The aura of a priest is infinite

Chapter 377 Emily's Cooperation Invitation

Chapter 377 Emily's Cooperation Invitation

Not long after, Feng Tianxiu came back from Box 78, but to Shen Mo's surprise, Feng Tianxiu, who had a complacent and proud face a moment ago, was a little timid the moment he pushed the door in.

Um?Could it be that something happened to Feng Tianxiu in box 78?Dan Greer really has material? !
"Dad, what's wrong with you?" Seeing that her father's expression was not right, Feng Jingjing hurriedly asked.

Feng Tianxiu was a bit embarrassed to speak, looked at the silence, let out a long sigh, and said, "Hey! There is a river of spring water and a river of waves, and each mountain is taller than the other. I boasted before others. This time, I, Tianxiu, confessed. "

oh? !Mo Mo couldn't help being curious, what made Tian Xiu, who has always been complacent, feel his life completely?
"Tell me! What kind of enemy situation have you found out?"

Feng Tianxiu was taken aback for a moment, and then said seriously, "Ahem, that's right, I did find out some valuable information."

Feng Tianxiu pretended to be mysterious, "Dan Greer is not an ordinary person!"

nonsense!We also know that he is not an ordinary person, he is a rich man, worth 35 billion, and he can take 10 sister-in-laws on the road at one time.What we want to know is the point!

"The point is... Dan Greer is a capable person."

Shen Mo frowned slightly. A rich man like Dan Greer, who has occupied the Forbes wealth list all the year round, is actually a capable person.

According to the information Shen Mo learned from Xin Yingwang, most of the ability users in the United States awakened in the first spiritual recovery event four years ago, that is to say, Dan Greer became a ability user at that time.

So, what are his abilities?
Feng Tianxiu said, when I walked into box 78, before I had time to see Dan Greer clearly, I was pulled into a darkness, which was a kind of darkness where you couldn't see your fingers, and then, a giant appeared , as tall as a seven or eight-story building, he crushed me... no, he tortured me for your information... Of course I can't say this, I just tell him that you invited him to a dinner party , and then I was put back.


Do you believe this? !
Everyone made eye contact, and Feng Tianxiu's speech had definitely undergone many embellishments, and the part where he was suppressed was definitely able to write a chapter of [-] words.

But Shen Mo is not the only one who betrays Feng Tianxiu, because Feng Tianxiu is a puppet created by Mo Mo, he has 100% loyalty to Mo Mo, Feng Tianxiu just embellished his embarrassing scenes, This is harmless.

"The point is, what exactly is Dan Greer's ability?" Lao Xu asked anxiously. He shouldn't have spoken about this matter, but it was more appropriate for him than to ask silently.

"I guess, it should be the ability of mental power."

Shen Mo and Yu Zaoqian said in unison, looked at each other and smiled, the ability to pull Feng Tianxiu into the illusion and rub together, not the ability of mental power, Shen Mo and Yu Zaoqian live broadcasted an extra action movie.

Old Xu's face was serious. He didn't expect Dan Greer to be a capable person. He had contact with this person many times, but he didn't find any clues. He only thought that he was an ordinary human being.

Thinking about it in this way makes me even more afraid. In the business field, when facing a person with spiritual ability, I don’t know it.

"No wonder, I, Dafu Jewelry, have been suffering from the Greer family's business in recent years. It turns out that the crux of the problem lies here."

Old Xu muttered bitterly, "Brother Shen, are you sure you can deal with him?"

The corner of Shen Mo's mouth raised, saying that he was [-]% sure seemed too arrogant, so let's keep a low profile [-]%!

This is not boasting in silence. His purification power is a magical skill that is specifically aimed at all negative state skills such as spirit-type and curse-type skills. Eggplant-like, sluggish.

Therefore, Silence has great confidence in the ability to deal with Dan Greer. Of course, for the sake of conservatism, Silence also leaves a 0.01% chance for Dan Greer to fight back.

I hope he can cherish it.

After hearing this, Lao Xu took a long breath. With such confidence in Shen Mo, he was relieved, because he knew that Shen Mo was a very decisive person. To be sure, that is naturally to have a well-thought-out plan, and there is a universe inside.

Everyone temporarily put Dan Greer's matter aside and prepared to continue watching the auction.

