The aura of a priest is infinite

Chapter 381 Dan's Dinner Party

Chapter 381 Dan's Dinner Party
Do you still want it? !
Ms. Kuroda has spent 15 billion US dollars to have 40 years of youth, and now she is still dissatisfied and wants to get more Zhuyan Dan from Shen Mo.

This is really greedy!
So, here comes the problem.Should silence be given?

"How much do you want!"

Ms. Kuroda was taken aback, how many of these things are there?
"how much do you have?"

Silently, he said seriously, "That depends on how much you want! Don't you know the price?"

Ms. Kuroda couldn't help calming down. She bought the first Zhuyan Dan at a price of 19 billion US dollars. Such a sky-high price is very high, mainly because all forces are driving up prices. If they want to grab the first prize, they will naturally pay more Some.

But today is not as good as before. Now it is not an auction, but a face-to-face negotiation of supply and demand. Naturally, it cannot be traded according to the auction price. Although Ms. Kuroda is expensive as the queen of the island country, it does not mean that she has endless money.

Shizuka Kuroda, 46 years old this year, was born in the Kuroda family. At the age of 15, she married Prince Naruhito who was still in the position of prince. After six years of hard work, after Prince Naruhito ascended the throne, She successfully became the queen of the island country.

With the position of queen, the Kuroda family has become one of the best big families in the island country, and Shizuka Kuroda has also shown a business acumen far beyond ordinary people. She has admirable achievements in finance, real estate, jewelry, beauty and other fields. achievement.

For Shizuka Kuroda, the queen's salary received every month is already a dispensable piecemeal income.

That's right!You read that right, the royal family of the island country is paid for their living. They don't have to go to work, and they can receive their wages when they are born, and they can receive them until the day they are put into the coffin.

Even if he does nothing all his life, he is still a rich man unmatched by ordinary families.

"Mr. Shen, Kuroda sincerely hopes to continue trading with you, please show due sincerity."

Ms. Kuroda bowed and muttered.

"Kuroda has already transferred 15 billion US dollars to Mr. Xu's account. In addition, Kuroda has opened a new account for you at the Island Bank, and has deposited one billion US dollars as our sincerity to continue the transaction. I hope you can give Kuroda a more reasonable price."

Old Xu was taken aback, and immediately checked his mobile phone. As expected, the bank's credit message had already arrived, and the 15 billion US dollars was a lot, and even the commission for the auction was not taken away.

As for Shizuka Kuroda's mouth, the account specially opened for Shen Mo is true.

The corner of Shen Mo's mouth raised, Kuroda Shizuka's air is really big!Just a meeting gift, gave away a billion dollars.It seems that she wants to take away the exclusive sales right of Zhuyan Pill from Shen Mo!
Kuroda Shizuka gave her subordinate a look, and the other party immediately handed over a check marked with the silent name and amount.

Shen Mo glanced at it, and it was indeed a billion dollars, but he couldn't accept the money.

"Miss Kuroda's sincerity, I appreciate it, but the cost of Zhuyan Pill is too high, the cost of each Zhuyan Pill is one billion US dollars, so, put away your sincerity. "

Old Xu: "???"

Brother Shen, you are really ruthless!Didn't you tell me that the cost of a Zhuyan Pill is 2000 million?Why did it suddenly rise to one billion?Obviously, Silence is cheating Kuroda Shizuka!

nonsense!If you don't cheat her, who will you cheat? !After Shen Mo knew that Shizuka Kuroda was the queen of the island country, he was ready to make a fortune out of it.

Thinking about how many gold and silver treasures your little island country robbed us in Great China back then, let me charge a little interest now.

Shizuka Kuroda frowned, she didn't expect the negotiation with Shen Mo to go so smoothly, the other party acted like whether you want to buy it or not, and if you don't buy it, someone else will buy it, obviously he is determined by her.

But the price of 15 billion is simply too high.

If she had already purchased Zhuyan Pill at such a price, it would be almost impossible to make a profit from it.

Well, there is only one other way!

Crack the formula of Zhuyan Pill!

This is not Shizuka Kuroda's whimsy, but that the Kuroda family's business is involved in the field of medicine. With the island country's current medical technology, it is no problem to crack [-]% of the contemporary drug formulas.

Therefore, in Shizuka Kuroda's view, as long as she is given another Zhuyan Pill, her team will be able to find the formula of Zhuyan Pill. No matter how bad it is, they can also find a less effective substitute, commonly known as counterfeit products.

"Since this is the case, Kuroda wants to buy another Zhuyan Pill from Mr. Shen."

"Good! 15 billion!"

Shizuka Kuroda's opponent accepted it, and the opponent turned on the laptop he carried with him. After some operations, Lao Xu's account was credited with 15 billion US dollars again.

In just ten minutes, Mo Mo sold the second Zhuyan Pill at a sky-high price of 15 billion, which is really lucky!

