The aura of a priest is infinite

Chapter 387 Target Tokyo

Chapter 387 Target Tokyo
Useful? !

What good can a tattered shroud do? !
Everyone looked at each other in blank dismay, even Nan Nan who was often accompanied by Shen Mo couldn't figure out what Shen Mo was up to.

Silence didn't say much, and he directly put the shroud on himself, and immediately, something unbelievable happened.

I saw the shroud of the pharaoh began to coil around the silent body like a poisonous snake with life. The worn-out cloth head exuded a rotten and decadent breath of death, as if the cry from hell rose faintly, countless skeletons The phantom of the resentful spirit emerges from behind Silence, and as the last human aura of Silence is covered and hidden, Silence has turned into a mummy that has been dusty for thousands of years, and it no longer has the breath and appearance of a human being.

Silence transgendered!

Silence turned into a monster in front of everyone... No, to be precise, he turned into a mummy.

Yuzao's demonic pupils flickered, and with her insight, she couldn't see any flaws, as if Silence was a fresh mummy just dug out of the pyramid.

Nan Nan's pink mouth was full of shock. She had dealt with the mummy Morton together with Shen Mo, so she had a very high awareness of the mummy.


Everyone was at a loss for words for a while, and they were speechless.

Hearing Nan Nan's words, Mu Mo, who was turned into a mummy, really wanted to use the bandage restraint skill he had just acquired to slap Nan Nan's ass hard, but he endured it anyway. A big man doesn't need to be as knowledgeable as a little monster.

His mind was mainly on himself, Shen Mo, who had just obtained the shroud ability, was feeling this completely different power.

This is a shroud that has been blessed by the soul of the pharaoh. Wearing it, you will receive the blessings of the pharaohs of all ages and become a pharaoh-level mummy.

Shen Mo raised his arms slightly, and wrapped the ground cloth strips close to his body without any discomfort. On the contrary, it gave Mo Mo a sense of tightness and strength bound by a bandage. In the slightly warm ocean, it is indescribably enjoyable...

Twisting the waist, there is no stiffness like a mummy, but the joints are very flexible, and I can even make difficult movements that I couldn't do before...

For example, bite yourself.

Of course, Shen Mo would not show his lower limit in such a vicious way, mainly to express that he already possessed a flexibility comparable to that of a yoga master. His joints can be twisted at will, his body can be twisted at will, and he can even knead himself into a ball. Stuffed into the milk powder jar, filled with milk powder.

What's even more frightening is that Silence's body can already ignore 90.00% of physical attacks. Whether it's a knife, fork, sword or halberd, or an axe, it's just a matter of inserting two holes in the front and back of Silence, and it can't even do any damage. Come out, because Silence is now the body of a mummy, only afraid of attacks at the soul level, and attacks of physical attributes can almost be ignored.

After talking about the changes in the body, let's talk about the changes in abilities.

Shen Mo found that he could no longer use the ability of the priest, and his ability was blocked by the mysterious aura on the shroud. Although it still existed, he couldn't use it.

And the ability Shen Mo just acquired is the special effect skill that comes with the shroud.

[Curse of Death: Equivalent to an immortal body, making Silence immune to 90.00% of physical attacks. 】

[Bandage Binding: Throw a sticky bandage to bind the enemy.Surprisingly, throwing proficiency can actually increase the attack power of the bandage. 】

[Aura of Despair: After it is turned on, it makes nearby creatures feel endless despair, suppresses various attributes, and falls into a state of despair, which then makes them unable to take care of themselves. 】

[Mummy army: Consume mental power to summon the pharaoh's guard army. With silent mental power, it is enough to summon 100 pharaoh's guards at one time. 】

Such is the power of the Shroud of the Pharaohs.It's really a powerful force!

But what Shen Mo was interested in was not the power of the shroud, but the fact that the shroud turned him into a mummy. At this moment, Shen Mo looked like a mummy, and in the eyes of the ghosts and monsters in the island country, he was a monster No one would have imagined that a person with the blood of the Dragon God could actually turn into a mummy.

Shen Mo believes that with the disguise of the mummy, he can definitely avoid the blockade of the Hyakki, sneak into Tokyo, find the headquarters of Toshiba Corporation, and make a mistake to Yaqi Orochi.

