The aura of a priest is infinite

Chapter 373 The Emperor of Europe 1 Minute

Chapter 373 The Emperor of Europe 1 Minute
Shen Mo's injuries are so severe that he doesn't even have the strength to raise his arms.

But he still pretended to be calm and calm, supporting his broken body to make himself stand on the battlefield.

He is dragging!As long as it is delayed for a while, slow healing can make his injury recover in sevens and eighties.

Just drag!
He has a chance to turn defeat into victory.

Is Bone Pass too dead? !
A Danjiro and a half-faced evil spirit in a different space were amazed. They looked at each other for a long time in disbelief. Unexpectedly, Mo Mo dared to resist the attack of the bone ball, and then did not know what secret method was used to shock the bone ball. Broken, find Guan Tai's Bone Orb, and kill it instantly.

etc!What was that red light just now?
Danjiro Ichijo questioned.

"Looks like a zashiki boy!"

Danjiro suddenly came to his senses, no wonder Shen Mo was able to escape the attack of the bone ball just now, it turned out that he had been relying on the ability of Zuoshidoji to avoid evil.

Looking at Shen Mo now, he still looks calm and composed. Obviously, it is useless to use the half-faced evil spirit's ability to sneak attack on Mo Mo.

Because all sneak attacks will be sensed by Zashiki Doji and passed on to Silence, allowing him to evade in advance.

If you want to kill Silence, you must fight head-on with real swords and guns. Only this kind of blood and flesh, sword and axe can minimize the role of Zashiki Warouji, because close combat changes rapidly, and it is impossible to rely on Zashiki Warouji. The ability to seek good luck and avoid evil.

"Evil ghost, let me out, and leave the rest of the battle to me."

Danjiro Yichi retracted the ghost sword into its scabbard and ordered sharply,
"what about me?!"

"Of course you play by ear!"

An evil halo shone in Danjiro's eyes.

The half-faced evil ghost has followed Danjiro for hundreds of years, so he naturally understood Danjiro's intentions. He nodded repeatedly, laughed a few times, and then cast his supernatural power to exile Danjiro from the different space.

Puff!A Danjiro leaped out holding a knife and stood ten meters away from Shen Mo. He faced Mo Mo and shouted sharply, "You are very strong!"

"You're not bad either!"

Silence released Slow Healing to heal his wounds, and at the same time used the strength he had just recovered to reveal his phantom battle axe.

"My ax is called the Tauren's Phantom Battle Ax. It is 223cm long and weighs 73 catties. It is named because a lord-level Tauren is sealed inside. It can have armor-piercing and bleeding effects when it is slashed. It can even produce a fatal beheading effect."

"The summoned lord-level tauren is even more powerful. It can use savage charging, crazy output and other stunts to crush all enemies that block its footsteps."

Danjiro Ichiichi was taken aback, seeing Shen Mo explaining the origin and extraordinaryness of the weapon in his hand, he couldn't help boasting about his arrogance and self-esteem as a swordsman.

"My sword is called Mikami Tsukimune. It has a blade length of 80cm, a blade width of 2.9cm, and a blade tip of 1.9cm. It is one of the five swords in the world. It was originally used by Toyotomi Hideyoshi. The knife is a generous gift, given to me with your own hands."

Silent pretended to be surprised, "Good sword!"

Yiyi Tuanjiro was proud, "That's natural! However, the phantom battle ax in your hand is also extraordinary. You actually sealed a bull demon. I don't know which master swordsmith and exorcist it came from?"

"To tell you the truth, my battle ax was made by the invincible Linus."

"Oh!? Iron-handed invincible Linus is a human being?"

Don't you know Linus?That's the uncle Pian Pian in DNF who specializes in selling weapons for newcomers.He is good at burning boilers and wielding hammers.

But Shen Mo would not say that, he was obviously delaying time, so naturally he wanted to say something mysterious.

"Iron Hands Invincible Linus is the God of Builders. His old man sees his head and never sees his end. He only casts one artifact every ten years, and each artifact is only given to those who are destined. I also met him ten years ago. , Back then, I was still a handsome and beautiful boy, it was a sunny and cloudless summer, that night..."


A Danjiro was listening with great interest, but was interrupted by a half-faced evil ghost.

"Boss, he is delaying time. Guan Tai's blow just now must have caused him a lot of injuries. Now it seems that he wants to delay time to recover from his injuries."

"Oh?!" Danjiro raised his eyebrows. His obsession with swords made him very interested in the famous swordsmith, so he was willing to listen to the long talk of silence. Now the half-faced evil spirit pointed out the intention of silence, He snapped, "Let me ask you, is there really Linus in the world?"


"Shut up! Let him finish! If he is really injured, how much less effort can he make in a few words?"

