The aura of a priest is infinite

Chapter 386 The Magical Use of the Shroud

Chapter 386 The Magical Use of the Shroud
Nan Nan is so sensible, Mo Mo really didn't hurt her in vain, seeing Nan Nan accepting Ji Nai's existence, Mo Mo felt a lot more at ease.

There is really a law of both ends in the world, which is worthy of Tathagata and worthy of Qing!
Immediately, Shen Mo set his sights on the corpse of Ugui Kakutsu, the horns emitting crimson light, and the spider legs exuding cold light, like an enchanting lady, always pulling Shen Mo's mind.

He came to Niu Guijiaodu's body, reached out to touch it, and immediately a reminder sounded in his mind.

【Ding!Discovered a special material: the petrified horn of Ushiki Kakuto.Uki Kakutsu's steel spider legs. 】

[Petrified horns of Ushi Kakuto: This material can be used to make dolls, so that the dolls can acquire the special effect skill: petrification. 】

[Steel Spider Legs of Uki Kadotsu: This material can be used to make dolls, so that the dolls can acquire special skills: fine steel spider blade. 】

Sure enough, Shen Mo was not disappointed, and valuable special materials really exploded from Uki Katotsu's body, not to mention the fine steel spider blade skill attached to the steel spider legs, the petrification skill is an extremely powerful skill.

It is no exaggeration to say that as long as it is used properly, it will play an extremely critical role.Mo Mo had to think about how to use this special effect skill.

Not only that, Silence also obtained a good thing from Niugui Jiaodu.

I saw Shen Mo slowly opened his palm, and a group of spirits appeared and floated in midair.

【Ding!Find out whether the full soul*1 is absorbed. 】

[Complete soul: mutated ghost, this is a ghost that was enslaved by Niu Guijiaodu, and has the ability to turn the person who killed into a ghost. 】

This ghost is none other than the little ghost that Shen Mo had helped before. Because of the death of the bull ghost, he had already gotten rid of the shackles of the bull ghost, but he did not choose to become a Buddha like other ghosts. Trying to find his mother.

"Mom! I want to find my mother!"

"Little ghost, I haven't asked what your name is yet."

"My name is Bird Dazhen. I want to find my mother."

Shen Mo had a funny face, "The bird is really big?!"

"No, it's Bird Dazhen."

"What a big bird?!"

"No, it's Bird Dazhen!"

Shen Shen shook his head, "Your name has no spirituality, why don't I choose another one for you?"

"No! This is the name my mother gave me, and I won't change it... I'm going to find my mother. Didn't you say that you want to help me find my mother?"

Silently scratching his head, he did say such a thing, but now is obviously not the time, and he will have time to help Tou Dazhen find his mother when the Yamata no Orochi matter is resolved.

"Have you regretted it? Or, let me go and I will find it myself."

Silence chuckled, "How could I go back on my word? I silently promised others, and I have never broken my promise, but now is indeed not the time, as you can see, I am being hunted down by ghosts, and this crisis must be resolved before I can get rid of it." Help you find your mother, you love your mother so much, and you don't want her to be involved in this crisis."

Bird Dazhen pondered for a while, the fact is true, and he didn't want his mother to be involved in this tricky matter.

"Let's do this! Let's help each other, you help me solve my problems first, and then I will help you find your mother. As a reward, I will help you refine a new body...a super powerful body. "

Niao Dazhen was slightly hesitant, "My mother said that the free candies are likely to contain poison, and I have no ability to help you... But you help me like this, you must have a plan."

Silence smiled awkwardly, "How come... Uncle, he is a good man."

"He is not a good person. He wants to make you into a puppet, and then ask you to help him fight monsters." Nan Nan said on the sidelines.

There was silence for a while, Nan Nan, is what you said worthy of my love for you?

"I see. If you don't tell me the truth, I will never agree. Since this is your purpose, then I promise you."

Um?The silence is a little trance, the way of thinking of children is really strange, what kind of logic is this, if you don't believe me if I cheat you secretly, if you cheat you openly, you will believe it.

Are the routines not popular these days?
Niao Dazhen said frankly, "To tell you the truth, I hope to gain more power, and I want to protect my mother."

Now it's Silence's turn to be silent, look at Niaozhen... No, Niaoda really means that he wants to gain strength to protect his mother!
If Shen Mo gave him the body of a precious puppet, if this kid brought another mother over, how could Shen Mo's family pretend!

But the fact is in front of him, Shen Mo only has the complete soul of Bird Dazhen at hand, and if he wants to use the petrification ability of the bull ghost as soon as possible, he can only choose to give the body of a puppet to Bird Dazhen.

Although Silence has the ability to change Bird Dazhen's memory and make him choose to give up his obsession with protecting his mother, Silence's nature does not allow him to do so.

Although silence is not a good person, it is not so frenzied.

Why!Don't care about so much, the situation at that time, we will look at it when the time comes, and solve the current predicament first.

So, Shen Mo collected the soul of Niao Dazhen, and prepared to refine it into a doll in a while. As for whether he chooses to go with Shen Mo, or stay and protect his mother, let it happen!

