The aura of a priest is infinite

Chapter 375 Ghost Night Walk

Chapter 375 Hundred Ghosts Night Walk
Feeling emotional, Shen Mo put away the phantom battle axe, and walked to Yuzao and Gugua.

"Come on, Gugua, lie down and don't move, I'll help you heal."

Silence put his palm on Gugua's belly, ready to perform slow healing to heal its injury.

【Ding!This ghost cannot be cured by slow healing. 】


Forgot that Crying Baby Gugua is a ghost, which is embarrassing.Obviously, this comparison is not round and perfect enough.

"Otherwise, I'll help you save yourself directly!"

Tamamo Mae: "..."

Gugua: "..."

Yu Zaoqian: "You still know how to transcend!?"

Gugua: "Does transcendence mean becoming a Buddha?"

Silently and calmly, he summed up his experience, "Didn't I say that, in fact, my job is to be a clergyman. As for why I always stand firmly in the C position, the main reason is that my opponent is too good."

Yuzaoqian and Gugua were speechless for a while, so just let it go!The battle with Danjiro just now was almost about to sing cool.

However, according to the principle of winner and loser, you win your father, Mo Mo is qualified to play this game.

"You are really all-rounder!" Yuzao Qianfu shouted, "Gugua, what he said is the Buddha you said, so, do you want to heal the injury? Or become a Buddha?"

That must have become a Buddha!Of course, this sentence was said by Shen Mo, if Gu Gua chose to heal, Mo Mo's head would be big.Because he can't heal Gugua's injury, he can only heal it by Gugua himself using ghost energy.

Gugua lowered his small head, his empty and pale eyes showed no expression, but Mo Mo and Yu Zaoqian could guess that Gugua was contemplating and making decisions there.

After a long time, Gugua raised his small head and looked up at the tall, mighty, stalwart and decent silence.

"I choose to become a Buddha...because, if I don't die, the seven ghosts will not disperse. As long as the seven ghosts stay alive, the other seven can be resurrected with the power of the pay I have worked so hard to defeat them, and I cannot be selfish and let your efforts go to waste."

Silently said, Gugua is really sensible.So, it's decided.It can't be changed!

"Then get ready, I'll help you become a Buddha."

I saw a milky white halo emerging from the palm of Shen Mo's hand attached to Gugua's stomach, and the power of purification bathed Gugua's body like sunshine, slowly wrapping it up, Gugua's ghost body full of hostility began to With the power of purification, it became pure and quiet until it turned into a group of spirits.

"Thank you! Gugua thank you very much!"

With a thank you, Gu Gua's spirit body re-entered the samsara and returned to the underworld.

Puff!After the seven ghosts became Buddhas, they lost the support of ghost energy and fell apart in an instant, turning into ignorant powder and annihilating the void. Silence and Yuzao returned to her guest room, and everything remained the same without any change.

Yuzao gasped softly, feeling relieved, "This catastrophe is finally over!"

Shen Mo looked at Yu Zaoqian's eyes, and from those beautiful eyes, he seemed to see surprise, relief, anticipation, longing... and other emotions, it is not difficult to guess that Yu Zaoqian is very fond of Shen Mo.

Seeing Shen Mo for the first time, Yu Zaoqian seemed to see the shadow of Ampere Jingming, but with the in-depth contact with Shen Mo, Yu Zao found that Mo Mo had far more potential than Ampere Jingming, coupled with his Dragon God bloodline qualifications, Wang General all-round ability, the potential to become more courageous as the battle progresses, and calm as ice in battle... She is simply the best candidate for her dream of coexistence with monsters.

Yu Zaoqian seemed to have seen himself standing behind Shen Mo, accompanied by Shen Mo's commanding the night walk of all ghosts and the surrender of all monsters. At the same time, it was also a great era of harmonious coexistence of humans and monsters.

Yuzao said full of hope.

"My lord, there shouldn't be any danger until we return to Yokohama. But..."

Tamazamo's expression changed, and he said solemnly, "After returning to Yokohama, it won't be long before that lord will find out that what awaits us is a new test and disaster. Are you ready?"

Get a hammer ready!
When the auction is over, Mo Mo really wants to buy a plane ticket back home, take Nan Nan back to Laifu Wood Carving Shop overnight, and live a leisurely and comfortable life in a small posture.

Who has nothing to do, and is willing to go through disasters with you in the island country, and experience the test of thousands of demons and ghosts!
give money?Give Reiki?For pocket jars?

