The aura of a priest is infinite

Chapter 384 Throwing Mastery

Chapter 384 Throwing Mastery

Dark and damp, cold and arctic.

Two extremely powerful monsters with different attributes approached Yokohama port from far and near, unstoppably approaching the port of Yokohama. Under the perception of Shen Mo's mind, one represented Uki Kakuto, and the other represented Yuki Nai.

Let’s talk about the Niuguijiaodu first, which looks like a two-story western-style building, with a bull-headed spider body, and the crimson horns faintly exuding a strange aura that makes Silence dread. Air crawling, extremely fast.

Besides, the snow girl Ji Nai is delicate and frail, with a loli appearance, skin as white as snow, eyes as bright as a mirror, and her gestures are cute and lovely, but she seems to be hurt by ice, which makes people feel pity.

But for Silence, cuteness is nothing compared to sexy.

Glancing at Yuzao beside him, and then at the coming Snow Maiden Ji Nai, Shen Mo had a deep understanding of this sentence.

The man is indeed a creature like a pig's hoof.

"Here they come! Ready to fight."

Yuzao twisted her waist slightly, showing the high-spirited posture of a military adviser pointing out Jiangshan.

Although Shen Mo feels like being used as a gun, but with the side mission, he and Yu Zaoqian have already become grasshoppers on the same boat, and coupled with Shen Mo's plan, at this moment he must face the bull ghost and the snow girl.

In an instant, the environment of Yokohama port changed. I saw the little demons gathered before frantically releasing their demonic aura, and singing some kind of disturbing demonic voice, which turned into layers of arc-shaped ripples, trembling around.

Everything is like a flower in a mirror and a moon in water, arousing ripples. Under Shen Mo's surprised eyes, he and Yuzao were pulled into an illusory world similar to ghosts and monsters.

demon? !
The evil spirit of these little demons can actually create ghosts? !Why are ghosts so worthless?
"No, this is not a ghost," Yuzao explained with a pink demonic aura in front of him, "it's a group of demons who used the demonic aura to open the gate of the filthy land. We are now in the filthy land. Those monsters You can do whatever you want with us."

Filthy place? !
According to Tamamo Mae's description, this is an illusory world that only monsters can freely enter, and it is full of all kinds of evil and strange things.

Under the silent gaze, although the outline of the real world can still be seen around, it has been covered with a layer of scarlet thick dirt, faintly emitting a stench, which is very disgusting.

Mo Mo frowned slightly, the smell really made him uncomfortable, forcing him to leave here as soon as possible.

"They can do whatever they want, which means that we can also do whatever we want. If we kill them all, we can get out of here."

Yu Zaoqian nodded slightly, it was true in theory, but the bull ghost and the snow girl, plus countless little demons, did they just kill them at will? !

No more words in silence, and with a flick of his wrist, he revealed the phantom battle ax in his hand, and the overwhelming arrogance of domineering burst out.

Silence has experienced the baptism of the mirror world more than a dozen times. Compared with the mirror world, this filthy land is more suitable for Silence to vent its inner mania and rage.

When a person has power far beyond reality, but is restricted everywhere, the suppressed sense of release of power in the bottom of his heart will become more and more manic as time goes by.

Therefore, every mirror world is equivalent to a release for Silence, and now, it is another good opportunity to release the inner mania.

Weapon Blessing!blessing!
Intermediate Talisman!blessing!
Angel blessing!blessing!
Full combat power!kill!

Mo Mo's legs were poured with strength, and the whole person disappeared in place like an afterimage. Yu Zao was extremely shocked. Even though he had seen the method of silence long ago, Mo Mo, who completely let go of the ethical constraints in his heart, seemed more wild and tyrannical. The sharp ax that slays Xiang Xie Chong, without any emotion, is like a meat grinder with gears, frantically devouring the lives of the group of monsters.

For the group of monsters, the silence at full combat power is like killing stars from the sky, like entering an uninhabited land, wandering among them, ruthlessly harvesting their lives with a sharp ax emitting a pink halo.

In just a few breaths, the little monsters around were defeated by Shen Mo, and some even wanted to break through the filth and escape to the real world.

Moo!There was a deafening hum, and the little demon who wanted to escape from this place was instantly turned into dust.

The bull-ghost horns of the spider-body and bull-head finally made their move. It danced four pairs of spider legs, walked through the air, and turned into a black demon wind, strangling Silence.

Under the perception of Shen Mo's mind, the horns of bull ghosts composed of countless lines of evil spirits are pressing towards him at an extremely slow speed, and all the details are unmistakable.

The corner of Shen Mo's mouth raised, and he held the handle of the battle ax with the palm of his hand behind him, and another weapon blessing blessed the blade of the axe, ready to go.

Just a second before the bull ghost horns were about to approach, the battle ax erupted loudly, piercing the air, booming, and the blade of the ax collided with the spider legs, making a loud sound of steel clashing.

