The aura of a priest is infinite

Chapter 393 Return the Demon King's Clogs

Chapter 393 Return the Demon King's Clogs

Under the perception of the power of the silent soul, Lulutou took quick steps, galloped between the Ueno Zoo, and soon came to the scenic spot in the rock snake area.

It was originally used as a scenic spot for exhibiting rock snakes, but now it has become a shelter for Yaqi snakes.

Different from the original man-made artificial rocks, after the renovation of Yaqi Orochi, towering cloud rocks can be seen everywhere in the Rock Snake Scenic Area, which can be described as jagged rocks and ghost-shaped. The Japanese-style wooden house made of cypress is very Chinese and Tang style, but there are some differences in the details, which are more in line with the cultural characteristics of the island country, such as the tatami wooden door printed with the image of Yamata no Orochi, the slightly stingy upper air vent, shockproof and shock-absorbing. Pressed interlayer cornerstones…

As for the situation inside the wooden house, the power of the silent soul was repulsed by a monster, so it could not be detected, but it was confirmed that Yamata no Orochi was hiding in this wooden house.

Shen Mo withdrew his soul power, and since he already knew where Yamata no Orochi was, he naturally wanted to fight the other party in the past.

Regardless of whether Yamata no Orochi has discovered the identity of Silence, let’s use the identity of a mummy to contact Silence first. If the matter is revealed, then tear your face and anal it head-on. If you kill yourself, you still have a chance to kill it by surprise.

Silence no longer delays, and strides vigorously towards the Rock Snake Scenic Area.

At the same time, in the wooden house of Yamata no Orochi.

"My lord, damn the little demon, that person has escaped." Kneeling on the ground, she didn't dare to look into the depths of the wooden house. She trembled slightly with fear, and there was no trace of blood on her pale face.

After a long silence, a cold and evil voice sounded in the wooden house.

"Hiss~ Trash! You can't do such a small thing... If that's the case, you can die!"

"No... my lord, I still have..."

Before the words of Rulushou could be finished, a suction force burst out from the depths of the wooden house, instantly sucking Rulushou into the darkness, and after a sound of bones being crushed and rubbed, there was no more evil spirit of Roulushou in the world, only a hidden body was left behind. The cyan kimono lingered a faint demonic fragrance from the head of the wheel.

"Uncle ate Auntie Zhulu..."

Bell's voice sounded in despair again, and she saw Ling hugged her knees and curled up in a corner of the wooden house. Her tears had dried up and she was trembling all over. Her immature fingers were deeply embedded in her palm because of too much tension, leaving red blood...
"His~ling, don't be afraid, you will become a part of Uncle Ba in a short time, you should be happy and honored, because from today onwards, no creature will dare to bully you anymore."

The voice of Yamata no Orochi is full of temptation, like a witch holding a poisonous apple, trying to seduce the beautiful Snow White, but unfortunately, Bell has no brave prince to protect her, and no kind dwarf to take care of her... She His fate was already doomed the moment he met Yamata no Orochi.

"Hiss~ You are the only person with a pure soul that I have met in so many years. Only your body and soul can accommodate my body and strength, and re-condense my broken power to maximize it... so , Ling, are you ready?"

Ling's thin body trembled, "No, Uncle Ba, don't hurt Ling...Ling will never be naughty again..."

"Hiss~ You can yell, even if you yell out your throat, no one will come to help you..."

No matter how Bell begged for mercy, he still couldn't stop Yamata no Orochi's footsteps. From the deep darkness, a ferocious ghost hand gradually reached deep into Bell in the corner of the wooden house.

She wanted to run away, but in her heart she hoped that Uncle Ba would forgive her;
She wanted to resist, but found that she couldn't even bring up the courage to raise her head;

Just before Yamata no Orochi's dark tentacles were about to touch the bell, a strange wave suddenly erupted outside the wooden house, causing Yamata no Orochi's movements to stop abruptly.

"Hiss!? It came so fast, this damned Lulutou actually led the enemy directly."

Yamata no Orochi turned his attention away from Ling's body, and a strong wind blew through, knocking Ling unconscious.

Slightly leaning, slowly out of the darkness came a potbellied, bloated, glaring clogs, slightly middle-aged bald greasy man in kimono, his chin was unusually sharp, more snake-like than the snake-like face under the knife of a plastic surgeon Face.

This is the human form of Yamata no Orochi. If you put it in the crowd, you will be an inconspicuous middle-aged greasy uncle from an island country.

And the reason why Yamata no Orochi transformed itself into this form is mainly because the leaders of the big group of island countries all have such makeup. Yaqi no Orochi, who has just entered the society and is not deep in the world, mistakenly thinks that this is the appearance of a superior in the eyes of human beings, so After the oolong comes down, Yamata no Orochi has such a shape...
Although the recent Yamata no Orochi knew that he had committed an oolong, but thinking that he was about to take Suzu's body, there was no need to change this appearance.

