The aura of a priest is infinite

Chapter 378 I'm Not an Idiot

Chapter 378 I'm Not an Idiot
"Then, Mr. Shen, should the Stone of Apocalypse in your hand be entrusted to our Steinmetz family for safekeeping?"

The agreement was reached, and Emily immediately pursued the Stone of Apocalypse in Shen Mo's hands. Her greedy appearance was in stark contrast to her elegant appearance.

Shen Mo raised his hand, curled his ring finger in the middle of the food, straightened his thumb and little finger, made a gesture of 666, swayed slightly, and faced Emily.

Emily was stunned for a moment, and was a little puzzled at first, but she still had some understanding of the 666 culture, and thought that the silence was a gesture to celebrate the conclusion of the agreement.

Although embarrassed, they also raised their hands imitatively, making a 666 gesture.

Silence: "What are you doing?!"

Emily: "???"

666's hand gestures couldn't help but froze in the air, and the little hands that had nowhere to rest didn't know where to put them.

"Isn't your consciousness celebrating the conclusion of our agreement, and then 666?"

Silence: "Hey, I mean [-] million!"

"Six hundred million?!"

Emily froze in place. It turned out that Shen Mo meant that if she wanted to take this Stone of Apocalypse, she had to pay Shen Mo [-] million, or US dollars.

This is too much!The price you bid for was only [-] million. How long has it been since you raised it to [-] million? !

Stocks dare not be so long? !How dare you take such a long time? !

Silently smiled, girl, you know a hammer, stock, can it be compared with the stone of apocalypse in my hand? !
Although a lot of Apocalypse Stones have been dropped, one piece is used and one piece is missing, and it may be gone at any time, becoming a priceless existence in the market.

Is the stock thing comparable to it?Naturally not at all.

Emily pondered for a moment, and said with an unfriendly expression, "Mr. Shen, we are now in a cooperative relationship, so it's not appropriate for you to do this!"

"It fits! Of course it fits! Do you think I'm a fool?"

Emily thought, "Don't you?"

"Although your Steinmetz family provided me with information about the Stone of Apocalypse, I don't need to tell you that the Stone of Apocalypse you asked me to find must be the Stone of Apocalypse that you can't get. The difficulty can be imagined. Know... And, your research will inevitably lead to a decline in the quality of the Stone of Apocalypse, which will affect my final use effect... After comprehensive consideration, I think my request is not too much at all, and even some Low. What do you think, Miss Emily."

Emily was stunned. She originally thought that Shen Mo hadn't thought of this, because he agreed so readily that Emily thought Shen Mo was a fool with little experience.

Emily's wishful thinking is very simple. It is an excuse to cooperate with Shen Mo to cheat him of the Stone of Apocalypse, and then reveal to Shen Shen some information about the Stone of Apocalypse that even the Steinmetz family cannot obtain. As a gunman, let him fight those big guys.

If it succeeds, the spoils will be divided, and if it fails, the Steinmetz family will have nothing to lose.

Because it was Silence who died, not the Steinmetz family.

Looking at it now, Shen Mo is not only not stupid, on the contrary, he is also very shrewd, definitely not a fool who can be manipulated and fooled casually.

"It seems that I have underestimated Mr. Shen!"

"Each! Each other! I underestimated you, Miss Emily, too."

yes!How could such a beautiful girl have such a vicious mind?Is it natural?Or family atmosphere?

"In that case, let's take my leave! We will notify you of the follow-up information by email."


its not right!Why don't you play your cards according to the routine?Shouldn't the general routine be that you hesitate again and again, grit your teeth, stomp your feet, and then buy the Stone of Apocalypse from me at a sky-high price of [-] million?Then, if I use my words, can I make a steady profit of [-] million yuan?

Why is reality different from fiction? !

It wasn't until Emily left Box 75 with her men that Mo Mo recovered from his astonishment. He couldn't help but look at his 1-point charm.

Could it be because of this 1 point of charm that this business negotiation was stillborn? !

Why!Since ancient times, ruthlessness is mostly E!
"Brother Shen, you are really good at playing first with courtesy and then with soldiers." Old Xu savored carefully, and couldn't help giving a thumbs up to Mo Mo.

"You agree to them first, and then you offer a sky-high price to make them reluctant to give up. Not only do you let them dispel their thoughts about the Stone of Apocalypse, but you can also get useful information from them. Killing two birds with one stone is really wonderful!"


Really?Why don't I feel that?
Old Xu: "Brother Shen's research on Sun Tzu's Art of War is quite thorough! Admiration, admiration."

What nonsense, I have never read the Art of War by Sun Tzu... But, you are right!Everything is under control.

Silence was extolled with a strategizing high-coldness and indifference, a masterful style, completely natural.

