The aura of a priest is infinite

Chapter 374 Silent Ultimate Anti-killing

Chapter 374 Silent Ultimate Anti-killing
"You are an admirable opponent!"

Danjiro Ichijo said solemnly.

"However, this battle should come to an end!"

Sanri Yuezong pointed directly at the silence, revealing a cold light.

"Get ready for my strongest sword move!"

Obviously, Danjiro is going to use a big move.

Mo Mo was startled, and he calmed himself down. Although the current situation would be a fatal game no matter how he looked at it, Mo Mo still had an intuition that he could defeat Danjiro and the evil spirit.

This is an indescribable confidence.

So, how should you defeat the opponent?
The Goddess of Luck's blessing has expired, and the increase in attributes alone is no match for the opponent. Is it really necessary to force Shen Mo to use the ultimate skill of the Dragon God's Reverse Scale Armor [Reverse Scale Death]?

No!No, it would be a disgrace to fight a mob for three chapters, and then use the dragon god's reverse scale armor as a hole card.

There must be a way to defeat the opponent, but Shen Mo hasn't thought of it yet.

However, the time left for silence is really running out, Danjiro's sword is about to pierce his heart.

I saw Danjiro brewing his sword intent, still in the posture of drawing his sword and slashing, his whole body froze, his ghostly aura surged, and he was unstoppable.

The Ultimate Mystery - Ultimate Shadow God Killing and Slashing!
Among the various mysteries of the island country, any moves with the words "God" and "Kill" must be extremely terrifying and terrible tricks, such as Millennium Kill, Shadow God One Sword Style, Yagami One Sword Slash...

Danjiro's move of Jiying God Kill and Slash not only carries the word of god, but also the word of kill, which shows that its power is absolutely extraordinary.

As expected.

In Shen Mo's eyes, Danjiro became erratic with the brewing of the sword intent, looming, he seemed to merge with the ghostly aura in the ancient battlefield, and became everywhere. With his fingers fluctuating the hilt, he fell silent 36 figures suddenly appeared in the surrounding area, all of which were Danjiro's sword shadow.

The moves used by the 36 sword shadows are completely different, but they give Shen Mo a feeling that they come from the same source, as if the 36 sword moves are about to merge and merge into one blow.

Tuanjiro let out a loud shout, and the 36 sword moves really converged into one move, this move is a god-blocking and killing-god, Buddha should kill a Buddha.

hum!The blade pierced through the void, making ear-splitting buzzing sounds that shook people's minds.

In Shen Mo's eyes, Sanri Yue Zong's sword edge became bigger and bigger, until the cold light approached him, the sword energy tore his skin, and the murderous aura pierced his bones, which woke Shen Mo up.

People have woken up, and the sword has arrived.


Silence's chest and arms were cut off in an instant, blood and flesh mixed together, sprayed on the bones of the ancient battlefield, the powerful sword wind crushed Silence's body to the ground, making his blood, his flesh... ··Every inch is cut off, and vitality is wiped out.

Take away the sword and die.


Tamazamo held the dying weeping baby in front of her and let out a gurgling exclamation. She originally thought that with Shen Mo's luck and strength, she should be able to defeat a Danjiro, but she was wrong. She couldn't believe it, Silence just died like that.

No!It shouldn't be like this. Yuzao recalled that Shen Mo's eyes just now were still so firm and confident, and that was definitely not the look that a dying person should have. Therefore, Mo Mo must have a backhand, and there must be a counter-kill possible.

But is that really the case?

Danjirou Ichijo retracted the scabbard of Mikazuki Munechi, and he bowed deeply to the silent body.

"You are an admirable enemy, but your appearance will hinder that lord's plan, so you must die."

Danjiro looked at Tamamomae again.

"As for you! You traitor, I will personally take you to that lord and execute you in front of him."

quack!A half-faced evil ghost protruded half a ghost face from the different space. He smiled strangely, mocking the silent remnant, with contempt in his eyes.

"Although this kid is dead, the zashiki boy on his body is still alive, so keeping it will definitely be of great use."

Ever since, the half-faced evil spirit cast its power and came to Shen Mo's remnant body. He stretched out an arm from the different space and grabbed the beckoning cat on Mo Mo's waist. After so many confrontations, the evil ghost naturally knew how to move Caimao is Nannan's shelter.

Just before the hand of the half-faced evil spirit was about to touch the lucky cat, a voice of questioning rang in his ears.

"Who told you to touch my things?"

quack? !The half-faced evil spirit was terrified, his pupils opened sharply, and his response was not only a sentence, but also a battle ax cut down from the sky.

Puff!The battle ax wrapped in the holy light fell on the evil ghost's face in an instant, splitting him in two. The holy light burned the ghost's aura, like boiling oil meeting raw water, and exploded. Accompanied by violent tremors in a different space, Half of the evil spirit died on the spot.

What? !He is not dead!Impossible, I have clearly cut him to the chest, why is he still alive?

Danjiro Ichijo widened his eyes in disbelief, his eyes full of doubts.

Yu Zaoqian was overjoyed, between great sorrow and joy, almost tearing up, but fortunately, the vixen has rich experience, turned embarrassment into secret joy, and smiled like a flower.