【Ding!Trigger side quest: Night Walk of Hundred Ghosts]

【Hyakki Night Walk: Resurrected spirit energy, Hundred Ghost Night Walk, the island country is now shrouded in darkness, as a priest, you have the responsibility to purify the darkness and bring light.Please help the nine-tailed demon fox Tamamomae stop the plan of the big demon Yamata no Orochi Hyakki. 】

[Optional task: Destroy the big demon Yamata no Orochi. 】

[Task reward: to be determined]

[Reminder: This task is extremely difficult, please take it carefully. 】

[Reminder: The rewards for this mission are generous, it's up to you whether you want it or not. 】


Do you want to follow me?Fragrant or not with me?You are mocking Chi Guoguo, can I make you underestimate it?Isn't it just a big snake?I'm a real dragon, how could a dragon not beat a snake?

The silence was dignified and serious.

"Tamamo, I am always ready!"

Yu Zaoqian smiled like a flower, charming and charming, "I really didn't misunderstand you, you are a trustworthy man."

Mo Mo refused Yu Zaoqian's snuggling, she could rely on me, but said the ugly things in advance, I only work hard, not sell myself.

whee!Yuzao sneered again and again, charmingly, "Men are fickle, maybe you will change in the future?"


Let’s talk about the future, at least for now I have principles.

【Ding!Receive the side mission: Night Walk of Hundred Ghosts. 】

After receiving the task, I looked at the time silently, "Okay, I think it's almost time, the auction is about to start, let's go together."

"Okay! Everything is up to you!"

"speak politely!"

"The concubine depends on you."

Shen Mo frowned slightly, and said in surprise, "Did you learn from Taoism with your half ancient and half modern tone? And don't call me son, it sounds weird, call me boss, my people call me that."

"My concubine has been sleeping for nearly a thousand years, and I haven't adapted to the contemporary tone. You are making me laugh, boss. I must adapt as soon as possible, and take advantage of your wishes as soon as possible..."

Shen Mo nodded, secretly thinking that Yu Zaoqian was really understanding, plus she was naturally charming, after a long time, a strong and determined person like Mo Mo couldn't bear it.

hum!The power of purification, forced to calm down.

Shen Shen took Yuzao to the venue of the auction meeting.

By the time Shen Mo and Yuzao rushed to the auction conference, the No.13 Jewelry Appreciation Auction Charity Conference had officially started.

Mo Mo went directly to the VIP box that Xu Zhangxun had reserved, pushed the door open, and saw that the old Xu and the others were paying attention to an auction. The item on the auction stage was the famous treasure held by the Steinmetz family. Drill—Meili, the size of a quail egg, and its quality is even better. The conservative valuation is between 7000 million and 9000 million. If it hits a hot auction, the price can reach hundreds of millions.

And this lot was not really for bidding, but was actually brought out by the Steinmetz family to show their family heritage.

Just like the name of the conference, it is not only a bidding conference, but also a jewelry appreciation conference.

The starting price of the Diamond Meili is its valuation of 7000 million. As long as there are bids, the Steinmetz family will make money. If no one bids, it will naturally show the family heritage.

This has become the unspoken rule of the auction conference, so all the people present are just watching but not bidding, waiting for the real auction item to come on stage.

Prior to this, other families have also exhibited their own famous diamonds, and the Steinmetz family is the last one, and it is also the finale of jewelry appreciation.

"Boss! You're here." Feng Jingjing muttered, pulling everyone's attention from the auction back to the box.

As the bodyguards protecting the three of Lao Xu, the three couples who sealed the door naturally paid attention to who came in through the door. They saw Yu Zaoqian behind Shen Mo at a glance, and quickly became alert.

"No, my own."

Shen Mo waved his hand to let the three puppet seal the door off their defenses. Shen Mo had already received the task of the Night Walk of the Hundred Ghosts, which meant that Yu Zaoqian was indeed one of his own, a grasshopper on the same boat as Shen Mo, so he didn't need to be on guard like outsiders.

After hearing this, everyone was stunned, they didn't expect the method of silence to be so clever, how long has passed, and the nine-tailed demon fox Yu Zaoqian was captured as one of his own.

"Brother Shen, you are truly amazing." Old Xu murmured to himself in his heart, but he didn't say it out loud. After all, the children are still around, so you can't spoil the atmosphere.

Mo Mo noticed the strange look in Old Xu's eyes, "Ahem, what are you thinking? We are just a pure cooperative relationship."

An explanation is a cover-up, and a cover-up is the truth, so don't argue.


Puff!Yu Zao couldn't stop laughing, and whispered, "I didn't expect you, the boss, to be like this in the eyes of your subordinates."

Silence can't say anything, he has always been principled, but the people under him have impure thoughts, and often use their dirty thoughts to defile Silence's noble soul.

Let's stop here, let's pay attention to the next auction conference!

