The aura of a priest is infinite

Chapter 385 Dragon God's Talent

Chapter 385 Dragon God's Talent

The corpse of the bull ghost fell to the ground powerlessly as the demon's hand dissipated. Mo Mo didn't have time to get the materials, although he really wanted to cut off the petrified horns of the bull ghost and the steel-like spider legs.

But the piercing chill emanating from Xue Nu forced Shen Mo to face the coming crisis.

Snow Maiden Hime!Is she finally going to make a move?
Shen Mo was surprised, Xue Nu Ji Nai did not choose to fight with the bull ghost, but waited until the bull ghost died, satirized the other party, and then met Shen Mo in battle.

Why is this?

Could it be that Xue Nu is a good monster with morality, ideals and pursuits? !

No!Absolutely not like this, if Xue Nu was a good monster, she would not just watch the bull ghost being killed by Shen Mo, and then fight with Mo Mo.

Well, there is only one truth to the question.

Xue Nu is a scheming female watch.

She first used the hands of Niu Guijiaodu to deal with Shen Mo, consuming Shen Mo's combat power, and waited until both sides were injured, or one side won, and then reaped the benefits of the fisherman.

Shen Mo has an intuition that if the bull ghost wins this battle and is seriously injured, Xue Nu will definitely kill the bull ghost without hesitation.

Why do you want to ask Xue Nu to do this?

Silence couldn't help thinking of Tamazamae's introduction to the bull ghost and the snow girl. Both of them belong to the big monster of Yokohama.

The crux of the problem was that Yilang Swamp and Xuehua Mountain were extremely close, and the two big monsters had conflicts about the ownership of the territory on weekdays, and countless little monsters lost their lives because of this.

If Yaqi Orochi hadn't ordered them to join forces to deal with Silence, they would never have appeared together in Yokohama Port.

Unlike the upright Niu Guijiao, Xue Nu obviously wanted to use this battle to weaken or even eradicate her old enemy.

Now it seems that Xue Nu has got her wish!

No!To be exact, Yukino is still one step away. As long as she kills Silence and perfectly completes Yamata no Orochi's order, the death of Ushiki Kakutsu will become irrelevant, and she will be able to take over the territory of Ushiki Kakutsu as a matter of course. , Become a real sister of the Yokohama monster world.

What a scheming girl with a vicious mind, if it wasn't for Xue Nu's eyes that betrayed her, Mo Mo would almost be deceived by Xue Nu's pure appearance.

Silence's intuition has always been accurate, and this time was no exception.

It's a pity that Xue Nu has calculated thousands of times, and she missed one point, that is, her opponent is Silence.

Possessing the skills of a clergyman and the silence of the dog-shaped self-propelled blue weapon, in the battle with Uki Kato, while consuming and recovering, it did not consume much combat power, and still maintained [-]% of its combat power to meet the upcoming snow girl. incoming attack.

Looking at Xue Nu's aura again, it was obvious that she was preparing to release her big move, to suppress the enemy with one move, and not give Shen Mo any chance to breathe.

She is not as ink-stained as Niu Guijiaodu, if she does not make a move, it will be a big move.

In an instant, the entire filthy land became as gloomy and cold as the poles, countless crystal clear snowflakes fell from the sky, the buildings were frozen, the scarlet sky became dark, and thick cumulus clouds formed.

The silent breath condensed white mist, which turned into ice crystals in the air and scattered on the ground with snowflakes. The biting cold wind intensified, taking away the warmth of the body.

10 degrees!
0 degrees!
-10 degrees below zero!
-20 degrees below zero!
The temperature is getting lower and lower.

According to the limit of the human body, when human beings are in an environment of minus 20 degrees, if there is no heat preservation measure, it will cause irreparable and fatal damage to the body, ranging from amputation to save life, to death in severe cases.

Silence now only has a single shirt. If it weren't for the power of purification to help him resist some negative ice-attribute states, he would have been frozen into a freezer. Even so, his movements began to slow down and his thinking began to become blurred.

This is Snow Maiden's ultimate move - Shuang Xue Lian Lian!
[Frost Snow] The silence is understandable, at this moment he is already in a blizzard, fighting against the extreme cold all the time.

【Lianlian】What does it mean? !


The sound of ice crystals shattering and congealing sounded in Shen Mo's ears. When he looked closely, he saw ice lotuses began to gather around Xuenv. They danced like holy dancers in the blizzard, dazzling with ice crystals...
This is Lian Lian!Flower of Ice Crystal!Freeze everything!
"You can die! I will take your head and return to that person... As for Tamamo, this time, you should pay for your stupidity!"

call!The ice lotus spun rapidly, galloping rapidly in the powerful blizzard, bombarding Silence from all directions.

Just when Snow Maiden Ji Nai thought that Shen Mo would definitely die, she saw a red-yellow talisman ignited in Shen Mo's hand, its brilliance flashing, and he narrowly escaped the bombardment of the ice lotus.