Emily's episode will soon pass, but Shen Mo already knows the secret of the Stone of Apocalypse, wait until the auction is over, and complete the side mission [Hundred Ghosts at Night]

If nothing else happened, he decided to go to the United States to collect as many crystals as possible to prepare for the upcoming mission of changing jobs.

The bidding conference will continue to be held until the end of the conference. The suppressed treasure of this conference will finally be displayed in front of everyone.

"Gentlemen and ladies, what follows is the final treasure of our conference, the peerless diamond provided by Mr. Xu Zhangxun of Huaxia Dafu Jewelry—the Silent Star!"

Silence: "Silent Star?!"

Old Xu: "I chose this name, isn't it great?"

Everyone looked hey, even the little kid in the village who eats lollipops and wears open pants can smell the smell of flattery from inside, and they can naturally see that the so-called "Silence" is not just the name change of Silence Have you made a fortune?

This flattery is really cultured.The high-end atmosphere is upscale, low-key luxury has connotations.

Shen Mo coughed lightly, telling everyone to ignore this question, after all, he still prefers this kind of thing.

Who doesn't want to be flattered? !Those who don't want to must be those who have never been flattered.

Just like the person who advises you not to buy a house, most likely did not buy a house.

"This silent star weighs 3566 carats, 460 carats heavier than the African Star, and its quality is several times better than the African Star. Everyone knows that the African Star, which was born in 1905, was polished, divided, It has become the African Star No. 1 and No. [-], which are inlaid on the scepter and crown of the British king respectively, and this silent star is bound to become an existence beyond the African Star and become the most dazzling one in the world in this century. .”

There was an uproar in the audience. Although they already knew that there would be a peerless diamond in this auction, when they really saw the Silent Star, they were still turbulent by its glory.

All the tycoons in the jewelry industry present were present, so they naturally knew the value of this gemstone, it was definitely a priceless treasure.

No matter what price is used to photograph it, it will be an incalculable profit for their family. The series of benign growth that it brings about will be enough to make their family a leader in the jewelry industry in the next few years, or even more than ten years. The leading giant.

Because in the jewelry industry, people will always remember the number one, and the one that can get the largest market share must also be the number one.

"The starting price! [-] million US dollars!"

The audience gasped. Even though they were mentally prepared, they still didn't expect such a high starting price for this silent star.

After all, the most expensive Century Star Diamond in the last century was only auctioned for a sky-high price of [-] million U.S. dollars. The starting price of this silent star is actually [-] million U.S. dollars, which is simply daunting.

Shen Mo frowned slightly, "Old Xu, the price is wrong!"

Old Xu: "No problem! The Star of the Century was valued at [-] million US dollars before, but now inflation is so severe, prices are soaring, and currency depreciation... [-] million starting auction price is absolutely no problem."

"That's not what I mean...I mean shouldn't the bidding start at [-] million or higher?"

Old Xu: "..."

Brother!Why don't I call you big brother!How can you keep a low profile!Do you really think money comes from the wind?The money of the big family is also earned by hundreds of millions...
This is an auction, let's go up slowly, don't panic!

Right!Nodding silently, he immediately shouted.

"Four hundred million!"

Lao Xu's heart skipped a beat. How could he bid for himself? Isn't this a foul?There has never been such an irregular situation in this formal auction.

According to common sense, a silent bid would be considered invalid, but just as the auctioneer was planning to pronounce the verdict, a new bid rang out from box 78.

"Five hundred million!"

The auctioneer's hand couldn't help trembling, is it the competition between No. 78 and No. 75 again! ?He is about to retire, but he doesn't want to lose a hand because of it!
Big guys, can you stop playing, can you still bid happily.

"Six..." Shen Mo wanted to continue raising the price, but was stopped by Lao Xu.

"Brother Shen, you have to control yourself...I can't participate in the auction of my own lot, this is the rule...Fortunately, there is No. 78 rushing for the auction, otherwise, you will have an own goal."

Silently, "Well, why didn't you say it earlier! If you said it earlier, I would have called Billion directly, so that No. 78 would bleed more!"

Old Xu said dumbly, it seems that he must not offend Shen Mo in the future, he seems to be careless, but he is really narrow-minded!

No. 78 bid [-] million!
[-] million times...

"Eighty million!"

Box No. 60 where the Steinmetz family lived finally called out a new offer, and the voice naturally came from Emily.

Mo Mo couldn't help but raise the corners of her mouth. It seems that Miss Emily is taking over her own job and continuing to fight to the end with the Greer family on No. 78.

As the saying goes, when the snipe and the clam fight each other, the fisherman benefits, and Silence is like a fisherman. Look, how do they fight?
(End of this chapter)

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