still on their way, but what is certain is that they will definitely come back.

And when they come, they will definitely come to me first.

Tamamomae took out a heart-shaped headband made of silver-white fox fur from the breast pocket of the kimono, "Wear it on your body, and if it burns, it means that Cape Seven and Kaibozu have arrived. At that time, whether you deal with Cape Seven or Kaibozu first depends on your own decision."

Nodding silently, he took the heart-shaped headband from Yuzao Mae's hand. It was silky and smooth in the hand, as crystal clear as silver thread.

"What is this made of?!"

Yu Zaoqian blushed and said with disdain, "You just take it, why do you need to know its origin."

Silence can't help but bring interest. If you told me directly, I might not be curious to ask, but you are so hesitant to speak, but it makes me curious.

hum!The detection skill was activated, and the information of the palm-shaped hairband was revealed.

[Heart-shaped hair band, a special hair band made of the front lanugo hair of the nine-tailed demon fox Yuzao. 】

Silence stunned, lanugo? !Isn't it just the hair on the body of mammals when they are born!
The lanugo in front of the nine-tailed demon fox Yuzao... that is the thousand-year lanugo of more than 1000 years ago!

nice one!keep it.

It's a pity that this thing will spontaneously ignite, otherwise it can be regarded as a family heirloom in an ordinary family.

Shen Mo didn't change his face, pretending he didn't know anything, and carefully put away the lanugo in front of Yuzao.

"In that case, I'll wait for your news."

"it is good!"

Shen Mo left the room in front of Yuzao smoothly, and was not forced to stay by Yuzao like in the TV series, and some unspeakable things happened that can only be felt.

Why!This nine-tailed demon fox did not follow the routine at all, bad reviews.

After murmuring a few words in silence, he went straight back to his guest room. At this moment, Xu Zhangxun and the three had been waiting in the room for a long time.

Silence told them about Cape Seven and Kaibozu.

"Brother Shen, what do you mean to say that soon there will be seven wraiths boarding the ship, and a giant beast capable of dragging the Caribbean into the deep sea is lurking at the bottom of the sea?!"


hiss!The three of them were stunned. Whether it was Cape Nanan or Kaibozu, they were extremely dangerous existences. If they were not careful, they would die.

In addition, this ship is full of small monsters such as fusangshen, kappa, and murlocs. If Silence is not by their side, they are likely to die tragically under the chaos of demons.

Although Silence had enchanted each of them once, it was only to ensure that they would not be attacked by monsters. When a riot broke out on the ship, only one enchanted item would not be able to stop such a number of monsters.

So what to do? !

Mo Mo reassured, "Don't worry, your safety will naturally be guaranteed."

Shen Mo said with a flick of his wrist, a doll appeared in his palm, it was a beautiful and lovely female doll of a student.

【Block the Door Triple】

The three of Xu Zhangxun couldn't help but stare sideways at him. They held the doll in Shen Mo's hands, and saw that with Shen Mo's slight toss, the palm-sized doll grew in size at a speed visible to the naked eye, and gradually became taller than a real person. no difference.

"Boss, you can finally use us!"

The puppet has spoken!
The three of Xu Zhangxun were amazed. They had seen such a miraculous Taoism there, which completely refreshed their three views.

Is this the Taoist magic of paper-cutting into soldiers? !

"No! These are the dolls I made. They were originally a family killed by the North Sea monster Kraken. I avenged them and created new bodies for them. Now they are mixing with me."

them? !Xu Zhangxun was puzzled, there was only one person in front of him, so why use the word "they"?

Smiling silently, Feng Jingjing understood, and saw her tremble slightly, and two figures flashed out from behind her, they were Feng Jingjing's parents, Feng Tianxiu and Shen Hanxue.

"They have different bodies and the same spirit. As long as one person survives, the other two can be reborn. In addition, they have teleportation and the Yin-Yang Luosha Cannon against ghosts. Their strength must not be underestimated. From now on, your safety depends on them Responsible."

"No problem! Boss, don't worry, just leave it to us!"

Feng Tianxiu fully promised that after he was made into a puppet, he had been staying in the silent personal warehouse. Now that he finally had a task, he was naturally excited and full of energy.

Moreover, Shen Mo promised them that when they returned to Laifu Woodcarving Shop in Yancheng, they would be given some free time for their activities. After all, the three puppets who closed the door retained some independent memories. Basic Human Rights and Welfare.

Why!These days, there are really not many good bosses who consider employees like Shen Mo!
"Thank you! With your protection, we can rest assured." Xu Zhangxun thanked Feng Tianxiu. The actual age of the two is similar, so there is no obstacle to communication, and Feng Jingjing is about the same age as Akai, so naturally there is no problem .

Hence, Feng Tianxiu protected Xu Zhangxun, Shen Hanxue protected Chen Xue, and Feng Jingjing protected Akai.

Silence is very satisfied with their arrangement, and they are also very satisfied with Silence's arrangement.

Next, it's time to wait for Cape Seven and Kaibozu to arrive, but I don't know whether they will arrive before the auction starts or after the auction starts.

If it came before the auction, Shen Mo had to deal with them before he could participate in the auction with peace of mind. If he came after the auction, Shen Mo had to participate in the auction first.

Therefore, Silence must be prepared with both hands, grasping the front with one hand and grasping the back with the other.

"Old Xu, you take them to prepare for the auction."

"Okay! I'm very experienced in this area, so it's no problem to leave it to me."

