The aura of a priest is infinite

Chapter 392 Why are you doing this to me

Chapter 392 Why are you doing this to me
Ueno Zoo, the full name of Ueno Zoo, the gift of the island country, was opened in 1882. It is the oldest and most famous zoo in the island country. It covers an area of ​​14 square meters and exhibits 420 kinds of animals, more than 2200 heads. The most famous animal in the park is from China. In addition to giant pandas, there are okapi, gorillas, anteaters and so on.

Shen Shen looked at the endless stream of tourists entering the zoo, the corners of his mouth under the bandage couldn't help twitching.

Could it be said that Yamata no Orochi is hiding in Ueno Zoo? !
The Toshiba Club, the world's largest organization for selling monsters, is actually a zoo? !
This really surprised Silence!

hum!The power of the silent soul spread out, trying to probe into the interior of the Ueno Zoo. Just when his power of soul was beyond the walls of the zoo, an invisible force isolated his power of soul from the zoo.

This is a feeling of being blocked by a membrane. The silent power of the soul hits the rubber membrane, and no matter how he uses his skills, he can't pierce the membrane.

Formation? !No!In the island country, it should be called an enchantment.

There is actually an enchantment in the Ueno Zoo. It seems that Yamata no Orochi is indeed hiding here. As the saying goes, surprise is a coup.

Yaqi Orochi set the headquarters of Toshiba Corporation here, which is indeed unpredictable.

Silent coughed twice, although he had seen everything, he still pretended not to understand anything, and joked: "Why did you bring me to the zoo? I don't have money to buy a ticket, and I don't have time to see small animals... besides, What's so interesting about these small animals, except that they are a little tastier than poultry, there is basically nothing worth paying attention to."

The ghost girl chuckled, "You said before that you don't eat people, and I was still wondering. After hearing this, it turns out that your rations are these wild game!"

Ling asked in disbelief, "Little animals are so cute, how can you eat them!"

Silence has seen through everything, "Ling, you are still young, so don't talk so full of things, and leave a little room for your stomach."

"Hmph! I will never eat small animals...never."

Silence waved his bandaged hands, "We'll talk about this topic when you really do it! Now let's talk about how we can get in... There seems to be some kind of forbidden barrier here."

Ghost girl: "Have you even discovered this?"

Ling said proudly: "That's an enchantment, it's a big enchantment that Uncle Tong made."

Uncle Tong? !What kind of monster is that? !

"Who is your Uncle Tong?!" Shen Mo asked, after all, he is his enemy, and if possible, he must find out.

"Uncle Tong is Uncle Tong."

"What does he look like?"

Ling replied simply, "It's strange to say that Uncle Tong is bald even though he is young, and his skin is also green, and he always smells like fish."

"Bald? Fishy smell? Surnamed Tong?" Silent for a while, he couldn't think of what kind of monster this was.

The ghost girl assisted and said, "Kappa! Among the kappa clan, there are those with outstanding talents who can display the power of enchantment. The kappa next to the lord is like this."

It turned out to be a Kappa!

In the legends of monsters in the island country, kappa is very well-known, but it is unexpected that the kappa clan has the talent for enchantment. There are so many monsters, and there are all kinds of monsters.

"Then how do we break through this enchantment and enter?"

Shen Mo noticed that those ordinary people can freely enter the Ueno Zoo with the tickets purchased at the ticket point. The tickets in their hands are similar to a kind of access control card of the enchantment, which has the function of freely entering the enchantment.

Could it be that Shen Mo and the others have to go to the ticket office to buy tickets? !
Oh my God!Do I have to queue up to buy tickets to kill Yamata no Orochi? !This is a big fool!

Ling smiled triumphantly, and skillfully took out a white card from the pink schoolbag behind her, with a photo of Ling and some basic information on it.

Island nation gift Ueno Zoo


Back office staff.

Number: 002.

Shen Mo looked carefully, and couldn't help but exclaimed, "Employee card!"

Ghost Girl Fu shouted, "That's right, that's why I can't get in. Without an employee card, we monsters can't get into the mansion of the Lord."

"This is the rule set by that adult?!"

"That's right! These are all formulated by Uncle Eight, aren't they super powerful?"

Silence is full of emotion, Yamata no Orochi is really advancing with the times, and actually turned the monster society into a modern enterprise. It is really a model of the times in the monster world, or a strange snake... such an enemy is indeed worthy of admiration.

