The aura of a priest is infinite

Chapter 388 Find the Organization's Shen Mummy Mo

Chapter 388 Find the Organization's Shen Mummy Mo
As the gates of the Filth opened, the mummified Silence emerged from it.

He shook his head wrapped in rags, and looked around from the special perspective of a mummy. Yokohama Port was still the same Yokohama Port, but the silence was no longer the same as before.

He should be called Shen Mummy Mo now.

First of all, the perspective of the mummy is very different from that of humans. He does not scan the surroundings through the eyes under the rag strips, but scans the surroundings through an existence similar to divine consciousness.

According to Silence's understanding, it should be the so-called power of the soul.

The power of the soul is different from the power of the spirit. It is a purer power, which makes Shen Mo more clearly perceive the difference between the island countries.

The aura is revived, and the evil spirit is rampant.A hundred ghosts walk in the night, ghosts and monsters.

Silence raised his head and looked up at the sky.

The sky is still the same sky, but it is filled with a strange aura mixed with spiritual energy and monster energy.

He bowed his head and peeked at the ground.

The ground is still the same, but it overflows with messy strands of aura mixed with aura and evil spirit.

Silently said with emotion, "The island country is really a decadent place full of demons and monsters!"

Such a situation can indeed lay a solid foundation for the coexistence of humans and monsters, and it can also plant the seeds of evil for the era of ghosts and night walks.

As for which future the island country will eventually go to, it depends on the battle between Shen Mo and Yamata no Orochi, who will be the winner with the last laugh.

Mo Mo let go of his soul perception, and under the power of his soul, the current situation of the entire Yokohama Port was captured in his mind. He not only discovered the flow of people coming and going in Yokohama Port, but also found many little monsters wandering in the port and had no time to escape.

These little monsters are the little monsters that Shen Mo let go. According to the plan, they will walk out the secret of Shen Mo possessing the body of the dragon god and pass it to the ears of Yamata no Orochi. Therefore, following them is a good way for Mo Mo to arrive in Tokyo. choose.

Silence quickly locked onto a little demon with a demonic aura. The other party had black and thick shoulder-length hair, pale skin without a trace of blood, a single horn on his forehead, scarlet eyes without pupils, and blood-like red lips seemed to be She had just sucked human blood, and she was wrapped in a robe of fallen flowers and kimono. It was hard to tell what her figure was, but there was no doubt that a humanoid demon like her definitely had the qualifications to become a great demon... ·

It's a pity that the evil spirit and resentment that permeated her whole body became the biggest obstacle for her to become a big monster. The biggest difference between a small monster and a big monster is whether it has independent consciousness. No matter how strong she is, she is still a low-level little demon, and cannot become a great demon.

This little demon obviously couldn't let go of his inner obsession, his heart was full of resentment, and he would often go berserk and hurt people, even kill and eat people.

The reason why Shen Mummy Mo chose this little monster was mainly because this little monster was controlling all the monsters and giving them new orders.

"What are you still doing here? Hurry up and take a walk out of what happened here. The presence of the Dragon God is bound to hinder the great plan of that lord... The era of the night tour of the ghosts must reappear...Humans must Once again reduced to the rations of monsters...their dirty, ugly, and despicable race are bound to perish."

The group of demons were driven to flee Yokohama port one after another, but Silence pretended not to hear anything and stood there blankly, which naturally attracted the attention of the little demons.

"What kind of monster are you? Why have I never seen you?" The little monster's scarlet eyes showed no expression, but her voice was full of tyranny and murderous intent, as if the silent answer did not satisfy her, Or if he is a little negligent, he will be killed and eaten by her.

Shen Mo shook his mummy body slightly, and replied with a hoarse voice like sand rubbing, "Report to my lord, I am a mummy who just smuggled from Egypt."

Little Demon: "???"

Egypt?Smuggling?mummy? !A foreign monster! ?

Silence nodded again and again, "Yes, my lord, you know that there is no country outside like the island country that allows us monsters to do whatever they want, so I have worked hard, traveled thousands of mountains and rivers, and crossed several times. Several continents, several oceans... before finally arriving at the island country..."

Silently speaking, he gradually put himself into the role, and said tearfully (similar to the quacking voice of a male duck), "When I saw you, I finally understood... I! Shen Mummy Mo I, finally found the organization! "

The little demon's pale face was full of surprise and incomprehension, and soon it was replaced by a fierce aura, and she muttered viciously, "It's so troublesome, I can't figure it out, so, you'd better die!"