Silence also thought about it. I worked so hard to uproot the Toshiba Club of Yamata no Orochi, and just let it go like this. Isn’t it a bit wasteful? It’s better to find someone to take over the Toshiba Club, control the monsters of the island country, and then affect the entire island country ····
This is not impossible.

Let's not talk about it later, let's talk about the present first.

After touching Niu Guijiaodu's corpse silently, he turned his eyes to the group of monsters around him. They had already been frozen by the previous blizzard. Although they were not dead, they lost half of their lives.

"Lord Dragon God, do you need Ji Nai to help you get rid of these little monsters?" Seeing Mo Mo, Ji Nai, the snow girl, was thinking about how to deal with the group of monsters, so she recommended herself, willing to do the same.

Shen Mo shook his head, he didn't want to kill all these little monsters, but wanted to make good use of them.

"Ji Nai, help me defrost them and release them."

Everyone was taken aback, let them go? !If they are released, the snow girl will rebel, the bull ghost will be killed, and even the secret of the silent dragon god's body will be leaked, and spread to Yamata no Orochi's ears at the speed of light. In this way, won't you reveal all your cards? ?What kind of medicine is sold in Shen Mo's gourd?

Although Ji Nai was puzzled, she did not dare to disobey Shen Mo's order, because this was the first order Shen Mo gave her.

Ji Nai nodded slightly, raised her immature palms, and those little monsters who had been frozen into lumps thawed out one after another.

"Mom! Run away!"

"The Dragon God is here... run away! I have eaten people, and I will be killed by the Dragon God."

"Quickly report this matter to that adult..."

In just a few breaths, all the little demons in the filthy land escaped.

After the outsiders left, everyone turned their attention to Shen Mo.

Yu Zaoqian: "This is your plan to advertise your real body to the world?! Stupid! Do you know? Once the real dragon's birth is revealed, those big monsters who don't obey discipline will definitely see you as a thorn in their eyes and a thorn in their flesh. They will definitely join forces to deal with you."

Ghost mask: "Master, you miscalculated this time! Since the fall of the real dragon, this island country has long been reduced to the world of monsters like Yamata no Orochi. They will never allow an existence like you to reproduce the glory of the Dragon God of."

Xuenv: "My lord, no matter what decision you make, Ji Nai will follow you. This is the mission of the Xuenv clan."

Nannan: "Why are you so nervous? This villain never does meaningless things. He is very smart. Tell me, what is your plan?"

Looking up at the sky at a 45-degree angle in silence, the sky of the filthy land is so red, "Everything is under control."

"speak English!"

"Ahem! If there are enemies, there must be teammates." Mo Mo took a deep look at the snow girl Ji Nai, "There are not a few monsters like Ji Nai who support me, right?"

Yuzao and the ghost mask couldn't help but look at each other, indeed!Everything has both yin and yang. Although most of the monsters are just under that lord's tail, many of the real big monsters, like the Xuenv clan, maintain worship and awe of the Dragon God.

As long as those little monsters spread the news of the Dragon God's present world, there will naturally be big monsters following and responding, and those two-faced factions lurking under the tail of the Yamata no Orochi will also be uncertain, not moving in secret, sitting and watching the situation.

After such a psychological battle, Yamata no Orochi's combat power will inevitably be lost, and the number of big monsters it can drive will definitely be reduced.

Silence only thwarted Yamata no Orochi's combat power by just spreading a message.

Moreover, is the benefit just that? !
No!The purpose of silence is not only to weaken the opponent's combat power, but the main purpose is to disperse the combat power around Yamata no Orochi.

When Yamata no Orochi knows the existence of Silence, it will inevitably hinder Silence from reaching its side more crazily, and those monsters living beside it will be dispatched to hinder Silence. At that time, the combat power around Yamata no Orochi will be empty, Silence only needs to use a little tricks, and it can easily lurk by its side, avoid most of the resistance, and execute the beheading action.

What a smack!The strategy of capturing the thief first to capture the king!

So, here comes the crux of the problem, how can Silence avoid the eyes and ears of Yamata no Orochi and lurk beside it?
From Yokohama to Tokyo, a short distance of 30 kilometers, Mo Mo even knows how to fly into the sky and escape from the ground, and he can't escape the eyes and ears of the monsters!
As long as it is discovered by a monster, Silence will be surrounded by a group of monsters, and the plan to reach Yamata no Orochi will be difficult.

Tamamo and the ghost mask stared at Silence, waiting for such an answer.

I saw Shen Mo with a confident look, flicked his wrist, and took out a bunch of old and decayed rotten cloth strips.

Yu Zaoqian: "When is it, you are still joking with us."

Ghost mask: "It's over, the master's brain is frozen, isn't he, he is going to hang himself with a rag!"

Nan Nan: "Huh?! Isn't this a rag strip that the idiot opened himself? I opened the jar before, and he opened it once, and then he opened a rag strip."

jar?Rags? !Yu Zaoqian and the ghost mask looked puzzled.

cough cough!Mo Mo coughed twice, and corrected, "What do you know? This is the shroud used by the Pharaoh!"

Everyone looked at each other in blank dismay. After all, it was not a rag, or a rag used by a dead person.

What is it for? !
The corner of Shen Mo's mouth raised, it is of great use!
(End of this chapter)

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