Chapter 368

When the dragon enters the pool, fear of change.

This is the message that Tamazamae sent to Yamata no Orochi with a flying pigeon. Obviously, Yamata no Orochi didn't realize what Tamamoko meant, and he couldn't understand the "dragon" that Tamazamo said.

In the monster culture of the island country, dragons have already become legends.

The real dragon is dead, and the demons are in power.

It is precisely because the real dragon is dead that monsters like Yamata no Orochi can become the leader of monsters. There is a feeling that there are no tigers in the forest and monkeys are kings.

Therefore, when Yaqi Orochi knew that Yuzao had mentioned "dragon", he directly sent two generals, Misaki Nanami and Kaibozu, to investigate the truth.

Yuzao confronted the questioning in front of him, the corners of his mouth raised, "Don't you understand what I mean!? Why send you over to ask!"

"Bold! Does your lord mean that you can speculate and question? You just need to tell us, what is a dragon?"

Yuzao combed her long hair and muttered slowly, "Yo! What's the hurry! You scolded me so loudly, my head is a little dizzy, ah! I can't remember anything... Huh? ! By the way, did the adults only send you here? With your strength, can you help me?"

Tamazamo said while twirling her long hair with her fingers. This behavior was not abnormal in Misaki's eyes, but under the perception of Shen Mo's mind, it had another meaning.

Silence clearly felt that Tamamo's fingers were covered by long hair, and wrote like this.

"Quick battle! Quick decision!"

Shen Mo suddenly realized that Tamamo had known for a long time that Mo Mo was using some kind of ability to probe her conversation with Cape Seven, and her meaning was also obvious, Yu Momo held Cape Seven, and Shen Mo took out Kaibozu who was hiding on the seabed.

Quick fight!

When Silence solves Kaifangzhu, they can join forces to deal with Cape Seven.

Mo Mo immediately withdrew his mind and eyes, and took out the lanugo in his pocket... No!Heart-shaped hair band, pinch it hard, and the hair band spontaneously ignites, sending information to Tamamo.

Immediately, Shen Mo threw the power of his mind and eyes into the deep blue sea, and the behemoth hidden under the cruise ship Caribbean came to his mind.

"Hey! If you are thick and big, you must be powerful!"

The Kraken, the North Sea giant monster that Shen Mo had dealt with before, was also very big, but he hadn't been dismembered into pieces by Shen Mo, and now he has experience in facing the behemoth again.

I saw Shen Mo took out the Dragon God's reverse scale armor from his personal warehouse, put it on, and immediately received the blessing of the Dragon God, and then he took out the title he just obtained [Monster Terminator]

This new title from Kraken, the giant monster of the North Sea, is specially used to deal with all kinds of legendary monsters. Huge monsters like Kaibozu naturally belong to the category it targets.

The 20.00% damage bonus, as well as the built-in taunting skills, can definitely lure Kaibozu away from the Caribbean, and then kill him.

Plop!Taking advantage of no one's attention, Mo Mo jumped into the icy sea water, and with the blessing of the Dragon God, the sea water entrusted Mo Mo instantly, giving him an incomparably carefree feeling.

The dragon god enters the sea, and the joy is endless.

Silent eyes narrowed slightly, and in an instant, he saw the Umibozu, with a body of nearly [-] meters, twice as large as the North Sea monster Kraken, and his whole body was covered by black hair, as if wearing a steel armor. start.

Silence did not dare to hesitate, fearing that Umibozu would make a change that would attract Cape Seven's attention, he immediately triggered the special effect skill of [Monster Terminator].

[Terminator War: Trigger this special effect skill, and you will enter an endless death battle with the target. During this period, you will gain the target's visible career, and the target will also gain your visible vision.The end of the war, until the death. 】

hum!An inexplicable and mysterious energy instantly enveloped Shen Mo and Kaifangzhu, and there seemed to be some kind of connection and contract between a person and a demon. Under the perception of Shen Mo and Kaifangzhu, there were only two of them left in the whole world, and there was no more any other living beings.

This is a fight to the death between two people, either you die or I live.

Roar? !Kaifangzhu roared in surprise, his limited IQ did not understand the current situation, and immediately, another mysterious and inexplicable energy shot into the body of Kaifangzhu. Abnormal, only thinking about how to tear the tiny human beings in front of him into pieces.

【Monster's Bloodthirsty Pursuit】

After releasing this special effect skill, Silence will become the first target of the monster's attack. If Silence is not killed, the monster will never let it go.

