The aura of a priest is infinite

Chapter 382 The Rage of the Orochi

Chapter 382 The Rage of the Orochi

"Each! Each other!"

Mo Mo had already learned from Feng Tianxiu that Dan Greer was a person with spiritual ability, so when Mo Mo fell into the black hole, he did not panic, and once he used the power of purification, he resolved Dan's spiritual attack .

This is a natural testament to the strength of silence in Dan Greer's eyes.

A young man who dares to challenge the power, either has power greater than power, or has power beyond the reach of power, and silence obviously belongs to the latter.

Dan Greer motioned for Shen Mo to sit across from him, and then snapped his fingers. His subordinates nodded and turned back into the kitchen of the restaurant. After a while, a small cart was pushed out.

"Sir, today's dishes include French foie gras, sea bream with star anise, French scrambled eggs, and French crepes. The drink is the red wine from Desalt Estate. Please use it slowly!"

As the other party spoke, he put away the tableware in front of Shen Mo and served today's dishes one by one.

"Try it! Foie gras is my favorite dish."

Dan Greer behaved extremely calmly, as if he was reuniting with an old friend, counting the family stories he hadn't seen for many years.

Shen Mo smiled slightly, this man named Dan is really interesting, not only the difference in his appearance and ability, but also his aura and style of dealing with people, it seems that the ultimate evil and the elegance of the nobility are perfectly blended together.

His ability is spiritual, but he has a strong physique far beyond ordinary people; he slashes people's palms without saying a word, but he has the elegance and demeanor of aristocrats.

Obviously, he is a man with a story.

Shen Mo always likes to contact people with stories, because such contact is very interesting.

Compared with the newborn calf who is not familiar with the world, the experienced old driver can always let Mo Mo learn something.

For example, Dan is calm and composed, or to put it bluntly, like Dan, he is an educated old hooligan.

Mo Mo's eyes moved down, looking at the palm-sized fatty foie gras on the white dinner plate in front of him, and driven by vigilance, he subconsciously released his investigative skills.

【Ding!High-quality foie gras with excess fat: This is high-quality foie gras produced by Saatchi Farm in France. In just 6 weeks, goslings were force-fed several times the normal amount of food, which made their livers It swelled 10~[-] times, so morbidly, cruelly, and inhumanly, the top French delicacy - French foie gras was born. 】

[Let's start!eat it!You can feel the sobbing and pain from the goose. 】

[After eating it, you will be inferior to animals. 】


The brief introduction of the Holy Mother is worthy of the hand of the clergyman system.

Mo Mo originally wanted to check whether the foie gras was poisonous, but now, no matter whether it is poisonous or not, he has no appetite at all!

You see, a meal is not as good as a beast, how can you let people eat quietly.

Compared with the silent "unmoved and inaction"

Dan Greer started to eat big pieces. He skillfully cut the foie gras into small pieces with a knife and fork, and then regarded it as delicious. .

Looking at each other quietly in silence, the four big characters are not as good as animals at this moment perfectly overlapped with Dan Greer.

While eating, Dan Greer slowly narrated, "Does Mr. Shen know why I like to eat foie gras?"

"Because your cholesterol hasn't skyrocketed yet?"

Dan was stunned for a moment, then laughed, "Mr. Shen is really humorous... To tell you the truth, I know very well that the production process of foie gras is full of dirty, painful and inhuman methods, but... "

Dan Greer's face changed, and he said solemnly, "Why is this foie gras in this world? Only through dirty, painful, and inhumane experiences can one create such delicious food. Peerless delicacies, the difference is that some people are the foie gras on the plate, and some people are the people who eat the foie gras.”

"And I just want to be a person who eats foie gras!"

Silence savored Dan Greer's words carefully. What he said was quite meaningful, like a criminal's confession before he left, or like a cultist promoting his own distorted theory, but there is no doubt that Dan Greer will What he said was regarded as a sacred scripture, and it had already been blended into his blood and flesh.

What Dan has been through must be an interesting story.It's a pity that Mo Mo doesn't want to delve into the past, but just wants to figure out his current intentions.

Shen Shen raised his hand and handed the foie gras in front of him to Dan.

"Since you like eating so much, I'll give you some too."

Dan Greer didn't pick up Silence's plate immediately. He stared at Silence meaningfully, as if he wanted to use his ability to see through Silence's intention, but no matter how experienced he was, he couldn't figure out the meaning of Silence.