Xuenv has seen the method of silence a long time ago, and knows that he has the ability to flash.

boom!A thick ice shield formed from the back of Xuenv, blocking the silent attack of the battle axe.

Ax Skill - Collapsing Mountain Strike! VS Ice Shield!

The ice shield is unscathed!

What a tough shield!

Mo Mo thought to himself, but he didn't dare to hesitate. With the help of the counter-shock force from the battle ax, he suddenly pulled away from the ice shield. The next moment, Mo Mo's original position was swept away by several ice lotuses, freezing instantly.

"Stop struggling feebly, I have figured out your fighting style, you are not my opponent..."

"Oh, is it?"

Asked silently, the phantom battle ax flashed in his hand and disappeared immediately.

Xue Nu's icy eyes froze slightly, thinking to herself that he really gave up resisting?Just as he was about to manipulate Binglian to strangle Shen Shen, he saw that Shen Shen's body began to mutate.

An ear-splitting dragon cry came from Silent's throat, his body expanded at a speed visible to the naked eye, and immediately turned into a majestic five-clawed golden dragon.

The dragon roars in the sky, swallows the clouds and blows out the fog; roams the sky, showing its majesty by itself.

Xue Nu's eyes widened in astonishment.

Although Yuzao had been aware of it for a long time, he still stood there in disbelief.

Silence has turned into a dragon!It is still the most noble five-clawed golden dragon!

Although Yu Zaoqian knew that Mo Mo had the blood of a real dragon, he didn't know that Mo Mo could transform into the body of a real dragon.
Yuzao was overjoyed, this wave is stable!She was absolutely right this time!This bastard actually hid such a big secret and didn't tell me!You must teach him a lesson when you're done.

Besides Xuenv's reaction, she was extremely astonished. She didn't expect Shen Mo to be transformed into a five-clawed golden dragon. In their world of monsters, dragons are the leaders of the monster world that existed in ancient times. These monsters do whatever they want.

Therefore, in the bottom of Xue Nu's heart, she has awe and admiration for dragons from her blood. Coupled with the ability she controls, it is a branch of water attribute energy, and the worship of dragon gods is even deeper in flesh and blood.

" are the dragon god?! No, it's could the dragon god be a human?"

Silence, who had transformed into a five-clawed golden dragon, did not answer Xuenv's question, but activated the power of her bloodline to activate her only innate ability—calling the wind and calling the rain!
[Calling the Wind and Calling the Rain: As a five-clawed golden dragon, you will have the powerful ability to move clouds and rain, and moisten all things. 】

[Reminder: This talent can extend other special effects skills.Waiting for the clergy to develop. 】

Mo Mo roamed among the cumulus clouds, and in an instant controlled the blizzard condensed by the snow girl. At this moment, he had already sensed a mysterious connection between his innate ability and the blizzard.

【Ding!Innate ability - call the wind and rain.Skill extension. 】

[Acquire new talent ability: Blizzard]

[Blizzard: The barren snow that freezes everything.This is you, the five-clawed golden dragon, using the natural ability of the dragon clan extended by calling the wind and calling the rain.Casting this ability, you control the wind and snow. 】

As expected, Mo Mo was not disappointed. Mo Mo was a little disappointed when he acquired the five-clawed golden dragon form and innate ability before, because the ability of calling wind and rain was too weak, and the help to Mo Mo was barely visible.

But this talent is a growth talent, as long as Shen Mo develops it well, he can extend more and stronger talent skills.

At this moment, it is the time when the dragon talent shows its superior growth.

snowstorm!It perfectly made up for the lack of attack methods and attack power in the form of the five-clawed golden dragon.

Roar!Moaned silently, and immediately controlled the blizzard around her, and saw the ice lotus around Xuenv instantly collapsed into powder, and the strong storm turned into a vortex and permeated around Xuenv, in an instant, Xuenv was frozen in place, only a The bulging head, and the stunned and unbelievable eyes.

Under the blizzard controlled by the Dragon God, Xue Nu looked so powerless, the suppression from her blood made her powerless to resist, she murmured faintly, her expression changed from astonishment to ecstasy and excitement, "I lost... I lost... I lost to Lord Dragon God. I was lucky enough to lose to Lord Dragon God! This is simply too happy..."


Um?Could it be that the snow girl's brain was frozen?Why was she crying and crying, and became ecstatic. Is it a very happy thing to be abused by me? !

"Hey! Snow Girl, what's wrong with you?"

"Master Dragon God, please don't stop... It is Ji Nai's greatest honor to die under your hands."

Mo Mo couldn't do anything because of what he said. The snow girl Ji Nai, who looked hideous just a second ago, suddenly came to her senses?
"Don't you know?" Yuzao stood up and explained, "In ancient times, the Xuenv clan was the servants of the dragon clan. They worshiped the dragon god far more than any monsters. And you are a nobleman among the dragon clan, A descendant of the Dragon God with the five-clawed golden dragon bloodline... It is not an exaggeration to say that you have successfully captured her the moment you transformed."