"Old Xu, where has the auction progressed? When will it be our turn to bid?"

When it comes to business, Old Xu immediately said seriously, "The previous jewelry appreciation session has just ended, and the real jewelry auction will start immediately. Our auction is the most important thing in this auction, so it is placed at the end. The previous auction is worth We don't pay much attention, and there is no need to compete with several big families, but it is still possible to help them raise the price."

Old Xu looked like he was not afraid of the excitement when he watched the excitement, and it seemed that he had done bad things in the auction.

"Oh?! What does Lao Xu mean by that, is there your enemy here?"

"There are no enemies in the business field, there are only interests. However, there is indeed a person who needs to trip him up and make him feel better."


"Dan Greer."

"The Greer family who run diamond cutting?"

"That's right, it's him. Our Dafu Jewelry has suffered a lot from their hands. Back then, the domestic cutting technology was immature, and valuable diamonds could only be processed and cut by their hands. Here... "Hey, I suffered a lot!"

Shen Mo didn't ask carefully, thinking it was full of old Xu's history of blood and tears, "In that case, let's play with him."

In the auction arena, the auction host smashed the auction hammer in his hand and made a clanging sound.

"The next thing is our first item in this auction, a superb pink diamond from the Kimberley Diamond Mine in South Africa - Natasha!"

"Everyone knows that the Kimberley Diamond Mine was declared closed in 1914, so the value of this pink diamond is absolutely inestimable. The starting price is 5000 million US dollars."

After the auction host's introduction, a young and hasty voice immediately sounded in the box next door to Silence.

"Fifty three million!"

This voice was like the fuse that detonated the gunpowder barrel, and it immediately heated up the entire auction, followed by an endless stream of bidders. After a lot of competition, this pink diamond was photographed by the box next door at a high price of 600 million. .

But the enemy that Lao Xu mentioned, Dan Greer, did not participate in this auction. It seemed that diamonds like Natasha did not arouse his interest at all.

"Next is our second lot, a purple diamond from the Peace Diamond Mine in East Siberia, Russia..."

The auction was in full swing, Shen Mo and others watched like outsiders, but they didn't make a move for a long time, and the real bosses were all waiting for the finale of this auction to appear like Silence.

Just when the auction was in progress, the No. 14 lot was carried onto the auction stage, and the silent eyes could not help but light up.

Logically speaking, Shen Mo shouldn't have paid attention to this lot, but under the perception of Shen Mo's mind, he had to take this lot down.

"Next, there is the No. 14 lot. [Stone of Apocalypse] is said to be a stone from outside the sky, which contains rare elements that have never been seen on earth. It is extremely valuable for collection. The starting price is 2000 million US dollars."

Immediately, a light blue meteorite the size of a palm was pushed onto the bidding stage.

"5000 million!"

Old Xu was stunned for a while. It was none other than his enemy Dan Greer who called out the price.

"8000 million!"

Immediately, a new quotation sounded from Lao Xu's side, and it was silently shouted out.

Lao Xu felt relieved, Brother Shen was really loyal enough, knowing that Dan Greer was his enemy, he took the initiative to respond to him.

"Old Xu, lend me some money."

Old Xu: "???"

what's the situation?Isn't it just raising the price and tripping up the other party?Why did you borrow money?The auction is not over yet, so there is no need to pay.

"Brother Shen, just open your mouth and just say the number, don't be offended. How much do you want to borrow?"

"how much do you have?"

Old Xu had a bad premonition, silence could be the boss!Brother, you have to control yourself, you won't win the auction.

After a moment of silence in Dan Greer's box, he called out the high price again, "[-] million!"

There was an uproar!The whole venue exclaimed again and again. A meteorite with a starting price of 2000 million was raised to [-] million three times? !

Anyone with a discerning eye at the scene knew that it was Dan Greer who made the first bid. As a boss, the first bid was raised from 2000 million to 5000 million, which meant that Dan Greer was determined to win this lot and understood If you behave yourself, don't rob him and sell him to save face.

But Xu Zhangxun's box is so disrespectful, and he is robbing Dan Greer openly, it is obviously a feud!
A jeweler has a feud with a jewelry cutter, or is it a feud of hundreds of millions... Can you add 1000 million to 2000 million for fun, and directly reach 8000 million?Is this suicidal?
"One hundred and sixty million!"

Silence shouted out the high price again!

Old Xu's face changed color, and he quickly took Shen Mo's hand.

Brother, that's not what the price said, you have to control yourself...
Shen Mo let go of Lao Xu's hand, "Old Xu, I'm very clear-headed, I know what I'm doing. Lend me 5000 million first."

Old Xu's face was ashen, regretful.

(End of this chapter)

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