Ling waved her employee card, and yelled loudly, "Don't be in a daze, come in with me. Aunt Ghost Girl, I'll trouble you to wait here."

"It's okay, you go." The ghost girl leaned over and watched Shen Mo go to the access control gate led by Bell.

drop!Staff Card!
I saw Ling pasting her employee card on the access control, making a crisp sound, and immediately, the Ueno icon on the access control squirmed and turned into a grimace.

"Ling, you are finally back. Your eighth uncle has been waiting for you for a long time... eh? What is behind you?"

Grimace's angry eyes stared at Shen Mo closely, as if he wanted to see through Mo Mo.

Under the perception of Shen Mo's soul power, it was discovered that this grimace was a fusangshen, which was engraved on the door control by some kind of spell, and acted as a guard.

"Uncle Grimace, this monster came all the way from Egypt. He came here to talk to Uncle Eight about important matters."

"Egypt? A monster from a foreign country, want to talk about big things with the adults?!" The grimace was suspicious, and the grimace twisted and changed, "This is an extraordinary period. Your lord has a life. You must not let any suspicious people enter the arena. You What important matter does this monster have to tell the adults?"

Silence: "Since you know it's a big deal, do you think a little demon like you is qualified to intervene?"

The grimace changed, and he roared angrily, "Hmph, you won't be allowed to enter unless you tell."

hum!The silent mummy's body trembled, and the halo of despair was activated, instantly covering the grimace.

I saw the furious grimace momentarily lost consciousness, and then showed an expression of extreme despair.

"Woo~ I'm such a failure. After living for so many years, I'm still imprisoned by monsters at the gate as a guard. I, Fu Sangshen, am actually doing a job that an old man can do... I won't live with this monster anymore."

Grimace was almost devastated, but fortunately, Shen Mo removed the effect of the halo of despair in time, which saved Grimace's dog's life.


what did you just do to me !

"A little trick, if you still want to stop me, I don't mind letting you experience it again."

The grimacing face was like a bitter gourd, and he didn't want to experience it a second time if he was killed just now, he was like a monster.

"Don' wait, I'll report to the lord, if he lets you in, you can go in, and don't make things difficult for me, after all, I'm just a janitor."

Nodding silently, she stood outside the door and waited. Ling volunteered, "I'll go tell Uncle Ba, he will definitely let you in."

Ever since, Ling carried a small schoolbag on her back and ran into the Ueno Zoo all the way.

The silence didn't last long, and there was an echo in the zoo.I saw a beautiful woman in a navy blue kimono walking in small steps, approaching the gate, bowed her body, and said in a clear voice like a silver bell, "This monster, my lord invites you."

Silent was a little surprised, "Where is the bell?"

"Ling is waiting for you by your side."

Shen Mo nodded, just about to take a step, only felt the lucky cat on his waist tremble slightly, and Nan Nan's warning sound came.

"Stupid, be careful. This woman is not a demon. She wants to hurt you."

Silent's movements did not stop, and he continued to pretend not to be on guard and walked into the Ueno Zoo. His soul power swept over the woman in front of him, and instantly understood her body.

I saw that the beautiful woman's neck suddenly changed, stretched like a giraffe, became smooth, smooth, and soft when kneaded.

This is a roe head, also known as a long-necked monster.

Mo Mo couldn't help being surprised, such a lowly little monster has no strength to hurt himself, so the danger Nan Nan mentioned must come from other places.

Shen Mo couldn't help thinking carefully, why Yamata no Orochi wanted to get rid of himself even without seeing his face, could it be that he had seen through his scheme and recognized his identity.

It is unlikely, if Yamata no Orochi sees through the silent strategy, he will definitely not send only a monster to deal with him, but he must send a monster of the level of a big monster to be safe.

So, is Ling dealing with herself?It's even more impossible, simple as a bell, how could he deal with himself so viciously?
Then what went wrong, let Mo Mo not even see the face of Yamata no Orochi, and attracted the hostility of the monsters.

Silent for a while, he couldn't figure out the key point, so he could only take one step at a time and play by ear.

He followed behind Rulushou, and went deep into the Ueno Zoo at a leisurely pace.