Shen Mo's eyes were fixed, and he saw that the spider leg was unscathed by the battle axe, not even a trace appeared.

Very hard spider legs!
Immediately, another voice sounded in the silent mind.

This spider leg must be an excellent doll material.

It's mine now!
Shen Mo let out a loud shout, and just as he was about to make the second slash, he saw Uki Kadotsu's horns trembling violently, emitting crimson arc-shaped ripples.

An extremely dangerous warning rose from the bottom of Shen Mo's heart, he dodged instinctively, a crimson light passed close to him, and bombarded the big tree covered in scarlet dirt behind him.

Click!There was a crisp sound, and the big tree petrified at a speed visible to the naked eye, and turned into a stone tree in an instant, lifeless.


This is the petrification ability of Niugui Kakuto.

Shen Mo frowned, Niu Guijiaodu's petrification ability was more terrifying than he imagined, if he was hit by this move, Shen Mo would definitely win the bid.

Tap!Mo Mo immediately distanced himself from the horns of the bull and ghost, avoided the envelope of the horn's ripples, and was fully on guard, looking for another chance to strike again.

I saw that the horns of the bull and ghost could not be hit by a single blow, and the bull's head was swinging strangely. Within the envelope of the corrugated horns, red ghosts appeared faintly. Those ghosts were old and young, male and female, strong. There are weak...all are human beings who were petrified by the petrification ability of bull ghosts and swallowed their souls.

They have become the ghosts of Niu Gui Jiaodu!
As the saying goes, being a minion for a tiger means that people who are eaten by a tiger will turn into ghosts and help the tiger continue to harm people.

As for the cow ghost horned capital, it also has the ability to control ghosts. I don't know if its pair of horns are special, or it has the blood of the tiger demon in its demon veins...

But looking at the horns of the bull and the ghost with the head of a spider, it is obvious that the latter is not realistic, and its parents cannot be so messy...

It can only be said that the horns of Niu Guijiaodu are extremely special, giving it abilities that ordinary monsters cannot possess.

Shen Mo's eyes lit up, this horn is also an excellent material for refining dolls.

It's mine now!
Silence already regards the bull ghost as material, and the bull ghost also regards silence as food.

"Come on! Come play with us!"

"Brother, are you dating online? I'm a loli voice."

"Do you want to play a game of Go with the old man?"

"Young man, look at the needle in the old woman's hand, is it thin?"


The ghosts who turned into ghosts have already taken shape. They showed their appearance in life and possessed some memories of life in life. They used various methods to trick Silence into stepping into the envelope of the crimson ripples.

How could Silence be deceived by these little tricks?

Um?Among the group of ghosts, there was a little ghost, which was completely different from the other ghosts. Judging by the intensity of his ghostly aura, it was obvious that he had just been killed by a bull ghost.

This obviously aroused Shen Mo's curiosity, only to see Mo Mo igniting a ground-shrinking talisman, his body flickering, appearing opposite the little ghost, his eyes fell, and he couldn't help but feel a chill down his spine.

The little devil squatted down, lowered his head, and kept stuffing something into his mouth with his right hand. Looking carefully, he was eating his own palm. The original tender palm had been eaten by him, leaving only bones .

Such a strange behavior should not have attracted the attention of the ghosts, but there is a whim in the silence, this little ghost has a story, is tricky... Maybe it has a great use.

The little ghost quickly ate his own little hand clean, and then began to eat his own arm, which looked very terrifying.

Listening carefully in silence, the kid was still muttering something.

"Eat... eat won't... be controlled... eat can find your mother."

Silently surprised, this kid is so ruthless, in order not to be controlled by the horns of the bull and ghost, in order to find his mother, he would not hesitate to eat himself to seek relief.

"Hi! Brat!"

Hearing the silent shout, the kid raised his head in surprise.

"Don't eat it, it's useless. If you want to escape to find your mother, you should eat them."

Shen Mo pointed to the group of ghosts behind the little ghost, those ghosts were still talking nonsense to deceive Shen Mo's trust, and the bull ghost's horns were always brewing the next wave of petrified light.

Kid: "???"

It seemed a little puzzled, but he understood something.It's a pity that his ghost energy is too weak, so he is no match for those old ghosts.

"Can't beat them? It's okay, I'll help you."

Silently speaking, he tapped his feet, landed on the ground, picked up a stone, blessed it with a weapon, swung it out suddenly, and smashed it at a ghost not far from the little ghost.

Puff!The stone drew a beautiful arc in mid-air, and then slammed into the ghost's chest with a wound the size of a basin.

The little ghost couldn't help being overjoyed, and immediately flew over, biting and devouring the seriously injured ghost.

Moo!Niu Guijiao even sensed the rebellion of the ghoul. It was gathering petrochemical power, and was distracted. It could only control other ghouls to attack the little ghost, and wanted to destroy the guy who dared to rebel against it.