After a long time, Dan took the foie gras from Shen Mo's hand, placed it in front of him, and ate again. When Mo Mo's foie gras was finished, Dan finally spoke.

"Mr. Shen, please make a price! You must already know how valuable the Stone of Apocalypse is to those of us with abilities!"

Silence said bluntly, "I don't sell it!"

Dan: "???"

If you don't want to sell, pass me your foie gras? !Did I misunderstand your intention? !The thinking of you Chinese people is really different from that of us white people.

"Because this Stone of Apocalypse is useless to you."

Dan's eyes flickered, and he asked, "Can Mr. Shen go into more detail?"

hum!Mo Mo flicked his wrist, and a large blue crystal appeared in his hand, "Its attribute is ice attribute, and your ability should be spiritual!"

Dan nodded. He knew that the Stone of Apocalypse had its own attributes, but he was not sure which Stone of Apocalypse could be used by him.

"Mr. Shen seems to know more than I do. I wonder if he can help me out."

"Tell me about your ability, maybe I can help you."

Dan hesitated for a moment, but chose to compromise, "My ability is called projection, which is to project the world constructed in my mind into the mind of the other party. For example, the black hole you see is the phantom of the world I constructed in advance. "

Silence was a little surprised, isn't this just an illusion?Moreover, it is an extremely advanced illusion technique, no wonder this fat man is so delicate, a person with this kind of ability must have a delicate mind, otherwise it would be impossible to create a realistic illusion.

As for Dan's strong physique, it should be the power he possessed before his ability awakened.

"According to my information, what you need is a large crystal with a golden halo. You call it the Stone of Apocalypse, but I call it a large golden crystal."

Dan's eyes narrowed slightly, but in the information he held, there was a stone of apocalypse exuding a golden halo, and calling it a large golden crystal was able to effectively distinguish the effects of different crystals.

"Thank you!"

Dan is sincerely grateful, because this information is very helpful to him and can save him a lot of detours.

"Why are you helping me?"

Mo Mo raised the corner of his mouth, put away the large blue crystal with a flick of his wrist, and then took out the large porcelain bottle containing Zhuyan Pill, and muttered meaningfully.

"Zhuyan Dan, do you want more?"

Dan: "..."

my god what did i see 15 billion US dollars per pill, you actually have ten pills!Damn it, I want to kill that auctioneer, but he actually told me that there is only one Zhuyan Pill!No!The point of the problem is not here, but... how much is the current Zhuyan Dan?He had to get one for himself.

Silence looked at Dan's fiery eyes, as if I had already understood you.

In this world, there are no eternal enemies, only eternal interests.With the word profit, enemies can turn into best friends, and siblings can become blood feuds.

"Mr. Shen, make an offer!"

"15 billion!"

Dan was silent for a while. At the auction, it was feasible to snap up the auction with a price of 15 billion, but now it is a bit unrealistic to ask for another 15 billion.

"Mr. Shen is a straightforward person, why not give a refreshing price?"

"14...nine cents."

Dan's face was gloomy, as if if you say that again, I'm going to go berserk.Emotional Lao Tzu is worth a penny for a word? !
Dan picked up the crystal bottle on the side, took a sip of the red wine to calm down his emotions, and immediately muttered.

"Silence, male, formerly known as Zhou Laifu. A native of Yancheng, China, he is now a first-level special commissioner of the Supernatural Research and Defense Bureau. His ability is suspected of being a church priest, and he is good at using Taoist talismans. He used his own power to turn the tide in the tomb of the Buddha in India and save the world. Extraordinary, and seal the Buddha's tomb again."

Silence frowned. Obviously, Dan Greer used his contacts and influence to investigate Silence's intelligence.

The tomb of the Buddha in India has joined hands with extraordinary people from all over the world. The silent information has been leaked, and some abilities have also been exposed. This is unavoidable.

This kind of situation occurs in all organizations in various countries, and it cannot be avoided. Who makes the extraordinary organizations in various countries not perfect and rigorous, and there are still many places that need to be improved and perfected.

"Laifu?! This name is really interesting."

Dan smiled playfully, as if he had absorbed the silence.

"Mr. Shen, don't be angry. I was just joking. As an apology, I will tell you a piece of news."

As Dan spoke, he recruited his subordinates, who took out a paper document of about ten sheets.

Mo Mo took the file, opened it, and couldn't help but be taken aback for a moment, and was immediately attracted to it.

Full name of the file [A top-secret document about the research, discovery, tracking, utilization, development, and extension of the Stone of Apocalypse]

There is also a special red seal of S.H.I.E.L.D. under the document.

