The aura of a priest is infinite

Chapter 383 The Silent Plan

Chapter 383 The Silent Plan

The cruise ship Caribbean is about to dock, and the silent cruise auction is coming to an end. He looked at Lao Xu and the others behind him, and instructed.

"Old Xu, you take them home first, I still have some things to deal with."

Lao Xu nodded, didn't ask any more questions, but looked at Yuzao meaningfully, this girl doesn't look like a good person at all.

"Brother Shen, pay attention to safety. I will contact you after we return home safely. I will transfer the funds to Yuzihui from Niutoushan according to your request."

"it is good!"

After arranging the affairs on Lao Xu's side, Shen Mo couldn't help but cast his gaze on Yu Zaoqian. Naturally, he had to discuss the next action with Yu Zaoqian. After all, the island country is Yu Zaoqian's home court, and Shen Mo, an outsider, should listen to it. Take her advice.

Shen Mo winked at Yu Zaoqian, and a man and a demon came to a corner of the living room and talked in detail.

"After the ship docks, is there any plan?"

"I don't have any plans, what do you have in mind?"

Mo Mo's mouth twitched, if I have an idea, do I still need to ask you?When it comes to understanding the length of Yamata no Orochi, you say that you are second, and no one dares to say that you are the first!

If you don't give me a suggestion, do you want me to run around like a headless chicken? !

Puff!Yuzao covered her mouth and smiled lightly, jokingly said, "I'm just kidding you, you look so anxious, you're really becoming more and more lovable."

Silence glanced at the nine fox tails in front of Yuzao, and he couldn't help but think of the entanglement and distortion of the fox tails and the sky-reaching demon vines. The picture is so beautiful that people can't bear to look directly at it. With a cold shock, everything becomes dull.

"Stop! Talk human."

Yu Zaoqian slightly twisted her waist, she was magnificent and incomparable, "From my point of view, the lord has already known about our affairs, so the enemy is already on the way, you are ready to deal with the coming crisis Is it?"

Shen Mo frowned slightly, "What do you mean, as soon as the ship docks, there will be enemies coming?"

Tamazano nodded, "The Toshiba Club founded by that lord has almost covered the entire island country. Yokohama is so close to Tokyo, so it is naturally a place where the Toshiba Club's influence is dense, and the evil spirits hidden in the shadows are naturally extremely powerful. More... So, we will be attacked by the enemy as soon as we get off the ship."

Mo Mo took a deep breath and asked seriously, "Who is the enemy this time?"

Yuzao laughed like a silver bell, "Don't be so nervous, according to my understanding of that adult, the enemies you encounter now will not be too just need to regard them as giving experience Little monsters will do."


Hehe, I believe you ghost, you said the same thing when you hit Cape Seven, and I almost confessed to Cape Seven.

Could it be that you have misunderstood the mobs?

"To be more specific, you should know some of the enemy's name and ability!"

Yuzao pondered for a moment, "There are three big monsters here in Yokohama, Yukina from Snow Flower Mountain, Uki Kakuto from Ichiro Swamp, and the Great Master from Taro Temple."

"The Grand Master has always been unrestrained. Although he temporarily obeys that lord, he is not subject to his trend. Therefore, your enemies should be the snow girl Ji Nai and the bull ghost Jiaodu."

Snow girl? !Cow ghost? !
This Xuenv Shen Mo knows well, it has appeared in many novels and film and television works, and any work that has a Xuenv appearing, there will be a terrifying and erotic love story... Ahem, Shen Mo doesn't have any thoughts on Xuenv, because Compared to Yukino, Tamamo-mae is obviously more flavorful.

Look far away!Shen Mo would never do the matter of picking sesame seeds and throwing watermelons.

As for the bull ghost... let's hear it.

"The bull ghost is a monster that turns into a bull after death. It has a bull-headed ghost body, lives in swamps, can spit out petrified saliva, and likes to devour the flesh and soul of living people. At the same time, it also has a special transformation Ability, when looking for food, it can transform into a tauren, extremely fast."

not only that!

Before Yu Zaoqian's voice fell, the ghost mask pinned to Shen Mo's waist rushed to answer, "The cow ghost with century-old demon power also has the ability to control ghosts and give ghosts the ability to petrify. Anyone who touches ghosts will be petrified by them. "

The ghost shadow mask is a monster in the Heian era, and its experience is also extremely rich, so it is quite convincing to supplement the ability of the bull ghost.

Yuzao glanced at the ghost mask, "You know quite a lot."

"That is, when I became a demon back then, you were not born yet!"

Yuzao laughed and said nothing, Xia Chong was speechless, and she didn't argue with the ghost mask, "Ghost complements well, and that's all the abilities for bull ghosts."