But how could silence be as Niu Guijiaodu wanted, puff puff puff!One after another, the stones blessed with weapons were smashed out, helping the imp to injure one after another, and all of them were reduced to the imp's food, becoming its power to devour evolution.

In just a few moments, the little ghost had devoured more than a dozen ghosts, and his body began to undergo drastic changes. His originally weak body grew wildly, like a bodybuilder who has been in a silver gym for many years.

The little ghost no longer needs silent help, he has been able to devour other ghosts with his own strength, because he is already the strongest existence among ghosts.

"Eat! Become stronger! Find your mother!"

What a kid who wants to find his mother!

Silent just throws stones, and uses the power of the little ghost to get rid of nearly half of the ghosts of the bull ghost.

【Ding!Obtain general skill: throwing proficiency]

[Throwing proficiency: When throwing, it can increase the attack power, accuracy, and hit rate of the thrown object. 】

Silence was agitated, so it turned out that he had a whim about the little ghost just now, and there was such a meaning.

He actually gained the skill of throwing proficiency by helping the kid by throwing stones.

Although Mo Mo doesn't plan to find out about assassin ninjas, it is still beneficial to have this general skill without being overwhelmed by many skills.

At least silence will become very accurate when thrown in the future.

One shot into the soul!Tut tut!has connotation.

Moo!The bull ghost's horns have already condensed the next petrified ray, it shakes the bull's head, and drives the remaining ghosts with all its strength to kill the silent and fattened kid together.

Although the little ghost has been strengthened, but the little ghost is a little ghost after all, without the help of silence, he still can't beat those old ghosts, just a face-to-face, he was pressed to the ground by the old ghosts and rubbed wildly.

If it weren't for the kid's muscle knots, the old ghosts couldn't tear it apart for a while, and the kid would definitely die suddenly on the spot.

Silently shouted, I have managed to fatten up the cub, how could you just rub it when you say it.

hum!Silent eyes stared at the horns of Niu Gui Kaodu, guarding against its petrochemical rays, with a handful of stones in his hand, he felt like a hero I have in the world.

"Naughty beast! Look at the hidden weapon!"

Puff!The stone shot out, and instantly exploded the ghost head of a ghost, and shot towards the spider's abdominal cavity of Uki Kakutsu without any effort left.

Moo? !After the powerful piercing power of the throwing proficiency blessing, the stone crashed into the spider's abdominal cavity, splashing green thick juice.Niu Guijiao groaned in pain, but he didn't expect the power of the silent stone to soar.

He has been hiding his strength before!This damned, despicable human being.

The bull and ghost horns were furious, and the spider legs crawled quickly, turning into a monster wind and sweeping away, making it difficult for the silent stones to hit it again.

At the same time, those old ghosts, abandoning the little ghosts, also ignited a crimson halo, turned into ghosts, and rushed towards Silence.

Shen Mo's eyes were fixed. It was obvious that the horns of the bull ghosts had endowed the ghosts with the power of petrification, and these ghosts became untouchable.

"Nannan! It's your turn!"

With a low growl in silence, he patted Nan Nan on the waist, letting Nan Nan use his luck attribute to help him avoid the pincer attack of the ghosts. Immediately, the mental power tilted out, arousing the hands of the devil.

Without Niu Guijiao noticing it, the ground gradually filled with strong demonic power, such an evil aura, for Silence exuding a holy aura, no one would have thought that he would be the one who made the move.

The power of the devil has been condensed and ready to go.

Mo Mo wandered among the ghosts several times, and by the way, he also rescued the dying little ghost, and put him in his palm temporarily.

The next moment, Shen Mo suddenly stopped in his tracks, slashed out with his battle axe, beheaded several ghouls, and intentionally sold an opening.

Moo!Niu Guijiao was overjoyed, and was really fooled, showing his figure, and the crimson light shot towards Shen Mo.

And the silent devil's hand was also activated in an instant, strangling Uki Kakutsu who was in midair.

Puff!The surrounding area became unusually quiet.

I saw that Uki Katotsu's body was deformed and twisted under the crush of the devil's hand, and the miserable green juice continued to flow down the devil's hand.

Looking at Silence again, he was unscathed when he faced the petrified ray, because there was a little ghost between Silence and the ray.

"Moo?! actually use my block the petrification..."

Mo Mo shook his hand, pinching the little ghost in his palm, he bet right, the ghost from the perspective of a bull ghost is indeed immune to petrochemical rays.

But the bull ghost gambled wrongly, its body couldn't withstand the strangling force of the devil's hand.

"Hmph! Stupid bull ghost, how many times have I said that using external force will not work after all. But don't worry, Ji Nai will avenge you."

Xue Nu's icy eyes fell on Shen Mo, and she was about to attack Shen Mo.

(End of this chapter)

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