Greasy Yamata Orochi stroked his not so much greasy hairstyle, glanced at Suzu who was unconscious, opened the tatami wooden door as if nothing had happened, and walked outside.

As soon as Yamata no Orochi went out, just stepped out of the enchantment set by the kappa, a strange and desperate breath came over the surface.

His plump body couldn't help trembling, and many images of despair flashed in his mind, but fortunately, his demon soul was solid, and in just a moment, he broke free from the effect of the halo of despair...
But even so, Yamata no Orochi was shocked by this breath of despair. Although he can resist the erosion of the breath of despair, ordinary big or small monsters are absolutely unable to resist and will inevitably be affected by the breath of despair. what impact...

Hiss~ Most likely he will be so desperate that he can't take care of himself!
Interesting ability, but it's a pity that this monster is not of my race, so its heart must be different.

I can only reluctantly eat him.

Yamata no Orochi's eyes flickered, and only then did he notice that there was a crimson hooked jade pendant pinned to his waist. The evil spirit overflowing from it was quite different from Yamata no Orochi's, but it gave Silence a very strong feeling. familiar feeling.

Standing outside the wooden house, Silent saw Greasy Yamata no Orochi for the first time, he didn't believe that the other party was Yamata no Orochi, but as his aura of despair was broken and the terrifying monster erupted from him, Shen Mo had to believe that the greasy middle-aged bald man in front of him was the legendary Yamata no Orochi.

I wipe it? !Yamata no Orochi is swollen?Has been sealed for a long time, and the psychology has changed?Or is the thinking twisted?

In other words, Yamata no Orochi is pretending to be a pig and eating a tiger? !Is it necessary to spoil yourself so much?

Although Mo Mo doesn't have any complaints about the middle-aged greasy uncle, you should wash your hair anyway, and can we change those sexy clogs?Can we flatten your big belly that looks like a nine-month pregnancy?

How do you monsters behave?
And that jade pendant...huh? !This is···

Silence raised his brows, the monster aura emanating from the Gouyu pinned to Yamata no Orochi's waist, isn't it the monster aura emanating from Zashiki Doji Nannan?

Yamata no Orochi actually has a Zashiki boy. Unlike Nannan, the Zashiki boy of Yamata no Orochi lives only in ordinary Gouyu, not the magical beckoning cat of the Zashiki clan.

Silence suddenly realized, no wonder Yamata no Orochi wanted to kill himself before he saw him. It turned out that he used the power of Zashiki Doji to determine my intention.

hey-hey!That being the case, the strategy of taking them by surprise and attacking them unprepared cannot be used.

However, Silence had a flash of inspiration and made another plan.

As a person who also relies on Zashiki Doji's luck blessing, Shen Mo knows that the brave wins when they meet on a narrow road, and now is the time to compare whose luck is stronger.

Silent and confident, Nannan, who is blessed by the lucky cat, must be more powerful than Yamata no Orochi's Zashiki Doji.

"The rumored Yamata no Orochi really deserves its reputation!" Silence sneered, obviously laughing at Yamata no Orochi's attire.

"Hiss! What kind of thing are you, and you deserve to comment on the appearance of this Demon King."

"Who am I, didn't Ling tell you?"

Yamata no Orochi sneered, "The lowly mummies from Egypt also want to talk about important matters with this king. Your family is only worthy of sleeping in the pyramids forever, or becoming a plaything for humans to watch... Also, stop putting on airs, The hostility emanating from you made me feel your ignorance."

"Hmph, since you already know, let's stop talking nonsense, come on, let me see what the leader of the Toshiba Club, Yamata no Orochi is capable of."

As soon as the silent words fell, he swung his arms out, and several worn bandages shot out, strangling the Yamata no Orochi in front of the wooden house.

Bandage restraint, this is the mummy's signature skill.

Hiss!Facing the bandage restraint of Silence, Yamata no Orochi stood in place, with a contemptuous smile on his greasy face, his body twisted and changed like a swimming snake, deftly avoiding the bandage restraint... Shocked Silence even more The thing is, his feet didn't even move a bit.

horrible!Such a flexible and greasy middle-aged uncle!
No, to be precise, it should be a fat man who is as seductive as a snake swimming.

Silence is not as good as the other party... No, who said that silence is not as good as the other party.

The current silence is the body of a mummy, the flexibility of swinging the body, he said the second, no one dared to say the first.

Hiss!I saw that Shen Mo also controlled his body, and used the bandage restraint with a more dexterous posture than Yamata no Orochi. Yamata no Orochi, who was under the bandage, felt the pressure instantly, and he could only dodge the silent attack more dexterously.

As the saying goes, if you prevent too much, you will lose.After all, Yamata no Orochi was not silent and dexterous.

In order to avoid the restraint of the silent bandage, he finally took a step back. Even his sexy clogs were taken away by the silent bandage. He stood barefoot in front of the wooden house with a gloomy face.

"Humble creature, return my demon king's clogs."

Silence: "If you have the ability, come and get it yourself!"

(End of this chapter)

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