Nodding silently, his face darkened, the bull ghost's ability is a little stronger!

Petrochemical!This is a troublesome ability, coupled with the fact that bull ghosts can drive ghosts and give ghosts the ability to petrify, the problem becomes more complicated.

If Shen Mo accidentally got the petrification ability of the bull ghost, wouldn't he just sit and wait for death?
Although the power of purification can remove the petrification state, it can't stand the crazy output of two shots, three shots... or even more shots!

If the bull ghost controls Baigui petrochemical Shen Shen, it will be really difficult for Shen Mo to win this battle.

Seeing Shen Mo with frown, Yuzao comforted, "Don't panic! It's just a bull ghost, so there's nothing to worry about... Our ultimate enemy is that lord."

Tamazamo couldn't help looking in the direction of Tokyo, "Toshiba's headquarters is located in Tokyo, and that lord has been dormant in Tokyo for a long time, so let's kill all the way to Tokyo!"

Um? !Silently surprised, why?Didn't you say to fight mobs first to practice leveling?How did you get to the second game, and you're going straight to Huanglong?
Yu Zaoqian explained, "Don't think it's so easy, this way to kill the past is like Tang Sanzang's journey to the west, ninety-nine, eighty-one, every step is a catastrophe!"

"Lying... Groove"

Not so!It is only 30 kilometers from Yokohama to Tokyo, and it takes only half an hour to drive. You told me that every step is disaster, and the road is full of evil spirits.

Even the Buddhas would not dare to do this, but you dare to do it.People are thousands of miles away, and if they spread out, they will also give people a chance to kick them. Your 30 kilometers are full of evil spirits, how can they be beaten.

Silent Wheel Island Hundred Ghosts?Or is it the silence of the Hundred Ghosts?
"If the bull ghost and the snow girl are defeated, that lord will personally attack, but with its character and dilapidated demon body... it will definitely prevent you from reaching it, leaving more recovery for yourself. Time... Those evil spirits attached to it are bound to come out in full force and become bargaining chips for time."

If he is Yamata no Orochi, he will make such an arrangement. When no one under his command can kill the enemy and he must let himself take action, he will definitely try his best to restore his strength and fight for more time.

It is no exaggeration to say that at this moment Yamata no Orochi is already using some kind of secret method to restore its own monster power... such as devouring other monsters, or strangers.

Silence stood there, not answering for a long time.

Yuzao didn't ask any questions before, she was giving Shen Mo time and opportunity to think alone, she had already done what she could do, and the rest depended on how Shen Mo responded.

hum!Silence's mind cleared up for a while, and he gathered all the known information, thinking about the most optimal response.

Yamata no Orochi set up ninety-nine and eighty-one difficulties for Silence, trying to stop himself from reaching it, and use the ghosts to consume his own strength. If Silence does what it wants, it will definitely be at a disadvantage.

Therefore, Shen Mo must think of a way, which can not only rush to Yamata no Orochi as soon as possible, but also weaken the power around Yamata no Orochi.

Shaoqing, the corners of his silent mouth could not help but raise, he really thought of a clever plan, which can not only make him arrive in Tokyo without injury, but also disperse Yamata no Orochi's combat power.

But this plan cannot be announced in advance, otherwise it will not work.

Snapped!Mo Mo raised his hand and threw the ghost mask to Yu Zaoqian, "Please keep it for me first."

Tamazamo: "???"

Ghost Mask: "Master, are you abandoning me?"

"What are you thinking, just keep it for a while, and I will keep you for great use!"

Yu Zaoqian and Ghost Shadow Mask don't know what it means, and Shen Mo obviously doesn't plan to tell them the details.

"Let's go! Get off the boat! Let's meet the bull ghost and the snow girl."

The Caribbean was docked at the port of Yokohama, and Shen Mo led the crowd to flow off the cruise ship. Under Shen Mo's spiritual perception, the entire port was shrouded in a dark and evil spirit, and there were many evil spirits mixed in the crowd. Some of them Fusangshin who had just got off the cruise ship and had no chance to seize the body, and some were members of the Toshiba Club who had been lurking in the port for a long time, waiting for Shen Mo and others.

Under the projection of Silence's eyes, all kinds of evil spirits are undoubtedly revealed. There are the little demon Yasumo, the pig king disguised as a human, the wolves who pretend to have sex, and the large number of island country evil spirits with different appearances. .

But without exception, these evil spirits are all weak little demons, their demon power is not strong, they just exist as low-level cannon fodder.

Silence searched around, trying to find the bull ghost and snow girl that Yuzao had described before, but there was no trace of them.

