The aura of a priest is infinite

Chapter 398 Kraken's Bloodline

Chapter 398 Kraken's Bloodline

Shen Mo's head is a bit big, and his pants are all taken off, and you are doing this with me.

Now, where are you going to find these 63 soul shards silently?You can't kill and use now, right? !Silence is not so insane...
Um? !Wait, when it comes to killing and using now, didn't the Ueno Zoo just carry out a big killing?

There are five hundred tourists who died tragically at the hands of monsters because of Yamata no Orochi's rampage. Except for some monsters who have the ability to devour souls, most of them cannot swallow human souls. Therefore, theoretically speaking, these monsters The tourists killed by them are enough to provide 63 soul shards for Silence.

With this in mind, Mo Mo didn't hesitate, temporarily put away the puppet making panel, and said to Tamazamae and Ji Nai who were puzzled, "Wait here for me, don't move around easily, I'll go find some materials."

Yuzao paused, "Silence, you don't mean to kill a few more monsters as materials!"

Ji Nai was a little excited and volunteered: "My lord, if this is the case, leave this trivial matter to Ji Nai. Serving you is what Ji Nai should do."

Silence waved his hands awkwardly, "I'm not a bloodthirsty monster. Those monsters don't provoke me, and I won't touch them. I'm just looking for some other materials. You don't have to follow. Guard the rock snake area. Before I come back, Don't let any monsters come near."

"Yes, my lord." Ji Nai bowed and retreated, with a look of obedience. Such a little fairy is really comforting and lovable.

Yu Zaoqian's beautiful eyes were slightly condensed, she pondered for a moment, and still chose to believe in Shen Mo's words. Based on her understanding of Mo Mo, Mo Mo didn't have to lie to her.

From Tamamo-mae’s point of view, Yamata no Orochi is dead, and those monsters imprisoned in Ueno Zoo are not to be feared at all. Their identities have naturally changed, and they have become an indispensable audience in Tamamo-mae’s project of coexistence of monsters and monsters. Without their participation, Tamamomae would have truly become a traitor to the monsters.

"You really don't need my company?" Yu Zaoqian still wanted to follow up and have a look.

"No need, I can do it myself."

Silence's attitude was very firm, so Tamazamo had no choice but to let him go.

Let's talk about silently running wildly, and under the guidance of Nannan, he shuttled quickly in the Ueno Zoo. Because of the rampage of Yamata no Orochi, the Ueno Zoo at this moment has been completely reduced to ruins. The ground is devastated.

Soon, Silence found the first soul fragment, which was a green soul fragment floating above a male corpse.

Shen Mo was slightly surprised, this was the first time he saw a green soul fragment, he stepped to the corpse, the man's corpse must have been ravaged by some kind of carnivorous animal, it was no longer recognizable as a human being, and he could not use detection skills to detect it. identify identity information.

Mo Mo flicked his wrist, flashed the phantom tomahawk, and gathered the broken body of the man together as much as possible, "I will help you restrain the body, and give me your soul fragments."

hum!Silence stretched out his arms towards the green soul fragment, and immediately a memory appeared in his mind.

[The man's name is Toshiro Matsushita, and he is an office manager of a listed company. When he was over 20 years old, he abandoned his wife and married a beautiful wife who is [-] years younger than him. The charming wife has other plans, she is a wife openly, and she is doing shady things secretly... It wasn't until Toshiro Matsushita came home early from get off work that he broke through his wife's infidelity. I came to Ueno Zoo alone to relax, but I didn't want to leave, it became a farewell. 】

【Ding!Find soul fragments*1, whether to absorb or not. 】

absorb!Shaking his head silently, he left the memory of Toshiro Matsushita behind. This is the reason why Toshiro Matsushita's soul became soul fragments. His obsession with his wife's infidelity allowed his soul fragments to be preserved and turned into soul fragments. Become a very special green soul.

This really surprised Silence, it turns out that soul fragments still have such fine manipulations.

After absorbing Toshiro Matsushita's soul fragments, Mo Mo didn't stay beside the other party's corpse but continued to move forward, following the guidance of Nannan and Tomoko, to find the location of the next soul fragment.

Soon, Silence found another soul shard.

This is a light yellow fragment floating in mid-air.

The owner of the fragment was nowhere to be found, leaving only a long bloodstain, which was dragged into a man-made stone cave.

Silence can tell from the broken signboard next to the cave that this is the chassis of a grizzly bear. Presumably the owner of this fragment was eaten by a monster pretending to be a grizzly bear.