The corner of Shen Mo's mouth twitched slightly, from whom did you learn the word "strategy" before Yuzao, it's simply too indecent!
Besides, what is the use of this Snow Maiden, and what can I use it for after I conquer it?

Mo Mo's family already has a zashiki boy Nannan, a female ghost Linger, a dog soul dog egg, and a snake demon Liu Ruyan
(Temporarily sent), a puppet Liu Xiaoci, a gay friend Hua Yingjun... Where is there room to raise a snow girl.

Yuzao shrugged indifferently, "That's your business, if you don't want to, kill her."

killed?Then kill.

"It's a pity to kill!" Ghost Shadow Mask reminded, "In our era, Snow Maiden was in short supply."

I was silent and puzzled, but when I thought about it carefully, I felt a little chilly. Were the ancient people so dirty?Even the Snow Girl?But I still asked, "Why did the people in the Heian era arrest the snow girl?"

"Of course it's to avoid the summer heat... What do you think? Hey...Master, what are you thinking about?"

What else can I think about in silence, of course it is used to escape the heat.

Take a closer look, Xuenv is an artifact used to escape the summer heat. With a Xuenv in summer, it is equivalent to a human-shaped self-propelled air conditioner, which will not get hot anywhere.This will save a lot of electricity bills.

Having said that, the silent bedroom really lacks an air conditioner. It will be hot in half a year, so there is nothing wrong with preparing an air conditioner in advance.

That being the case, then I will accept this Snow Girl without embarrassment... No, the air conditioner is out.

Silent dissipated the blizzard, and the trapped Xuenv escaped from the ice. She didn't attack Silence, but came respectfully to Silence, and slavishly crawled down to Silence.

"Master Dragon God, Snow Maiden Ji Nai, I would like to serve you for the rest of my life."

"Beasts are better!"


Who is calling me? ... Bah, who is scolding me.

Clap!The lucky cat on Shen Mo's waist trembled slightly, and Nan Nan's figure manifested, staring at Mo Mo with a jealous tone and eyes.

"Humans are always so greedy... Shameless, obscene, despicable..."

Mo Mo didn't expect Nan Nan's reaction to be so big. When he subdued Liu Ruyan, created Liu Xiaoci, and sealed the three puppet before, Nan Nan didn't have such a big reaction. How could he have such a big reaction this time.

Silently savoring, looking back and forth between Nan Nan and Xue Nu Ji Nai, the answer is obvious, Xue Nu Ji Nai, like Nan Nan, is a cute and simple little lolita, and Nan Nan obviously regards Ji Nai as a status threat .

Compared to Ling'er's simplicity, Liu Ruyan's coquettishness, and Liu Xiaoci's imperial sister Fan, the loli attributes of Nan Nan and Xue Nu obviously conflict repeatedly.

Why!A woman's mind is really hard to understand!

Mo Mo patted Nan Nan on the head, if he had to choose between Nan Nan and Xue Nu Ji Nai, Mo Mo would 100% choose Nan Nan instead of Xue Nu Ji Nai.

Because Nannan is a silent baby, and Xuenv Ji Nai is just a human-shaped self-propelled air conditioner, and the value of the two is judged.

Coupled with the fact that Shen Mo has learned the blizzard skill from Yuki Nai, it doesn't matter whether there is Yuki Nai or not.

Since Nan Nan reacted so strongly, coupled with Shen Mo's next plan, if he doesn't accept it, he won't accept it.

"Since Nan Nan doesn't like it, forget it and let her go!"

Nan Nan blinked her big eyes. She didn't expect her objection to be answered silently. This feeling of being valued made Nan Nan very happy and also a little embarrassed.

"Actually, it's not impossible to accept... Nannan just thinks..."

Silently touched Nan Nan's head again, "No matter what happens, Nan Nan is the most important thing in my heart. Everything else doesn't matter."

"Snow Maiden Ji Nai, let's go!"

Ji Nai froze on the spot, cast a weak glance at Nan Nan, "Master Dragon God, please let me serve you... It is the bounden duty of our Xuenv clan to take care of your daily life."

Shen Mo and Nan Nan looked at each other, thinking about it carefully, it seems that there is really no special person responsible for Shen Mo's daily life, most of his daily life is taken care of by Liu Xiaoci on a part-time basis, if Liu Xiaoci is busy, sometimes Shen Mo has to take care of it himself .

"Then let her stay!" Nan Nan let out a sigh of relief, "From today onwards, you will be responsible for taking care of our daily life."

"That's what Ji Nai should do."

Nan Nan didn't care about Ji Nai, the snow girl, but how much Mo Mo valued her.

Before she knew it, Nan Nan no longer called Shen Mo the boss, and the terms between the two began to blur.

(End of this chapter)

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