Along the way, Shen Mo saw a lot of sightseeing tourists. They were all looking at the animals in the Ueno Zoo, but they didn't know that many ordinary animals had long been replaced by monsters...
The African prairie wolf is replaced by the monster wind wolf, the elephant is disguised as a ghost, the fox is transformed into a civet cat, and the giant python is actually a snake girl with a snake tail...
As the tourists stared at the monsters, the monsters stared at them too.

Shen Mo didn't care to pay attention to those passengers. Whether they went to the wild zoo safely or were eaten by these monsters was something he shouldn't care about.

Silence now only thinks about how to deal with the upcoming war.

One person and one demon went deep all the way, and there were fewer and fewer tourists around. When Jilushou led Shen Mo through a bamboo forest, there were no other people around.

At this moment, Rulushou couldn't help but stop, with his back turned to Silence, and he didn't speak for a long time.

Shen Mo is ready to go, staring at the back of the head warily, if she dares to make a move, Shen Mo will never let her go.

After a long time, Lulushou turned around slowly, and said to Shen Mo with a very fake smirk, "We are here, my lord is waiting for you, please come in."

With a wave of Lulushou's arm, the original bamboo forest spread out, revealing a passage leading to the ground, and a foul smell and smell of carrion spread over the surface.

Silently frowned, he didn't need to be reminded by the beckoning cat on his waist, he knew that what was waiting for him down the passage was definitely not Yamata no Orochi, but another monster that chose to eat people.

Roulushou looked at Shen Mo quietly, waiting for him to take the initiative to walk into the passage.

Mo Mo continued to put on airs, "Is it going to be there so soon? But it's so dark down there, you can go down with me."

Ji Lu was taken aback for a moment, "I'm sorry, my lord doesn't allow me to go down."


"Because... because of me..."

The silent tone changed, and he shouted loudly, "Because you are afraid of death."

Suck!Silence's arm stretched out, and several bandages exploded, restraining Roulusou in an instant, and then slammed her towards the underground passage, hanging at the entrance of the passage.

"No...don't!" Zhulushou exclaimed again and again, his originally calm expression became distorted, as if he was very afraid of the things under the passage.

"Say, why do you want to kill me?! I obviously want to talk about big things with that adult. Is this how you treat guests?!"

Jilusou repeatedly begged for mercy, "I don't know, this is what the lord meant... Please, don't throw it away..."

"What's down here?"

"Hungry God...The following is the Hungry God, a monster who eats even monsters when he is hungry."

Yamata no Orochi is so ruthless that he threw me to the Hungry God and let me be eaten by the Hungry God without even seeing each other.

Silence couldn't help tightening the bandages, making Roulushou howl endlessly, "I'll give you a chance to take me to see that lord."

With a distorted expression on the head, he murmured in pain, " I take you to see that lord, the lord will definitely eat should kill me."

Is Yamata no Orochi so terrifying in the eyes of his subordinates?I would rather die than betray Yamata no Orochi.

"Since you want to die, then I will fulfill you." Shen Mo said sharply, and was about to throw the head of the wheel into the underground passage. Since he has entered the Ueno Zoo, then, to find the location of Yamata no Orochi, you only need to rely on Nan Nan's help. Strength can be found naturally, it just takes a long time.

call!Mo Mo slammed down the bandage, and even though Rulushou was about to die, she was unwilling to let go. Just at the moment when she was about to fall into the underground passage, the bandage that restrained her was thrown violently, lifting her up and hitting her on the ground. on the ground.

"Hmph! This control is getting worse and worse...For you, for your fate, let me spare you once!"

Shen Mo said that he was wearing a high-level posture, and a few flashes disappeared.

Gulusou, who had escaped from death, was stunned for a long time before recovering from the stunned state. She tremblingly got up from the ground, looked at the place where Silence left, stared at it for a long time, but her heart was still hardened, and she started to run quickly all the way. to one place.

That's right, she went to find Yamata no Orochi to return to life.

Shen Mo hid in a corner of the bamboo forest, using the power of her soul to follow the trail of Ji Lu Shou, and recorded the path she had traveled.

hey-hey!Didn't you take me to see Yamata no Orochi?

That being the case, I will let you go and see if you will report to Yamata no Orochi.

From this point of view, Silence really made the right bet.

The head of the wheel is telling the silence of the location of Yamata no Orochi.

Somewhere in Ueno Zoo.

"Ring, are you ready?"

Ling stared blankly at the front, without words for a long time, two tears could not stop flowing from her eyes...

"Uncle Eight, why are you treating me like this..."

(End of this chapter)

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