Having had previous experience, Silence once again poked his arm into the soul fragments.

hum!Memories come back again!

[His name is Fujiwara Hokuhide, and he is a senior otaku.Otaku in the island country refers to consumers who spend all their spare time and money on their hobbies.Fujiwara Kitohide is currently chasing a drama called "My Wife Is a Bearman", which is a healing series of orcs in another world. He is so obsessed with the cute and sexy bears in it that he does not hesitate to risk his life by jumping into gray In the bear park, I want to get in touch with a grizzly bear... I never expected that the grizzly bear in Ueno Zoo is a male, and it is a monster in disguise.Therefore, Fujiwara Hokuhide played very well, but died very aggrieved. 】

This is the reason why his soul fragments were preserved. Bei Xiu still wanted to experience the cuteness and sexiness of a female grizzly up close.

Silence chuckled, Fujiwara Hokuhide's obsession, he was really helpless, where to find him a female grizzly bear.

In desperation, Shen Mo had no choice but to directly absorb Fujiwara's soul fragments cheekily.

【Ding!Found soul fragment*1, absorbed. 】

Just the second after Shen Mo absorbed the fragments of Fujiwara's soul, a huge head of a grizzly bear poked out from the man-made stone cave. Its extremely human eyes stared at Shen Mo, its bloody nose twitched, covered with minced meat The fangs with blood gleamed coldly.

Roar!The grizzly let out a deep roar, filled with murderous aura, as if it wanted to swallow the silence whole.

Ding!The detection skill was activated, and information about the grizzly appeared in Silence's mind.

[Kumamon Bear, Fu Sangshen, formed from the first Kumamon Bear turned into a demon.It has a timid personality, but it has a strong sense of territory. If someone dares to step into its territory, it will eat that person with a timid heart. 】

Kumamon? !The corners of Shen Mo’s mouth couldn’t help twitching, this kind of bear Mo Mo knows, it’s the kind of black bear doll that often distributes leaflets on the street, it turns out that this kind of bear doll can become a demon in island countries, and was even caught by Yamata no Orochi as a mascot .

Mo Mo glanced at the place where he was standing, it was really Kumamon's territory.

Fujiwara!You really don't complain about your death!

Da da!Mo Mo's feet clicked, and he jumped backwards, jumping out of Kumamon's territory. The next second, Kumamon's grinning expression no longer existed, but was replaced by a dull and cute face. He looked at Mo Mo deeply for a while, seeing Silence had no intention of stepping into his territory, so he slowly retracted into the man-made stone cave.

Shen Shen shook his head and smiled, without stopping too much, he hurried to the next location.

Shen Mo collected four soul fragments scattered along the way, until he came to the clubhouse in Ocean Park, and was suddenly stunned by the scenery in front of him.

【Ding!Found soul fragments*1]

【Ding!Found soul fragments*1]

【Ding!Found soul fragments*1]

A series of message prompts almost made Shen Mo suspect that he had heard it wrong. When the message was over, there were 45 messages.

hiss!What the hell!Is this a bug?Sending a message 45 times in a row?
Or... there are 45 soul shards here? !

With hope in mind, Mo Mo explored Ocean Park with the power of his mind and eyes, and immediately, 45 soul fragments appeared in his mind.

hiss!Sure enough, there are really 45 soul fragments in this ocean park.

How can there be so many soul fragments in Ocean Park? Silence can't help but look at the timetable next to the park. According to the time recorded above, when Yamata no Orochi ran away, it was the time for the park to perform marine animal performances. Therefore, at that time in the park There are a lot of tourists.

According to the size of the park, it can accommodate at least 300 people at the same time. In this way, 45 soul fragments are really not too many.

Of course, apart from the soul fragments, Shen Mo also found several sea monsters, such as mermaids, water ghosts, river washing monks, and yaksha monks...
One of the most worthy of silent attention is an octopus that is only the size of a palm.

That's right!You read that right, it is an octopus that is the size of an adult's palm and is locked in an exhibition box.

Someone here will ask, isn’t it just an octopus that tastes delicious?What is it worth silently paying attention to?
Shouldn't Silence focus on mermaids or yaksha monks?Focusing on an octopus is missing us.

As a matter of fact, under the perception of the silent mind, the monsters in the entire Ocean Park are no match for this octopus. Don't look at this octopus, which is only the size of a palm, and the monster aura it exudes is not even weaker than In front of Tamamo.

It can be said that the octopus is the most powerful monster in this ocean park.