As for the power of the pharaoh-class mummy?Powerful or not?

Shen Mo slowly raised his arm and opened the aura of despair. In an instant, with the foot of Mo Mo as the center, a jet-black energy light wave began to emerge, spreading at the speed of light, with a radiation range of more than [-] meters.

Huh?Yu Zaoqian, who had the sharpest sense of monsters, was the first to perceive the breath of the halo of despair. Before she had time to avoid it, she was directly hit.

"Hey... I'm so ashamed... The adults I served... all died of old age in the end... It's me who consumed them to death. How incompetent I am, I still have to live What's the point..."

Ghost mask: "Wow... I have failed in life... I am timid, I am cowardly, I am afraid of death, I am not a monster... My life is worthless... It is better to die It's over."

Nannan: "Woooo... I'm not as pure as sister Linger, as sexy as sister Ruyan, as understanding as sister Xiaoci, as hardworking as a handsome brother... I'm so useless..."

Xue Nu: "I'm sorry, Lord Dragon God, Ji Nai is guilty, please punish Ji Nai for her offense, you can ask Ji Nai to do anything."

Under the influence of the halo of despair, everyone showed their own state of despair one after another. Silence, the instigator, saw it in his eyes and smiled from the bottom of his heart.

Ha, I didn't expect the ability of the halo of despair to be so powerful. A big monster like Tamazamo was also affected by it, and became suspicious of monsters, unable to take care of themselves.

Shen Mo immediately put away his aura of despair. If they let them continue to despair, Mo Mo worried that they would kill themselves with a sword. Even if they didn't die, they would leave a psychological shadow to some extent.

As the halo of despair dissipated, everyone recovered from despair after a few moments of indignation. Their faces were pale, they looked at each other, and turned their eyes to the silent mummy's body.

Tamazamo: "What did you do to me?"

Ghost Mask: "Master, are you playing with me?"

Nannan: "Bad guy, use me to test new abilities again."

Snow Girl: "Your Excellency is really... a good trick."

In an instant, Silence was reduced to a dead body under public criticism, ushering in a lot of hatred.

cough cough!Coughing twice in silence, looking up at the sky at a 45-degree angle, "Today's weather is really nice!"

"This is a place of filth, where does the weather come from?"

"Yeah, the scenery there is really nice."

"Where does the beautiful scenery come from in the filthy land, don't change the subject, give us an explanation. What did you just do to us?"

Silence sees that hiding is impossible, "To tell you the truth, I just tested my ability a feels pretty good."

Not bad you rags... You almost made us suspect a demon.

But there is no doubt that the ability that Mo Mo tested just now was really powerful and inexplicably powerful, and it actually made all the monsters present fall into the trick.

"Silence, what is your ability called?"

"Aura of despair."

hiss!Everyone thought of the desperate state of mind just now, and couldn't help but feel a chill down their spines. It really was a desperate operation!
"This is the ability you got from the rag... no, the shroud of the Pharaoh?" Tamamo asked in surprise, even she who was well-informed had never seen such a strange and powerful ability.

"That's right, this is only part of its ability," Silence didn't elaborate, but it still had a great psychological impact on everyone.

Even a piece of rag has such a powerful power, how many mysteries are hidden in Mo Mo's body.

When Yuzao thought that he knew Shen Mo very well, he always threw new surprises and surprises to her, as if he had endless secrets in him, mysterious, powerful, and fascinating.

Yuzao took a deep breath, and a trace of expectation rose in his heart, "This is the plan you said, using the power of the shroud to kill Tokyo?"

"Sister Yuzao, you are thinking too much!" Before Shen Mo could answer, Nan Nan stood up and answered, "Based on what I know about the idiot boss, he won't go head-to-head with the enemy."

Yuzao was surprised, "Then what do you mean?"

oh!The concubine understands!
Sensing the evil spirit in front of Yuzao, he found that Silence had no trace of human aura, and his whole body was full of the evil aura unique to monsters. In this case, absolutely no monster would care about the existence of Silence.

It is not an exaggeration to say that Silence can walk to Tokyo in a big way.

This is Silence's plan, he had thought of this a long time ago, before dealing with the bull ghost and Xuenv, he knew there would be such a step.

