Chapter 391 Ueno Zoo

Hey? !What is this?
As the soil spider discovered the existence of Silence, the rest of the big monsters stopped and looked at Shen Mo. They are all big monsters who have been famous for a long time. They have never heard of Egypt, and it is impossible to know the existence of monsters like mummies. .

Therefore, when the big monsters discovered the silence, they naturally attracted a lot of attention.

"Bandage demon?! Is it a kind of fusangshen?" Kamaitachi asked in surprise.

"No! It's impossible for a little monster like Fusangshen to have such a complete soul." Nue shook its ape head, making a dull sound like metal rubbing.

"Yoyo! I guess it must be a newborn monster. The times have changed, so there will always be monsters that keep pace with the times." The protruding head of the slipper is extremely heavy, and it seems that its body is about to be crushed when speaking, " The adults told us to learn more, why not grab it and take it to my laboratory to slice and study it!"

"Hmph! Isn't it just a little demon that is not ready for you! We have a mission, so we have to get in the car quickly, and delay the business of the adults, have you thought about the consequences!" The one-eyed night monster flickered, like a finger in the dark Lighting up the road, examine the demons.

"Meow, I'm getting on the train, you can do whatever you want." Thunder Beast nimbly jumped onto the train, coiled up and fell asleep, as if he had nothing to do with himself.

The rest of the big monsters all have their own postures, but the only thing they have in common is that the focus of their discussion is silence.

"Ghost girl, what is this thing beside you? Would you like to study the slice with me?" Hua Piao said repeatedly, curiously, the tone was not asking for permission, but directly telling the ghost girl, 【This little thing is my Hua Piao. that's it! 】

The ghost girl trembled. As a little demon, she shouldn't have resisted a big monster like Hua Piao who has been famous for a long time, but she still bite the bullet and replied, "Master Hua Piao, you must not... ·”

Before the ghost girl could finish her sentence, Hua Piao's monk robe swayed without wind, and a terrifying oppression erupted, directly crushing the ghost girl, and her delicate body trembled, her legs became weak, and she was about to kneel to the ground .

Snapped!Mo Mo stretched out her bandaged hand, and helped the ghost woman up. Immediately, the halo of despair opened, and she faced the terrifying pressure of Hua Piao.

Zizi!The air froze instantly, as if the pressure had increased by several atmospheres, all the little monsters backed away one after another, and the rest of the big monsters showed playful eyes, watching with great interest the contest between the big monster Hualao and this little thing.

The blue veins in Hua Piao's huge head were bulging, and the hostile and murderous aura was mixed between the brows, as if the substance had condensed into waves of air and crushed towards Silence. Trembling, not daring to move at all, it is conceivable that the oppression against silence is even more powerful and suffocating, ordinary little monsters will definitely not be able to bear it, and explode to death.

But under the brilliance of despair at the level of the pharaoh, Hualao's demon pressure seems to have dropped several realms, because the demon pressure relies on demon power and spiritual power to put it bluntly, and the silent despair aura relies on the power of the soul. The strong and the weak will be judged.

hum!The halo of despair swept across Hua Piao's body, immediately crushing the demon that had been brewing for a long time into powder, and unstoppably enveloped the surroundings, covering the entire station in an instant.

For a moment, despair...

"Yoyo?! I, Hua Piao, have really failed...I consider myself the smartest monster, but I can't even comprehend the controllable self-sustaining chain nuclear fission reaction... Hua Piao is ashamed of your expectations and love ... I am ashamed to call myself the smartest youkai."

"Mother! Back then you conceived and raised me with your own flesh and blood, and told me that this was a family tradition... Now it's time for me to conceive and raise the next generation... But I dare not use my own flesh and blood to raise the next generation of soil spiders Ah! Mother, we are afraid that the soil spider family will become extinct...Damn it, baby!"

"Hey! Born at the wrong time, I am ashamed of the ancestors of the weasel clan. Due to the destruction of the environment, only one female weasel is left in my weasel clan... The burden of reproduction is on my shoulders. I should What should I do... If I have to be forced to be a different species, I might as well die."

" tell you the truth... I like to sneak into girls' dreams the most, because they are pure and clean, like a piece of white paper... But now, the girls in the island country... Alas, people's hearts are not good Ancient, people's hearts are not ancient... They actually humiliated me in their dreams... I don't want to be ashamed... I'd better die."

"What's the deal with your little setbacks?! In the past, everyone was afraid of me, the night monster, and didn't dare to go out. Now, at night, the people of the island country are singing and dancing every night, Cheng Huan is drunk, and they can't help their beauty... I Does the Night Daoist have any dignity? I might as well kill myself with my war horse!"

"Wuuu... the ghost girl is guilty, she shouldn't have brought this foreign monster to run into all the big monsters... please give the ghost girl a death..."

All the demons: "???"

Alien monsters?The thing brought by the ghost girl is a foreign monster? !What kind of demon method did he use, so that all the big demons present were stunned, and they all gave up on themselves and wanted to commit seppuku!