The half-faced evil spirit was speechless, indeed, the effort of a few words is really meaningless for the recovery of the injury.

But for Mo Mo, who has healing skills, the effort of a few words is extremely valuable.

"Yes! There is indeed an invincible Linus in the world."

"How can I find him?"

"As I said, the old man is so stubborn that he doesn't see the end. It's fate to see him. However, I can tell you an address for you to check."


"Arad Continent, Alvin Line of Defense."

Danjiro Ichijo took note of these two place names very carefully. Although he had never heard of this place name, he hoped that he could find this place and meet the man who is called the God of Builders. The man helped him forge a sword, a divine sword that could make him live in the sword.

Only in this way can he escape the fate of Cape Seven, this never-ending curse.

He has already had enough of his current life, imprisoned forever among the seven ghosts, unable to realize his dream of becoming a great swordsman, which was what he promised to the head of the Tokugawa family when he took over Sankai Yuezong. dream.

"I will serve the Tokugawa family forever and become the most powerful swordsman in the world."

Now, the Tokugawa family has perished, no matter how hard it is to find blood, his only obsession is to become the world's strongest swordsman.

Finding the invincible Linus, forging the Excalibur, and getting rid of the curse of Cape Seven are the first steps for him to realize his dream.

call!Danjiro took a long, deep breath, although as a ghost he couldn't breathe out any air, but he has been accustomed to this way of breathing after practicing swords all the year round.

"Come on! Let's have a hearty battle! After you die, I will take your head to see the Iron Hand Invincible Linus, let me understand that I am the real destined person."

Danjiro Yichi made a posture of drawing his sword and slashing, restrained his mind, and hit Silence directly.

Hey, do you have some misunderstandings about the three words "destined person"?Besides, if you can find Linus in this world, I'll show you how to wash your hair upside down.

Mo Mo knew that he had no reason to procrastinate any longer. With the slow healing of his wounds, he had recovered [-]% of his injuries. Coupled with the increase of various attributes, he should be able to fight against Danjiro.

"If you want to fight, then fight!"

Fight a hammer!

"Boss, if you fight him, you will definitely die."

Nan Nan's warning sound helped Mo Mo to regain his sanity.

"What? I can't beat him?!"

"No, you should be able to beat him, but you can't beat them both!"

Silence came to a sudden, he was only focused on talking nonsense with Danjiro, and forgot that there was a half-faced evil spirit lurking in the dark, staring at him covetously.

"and many more!"

Silence immediately stopped the battle that was about to begin, and Danjiro, who was just about to draw his sword, was almost dodged to his waist by the cry.

"what are you doing?!"

"I suddenly had an immature idea, and I didn't know whether to say it or not."

"Talk to Hades!"

How could Danjiro give Shen Mo any more time to breathe, only to see him raising the sword in his hand, and a cold glow erupted from the scabbard, and in an instant, it was approaching Shen Mo.

Silence's eyes were concentrated, and the phantom battle ax in his hand slashed fiercely, splitting the sword energy, and immediately, Danjiro's sword move came again.

"The way of the sword—recall!"

I saw Tuanjiro holding the sword in one hand, twisting it rapidly with his right foot as the center of the circle, several moon-shaped sword qi condensed, and slashed towards Silence with a strange and unpredictable trajectory.

"Boss, its sword is too fast, I can't keep up."

Mo Mo's spiritual sense tightened, Nan Nan couldn't help, and could only rely on himself, he immediately released the favor of the goddess of luck, causing his luck attribute to skyrocket to the level of the European emperor in the next minute.

hum!Mo Mo subconsciously bowed his body, and several moon-shaped sword qi passed him, instantly cutting off several bones behind Mo Mo, and the cut surface was as smooth as a mirror.

How can it be?How could he escape my sword move? !It's impossible for Zashiki Waruji's speed to keep up with my sword moves?Could it be that he himself has the strength to avoid sword moves? Zashiki Warji is just a smokescreen to confuse me.

Play pig eat tiger? !
When Danjiro was astonished, the land-shrinking talisman in Shen Mo's hand had already burned out, and he had to kill Danjiro within the next minute, otherwise, death would be waiting for Silence.

hum!The silent figure disappeared before Danjiro's eyes, and when he reappeared, he was already behind Danjiro, holding up the phantom battle ax exuding a pink halo.

【Axe Skill—Collapse Mountain Strike! 】

The skills learned from A-Gump's left hand were accompanied by the huge force of the phantom battle axe, and the air rubbed against the ax blade, as if you could see the flame cracks like spider webs.

Danjiro Ichijo sensed the crisis behind him, and he slashed forward continuously at an extremely fast speed. The huge reaction force instantly made his body rush backwards, and suddenly collided with Silence.

