The aura of a priest is infinite

Chapter 389 The Little Girl on the Monster Train

Chapter 389 The Little Girl on the Monster Train
It only takes half an hour to go from Yokohama to Tokyo by train, but you need to pass through many stops during the period, and monsters will get off or get on the train one after another.

But without exception, after seeing the ghost girl, all the monsters distanced themselves from the ghost girl, unwilling to sit near the ghost girl, for fear of causing the ghost girl's dissatisfaction and causing her to run away.

Silence didn't care at first, but as the sixth wave of monsters would rather stand than sit near the ghost girl, he still couldn't help asking.

"They look scared of you."

Maybe it was Shen Mo's understanding of the ghost girl that made the ghost girl have a good impression of him, and the ghost girl did not refuse to answer this question, "I went through it once before..."

"On the train?!"

The ghost girl nodded, "46 monsters died, and the train from Yokohama to Tokyo was suspended for half a month."

hiss!Taking a breath in silence, the ghost girl seemed to be talking about her "accomplishment" lightly, but if you take a closer look, the blood and blood in it must not be underestimated.

46 monsters died, and the number of human beings who died because of this was even more difficult to count.It can be seen how destructive the ghost girl is after she ran away.

Mo Mo couldn't help but move towards the window, deeply afraid that his words and deeds would make the ghost girl run away. She died suddenly in a car accident before she arrived in Tokyo. Even if she couldn't die suddenly because of the death curse, it would inevitably be delayed for a long time.

"Hee hee!" Seeing the cowardly expression of silence, the ghost girl couldn't help covering her mouth and chuckling, "Don't worry, I'm not as fragile as you imagined..."

creak!The high-speed train stopped at a station again, and as the two little monsters got off the station, a little girl with a pink schoolbag walked slowly outside the high-speed train door. She was wearing a ponytail and a happy smile was raised on her fat baby face. , her snow-white teeth looked cute, I saw her bouncing into the train, standing in the middle of the corridor and looking around, ignoring those hideous monsters, locking the empty seat opposite Silence and Ghost Girl as if she hadn't seen them.

The bandage on Shen Mo's head couldn't help trembling. Under the perception of his soul power, the little girl who just got into the car was not a monster, but a human little girl with flesh and blood.

How could she appear on the monster train, and how could she be ignored by these terrifying monsters, or in other words, couldn't she see that the passengers on this train were all monsters?

"Auntie, can I be your opposite?" The little girl asked in a childish voice.


I'm going, are you courting death?

There are several major taboos for women. First, you must never call her auntie. Calling her will definitely kill you!

Second, you can't call her Miss Sister, it looks frivolous.

Third, you can't call her a beauty, as if you are harassing.

Fourth, you can't call her a girl, it looks very rustic.

This cannot be called, that cannot be called, what is that called?

Pooh!Now is not the time to make jokes, Shen Mo couldn't help but look at the ghost girl's was still pale and no expression could be seen.

But there is no doubt that the ghost girl must be about to go berserk!

Shen Mo hurried forward, covered the little girl's mouth with a bandage, and pulled him to her side.

"Tongyan Wuji! Tongyan Wuji! Ghost girl, you have to control yourself!"

Silence didn't spend half a month on this road.

The ghost girl cast a silent look, with a half-smile, "Am I like a monster who cares about little girls?"

Shen Mo secretly thought in his heart, no matter whether you look like me or not, I can't take this risk after all.If you go berserk, and you say I can't make a move, let me make a move, it will be a lot of trouble, if I don't make a move, it will be a lot of trouble again.

Just be safe and sound, bring me to Yamata no Orochi smoothly, and let me finish it with an axe, then everything will be fine!

Woohoo!The little girl struggled under the silent bandage, wanted to get rid of the restraint, and whispered in her throat, "It's strange... Uncle, let me go..."

Silence must not be let go, you little girl speaks without restraint, if you let the ghost girl go berserk, who can bear it.

"Don't be afraid, uncle won't hurt..."

Forehead? !The silent words can't help but stop, he is a mummy now, but in the eyes of the ghost girl, he is a monster, and if he speaks lines that don't hurt human girls, isn't that revealing?

Mo Mo immediately changed the topic, "Uncle won't hurt you...that's weird! Where did the little girl come from, she looks so delicious... If it wasn't for uncle, I wouldn't eat meat, I must try it... "Ghost girl, do you want to have a bite?"

The ghost girl smiled without saying a word, and shook her head.

Huh?The ghost girl is acting wrong!According to the attitude of the ghost girl towards human beings, it is impossible to behave like this.

Mo Mo lowered her head, and used the power of her soul to scan the little girl carefully. She is really an ordinary little girl who can no longer be ordinary, so why does the ghost girl treat her differently?

Reminiscent of the monsters on the train ignoring the existence of the little girl, and how a little girl can actually get on this monster train, Shen Mo seems to understand something.


He loosened the bandages restraining the little girl and asked curiously.

"who are you?"

The little girl regained her freedom, and immediately threw herself into the ghost girl's arms with a mournful face, and cried aggrievedly, "Auntie, this monster bullied me, please help me teach it a hard lesson."


Aunt? !The ghost girl is actually this little girl's aunt, dear?or later?

Damn it, I should have thought a long time ago that the people who can board this monster train are definitely not ordinary people, even if it is a cute little loli, they should not be taken lightly.

"So you guys know each other! Ghost girl, why didn't you tell me earlier?"

"You didn't give me the chance to tell." The ghost girl pampered the little girl's head, "Ling, this is Shen Mummy Mo I, a monster who just came from a foreign country."

Shen Mummy Mo? !The girl named Suzu looked up and down Silence with surprised eyes.

"Auntie, I know about mummy, but the name Shen mummy Mo I is so strange... It seems like two nouns put together... Shen mummy Mu Mo?! Mummy Shen Yimo? !...Wow, I thought of it, Silence Mummy I. Right."

Silence is embarrassing, why didn't I have a snack when I first named it?It's okay to deceive monsters who don't have much experience in modern life, but to deceive modern people, even little girls can't be fooled.

"Silence Mummy I?! Is this your real name?" The ghost girl also stared at Silence in surprise.

Shen Mo explained embarrassingly, "That's right! The meaning is the same, but the name is different. Our popular names are interspersed upside down, it's not important..."

It dawned on Ling that the names of foreigners were indeed sorted, so she mistook it.

Keeping silent so that they don't get too scrutinized, they changed the subject, "Tell me about you! Ghost girl, is Ling your relative?"

"No! Bell is that lord's daughter."

The adult's daughter?You mean the daughter of Yamata no Orochi?

The silence is unbelievable. Yamata no Orochi is obviously a big monster, and Suzu is obviously a little human girl. How could they be a father-daughter relationship? She as a daughter.

The ghost girl seemed to be surprised by silence, but she didn't explain too much, "You'd better not ask too much about that lord, and about Ling, you can treat her like other monsters."

Shen Mo nodded, but she put the power of the soul on Ling's body, and it didn't dissipate for a long time.

Silence can be [-] million percent sure that Suzuki is just an ordinary human girl, but such an ordinary human girl actually has the identity of Yamata no Orochi's daughter, Momo couldn't help being a little curious about Suzuki.

Perhaps, Bell is the key to defeating Yamata no Orochi, and there must be a story about her that must be told about Yamata no Orochi.

What kind of story will this be?

(End of this chapter)

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