And those soul fragments were all scattered around the octopus, and their bodies all disappeared, obviously they were all killed and eaten by this octopus.

Therefore, if Shen Mo wanted to get these 45 soul fragments, he had to come into direct contact with this octopus.

call!Mo Mo took a deep breath, made a plan in his heart, stepped into the Ocean Park, and went straight to the exhibition box where the octopus was.

"Hiss!? Someone broke into our chassis again!"

"Eat him! Eat him!"

"Don't fight me this time, I want to eat his head, the brain is so smooth and delicious, it melts in your mouth..."

"I want to eat his ass, it's fleshy and firm..."

"Shut up, he's mine!"

The deep and hoarse voice of the octopus radiated out in a certain wave, and all the monsters in the park immediately silenced. They were obviously afraid of octopuses. In the demon world where strength is the most respected, this represents the power of octopuses.

Not long after, Shen Mo arrived at the showcase where the octopus was. The monsters along the way saw Shen Mo, and hid in a corner very wisely, not daring to provoke Mo Mo.

From Shen Mo's point of view, they must be afraid of the phantom battle ax in his hand, so they didn't dare to provoke him.

Hey, you guys are acquainted.Otherwise, I will call you demons every minute.

By the time Shen Mo stood ten meters away from the showcase, he was able to absorb the nearest soul fragment.

【Ding!Find soul fragments*1, whether to absorb or not. 】

Shen Shen said a word to absorb, and quietly put away the soul fragment. Obviously, except for the silence, no one else could perceive the existence of the soul fragment.

This is good news for Silence.

Silence pretended to be a gesture, and while moving to collect debris, he said, "As the owner of this ocean park, why don't you entertain the guests when they come?"

The octopus wriggled its tentacles in the glass display case, and its dead fish-like pupils flashed an extremely proud gesture, "Tsk tsk, how do you know that I am the owner of this ocean park?"

Shen Mo took the opportunity to absorb four more soul shards, and he said perfunctorily, "Appearance can sometimes be deceiving, but temperament is definitely not. I have sensed your evil spirit outside the park. If you are not the owner of this park , then no other monsters can take it.”

"Tsk tsk! You have some skills... When I eat you later, I won't make you suffer too much."

The octopus slowly crawled out of the display case, swallowing the water waves. Its soft and sucker-covered tentacles were attached to the glass of the display case. Its gray head protruded from the water, looking crystal clear under the sunlight.

"Oh?! You want to eat me?!"

"Tsk tsk! That's right, are you afraid? If you beg me... I'll make you suffer a little less."

hey-hey!Shen Mo smiled contemptuously, and kept moving around the octopus, collecting scattered soul fragments. He was obviously delaying time.

"I'm curious, why are monsters like you so strong?!"

Octopus said proudly, "Since you are about to die, I'm not afraid to tell you that this monster is a hybrid monster. Although it is not big in size, its monster aura is stronger than ordinary big monsters."

"Oh?! Mixed blood? How did you get mixed?"


You don't care how I mess around.

Silently murmured, "Let me guess, is it the deep-sea clams?"

The octopus couldn't help but froze, "You... how do you know?! I do have Clarence in my blood..."

Smiling silently without saying a word, with a flick of his wrist, he took out an arc tentacle of Kraken, the giant monster of the North Sea, from the puppet making panel.

The tentacles with beating blue arcs gave off a faint smell of the sea, and the suckers covered with sharp mouthparts shone coldly. Looking closely, it was not difficult to see that the suckers of the octopus were very similar to the suckers in Silence's hand.

Shen Mo shook the tentacles in front of the octopus' eyes.

"Look, doesn't it look like it?!"

The octopus was stunned on the spot, its eyes were fixed on the tentacles in Shen Mo's hand, and as it shook, it asked in an almost trembling voice, "You... where did you get it."

"Listen to you, you know who its owner is."

The tentacles of the octopus squirmed, and he said in a panic, "Kraken, the Kraken! These are the tentacles of Kraken! How did you get its tentacles? Who are you? Where is Kraken, the Kraken? ···”

Shen Mo put away the last soul fragment, and said frankly, "Kraken, the giant monster of the North Sea, has been killed by me. I heard that you have the blood of Kraken. As the saying goes, you must eradicate the roots..."


No!I don't, you must have heard it wrong, I'm just an ordinary hybrid octopus, and I have nothing to do with Kraken, the giant monster of the North Sea.You must be mistaken.

(End of this chapter)

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