Forehead? !Sword moves can still be used like this! ?
Mo Mo was astonished, Tuanjiro actually escaped the fatal bombardment of Bengshan Strike with this move, and at the same time, he got closer to Mo Mo and started a new round of close combat.

"Sword Skill——Yan Fan!"

On the third day, Yuezong's near-cold light flickered, and Danjiro turned around and slashed. Although it was the most basic Yanfu sword skill, it was fully displayed by Danjiro.

Under the blessing of Goddess of Luck, Shen Shen was tripped by a stone under his feet and fell to the ground. He dodged the blow mysteriously. He rolled over like a donkey and got up from the ground. Coincidentally, he avoided Danjiro's attack. One-hit pursuit.

At this moment, 1 seconds of the European Emperor's time of [-] minute have passed.

There is not much time left for silence!

After being dodged by Silence three times in a row, Danjiro Ichijo was more and more shocked, and his affirmation of Silence's strength was getting higher and higher. This guy is really pretending to be a pig and eating a tiger. He really has strength, not just relying on Yu Zashiki Doji's power.

Danjiro couldn't help becoming more cautious, not daring to take a peek at Silence.

drink!Silently raised his arms subconsciously on a whim. In Danjiro's eyes, this way of doing so was naturally open and full of flaws.

But Danjiro hesitated, he didn't dare to attack anymore, because he already knew that Shen Mo was pretending to be a pig and eating a tiger, so deliberately selling the flaws must be a trap, Mo Mo must have already brewed some kind of killing move, waiting for the group to attack Jiro takes the hook.

hum!The cautious Danjiro immediately distanced himself from Mo Mo, fully on guard, not daring to relax a bit.

I saw Shen Mo raised his arm higher than his shoulders, then bent his arm, wrapped his palm around the back of his head, and scratched it...

Danjiro Ichijo: "???"

Then what?Is it really as simple as scratching the back of his head when he raised his arm!Who are you bluffing? !
Then, Shen Mo lowered his arms, and said embarrassedly, "Sorry, for tickling on such a serious occasion."

30 seconds have passed in the European Emperor's time.

Danjiro Ichijo: "..."

You fucking meow are playing me!

Danjiro raised the sword in his hand, leaned forward and charged forward, displaying the esoteric art of the sword - the three-day moon fury dance!

The so-called three-day moon dance, the key lies in the word "nu", when the literati get angry, the world changes, and when the warriors get angry, blood appears.

Danjiro pierced the air like a sharp sword, his anger turned into a sword, and the sword energy was unstoppable, and he rushed to Shen Mo in an instant.


Tuanjiro let out a loud shout, and stabbed with his angry sword, trying to take Silence's heart.

Puff!The sword light flashed, and the silent chest was torn open by the powerful sword energy, piercing through instantly, but no trace of blood spattered out.

A Danjiro was very surprised, the prickly sensation was not of a fleshy body, but like being stabbed in a piece of dead wood.

As Danjiro's thoughts fell, the silent torso was shattered and turned into pieces of dead wood scattered around.

dummy? !substitute? !
Danjiro's eyes were empty, but he felt the crisis coming from his side. The sharp ax blade slid towards his body, easily tearing his armor and cutting his flesh...

hum!At this critical moment, at the moment of life and death, the supernatural power of the half-faced evil spirit manifested, and directly took a Danjiro into the different space, avoiding the fatal blow of silence.

Shen Mo's heart sank, and he put away the Sky-reaching Demon Vine with his left hand, and picked up the Phantom Battle Ax with his right hand.

Just now, he took advantage of Danjiro's furious rage, and used the sky-reaching demon vines to condense into a false body. Silence, who has the experience of pinching people with dolls, is naturally familiar with it. He thought he could use this trick to kill Danjiro, but he was destroyed by a half-faced evil ghost. plan.

Sure enough, as Nannan said, he could beat Danjiro, but he couldn't beat the two of them teaming up.

At this moment, 50 seconds have passed in the European Emperor's time, and there are only 10 seconds left.

Puff!When a Danjiro came out of the different space, ten seconds also disappeared.

The European emperor has passed away, and the non-chieftain is online.

However, Mo Mo's ax just now was not fruitless, only half of Danjiro's body had been split open, ghost energy and holy light agitated, the pain was unspeakable, his combat power could only be exerted by [-]%, Mo Mo still had odds...

Ok? !

I saw the corpses around the ancient battlefield throbbing for a while, turning into countless ghost auras and gathering towards Danjiro. After just a few breaths, the opponent's injuries recovered to the original state, without any fatigue.


You are a fucking fool!Can I still play?
How should I fight now? !

(End of this chapter)

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