The aura of a priest is infinite

Chapter 399 Doll · Eight Qi Orochi

Chapter 399 Doll Yamata Orochi
Is it?Are you really just an ordinary hybrid octopus? !
Shen Mo's eyes were narrowed slightly, looking down at the octopus in front of him who had suddenly changed the subject. A moment ago, it was so powerful that it threatened to eat Shen Mo, but now it was already trembling with fear, not daring to do anything wrong.

The octopus is also very helpless!It was a monster just born three years ago. Its mother was an octopus monster living in the Tsugaru Strait. One day three years ago, it was sunny and cloudless. Its mother was floating on the sea, enjoying the A pleasant leisure time... But in a trance, a giant monster appeared in its mother's territory, and that giant monster was also an octopus monster, although it was younger and tenderer, but for For its mother, it is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to conceive.

So, its mother fell in love with Kraken, the giant monster of the North Sea...

Pooh!It should be said that its mother and father, surrounded by love, gave birth to such a crystallization.

The newly born little octopus was named Klam by its mother. It is a hybrid monster with the blood of the island monster and the North Sea monster Kraken. It is born with extremely strong monster power and great potential.In the second year, he was recruited into the Toshiba Club by Yamata no Orochi and became a gangster in Ocean Park.

It is not an exaggeration to say that Klamm, who has noble blood and great potential, has a good time in Ocean Park. It can be said that he is extremely extravagant and can do whatever he wants.

But it never thought that there would be such a day, someone would bring its father's tentacles in front of it, and say the words of killing grass and roots.

It's Klamm, it's flustered now, a little overwhelmed, and a little misses its mother.

"Since you don't know Kraken, why do you smell like Kraken?"

Kram's transparent face twitched for a while, and after struggling again and again, he said, "Actually, the truth is mother is a kind monster, she was molested by a bastard named Kraken, and I was born with hatred from my mother, to tell you the truth, Kraken lied to my mother, and I have a sworn feud with Kraken. Did you really kill Kraken?"

Shen Mo smiled without saying a word, he knew that the other party must be lying, but Mo Mo had already collected the soul fragments, if the other party didn't pester him, Mo Mo would not bother to fight against it.

hum!Silence's wrist shook again, Kraken's arc tentacles disappeared, and what reappeared was a foul-smelling milky white paste.

[Thick Brain of North Sea Kraken*1]

"It's the Kraken's brain."

hiss!Kram hid in the glass display case and shivered. The breath coming from his brain was the same as the blood breath on his body. It was already 100% certain that the person in front of him had indeed killed Kraken, the North Sea giant monster, and had the ability to cut grass and roots. terror power.

Kram didn't dare to do anything wrong in front of Shen Mo with his little combat power, so he could only continue to pretend to be cowardly in order to save his life.

Kram couldn't help but think of what his mother had told him before he left... [Kram!You are still young, you must keep a low profile in Toshiba Club, learn more, watch more and talk less.remember!Living long is the greatest skill. 】

Kram's face changed, and he said righteously, "Benefactor! Thank you so much. You helped me kill Kraken. You are the biggest benefactor in my life, Kram. I am willing to go through fire and water for you. No excuses..."

"Kram? Your name is a bit strange!"

"Eh?! To tell you the truth, my mother gave me such a name to remind me at all times that I must remember that my enemy is Kraken."

Shen Mo smiled, you cheating bastard!
Forget it, since you're such a fool, I'll save Yuzao's face, it's not hard for you.I'm still in a hurry to collect soul fragments, so I won't delay here with you.

Ha ha!Silently laughed and turned around to leave, leaving Kram with a bewildered expression hiding in the glass display cabinet doubting his life. Suddenly, Kram felt like he was alive after a catastrophe. At this moment, he truly understood the words of his mother. The true meaning of life—it turns out to be so beautiful to be alive.

In the future, we must keep a low profile. Monsters as powerful as Kraken have died tragically at the hands of humans. It is a small fish and shrimp that must have self-knowledge.

Let's say that Shen Mo left Ocean Park and went all the way, and collected a lot of soul fragments. It didn't take much effort to collect the remaining 67 soul fragments.

He didn't choose to continue collecting, but turned back, preparing to refine the doll of Yamata no Orochi as soon as possible, in case it took too long and something happened.

When Shen Mo returned to the rock snake area, Tamazamo and Ji Nai had been waiting for a long time.

"Have you collected all the materials you need?" Yuzao asked first, "How many more monsters have you killed?"

"My lord, are you injured?" Ji Nai asked with concern from the side.