Yu Zaoqian couldn't help but a smile appeared on his face, "Sure enough, I didn't misunderstand you, stinky brother! You are so bad that you can even lie to your sister."

Silence shrugged, saying that there was no way, even though he was so powerful.

So how to arrange the next plan?

Yuzao asked in surprise, "We split into two groups. You sneaked into Tokyo with the help of a mummy, and we tried to reach Tokyo?"

Shen Shen shook his head, "No, let's go together."

"No, you hid your identity, but I didn't, and neither did Xuenv. If we are targeted by other monsters, you will still be affected."

Mo Mo had expected it long ago, and said with a smirk, "Tamamo, haven't I already thought of a way for you?"

Huh? !Yuzao looked puzzled, when did Shen Mo think of a way for her?

"It's me! It's me! I finally came in handy!"

The ghost mask pinned to Yuzaoqian's waist suddenly realized, it jumped up and down, eager to try, because it knew that the meaning of silence was to let it go to Yuzaoqian's body, to help Yuzao cover up her nine-tailed demon fox aura.

For the ghost mask, this is a great blessing!Sure enough, there are good things, wonderful things, and great benefits to follow the master!
After learning the truth, Yuzao looked embarrassed. Although she appeared to be open and casual on the surface, she was still very conservative in her heart. Although she had served several adults, she still maintained her virginity. It is said that only a virgin body can exert the charm technique to the extreme, if her body is damaged, her charm power will definitely be greatly reduced.

In this world, only pure and flawless is the most perfect charm.

Let the ghost mask cover your body?Yuzao didn't want to, and he didn't want to say anything.

"Don't even think about it."

Tamamo-mae's tone was very strong, as if there was no turning back.

Shen Mo frowned slightly, he didn't know the change of Yuzao's mood, it was a little hard to understand, what's the matter, is this too much?It's just the upper body, and there won't be a piece of meat missing.

Ghost Mask: "That's...that's it"

"That's not OK!"

Mo Mo shook his head, if this didn't work, would it really be necessary to divide the troops into two groups, wouldn't that disperse the little combat power?

Why!Silence and helplessness, first remove the ability of the shroud, so that he can restore his human body.

Yuzao was taken aback for a moment, thinking that her actions made Shen Mo give up the plan, she was in a state of turmoil and brooding... For Shen Mo's plan, for her dream of co-existing with monsters, it's just the upper body, so what? Woolen cloth.

"I..." Yu Zaoqian wanted to let go, but heard Silence say.

"You don't want the ghost mask on your body, then, you fuck me!"

Tamazamo: "???"

What does this mean?She is a nine-tailed demon fox, not Fu Sangshen, so how could she possess such witchcraft.

Besides, can you be more tactful?The children are all watching.

Shen Mo explained in detail, "I didn't mean that, I mean there is a demon world in my body."

Demon world? !
Yuzaoqian was extremely shocked. Compared with ghosts, Yuzaoqian, who is a monster, has a deeper understanding of the demon world. Only talented monsters can have their own demon world. Back then, the island nation was able to avoid the exhaustion of spiritual energy. The reason is that a big demon used his own demon world to create a world.

That's right, this world is the filthy place where everyone lives.

Hundreds of years ago, this place was not called a filthy place, but a paradise for monsters. Unfortunately, the years have changed and the demon world has been in turmoil. This world has long been reduced to a filthy place due to years of war and fighting.

She never expected that there was actually a demon world in Shen Mo's body.

Silence!Silence!How many secrets do you have on your body?Sister, I really seem to have stripped you clean, look carefully.

Now that Shen Mo has revealed his own sky-reaching demon world, there is no need for Yu Zaoqian to put a ghost mask on his body.

"Master, you can't upper body that you promised..."

Silence: "You want to get up so much? Don't worry, I will give you a chance in the future."

As for whose body... hehe, that's up to you.

I saw Shen Mo stretching his five fingers, displaying the innate ability of Tongtian Liu, and opening the gate of Tongtian Demon Realm. In front of Yuzao, the ghost mask, Snow Girl, walked into the demon world one after another, and got up in secret.

Silence turned into a mummy again, tied Nannan's beckoning cat around her body, and covered it with a shroud.

"Get ready! Go! Target Tokyo."

(End of this chapter)

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