After confirming that the funds had been credited, Mo Mo flicked his wrist, and a large porcelain bottle containing Zhuyan Pill appeared in his palm. He unscrewed the cork, poured out a Zhuyan Pill, and handed it to Kuroda Shizuka.

Kuroda Shizuka looked at the silent and smooth operation, and there were definitely more than ten pills in the porcelain bottle, and the corners of her mouth couldn't help twitching. Is this the value of Zhuyan Pill you said? !Is this what you're talking about? !This thing in your hands is the same price as Chinese cabbage!
Boss Ma once said a word, who earns the most money in this world...women!Must be a woman!

Whether it's a little girl, a little woman, or a little woman, their money is always the best. Their money is like leeks that have been over-fertilized. Cut a wave and grow a wave... It can never be finished.

Control their wallets, and you control the world.

There is really nothing wrong with this sentence.

Watching Kuroda Shizuka leave Room 75, Mo Mo took Lao Xu and others back to her guest room with satisfaction.

"Brother Shen, we've made a fortune! You made more money once than I made twelve times. I really admire you!"

"That's right! This Zhuyan Pill is simply huge profits! Super huge profits! If our family can have the right to sell Zhuyan Pills..." Akai said here, and couldn't help but stop his voice. He wanted to say, But what he dared not say was spoken.

"Akai, what nonsense are you talking about! Our Dafu Jewelry is in the jewelry and diamond business, and Brother Shen won't let us do the Zhuyan Dan project. Can we do it?!"

"Dad, I was wrong..."

"I made a mistake, and I will apologize to Brother Shen."

"I'm sorry, Brother Shen, I was wrong, I shouldn't have called Zhuyan Dan's attention..."


Are the Xu father and son singing a double reed?This yin and yang tone of voice, as well as the twinkling little eyes, are clearly acting for me!
Silently waved his hands, he didn't really care, he would only intervene in the early stage of Zhuyandan's business, and when the channel and price stabilized, he would naturally find an agent to do it.

Shen Mo doesn't know many business people, so this business is naturally entrusted to Dafu Jewelry. He can trust the character of the Xu family and his son.

"Okay, old Xu, I originally planned to hand over the business of Zhuyan Dan to you Dafu Jewelry, but now is not the time, we must take advantage of the price before it comes down, and make a good harvest of leeks."

Old Xu Daxi, with the words of silence, his busy schedule has finally paid off.

But carefully savoring the words of silence, Lao Xu couldn't help being taken aback.

"You mean, the price of Zhuyan Pill will drop?!"

Nodding silently, "The cost of Zhuyan Pill 2.0 is really too high. I just use it to lay the foundation in the early stage and quickly withdraw funds. When the time is right, I want to implement a low-profile version of Zhuyan Pill, although the effect is less , but the price is very close to the people, what I mean is... I want women all over the world to eat my Zhuyan Pill."

Old Xu took a deep breath. If it was true as Shen Mo said, then Dafu Jewelry, which has the sole sales right of Zhuyan Pill, will become the leader in the beauty industry in a short period of time.

The money of the rich in this world will always be earned, and there are too many tricks and tricks in dealing with the rich.

The real wealth actually comes from the masses.

If Zhuyan Dan can be made close to the people, it will be an unimaginable wealth.

"Thank you!" Old Xu burst into tears, full of the aura of Baidicheng Tuogu, as an old fritter in the mall, of course he knows how to follow the trend, don't cry now, to show loyalty, when will it be!
Thus, in the depths of the Pacific Ocean, on the Caribbean cruise ship, the elixir empire that will gallop in the future has already taken shape.

Dafu Jewelry is about to enter the beauty industry with Zhuyan Dan, a killer weapon.

With dim lighting and a depressing atmosphere, Shen Mo walked into a western restaurant on the Caribbean alone under the leadership of four men in black.

Dan Greer has been waiting here for a long time.

Silent eyesight, already able to see at night, naturally saw Dan Greer in the corner of the restaurant at a glance.

At first glance, Dan looks like a ferocious steel beast. He has a body that is twice as large as that of an ordinary person. Under the perception of silent eyes, it is not hypertrophy caused by obesity, but a body composed of strong muscles like steel.

Shen Mo frowned slightly. Considering Dan's muscle mass, he already possessed terrifying strength approaching the limit of human beings.

Looking at his demeanor, it is as quiet as the little chubby guy in the next seat when he was studying, low-key, talkative, low self-esteem... even a little cowardly.This is in stark contrast to his strength, as if the two contradictions have been brought together to form Dan at this moment.

Mo Mo's eyes and Dan's eyes met each other, for a moment, Mo Mo seemed to see a black hole appearing in front of his eyes, the powerful suction instantly swallowed up the air around him, twisted and tore apart Looking at the space, wanting to swallow the silence and tear it into pieces.

Ding!The power of purification!
Bathed in a milky white halo, Shen Mo immediately woke up, and the black hole in front of him collapsed and returned to its original appearance.

"Huh?" Dan was surprised, but raised a meaningful smile.

"Mr. Shen, you really are not an ordinary person."

(End of this chapter)

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