Roar!Kaifangzhu has already fallen into madness, it rushes towards Silence like crazy, but only sees the figure of Silence in a flash, and disappears in place under the effect of shrinking the ground into an inch. Will disappear out of thin air, it only wants to catch up with Silence and kill him.

So, silently fleeing, Kaifangzhu chasing, one person fleeing, one monster chasing, one person and one monster, just distanced themselves from the Caribbean.

Some people will ask here, why can the shrinking ground-to-inch talisman be used in the sea? !
Who said that the shrinking talisman cannot be used in the sea!It is a secret art of space, and naturally it is not limited to the land and sea.

Let's say that after Shen Mo and the Caribe separated a certain safe distance, he pulled back and returned to the horse, and he slashed on Kaibozhu's body with an axe.

Bark!There was a loud crash of metal, and a violent tremor passed from the handle of the ax to the silent arm, startling him.

"so hard!"

The layer of long black hair on Kaibozu's body is so hard that it is unimaginable. Even with silent efforts and the armor-piercing effect of the giant ax specialization, it still cannot break through its defenses, not even a scratch. have to stay.

hiss!This guy's defense is really terrifying. If the defense of Silence is 10, this guy should at least start with 100.

With such a terrifying defensive power, how can Silence kill it!

Um? !Could it be there!

Shen Mo once again used the ground-to-inch talisman to distance himself from Kaifangzhu, and then dodged the opponent's wave attack, locking his eyes on the opponent's eyes.

Those two bright eyes like lighthouses may be the weakness of Kaibozu.

Silently thinking of this, he immediately took out the gossip yin and yang sword pouch from his personal storage, consumed 3000 spiritual energy points, and summoned the epee with three thousand feathers.

Under the control of Shen Mo, countless sword feathers turned into two giant swords, and with the help of the waves blessed by the Dragon God, they pierced into the eyes of Kaifangzhu.

Puff!The giant sword collided with the giant pupil, still making the sound of steel colliding, and looking at the pupils of Umibozu, it was still like a lighthouse light, and there was not even a scratch.


Didn't break the defense? !How is it meowing? !

Although Master Kaifang can't beat Silence, silence can't kill Master Kaifang!

How should such a situation be counted in the battle of the terminator?Live longer than anyone?Let's see who consumes who first? !

Obviously, the lifespan of the monster, Kaibozu, is much longer!no!Shen Mo must find a way to kill this Umibozu.

There must be a weak point in it, because Silence has always believed in a truth, no matter how hard something is, it has its weak side.

The power of the silent mind erupted, instantly enveloping Kaifangzhu, and explored its weak points.

Perhaps, there is its weakness.

Silence's eyes couldn't help aiming at Umibozu's excrement opening, which is commonly known as butt eye and scientifically known as anus.

This should be a relatively vulnerable place!

Although Mo Mo despises attacking this part of Kaifangzhu, but whoever made this guy have nowhere to attack, he was forced to do so because of helplessness.

Master Kaibo!Sorry!

Epee three thousand feathers!The Millennium Killing of the Ultimate Mystery!

Leave you!

hum!Under Shen Mo's control, three thousand ox-haired fine swords turned into a long rainbow, cut through the water, and went straight to Haifangzhu's vital point.

Roar? ! ! ! !
A sea-shattering frenzy surged, and Kaifangzhu's pitch-black hair stood up and exploded in an instant, like a frightened wild cat, or like a startled cunning rabbit, sorrow came from the sound, and pain spread from behind... That appearance was miserable Miserable, sad and desolate.

But even so, Kaifangzhu still has the ability to continue chasing and killing Shen Mo, because the epee three thousand feathers still can't break through Kaifangzhu's physical defense, but just cut through his back, blooming a colorful red flower in the sea.

Red Chrysanthemum!
Mo Mo didn't have the time to appreciate such a beautiful flower scene, nor did he have the pleasure to appreciate such a spectacle, he frowned tightly, and used the ground-to-inch talisman to avoid another attack from Kaifangzhu, his head couldn't help but grow a little bit.

no!Still can't kill Kaifangzhu!
Even the vitals behind this guy are so hard to disarm, what should we do? !

"Boss! Maybe you can try its belly!"

Nan Nan's voice sounded in the silent mind.

abdomen? !Umibozu's belly is not only black and long hair, but also full of oily sausages, it is obvious that there is no way to do it!

"Boss, Nan Nan is talking about the stomach!"

Ok? !