After getting off the boat, Shen Mo and the three of Lao Xu split up. For safety reasons, Shen Mo did not take back the three couples who sealed the door. After Xu An'an was sent back to China, the three couples who sealed the door could just stay in Niutoushan.

Shen Mo and Tamazamoe appeared in the port of Yokohama so swaggeringly. Although the evil spirits don't know Mo Mo, they do know Tamamomae!

In an instant, Shen Mo and Yu Zaoqian became the focus of all evil spirits.

"Chirp! It's here! The traitor Yuzao has appeared in front of you. Hurry up and notify Lord Niugui and Lord Xuenv."

"Hiss... Tamamo-e-sama is so beautiful... If she is killed by that lord, I will be heartbroken all day long..."

"Asshole, you know what you're talking about, Yuzao is our enemy now. Do you want to be eaten by that adult?"

"Huh? Who is the human next to Tamazamae? Damn it, Tamazamae got involved with a human man again. She is simply a disgrace to the monster clan."

"That little boy is so lucky to be favored by Master Yuzao... Bah! I want to eat that man."

"Don't be impulsive, we can't beat Yuzaoqian together, let's wait for Lord Niugui and Lord Xuenv to come over."

"Yes, follow them first, don't let them run away."

Facing the whispers from all around, they smiled silently and walked slowly with Yuzao. They walked very slowly, because the two of them didn't know where their destination was after leaving the port.

Instead of wandering around, it's better to fight the enemy at Yokohama Port.

Seeing the posture of all the little demons, they are already using their sorcery to disperse ordinary people and turn the port into a no-man's land.

Mo Mo couldn't help sighing, these little monsters have professional ethics, and they would take the initiative to disperse ordinary humans.

"You don't know, this is the rule set by the lord. Before the arrival of the ghosts, the truth of the monsters must be hidden from ordinary people. After the power of the Toshiba Club has penetrated the entire island country, there will naturally be nothing to hide." It is necessary."

Silence: "This Yamata no Orochi has some brains, and he has already grasped the essence of Gou characters. Then, let's wait here for the enemy to come."

Yuzao frowned slightly, "This is your plan, to face the enemy?"

"How about playing peek-a-boo with them?"

Yuzao speculated on Shen Mo's eyes, knowing what Shen Mo was hiding, but he couldn't guess it for a while.

While Shen Mo and Yuzao were waiting for the enemy to arrive, a group of people slowly came to them.

"Is Mr. Shen waiting for someone?"

The one who spoke was none other than the queen of the island country, Ms. Kuroda who had regained her youth.Moreover, Shen Mo saw four mages dressed as monks behind Ms. Kuroda. Their expressions were serious and dignified, as if they were eager to leave here.

It seems that Shizuka Kuroda already knew about the Yokohama Port being surrounded by evil spirits, but she didn't know how much she knew.

Silence: "Yes, we are indeed waiting for someone."

Ms. Kuroda kindly reminded, "If Mr. Shen is not in a hurry, please leave the port as soon as possible, this is not a good place..."

Miss Kuroda wanted to say more, but was stopped by the mage behind her.

"Miss... we should go!"

The mage squinted at Yuzaoqian, his eyes were full of anxiety, obviously he had discovered Yuzaoqian's real body.

Although Kuroda Shizuka was surprised, she responded, and hurriedly left the port surrounded by four mages.

"Master Banglong, why did you urge me just now?"

"Miss, do you know who the woman behind Mr. Shen is?"

Kuroda Shizuka was surprised and shook her head.

"Nine-tailed demon fox Yuzao-mae!"

hiss!Kuroda Shizuka paused, "She is Tamazamae, a traitor of Toshiba Club? This siege is aimed at her!?"

"That's right! Toshiba Club has become more and more powerful in recent years, and they have already reached out to your auction... If it wasn't for the sudden villain in front of Tamamo, you may have encountered an accident."

Kuroda Shizuka's back felt cold, "Such a big event, why did Sensoji Temple know about it now!"

"Sorry, it was my negligence that allowed these evil spirits to take advantage of the loophole."

Kuroda Shizuka took a deep look at Master Banglong, and felt something in her heart, so she stopped talking, hurriedly got into the car, and returned to the imperial court.

Kuroda Shizuka couldn't help but look towards the direction of Yokohama Port, and said in her heart, "Mr. Shen, please pray for yourself! Now I am also a clay Buddha crossing the river and I can't protect myself... Sensoji Temple has rebelled. Toshiba must be eradicated as soon as possible, otherwise the whole The island nations will all be in their pocket."

Your Majesty, the time has come to use that thing.

After Shizuka Kuroda left, Mo Mo and Yuzao didn't wait long before they were greeted by Niugui and Yuki.

A war is inevitable.

(End of this chapter)

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