Their eyes fell on the bidding platform, and the previous auctioneer was indeed replaced, this time it was an older auctioneer.

"Sorry, my colleague is unwell, and I will host the next auction. Please ask for the next lot..."

The subsequent auctions seemed insignificant, they were all diamond jewels that were silent and despised, but just as the auction was proceeding to the No. 20 four lots, someone knocked on the door of the silent box No. 75 again.

hum!The power of mind and eye was activated, and there were three people standing outside the door. They stood in such a formation...
Silence was a little puzzled, they were obviously not members of the Greer family, nor were they staff members of the Caribbean, so who were they?
"The Steinmetz family, Emily Steinmetz, take the liberty to ask Mr. Shen."

Shen Mo became more and more curious about how the Steinmetz family would find him, and how he knew the existence and name of Shen Mo.

Out of curiosity, Silence allowed Emily to enter Box 75.

As Emily walked into the box under the escort of two male bodyguards, Shen Mo could see Emily's appearance clearly. Unlike the aura lines projected by the mind's eyes, Emily's true face was more pleasing to the eye. With the sexyness of Western women and the noble temperament of aristocratic women, the perfect figure can hardly conceal its glamor even in suits, and it is full of aristocratic demeanor with every gesture.

As soon as Emily entered the box, she set her eyes on Shen Mo, as if she knew Shen Mo from the beginning. She greeted Shen Mo with Chinese etiquette.

"Mr. Shen, I have been admiring you for a long time!"

"You're welcome, Miss Emily! You know me?"

"Yes!" Emily said bluntly, "My friend Xin Yingwang mentioned you to me, and I was lucky enough to see your photos on her mobile phone, and she also heard that you were in Indy. Great feat...that's an admirable feat."

Happy! ?The SHIELD uses the vibrator... ah!Agents using concussion abilities!
Emily and Xinyingwang are actually good friends, so good that they use silence as a topic of conversation.

etc? !Shouldn't the crux of the problem be why there are silent photos in Xinyingwang's phone? !
"Hee hee! My little brother's romantic life is really rich!" Yuzao said sarcastically from the side, with strong jealousy, as if he finally saw the nature of silence.

Silently said bitterly, what are you thinking?Xinyingwang and I just happened to go on a mission together, and we just happened to save her life.

oh!The life-threatening friendship between a man and a woman!We all know that good men are always like this... Passionate, don't we?

have to!Stop this question!

Mo Mo doesn't know who brought this kind of atmosphere into his circle of subordinates. It seems that employees all over the world like to speculate on the private lives of bosses, such as changing girlfriends today, changing secretaries tomorrow, and meeting newcomers the day after tomorrow. My accountant was on a business trip and so on.

Isn't it boring?Don't gossip?Quiet, why not do things simply.

What do you let the boss who really has this idea do? !What are you doing?Isn't everything exposed?

Silence: (¬_¬)! !
"I don't know what Miss Emily wants from me?"

Emily was a little disappointed to see that Shen Mo didn't ask about Xin Yingwang's situation, but this emotion only passed by briefly, and she immediately said seriously, "Mr. Shen, regarding your conflict with the Dan Greer family, we will The Teinmetz family is willing to help."

oh? !If you don't have anything to do, you can either rape or steal!
Mo Mo doesn't think that just because of his friendship with Xin Yingwang, he can have a relationship with a big family like Emily.

"What about the conditions!"

"Mr. Shen, you really are a smart person." Emily smiled and said, "Conditions are naturally the stone of apocalypse."

Good guy!Another one to grab the big blue crystal!
Just wishful thinking!Daydreaming!

Emily was so far from silent hostility that she quickly explained.

"Mr. Shen, don't get me wrong. We don't really want the Stone of Apocalypse. We just hope that you can give it to us and let us study it. As a reward, we will also provide you with some more valuable information."

I'm going. Interested?The Steinmetz family actually wanted to study large crystals? !You thought you were Norton the Beard!Don't like women, only like small shiny crystals.

They don't know what this thing is, but Silence knows it clearly. Apart from being used as missions and dolls, the blue crystal also has ice energy attached. Steinmetz obviously took a fancy to this, Thinking that new energy sources outside the earth have been discovered, and want to seize new opportunities.