A flash of light flashed in Shen Mo's mind, indeed!Since the opponent's physical defense is extremely strong, must its internal organs be indestructible? !
No!No matter how powerful a creature is, its internal organs are far more fragile than its external defense, because the external defense can be trained, but the internal organs are difficult to train!

A monster like Umibozu whose IQ is not online doesn't know the secret technique of forging internal organs at all, so its internal organs are definitely its Achilles' heel.

Nannan, you are really my mascot, I love you to death!
Nan Nan: "Boss, please respect yourself!"


alright!No gossip!Let me kill this Umibozu first!
hum!As soon as the silent thought moved, the mimicry ability was activated instantly, and his human form faded away, turning into a straight and straight demon vine. Immediately, he controlled the straight demon vine, aimed at the bloody mouth of Master Kaifang, and rushed directly .

Roar? !

Kaifangzhu was surprised at first, he couldn't figure out why Shen Mo wanted to throw himself into the trap and drill into its mouth?Is this the rhythm of wanting to commit suicide?

But as a colic came from his throat, Kaibozu realized that something was wrong. Silence was not to deliver food to it, but to enter its body and treat it as a big meal.

Roar!Kaifangzhu let out a loud roar, it twisted its dark body, trying to free the silence from its stomach, but the silence that entered the body of Kaifangzhu, how could it be so easy to come out.

hey-hey!Umibozu, you let me in, and you still think I will go out easily?wishful thinking!Crazy dreaming!

Today, I will show you what I can do!
hum!The straight demonic vines changed instantly and turned into countless vines extending around. The sharp and tough vines easily tore through Kaibozu's fragile and immature esophagus, and extended along the capillaries and veins to all parts of his body.

With the cooperation of the power of the mind and eyes, the Silence's Tongtian demon vine continued to spread parasiticly in the body of Kaifangzhu, and in just a few breaths, it had already captured most of its body... Then, Silence found the heart of Kaifangzhu .

It was a giant heart with a diameter of ten meters, and every beat of it was filled with unimaginable blood flow and blood pressure.

This is the real key point of Umibozu.

A person will surely die without a heart, and a demon cannot survive without a heart.

hum!With a silent thought, countless tendrils rushed into Kaibozhu's heart, instantly wrapping him up and binding him tightly. The beating heart stopped abruptly and trembled violently. With the backflow and rush of blood, the already fragile The blood vessels exploded under the stirring of the tentacles, blooming like a blood lotus.

Umibozu's huge body stiffened suddenly, accompanied by violent convulsions, and countless blood spurted out from the hair follicles, Umibozu's life also passed away.

【Ding!Kill the monster Umibozu! 】

[This monster can be used for mimicry, whether to absorb it! 】

Silence didn't even think about it, and directly refused.

[Refused to absorb! 】

Does that need to be said?Why would Silence waste the precious quota of imitation, to imitate a sea monster that is neither human nor demon? !
This is really too low.

Compared with the Tongtian Yaoliu and the five-clawed golden dragon who were imitated before the silence, Haifangzhu is simply the scum of the scum, the ashes of the ashes, and the imitation has a hammer for it.

Pretending to be a beast to eat people? !It's crazy!
【Ding!If special materials are found, whether to charge them. 】

【Umibozu's Tough Hair*1】

【Umibozu's Floating Bubble*1】

【Umibozu's Broken Heart*1】

Does this still need to be considered?
charge!Charge them all!
I had the experience of collecting the Kraken, the giant monster of the North Sea before. Shen Mo collected the materials of Kaibozu almost at the speed of light. These are all special materials for making dolls. When Shen Mo has a suitable complete soul, it will naturally be sent. use.

Obviously, the harvest this time is also expensive. Although Silence has consumed 3000 aura points, these materials are definitely worth the money.

After dealing with Kaifangzhu, Shen Mo had already escaped from the Terminator battle. His power of mind and eyes swept across, and soon he found the far-away Caribbean.

Da da!

Shen Mo jumped up, climbed up the deck along the hull, swept his mind, and immediately locked on the figures of Yuzaoqian and Cape Seven.

Ok? !

To Shen Mo's surprise, Tamamo-mae failed to hold Cape Seven, they had already fought together, and under the siege of Cape Seven, Tamamo-mae was obviously at a disadvantage, with many scratches on his body, and the evil spirit Most of it was also consumed. If Shen Mo didn't make a move, Tamamomae might be killed by Cape Seven at any time.

lazy!Seven evil creatures, don't go berserk!Let go of that vixen!
(End of this chapter)

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