The aura of a priest is infinite

Chapter 390 Suzu and Yamaki Orochi

Chapter 390 Suzu and Yamata no Orochi
Shen Mo tilted his head and pretended to be looking at the scenery, but actually used the power of his soul to keep scanning the little girl named Ling.

What is so special about her that she will become the daughter of Yamata no Orochi?

Mo Mo wanted to ask directly, but the ghost girl on the side was too tight. If she asked forcibly, it would inevitably arouse the suspicion of the ghost girl. It seems that she can only use some small means to get the secret out of the bell.

"Hey! Look, there's a big eagle over there!"

Shen Mo pointed to a bird that looked like a vulture on the big tree outside the window with a bandaged finger, because the speed of the train was extremely fast, the vulture almost disappeared in a flash.

Ghost Girl and Ling looked out of the window one after another, but they could only see the fleeting scenery, not even the shadow of the big eagle.

"Idiot, there are no big eagle birds in the cities of the island country. They can't survive in the big cities." Ling seemed to understand everything, and explained to Shen Mo, "You must have misunderstood."

"Impossible, I really saw Da Diao, maybe Da Diao happened to be passing by. You are so young, there are still many things you don't understand." Mo Mo taunted Ling, it is not difficult to see that Ling is a person who likes to express himself little girl.

"Hmph, don't underestimate me. Uncle Ba often praises me for being smart."

Shen Mo frowned, the little girl's psychological defense was really weak, and in a few words, she got information about Yamata no Orochi, but this "Uncle Eight" really made Shen Mo unable to guard against it!

When I think of the hideous Yamata no Orochi having such a humanized name, it really gives people a huge sense of contrast.

"Uncle Eight? Your Uncle Eight is a Wang Po selling melons and boasting."

The more Ling listened, the angrier she became, she pouted and put her hands on her hips, "You lied, Uncle Ba never lied to me."

"Well then, I'll give you a question to test you, how about it?"

"Come on! I'm not afraid of you!"

Silence pretended to ponder for a moment, and then told Ling the difficult problem he had prepared, "What animal has four legs in the morning, two legs in the afternoon, three legs in the afternoon, and no legs in the evening?"

After listening to the question, Ling puffed up her chest and said proudly, "I already knew the answer to your question. You underestimated me. The answer is people! Moreover, I also know that this question is waiting for you on the outskirts of Thebes. The sphinx, the sphinx on the Internet, said that any passer-by who could not answer her difficult questions would be eaten by her. In the end, Oedipus, the god of war, solved the riddle and defeated the Sphinx. .”

Bell looked smug, waiting for the silent compliment.

Silence shook his head, "So you have heard of this riddle before, then I will test you again, if you can still answer it, I will admit that you are smart."

"Come on! I'm not afraid of you!"

"What organ in the human body automatically expands when excited?"

The ghost girl frowned slightly, glanced at Shen Mo meaningfully, shook her head and sneered, and remained silent.

After listening to this topic, Ling contemplated at first, and after a while she became flustered, blushed, and stammered back, " rascal!"

Mo Mo laughed with the voice of a male duck being choked, "Why am I a hooligan? Don't you know the answer to this question?"

Ling said angrily, "Of course I know the answer, it's, auntie, it's bullying me again."

"It's not okay to ask for help when you're embarrassed. We're still betting. If you don't answer, you'll lose."

Facing the silent aggressiveness, Ling finally mustered up the courage, and said in a voice like a mosquito flapping its wings, "It's... that one."

"Which one?!"

"Which one is it!"

"Which one is it?"

"That...the one I don't have!"

Quack... Silence once again let out the strange laughter of the male duck being pinched by the throat.

"You laugh so hard, I've already answered your question, now you should admit that I'm smart!"

Shen Mo shook his head, "No, your answer is wrong. The one I mentioned was the eyes, and the one you mentioned...I'm still young, so I really don't know what it is."

Eye? !Ling suddenly realized that she felt ashamed of being teased. She yelled angrily, " bullied me. When I get to Tokyo, I will let Uncle Eight teach you a lesson."

The brow under the silent bandage raised, this was the second time Ling mentioned "Uncle Eight", and obviously it was time to ask "Uncle Eight" in Ling's mouth.

"You take eight uncles at a time, what's the matter? Is he very good?"

The ghost girl glanced at Shen Mo, she had already reminded Shen Mo not to ask about the relationship between the adult and Ling, but Mo Mo didn't seem to hear, she wanted to speak to stop the next conversation, but Ling, who was very expressive, took the first step opened the mouth.

"Hmph! Let me tell you, Uncle Eight is amazing. All the monsters obey him, and he will eat any bad monsters who don't obey."

"Bell!" The ghost girl reminded from the side.

However, Ling ignored it and continued to speak, "I was bullied by a bad monster back then, and it was Uncle Eight who saved me. He not only ate the bad monster, but also restrained all the monsters, not allowing them to bully humans. Uncle Eight And the monsters of Toshiba Club, they are all very good monsters.”

Mo Mo sneered in his heart for the rest of his life, Ling, how miserably you were cheated!The notoriety of Toshiba Club is very clear to Mo Mo in Huaxia. You, who are in Toshiba Club, were kept in the dark.

