The aura of a priest is infinite

Chapter 369 Seven Ghosts

Chapter 369

Let go of that Tamamo!let me! ?

No!Silence is not to deal with Tamamo, but to kill all Cape Seven who injured Tamamo.

Because Shen Mo and Yu Zaoqian are in a cooperative relationship, the enemy of the partner is naturally the enemy of oneself.

Shen Mo rushed from the deck to the guest room where Yu Zaoqian was staying, arousing the curiosity of passers-by along the way, wondering what Shen Mo was rushing to do?
Although Tamamo-mae and Cape Seven have already started a life-and-death battle, for ordinary people, they can't detect any abnormalities at all.

As Shen Mo approached the room in front of Yuzao, he finally understood why!


That's right, it's a ghost!
Cape Seven actually created a temporary ghost creature in the room in front of Yuzao, and dragged Yuzao into the ghost creature, even though they were tossing and turning upside down inside, people outside the ghost creature would not be aware of it at all, if not Silence has the power of mind and eyes, and he has no way of discovering the situation in front of Yuzao.

It turned out to be a ghost!Different from Lin Linger's ghost creature, the ghost creature of Cape Seven is more powerful and flexible. It is not limited to a certain location, but moves with Cape Seven, and can be deployed and released at any time and any place. Anyone who is pulled into the ghost creature All the creatures will die of hatred under the siege of Cape Seven.

Shameless to the extreme!

Not only do they have to play the dirty tactics of 7V1, but they also set their home court in their own monsters. No wonder Yuzao is not an opponent of Cape Seven.

Mo Mo frowned. This was the third time he had fought against a wraith possessing ghosts and beasts, so in terms of experience, it was quite rich.

Soon, Mo Mo came to Yuzaoqian's door, he pushed open the door decisively, but he didn't see Yuzaoqian's figure, the whole room was empty, without a trace of evil spirit or ghost aura.

But under the perception of Shen Mo's mind, Yuzao and Cape Seven are in this guest room, but they are in ghosts and cannot be perceived by the naked eye.

Shen Mo took a deep breath, and immediately mobilized the Tongtian Demon Realm in his body, condensed into a pair of huge palms, and suddenly thrust into the void in front of him.

If ghosts are a different world of resentful souls, then Tongtian Demon Realm is a different world of monsters, and it is also a different world. In terms of power level, Tongtian Demon Realm is definitely a little higher than ghosts and creatures.

Therefore, when the huge palm transformed by the demon world pierced into the void, it tore apart the ghosts and creatures on Cape Seven like a waterfall.

Silently, without any hesitation, he jumped into the ghostly creatures of Cape Seven.

The surrounding scenery changed suddenly, it was no longer what the guest room should be, but it became an extremely calm and comfortable coast, where the sea breeze is blowing, the sun is shining brightly, seagulls are flying in the sky, sea crabs are rampant, and it looks like a happy place .

Is this the ghost creature of Cape Seven?
It is too harmonious and comfortable!
Mo Mo is fully alert and doesn't dare to be careless. Now that he is in someone else's chassis, how dare he take it lightly.

He opened up the power of his mind and eyes, and found that wherever he looked, they were all illusions condensed by ghost aura. Whether it was the waves, seaweed, or seagulls and crabs, they were all transformed by ghost aura. A trace of evil spirit, if an unaware person is in it and comes into contact with it, the evil spirit will inevitably enter the body, affect the mind and body, and finally fall into the ghost.

Shen Mo noticed something strange, so he was naturally prepared. He launched his own demon world to fight against it, and isolated all these ghostly evil spirits from his body, so that he would not be affected by them in the slightest.

But even so, it is not the solution.

Shen Mo must find Cape Seven as soon as possible. Only by beheading them all can he destroy this ghost creature and rescue Yuzaoqian who was trapped by them.

So the question is, where is Cape Seven?
Oh oh oh!
Saddened from his heart, the sobbing sound from the heartbroken heart couldn't help reaching Silence's ears. He suddenly turned his head and looked in the direction of the ear where the sound came from. , kept sobbing.

Her voice is miserable, her back is pitiful, and everything about her gives people a sense of sadness and regret.

Shen Mo's eyes were fixed, he knew that the other party must be a member of Cape Seven, appearing at this moment, he must be preparing to attack him, but judging from the current situation, it seems that the other party did not know that Mo Mo knew the truth.

Hey!This one can be used.

Shen Mo pretended to be very curious, and walked towards the woman in kimono step by step.

"Ma'am, why are you crying here?"

Woooo... The woman's voice stopped abruptly, and then she lowered her head and trembled slightly.

"I... so pitiful... I'm in so much pain right now..."

"Tell me what difficulties you have," Shen Mo put on a gesture, "just to make me happy."

Kimono woman: "???"

After a moment of astonishment, the woman in the kimono sobbed again, and she muttered in a low voice.

"Woo...I'm so meat is almost finished...but there is no new meat."

Silence sneered, "Isn't it easy to eat without meat? Pork is 30 catties, how much do you want?"

"Woooo...I don't eat pork."

"What's wrong? You look down on pigs?"

Kimono woman: "..."

You don't follow the routine, how can I answer the words, I originally wanted to say that I only eat human flesh, but you made me very embarrassed when you said that!The horrible atmosphere that my old lady has been brewing for a long time has been spoiled by your left and right words of pork.

Woo!No matter, I will eat your meat now.

The woman in kimono snorted coldly, and was about to turn around to attack Shen Mo, but at the moment she was about to turn around, a sharp giant ax exuding a milky white halo collided with her head-on.

Puff!The boiling water met the boiling oil and exploded, and the face of the woman in kimono was instantly cut in half by the phantom battle axe. At the same time, poisonous snakes spewed out from the wound, swallowing red poisonous letters , wanting to climb onto Silence's body along the ax face and handle.

snort!Bug carving tricks!

Silence snorted coldly, and the power of purification rose up, and collided with the countless poisonous snakes. When the poisonous snake encountered the power of purification, it was instantly vaporized, and turned into countless ghosts and scattered in all directions.


The body of the woman in kimono was like a fried balloon, which turned into a layer of skin in the blink of an eye, and disappeared with the beating of the waves.

died? !
A wraith in Cape Seven just died like this?
No!She wasn't dead, she was just defeated by Silence.

As long as the ghosts in this area are not destroyed, the woman's soul will be immortal, and it won't take long for her to come back to life and continue to do evil.

This woman in kimono is the resentful wife Wushi in Cape Seven. She has a ghostly face and a snake heart, and likes to eat human flesh. The ghost with supernatural powers can teach her to be a ghost in minutes, and the ax of Silence takes advantage of it, and the effect is naturally remarkable.

hum!With the defeat of the Wu family, the scenery around Shen Mo changed again, turning into a silent bamboo forest, the forest was bottomless, and the birds were silent.

Where is this again? !
 I caught a cold, and my head hurts badly. I just took some medicine. I'll wait until I sleep again. I'm sorry.

(End of this chapter)

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