This is a top secret document stolen from S.H.I.E.L.D.

Its name is the same as the full name of S.H.I.E.L.D., smelly and long!

Silence can be sure, Dan Greer is definitely not a member of S.H.I.E.L.D., but he obviously has the ability to get what he wants from S.H.I.E.L.D., which means that the so-called S.H.I.E.L.D. The character's intelligence back garden.

S.H.I.E.L.D., infiltrated!

I don't know if Xinying Wang knows about this.

Silence continued to look through the documents. Among the ten paper documents, the first Stone of Apocalypse incident and nine subsequent Stone of Apocalypse incidents were recorded.

One month ago, a terrorist bombing occurred in the downtown area of ​​Dallas, Texas. After touching the Stone of Apocalypse (red), a person named Ace Potter experienced an energy runaway phenomenon. This incident killed 165 people and injured 231. , Losing an estimated value of 26 billion US dollars.

[Stone of Apocalypse (Red): Special Containment Object, No. 6667, is currently stored in Warehouse No. 7 by S.H.I.E.L.D. 】

[Mark (red pen, added after): The location of No. 7 warehouse is unknown, pending investigation. 】

Twenty-seven days ago, in California, an ability user named Glenn Rick lost control of his ability after touching the Stone of Revelation (colorless), and one person was killed or injured in this incident (Glenn himself).

【Stone of Apocalypse (Colorless): Special Containment Object, No. 6669, is currently stored in Warehouse No. 7 by S.H.I.E.L.D. 】

Shen Mo looked through the incidents of the Stone of Apocalypse's rampage recorded in the document in turn. As time continued to draw closer to the present, the Stone of Apocalypse's rampage continued in the world, but it is undeniable that the protagonists who have experienced the rampage incident, their The ability can be greatly strengthened, and it has a combat power far surpassing those with similar abilities.

This is the essential reason why capable people flock to the Stone of Apocalypse.

"Mr. Shen, I know that you have reached some kind of agreement with the Steinmetz family, but this does not affect our friendship. As long as you are willing to help me, I am naturally willing to provide you with the information of the Steinmetz family. No information."

Silence fell into deep thought, this was a good deal, but it stopped there, and it still couldn't make Moment's heart flutter.

Seeing the silence, Dan was unmoved, and played his cards again, "I can also provide Mr. Shen with more buyers of Zhuyan Dan. You know, with the influence of the Greer family, this is not a difficult task."

"make a deal!"

What Shen Mo needs right now is a buyer like Dan Greer. If the Greer family can open up the American market for Shen Mo and help Mo Mo quickly capture the United States, Mo Mo would not mind giving Dan some discounts.

"The cost of each Zhuyan Pill is one billion US dollars. I will give you this one of yours at the cost price. I will still charge 15 billion for the follow-up Zhuyan Pill. As for how much you sell, I don't care."

Dan frowned slightly, the price of one billion was still a bit high, but compared to the sky-high price of 15 billion, it was still a lot cheaper.

Furthermore, Dan is equivalent to owning the sales rights of Zhuyan Dan in the United States in a disguised form, and purchased it at a price of 15 billion per pill. As long as he is stuck in this channel, he can still make a profit.

With Dan's means, he can fire Zhuyan Dan to 20 billion, 30 billion...or even more.

In the eyes of the real rich, money is just a string of numbers.Youth is their dream.

The negotiation was originally tense, but as Shen Mo talked with Dan in detail, it turned into a mutually beneficial business cooperation.

Relationships between people are always full of drama.

Compared with the magnanimity of the Steinmetz family, Shen Mo is more willing to cooperate with Dan Greer. The former is just intelligence support, and the latter is real money.

Silence recorded the information about the Stone of Apocalypse in the document, and ended the dinner with Dan.

And the Caribbean is about to return, ready to return to the port of Yokohama.

At the same time, somewhere in the island country.

Grandma's fire curled the fire snake to the dark and damp underground cavity.

"My lord! There is still no news from Cape Seven and Umibozu, and Tamamo-mae has also lost contact. But my informant can still contact the Caribbean cruise ship... So, Tamamo-mae betrayed you again!"

A loud roar sounded from the darkness, and immediately a huge suction force came. Grandma Huo was swallowed by the darkness for only [-] seconds, and lost her life without even making a scream.

"Snow Girl! Bull Ghost! Bring Yuzaoqian back, I will kill her with my own hands!"

(End of this chapter)

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