Looking at the monsters on the train, after listening to Ling's words, they all looked like half-smiles. Obviously, the truth is quite different from what Ling said.

But here comes the problem!

Why did Yamata no Orochi deceive a little girl? !Why did he establish a tall and superior image in Ling's heart?
fun?Or is there another picture?What is there about Suzu that is worth plotting by Yamata no Orochi?

Silence pretended to understand, "I see, according to what you said, your eighth uncle is really a good monster."

"Of course!" Ling replied proudly, "Now, you should admit that I'm very smart! If you admit it, I won't let Uncle Ba teach you a lesson."

"Well, you won, you are the smartest."

After finishing the conversation with Ling, Shen Mo cast his eyes on the ghost girl and sternly reprimanded her.

"Ghost girl! Come with me!"

The ghost girl was stunned, but seemed to realize something, and followed Shen Mo to the corner of the train.

Snapped!Mo Mo didn't say anything, and directly put the ghost girl's wall on the iron wall of the train, under the worn bandage, a pair of eyes stared straight at the ghost girl's scarlet pupils.

"what's the situation?"

Ghost girl: "What's the situation?"

"I came to the island country all the way to find the Utopia where monsters rule humans based on the idea that monsters and monsters are not compatible. Now you tell me that monsters can't even hurt people. What is your Toshiba Club like?" Organization? Is it a trick to sell dog meat?"

The ghost girl sneered, and glanced at the direction where the bell was. Seeing that she didn't pay attention, she couldn't help leaning close to Shen Shen's ear, and whispered, "Why are you panicking? The bell is just that grown-up's toy, so take what she says as a joke." !"

Toy? !Sure enough!Ling, is she really just a little human girl being teased? !

"You'd better explain it to me clearly, otherwise, I won't go with you to see that lord... let alone let my people come to the island country."

The ghost girl saw that Silence was aggressive, and she replied impatiently, "This matter should not have been brought up again, but now, I will tell you. That adult was beheaded by human design and sealed in Baqi Mountain. Next, after the seal is lifted, that adult wants to understand human beings through Bell, use human inferiority to defeat them, and rule them... Today, the Toshiba Corporation has controlled the Great Peninsula, and its power has penetrated into every aspect. Benefit from that adult's understanding and learning of human beings, do you understand?"

Silence couldn't help taking off the mask of the pretender, and he knew in his heart that it turned out that this is the case. The existence of Ling turned out to be a special product of Yamata no Orochi's painful experience. Knowing the principle of knowing yourself, knowing the enemy, and winning a hundred battles, you actually start to learn human knowledge and understand human using the inferior roots of human beings, you can achieve your goal of walking in the night.

Oh my God!This is definitely the setting of the protagonist!
If Shen Mo does not intervene in this matter, with the means of Yamata no Orochi and the trend of Toshiba's power expansion, it will definitely pull the island country into the dark age of Hyakki Yako, no!To be precise, it is in line with the era of the Hyakki Night Walk under the tide of the current era.

Because the enemy faced by Silence, the Yamata no Orochi, is a Yamata no Orochi that keeps pace with the times.

Silence or even suspicion, the newly revived Yamata no Orochi must be squatting in a small black room, learning about the world and this era through the Internet...

As the saying goes, don't be afraid of the enemy's strength, but be afraid of the enemy's brains!

In the face of a brainy opponent like Yamata no Orochi, you must keep a hand, otherwise you don't know how you died.

Mo Mo took a long breath, "So that's the case, I feel relieved when you say that."

The ghost girl snorted coldly, "You just need to know about this matter, don't tell Ling, let her continue to live a simple life, after all, the life span of human beings is fleeting for us monsters."

Nodding silently, "I know what I should do."

Hey, don't tell Ling the truth! ?That is impossible, everyone has the right to know the truth, living in the Toshiba club full of lies and killings, it is only a matter of time before Ling knows the truth.

What Silence has to do is to tell Bell the truth when necessary.

Since Yaqi Orochi regards the bell as a toy, let Yaqi Orochi take a look. The toy in its hand is not just a toy.

Piff was furious and blood spattered five steps.

Lori went berserk, extraordinary.

The train was still speeding on the track, and half an hour passed in a flash.

When the train stopped at Tokyo Station, Mo Mo and the others had just stepped off the train when they saw dozens of big monsters standing one after another on the platform.

A soil spider with a hideous face, a weasel with a sharp tail, an owl with a monkey head, a raccoon body, a tiger claw and a snake tail, a slipper with an unusually protruding head, a night monster with one eye and one horn, a thunder beast with a cat body and a thunder tail...

They all looked murderous, ignored the silence and the ghost girl, and walked straight onto the train.

The ghost girl who was a little demon waited beside her with a silent bow, "Shh! Don't talk! They are all big monsters under your command... It seems that you already know the secret of Yokohama, and they must be going to stop the enemy. "

Shen Mo raised his brows, Yamata no Orochi was really fooled, and all the combat power around it was dispatched. At this moment, the door is wide open and the rear is empty.

"Huh?! What are you?"

The earth spider in the big demon noticed the silence beside the ghost girl, and showed a guarded look.

(End of this chapter)

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