Shen Mo paused in his heart, this monster didn't play the cards according to the routine, he thought it was troublesome to verify my identity, and wanted to kill me directly.

hum!Silence didn't dare to hesitate, and immediately released his aura of despair. In an instant, black ripples surged, covering the little demon.

Little Demon: "???"

She only felt her heart tremble violently, her whole body began to tremble uncontrollably, scarlet tears of blood flowed out of her eyes uncontrollably, she knelt down at Shen Mo's feet in shame and despair.

"Oh... I am a poor woman. I was cheated by men before I was alive, and I was cheated of all my property. After I jumped off the building and died, I didn't even have a place to bury my bones... I turned into a monster and kept killing those heartless people. All the scumbags who dare to blaspheme love and betray love will die tragically under my sharp claws and be eaten by me bit by bit... But the despair in my heart has never been relieved by this, on the contrary it has become heavier... It is about to overwhelm me...I am so desperate, I want to die...I am a failed woman and even a failed monster, so I will not be a monster anymore"

As the little demon said that, he wanted to raise his scarlet long armored finger and stab his head fiercely.

Aura of despair!Make the little demon shut himself up in place, not to be a demon.

Silence can't let her die. If she dies, whoever takes Silence to Tokyo, whoever takes Silence into the enemy's interior, and whoever takes Silence to get close to Yamata no Orochi, come and see.

Seeing that the situation was not good, Silence immediately turned off the effect of the halo of despair.

Little Demon: "???"

What just happened?Why would I choose to kill myself?Why am I so desperate?Why did I decide not to be a demon?

Xiao Yao couldn't help looking at Shen Mo, "It's you? What did you do to me just now?"

Silence shrugged the mummy's fragrant shoulders, "It's just self-protection. As I said, this demon has worked so hard to find the organization. If you don't give me a chance to join, that's all. It's too much to kill me! I At first I was thinking...if I do well, I will contact my relatives in Egypt, such as Setis II, Marbrich III... Let everyone come to the island country to develop, now it seems... the monsters of the island country, They are nothing more than ants under the feet of brainless humans."

snort!Such an organization, it doesn't matter if you can't get into it!

At this moment, the little demon understands the reason for Silence, feeling that this is a foreign monster who wants to go to Yamata no Orochi... why didn't you say it earlier?Now is the time to use monsters, the more monsters with abilities like you, the better... If I introduce you to that lord, that lord will definitely praise me well.

Silence: "I told you, you are too lazy to think about it!"

"You should be more direct, don't you see? My emotions are easily affected by evil spirits. If I use too much brain, I will go berserk..."

The little demon sniffed lightly at the tip of his nose, reconfirming Shen Mo's aura as a monster, "Well, since you want to join us and your ability is pretty good, I'll make an exception and introduce you to that adult."


"Is that still fake?"

"Don't kill me?"

"Why kill you, the world's monsters belong to one family, and our purpose is the same..."

"For what purpose?"

"Kill all those dirty, despicable, and ugly humans!"

Shen Mo smiled, "Your ideal is really great..."

"My name is Ghost Girl, what's your name?"

"You can call me Shen Mummy Mo I."

"What a strange name."

"The names of foreign monsters are so strange, you will get used to them after talking too much, so when are we going to meet that lord?"

The ghost girl saw that the monsters in Yokohama port were almost gone, she didn't need to stay here anymore, so she said, "It's fine now, I'll take you to see that lord."

"it is good!"

Mo Mo secretly rejoiced, gaining the trust of the enemy and breaking into the enemy's interior was simply too easy.

No wonder people often say that it is easy to do things when you find a relationship. If you have a relationship, everything goes well!

While leading Shen Mo out of Yokohama Port, the ghost girl asked casually, "Do the monsters over there eat people?"

The silence was a little awkward, but he still acted and said, "The monsters over there don't eat people."

Um? !The ghost girl's hostility skyrocketed, and her eyes turned unkind to Shen Mo.

"Cough cough, you know, people are really dirty, there are preservatives, waste oil, and additives. It's really unhygienic to eat one person and almost eat the periodic table of elements... ·”

The ghost girl was thoughtful, "Really? Why don't I feel..."

Shen Mo continued to explain, "Wake up alone at breakfast, open a cup made of black heart cotton, brush teeth with carcinogenic toothpaste, drink Sanjiao powder, eat washing powder fried dough sticks, plus Sudan red eggs, 69 kinds of carcinogens in smoking. Eat at noon Stir-fry eels fed with contraceptive pills in gutter oil, add cabbage sprayed with dichlorvos, and put two bowls of poisoned rice cooked with aged grains. In the evening, eat a plate of dead pork raised in lean meat, dipped in soy sauce made from hair, and put two bowls of rice in it. A piece of stinky tofu soaked in large dung water, and cold jellyfish slices soaked in formalin, and two mouthfuls of formaldehyde-rich white wine... Tsk tsk, you taste it! You taste it carefully!"