"You really kept a hand."

Shen Mo patted the dust off his body, picked up the phantom battle axe, and stood up.

"Do you think you can kill me with a big move? You think too much. Now, without the help of the evil spirit, you will definitely die."

Mo Mo really didn't die, but how did he escape Danjiro's ultimate mystery - Ji Ying Shen Zhan?
In fact, Mo Mo didn't escape Danjiro's sword move, he was cut off by the opponent's chest and died on the spot.

Forehead?Did Shen Mo use his only resurrection coin? !
No!Shen Mo didn't use his resurrection coin, because he didn't even want to use the Dragon God's Reverse Scale Armor, so why would he use the only resurrection coin?
So how did he come back from the dead?

Silence glanced at his aura value.

Level: Level 14 (Aura 4950/8000)

Originally 12650 points of aura, suddenly dropped to less than 5000, where did the aura of silence go?

Naturally, it is their own skills.

【Slow healing】

Current skill level 7 (already raised to the maximum level)
Consume a certain amount of mental power to recover the injuries of the self and the designated target.Recoverable scope of skill damage: minor injury, serious injury, disability.The cooling time is determined according to the mental power value and consumption. (The more serious the injury, the higher the mental power consumed and the longer the cooling time.)
Um? !Wait, don't you fool me, even the highest level of slow healing can only heal the damage of the disabled level, how can it be possible to revive the silence of death? !

Don't worry, because Silence gained a new ability when he took Slow Mend to its maximum level.

【The source of life】

The current skill level is 1, and the aura value required for upgrading: 4950/10000.

Life is precious and life is the source of life. Casting this skill will activate the effect of the source of life in yourself or the target. When the life of yourself or the target ends, a certain amount of life will be restored immediately.

[Reminder: This skill can only be used once for the same target within 30 days. 】

[Warning: If you use this skill again within 30 days, you will be responsible for the consequences. 】

That's right!This is the source of life!
When the level of Slow Healing is increased to the maximum level, Silence gains its post skill [Fountain of Life]

This is information that Shen Mo just learned, and, from the description of the skill, as Shen Mo continues to adapt to this world, the skill is gradually biased toward reality, and the boundaries of the cooling time become more and more blurred, and more and more tends to be used in a realistic way.

Shen Mo doesn't care about whether the boundary is blurred at the moment. It is naturally more and more convenient for him to use. Now he only wants to kill Danjiro in front of him.

boy!Didn't you just chop me very vigorously! ?Didn't you mock me just now? !
Now without the help of the half-faced evil spirit, I'll see how you die.

Just when Shen Mo was about to swing his battle ax at a Danjiro, the other party actually knelt on the ground, kowtowed and begged for mercy.

"My lord, I was wrong! Please forgive me!"


This script is wrong!Shouldn't you resist desperately, and then be hacked to death by me with an axe?You surrender directly, how can I cut it? !

cut it!It doesn't seem to be particular, so don't cut it!It's not a good feeling in my heart.

hey-hey!who cares!Anyway, no one is watching nearby, so if you cut it, you will cut it, and no one will condemn yourself.

As he said that, Shen Mo swung the evil battle axe, ready to kill a Danjiro.

At this critical moment, Danjiro, who was prostrate on the ground, burst out suddenly, and his sword stabbed fiercely at an extremely tricky angle, as if it had been tempered thousands of times, fierce, decisive, and leaving no room for it.

Play pig eat tiger!Deliberately sell miserably, let Shen Mo relax his vigilance, and then take advantage of his unpreparedness to take his life.

Danjiro Ichijo, although he calls himself a samurai, his actions violate the spirit of Bushido. After all, he is a despicable villain.


Just a second before Danjiro's sword was about to slash Shen Mo's body, Gugua in Yuzao's arms let out a roar. As a member of Cape Seven, he naturally knew Danjiro's heels and details, so when the group When Jiro wanted to use insidious tricks to silence him, Crying Baby Gugua was ready.

Although Gu Gua's strength is weak, the magic sound he exerted with all his strength, coupled with taking advantage of his unpreparedness, still had a miraculous effect.

Danjiro's sword couldn't help but stunned, and the sound of magic filled his ears, causing his seven orifices to bleed, and he froze on the spot.

The phantom battle ax in Shen Mo's hand was chopped off, directly cutting it in two. Under the unwilling and desperate eyes of Danjiro, his ghost body gradually turned into powder.

Among the seven people, only one weeping baby is left.

call!Shen Mo let out a long breath, he fought this battle with all his strength, and fighting these monsters and evil spirits with thousands of years of power is indeed not comparable to those newly formed wraiths and ghosts.

Shen Mo wondered why the monsters in the island country were so evil, and their actions were hundreds of thousands of years old.

Does the island country have any secrets or mysteries that allow these monsters to survive until now, until the spiritual energy revives and they become active again? !
Think about the ghost mask that was subdued before, isn't it the monster that was sealed by the Ampere family for thousands of years?

From this point of view, the island country is really too dangerous. It might be destroyed in a few days and become a demon country!

(End of this chapter)

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