Because the aura of despair is in addition to silence, it does not attack regardless of the difference between the enemy and the enemy, and the ghost girl has no choice but to be tricked and tells the origin of the silence.

But even if they knew the origin of the silence, the monsters couldn't escape from the influence of the halo of despair. They could only kneel down on the ground, living in despair and unable to take care of themselves.

"Please put away your magical powers!"

Hua Piao knew that he was not a silent opponent, and immediately begged for mercy. As the smartest monster present, he had just recently learned the principle of human beings being able to bend and stretch.

hum!Silent turned off the effect of the halo of despair, sneered and said in the voice of a male duck being strangled, "Hey, don't you want to slice me up?"

Hua Piao: "Cut it again when I have a chance... Yo?! No! I won't cut it. May I ask where you came to the monster, and what's your business in my Toshiba Club."

Shen Mo put on a high-ranking look, and put on the posture of a pharaoh-level mummy, "I! Shen Mummy Mo I is a monster from Egypt. This time, I am looking for the adult from your Toshiba Club to talk about international level. Do you think you are qualified to intervene in this important matter?"

Silent words, speaking half earth and half foreign, are embarrassing to death in the eyes of ordinary people, but in the ears of these big monsters, they dare not make mistakes, because these big monsters who have endured the impact and baptism of ancient and modern knowledge Guys, I really like this set.

This is the valuable experience Shen Mo gained after contacting many monsters.

"No...don't dare," Hua Piao lowered her huge head, "Ghost girl, hurry up and take this lord to see that lord. We still have important things to do, so we won't delay here."

As Hua Piao said, he used the 36 tricks he had just learned from humans to walk as the best strategy, and ran away.

The corners of the mouths of the other big monsters twitched, but they didn't dare to entangle with Shen Mo. Foreign monks are not easy to mess with, and they still understand such a simple truth.

Since Shen Mo came to look for Yamata no Orochi, let him find it. Their mission is to prevent humans with the blood of the Dragon God from approaching Tokyo. Obviously, there is no need to fight with Mo Mo, a powerful foreign monster.

Silence watched all the monsters get on the train one after another, and fled with their tails between their legs. She was slightly surprised. Are all the big monsters in Toshiba Club at this level?How do they rule the island nation?
He was silent but didn't know that the pharaoh-level mummies were out of reach for these big monsters, so how could they be the target of their pretentious slaps.

They have rich experience in dealing with humans, but in the circle of monsters, the strong are respected, and whoever has the biggest fist has the right to speak. This is an iron fact.

Under the aura of Shen Mo's despair, these big monsters have blew up so much black history, and they have long wanted to escape from this place, wishing they could stay as far away from Shen Mo as possible.

"Are you done?"

After the demons left, Ling walked over with her schoolbag on her back.

Only then did Shen Mo remember that Ling had been watching from the side just now, pretending to be a passerby.

"You didn't leave? The aura of despair just now..." Shen Mo was a little surprised. The aura of despair that he had just now shrouded Ling's body, but if he remembered correctly, it seemed that there was nothing wrong with Ling.

She is actually immune to the halo of despair!This is not something that ordinary little girls can do.

He realized that his scrutiny of Bell must have revealed something extremely important.

"Uncle Eight said that I don't need to take care of the disputes between monsters. After you guys are done fighting, naturally it's my turn to play."

Silently surprised, "What are you doing?"

"Aren't you going to see Uncle Eight? I'll take you there! Do you think you can meet Uncle Eight directly with the qualifications of Aunt Ghost Girl?"

The ghost girl said embarrassingly, "I can take you outside the mansion of the lord, and then report your affairs to the sound transmission demon, this is the formal procedure stipulated by the lord... However, with the bell, you can directly See the grown-up."

Mo Mo almost believed in your evil, originally Mo Mo thought that the ghost girl had the qualifications to bring him to Yamata no Orochi, if she didn't happen to meet Bell, if Mo Mo was turned away, she would have played with a hammer.

It was agreed to take advantage of the unpreparedness, and the sneak attack will kill... it will be reduced to empty talk.

Fortunately, Shen Mo's luck is good, everything goes well...

Shen Mo couldn't help looking at the lucky cat pinned to his waist, thinking that with his 1 point of luck, he shouldn't be so lucky, Nan Nan must be secretly helping him.

Nannan, well done!When it's over, add chicken legs to your lunch box.

"Then what are you waiting for? Let's go! I can't wait to meet your lord!"

Ever since, under the leadership of Ling, Shen Mo and Gui Nu headed towards the mansion where Yamata no Orochi was located. They walked in the constant flow of people, because ordinary people could not see their monsters, so no surprises were caused.

About 10 minutes away, they finally arrived at their destination.

Headquarters of Toshiba Corporation!The place where Yamata no Orochi is!
Ueno Zoo!
Standing silently at the gate of the zoo, there was no words for a long time.

What are you doing meowing me to the zoo? !

(End of this chapter)

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