Nodding silently, "I'll go to the deck and wait for the enemies to arrive. If they haven't come after the auction starts, I'll go over to participate in the auction. If they come early, I'll deal with them before the auction starts."

"Be careful!"

"I will!"

Mo Mo already has something to rely on in his heart. He already has some understanding of Cape Seven and Umibozu's abilities. As long as he thinks about the way to deal with it in advance, he will naturally be able to seize the opportunity.

Although Cape Seven has different abilities, they still can't escape the category of wraiths. For Shen Mo, as long as they are wraiths, they don't love them at all.

Ever since, Mo Mo carried the womb of the nine-tailed demon fox Yuzao... no!The heart-shaped headband once again came to the deck of the Caribbean.

At this time, the Caribbean has sailed far away from Yokohama Port, and it will reach the high seas in three hours. At that time, the auction will officially start, so the waiting time for silence is not too long.

He chose a seat with a good view, beckoned to the waiter to order a drink, and while leisurely savoring the aroma brought by the alcohol, he opened his mind and eye to investigate the situation around the Caribbean.

Silence didn't fully trust Tamamo-mae, so she gave Silence lanugo... no!The heart-shaped headband can only be used as a reference, the enemy's movement is the most reliable to detect by yourself.

With previous experience in detecting the Kraken, the giant monster of the North Sea, Silence is naturally familiar with the investigation.

hum!With the power of his mind and eyes, everything was displayed in Shen Mo's mind. This time, he has a new way to use it for the investigation.

The previous silence was to condense the power of the mind and eyes into a line, and then probe to the east. Although the distance is far away, the range is limited.

Now Silence not only condenses the power of mind and eyes into a line, but also controls the line to rotate and draw a circle around himself. It has become a human-shaped self-propelled radar, and the range of a kilometer is under his supervision. .

In the swimming pool, a man and a woman are showing their affection underwater.

On the beach chair, girlfriends apply sunscreen essential oils to each other.

In the kitchen, Chef Gao knocked a Boston lobster unconscious with a large spoon, and threw it into the boiling oil pan while the lobster was unconscious.

In the guest room, Yingying Yanyan, Yanyan Yingying, Wushan is free in the sky.

In the corridor, the Fusangshen were whispering to each other, wondering if there was a change in the plan, why no one had alienated into monsters yet, they were still waiting to snatch their bodies.

In the room in front of the Nine-Tailed Fox Yuzao, she was facing a mirror, combing her long hair slowly and charmingly, as if sensing the silent probe, the corners of her mouth were raised, making people mesmerized.

Silence ignores these insignificant things, he just wants to find out where the enemy is now.

The hard work paid off, and Shen Mo didn't wait too long because of this. He discovered that there was an abnormality behind the Caribbean cruise ship.

Ok? !

Silently frowned, in his heart's perception, there were two extremely evil and powerful auras behind them, chasing them at twice the speed of the cruise ship.

An aura is a seven-man phalanx composed of seven similar monster auras, and an aura is a behemoth even bigger than the Caribbean.

Cape Seven and Kaibozu!
Here they are!

Mo Mo paused, and immediately withdrew his power of mind and eye, narrowed the scope of detection, and increased the control over the power of mind and eye, in order not to be perceived by the other party as his own existence, but also to be able to detect the other party's movements.

With the narrowing of the detection range, the power of the silent mind becomes more refined and easier to control, and it can still lock on the enemy's movements tightly without being perceived by the enemy.

After Kaibozu approached the cruise ship Caribbean, he lurked under the cruise ship, slowed down, followed the cruise ship, and looked like he was waiting for orders.

After Cape Seven got close to the cruise ship, it directly turned into seven demon lights and entered the cruise ship, passed through the decks, and went straight to the room in front of the nine-tailed demon fox Yuzao. Judging by the posture, the visitor was not friendly.

Yuzao had a feud with Misaki Misaki, I want to see what it will be like if they are in the same room.

Inside the room in front of Tamamo.

"Since you are here, show yourself! Why hide?"

"Heck! Yuzao, you bastard, you still have the face to live in this world."

"Exactly! The monster who betrayed his master should have died a long time ago."

"Yeah! I can't help it anymore. I want to kill this fox, eat her meat, and drink her blood... If she didn't betray the master, the master will definitely rule the country."

Facing Cape Seven's vicious words and threats in front of Yuzao, her face remained unchanged, and she even smiled jokingly, "If you want to kill me, then come and kill me. I won't fight back, but if I die, you can also kill me." Will be buried with me. Because, that adult will not let you go."

"Hmph! You fart! My lord would have wanted to kill you a long time ago! If it wasn't for you..."

Yuzao sneered and said, "If it wasn't for me, would I still be useful?! Hee hee! If that's the case, do it!"

Cape Seven: "..."

The seven people are all silent. This is an indisputable fact. Tamazao, who controls the eight-foot Qiong Gouyu, is an important part of Yamata no Orochi's night travel plan. If there is no Bachi Qionggouyu's ability to turn humans into monsters, It can be said that it is difficult to control the modern society that is already dominated by humans.

Yamata no Orochi actually doesn't trust Tamamo, but he needs the power of Tamamo, knowing that Tamamo is a double-edged sword, but Yamata still has to keep it in his hands and entrust it with reuse.

"Hmph! Yuzao-mae, you are proud of yourself. Sooner or later, we at Cape Seven will kill you."

Putting down a harsh word, Cape Seven went straight to the point.

"My lord, let us ask you, what is [Dragon enters the pool, fear of change]"

(End of this chapter)

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