Forehead? !The ghost girl froze in place for an instant, she stopped, her pale face was full of complex and rich expressions, the next second, she squatted down suddenly, and vomited violently, almost vomited out ghostly bile.

Silently patted the ghost girl on the back, pitied the other party's miserable appearance, and comforted her, "Ghost girl, do you still eat people?"

vomit!The ghost girl shuddered and vomited again, her body seemed to have been numb for more than ten years in an instant.

"No... I won't eat it... I will never eat it again in my life... Ugh!"

After a long time, Mo Mo helped the weak ghost girl, and comforted her, "I'm very pleased that you have realized it!"

The ghost girl quickly stopped, "Don't...don't ask me this question again."

"Okay, don't mention it. Let's talk about how to meet that adult, shall we?"

The ghost girl replied, "The lord is in Tokyo, we have to take a train to go there."

"Motion trains?! Monsters can also make trains?" Mo Mo was a little surprised. Although he knew that the island country's train system was very developed, he didn't expect that monsters also rely on trains to travel.

"What's so surprising about this is that the train is so convenient." The ghost girl said proudly, "To tell you the truth, the power of that adult has already controlled the train system. The monsters of our Toshiba club all have special cars to travel."

Tut tut!This really surprised Shen Mo, but it is understandable when you think about it carefully. Among the most critical elements of the current era, the transportation hub is the top priority. Yamata no Orochi wants to rule the island country, and it is an inevitable choice to control the train system.

Ever since, the ghost girl came to the Yokohama train station with silence. They didn't buy a ticket, but went directly through a special emergency passage, and soon came to the platform, and took the train to Tokyo.

On the bullet train, Shen Mo saw many other monsters, all of whom were members of the Toshiba Club without exception, and even the train captain and service staff were monsters.

hiss!This is a Yokai Train bound for Tokyo!
The island country is indeed a country where demons and monsters are rampant, and it really refreshes people's three views.

But from the standpoint of monsters, Yamata no Orochi's approach is really a big change for monsters.

The ghost girl sat in seats 102 and 103 in silence, and the little demons around them distanced themselves from the two of them, looking extremely terrified.

Silence was a little puzzled. As an outsider, he would definitely not cause such an effect, that is to say, what they were afraid of was the ghost girl.

"As I said before, I am easily affected by evil spirits, so they are very afraid of me."

Shaking her head silently, she let out a long sigh. Under the perception of the power of the soul, the evil spirit permeating the ghost girl's body is constantly eroding her demon soul, and at the same time it is still restraining the growth of her evil spirit.

After careful study, the reason why the evil spirit condenses on the ghost girl is mainly because she can't let go of her inner obsession.

"I shouldn't persuade you, because I don't know what you have experienced, so I am not qualified to persuade you to let go."

The ghost girl was taken aback, she turned her head and stared at Silence, this was the first time in history that a monster talked to her like this, all the monsters, mages, humans before... After knowing her obsession, they all persuaded her Let go, persuade her to relax, persuade her to learn to forgive...

forgive you**!

Even if the ghost girl dies again, she will not forgive those bastards for what they have done to her.

You don't even know what I've been through, why should I be magnanimous, why should I forgive?
"Thank you!"

The ghost girl lowered her head slightly, and she thanked Shen Mo for understanding her from the bottom of her heart.

"Don't be polite to me, you help me join the organization, we are even."

After being silent for a while, he opened his mouth again, "If... I mean if, if it is possible to eliminate the evil spirit on your body without affecting your will and state of mind, would you choose to eliminate the evil spirit?"

The ghost girl pondered for a long time, shook her head, and asked silently, "Is revenge without evil spirits considered revenge?"

Shen Mo didn't answer, just smiled without saying a word, turned his head away, and looked at the high-speed moving scenery outside the window.

Some monsters... are also quite interesting.

 Sorry for being late today.

  During this time, Ling Dang’s stomach has been hurting. She went to the hospital with her daughter-in-law in the morning. The result of the diagnosis was scoliosis, which was compressing the abdominal muscles.

  Hey, this disease is a common problem of code farmers!
  Everyone, pay attention to your health. When reading, remember to change a few more postures.

(End of this chapter)

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