There is nothing wrong with this, but everyone wants to understand the nature of unknown energy, and what really interests Shen Mo is what kind of valuable information Emily can provide him.

If the value of information is really high, it is not impossible to simply lend the big blue crystal to them for research, as long as it does not harm the interests of Silence, anything is easy to talk about.

"Tell me about your information!"

Emily was overjoyed, it seemed that silence had been ticked.

"According to the Steinmetz family's intelligence network, the Stone of Revelation in the hands of Mr. Shen is not the only one."

Silence for a moment, there are other big blue crystals? !Where?how many? ····They are all mine.

Emily: "..."

"Mr. Shen, please respect yourself."

cough cough!Silently adjusted his emotions, "Miss Emily, just this little information is obviously not enough for me to hand over the Stone of Apocalypse to you!"

"Of course! What I said is just the tip of the iceberg. To tell you the truth, the Steinmetz family now has two Stones of Apocalypse, but their energy arc values ​​are different... one is red, the other is White."

Big red crystals!Big white crystals!
You actually have two!Come hand it over...they're all mine.

Emily felt the silent and greedy eyes: "..."

Mr. Shen, please restrain your desires.

Emily continued, "About a month ago, NASA monitored a large number of meteorites impacting the earth. Fortunately, their size and tonnage were not enough to threaten the earth. As they turned into meteorites and fell to the earth, People began to find this kind of crystals one after another all over the United States. Their function was unknown at first, but as the capable people came into contact with them, amazing things happened..."


A month ago, wasn't it the time when the silent time travel came?Did all kinds of crystals come to this world from the DNF world together with Shen Mo?
If so, besides all kinds of crystals, has anything else come into this world?
What is the purpose of their coming?
Just simply want to send materials to Shen Mo, so that Shen Mo can complete the job transfer task? !Then act recklessly? !

Furthermore, does the ability user in this world react to the crystal? !It shouldn't be!It is impossible for them to spark any sparks at all, the two do not belong to the same category at all...

etc!Energy attribute!
That's right!If a person with ice ability obtains a blue crystal, he can naturally absorb ice energy from it, and then increase the power of his ability, and so on, red crystal, white crystal, colorless crystal, golden crystal... All correspond to different types of energy.

If these crystals are owned by the ability users of their respective attributes, they will naturally become a great redemption pill for them to reborn and improve their strength.

no!Absolutely not!
The crystals were used up by these ability users, and Shen Mo would use something to change his job.

Stop it, you robbers, these crystals are mine, all of them are mine.

It's not that silence is too obsessed, but that the importance of crystals is too great.

Silence couldn't help looking at Emily. He would not have agreed to cooperate with Emily, but considering that he had to use Emily's family's intelligence network to collect large crystals scattered all over the United States, he could only choose Cooperate with each other.

"Okay! I promise you! But I have one condition!"

"Mr. Shen, please speak!"

"You provided me with crystal information and helped me collect all kinds of crystals. Except for the necessary crystals for research, the final ownership of the rest of the crystals must be me."

Emily's face sank, such a request is too much!With such an excessive request from a stone of revelation, Mo Mo's obsession with crystals is so strong.

"No! Mr. Shen, you know that this is impossible. We will not use the power of the entire family to make a wedding dress for you. You must be clear about our purpose of collecting the Stone of Apocalypse!"

Research, analyze, and even decipher the secret of the Stone of Apocalypse, and then transform it into a power that can be used, whether it acts on people with abilities, or on today's technology, or even on ordinary people... This is Steinmeier The purpose of the Ci family is also the purpose of most of the big families in the United States today who know the existence of the Stone of Revelation.

This is a natural selection race between life and death, wealth and power against the Stone of Apocalypse.

After some haggling, Shen Mo and Emily finally reached a preliminary agreement.

The information on the Stone of Apocalypse is provided by the Steinmetz family, and Shen Mo is responsible for collecting it. Under the premise of satisfying the crystal research, Shen Mo has the priority to use it.

Of course, Silence is not a fool, the crystal that fell into his hands, is there a possibility of making another move?

With job transfer tasks and the silence of the puppeteer profession, the demand for crystals is very high.

The number of crystals that can be left to the Steinmetz family for research can be counted on one hand.

(End of this chapter)

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