Shen Mo waved his hand, "I'm just going to collect materials, it has nothing to do with killing monsters or not, I did see a lot of monsters along the way, except for an interesting octopus named Kram, the others are ordinary little monsters .”

"Eh! You didn't kill Kramm, did you?" Tamazamo exclaimed, she knew that Kramm was an octopus monster, and Kramm's mother was the overlord of the Tsugaru Strait, with a very powerful force. Octopus monster, if Shen Mo killed her son, it would be a big trouble.

"Is that right? I just took out the tentacles of the North Sea giant monster, and it froze."

Mo Mo responded to Yuzao, and joined hands with Ji Nai, preparing to start making dolls again.

"The tentacles of the North Sea monster?! The tentacles you just took out are the tentacles of the North Sea monster Kraken?!"

Tamazamo opened her mouth wide in surprise. Although she knew that Shen Mo was hiding secrets from head to toe, she never thought that Mo Mo could kill even monsters of this level.

"Smelly brother! How many things are you hiding from your sister!"

"It's too much, are you interested in having an in-depth exchange?"

"Okay, how about tonight?"

"Ah! Another day! I've been busy recently."

"Hmph! Miao Buxiu is a silver-like wax gun head."

Silently, you are angry and let you be angry, and I am calm and unfazed.

"Jinai, help me sort out these materials in the order they were before."

"Okay, my lord."

After some operations, Shen Mo prepared the materials for refining the Yamata no Orochi doll again. He put his consciousness into his mind and opened the previously closed doll making panel.

The triangular card slot emits a faint blue light. With previous experience, the materials are inserted into the card slot in sequence without any accidents.

【Ding!Soul Fragment 100/100]

[If all the doll materials are collected, you will get a full body doll*1 (sustainable, wearable and repairable)]

[Whether to start manufacturing! 】

Silently murmured, and said firmly, "Start!"

hum!The triangular card slot trembled slightly, and the faint blue light became more and more dazzling, until the blue light enveloped the entire puppet manufacturing panel, and the silent spiritual power poured into it like a tide. A mysterious and mysterious connection was created. When the brightness of the blue light reached its peak, a ray of golden light was born from it, and soon swept all the blue light with an unstoppable force, making a dazzling golden cluster appear in front of Shen Mo's eyes.

【Ding!Do you want to shape the puppet shape manually? 】

Mo Mo didn't hesitate, and decisively chose yes, if he allowed the puppet to form itself, it would inevitably become a terrifying existence of human and demon, and only the shape made by Mo Mo himself could create a fake Yamata no Orochi .

Because Shen Mo has fought with Yamata no Orochi, the only one who really understands you is not only yourself, but also your enemies.

【Ding!Go to the Puppet Shaping panel. 】

A flesh-colored ball was projected in front of Shen Mo's eyes, which was the prototype of the puppet refined this time. The Yamata no Orochi he projected based on the power of his mind and eyes began his second journey of pinching people.

Before Shen Mo made Liu Xiaoci, this time he made Yata no Orochi, who is both human and demon. Although the span of the two is very large, Mo Mo is confident that he can make a work that will satisfy everyone.

He first elongated the whole round ball to shape the strip shape of Yamata no Orochi, and then roughly fabricated the head and tail of Yamata no Orochi. As for the various details, he ignored it for the time being and waited for the initial embryo to be finalized, and then began to work on the internal machinery. Bearing and tissue flesh and blood, he used the flesh and blood of the giant monster of the North Sea to shape the flesh and blood of Yamata no Orochi; used the internal organs of Kaibozu to shape the organization of Yamata no Orochi; used the soul seal of Niao Dazhen to carve the human form of Yamata no Orochi. ···

After some operations, the rudiment of Yamata no Orochi has appeared, and then only the detailed carving is left.

Relying on the attainments of a master woodcarver, Shen Mo has a profound background in carving a piece. Although he cannot possess the spirit in his idol, it is more than enough to carve a Yamata no Orochi.

According to the various details projected by the eyes of the mind, Shen Mo draws the gourd, tries to make it as detailed as possible, and spends a lot of effort. After three hours of meticulous carving, he finally completed this work.

Doll Yamata Orochi!Finish!
【Ding!The doll is finished, please check it out. 】

As the reminder sounded in his mind, his silent heart finally relaxed. He couldn't wait to open the message of the puppet Yamata Orochi. A series of messages made his blood boil.

System produced, must be a boutique.

A silent shot must be a masterpiece.

【Yakita no Orochi】

[Yaki no Orochi: A monster doll refined from materials such as the mutated ghost bird Dazhen, Yaki no Orochi, the giant monster of the North Sea, Kaibozu, etc. It has the following special effects skills. 】

[1 is the minion of the tiger, the mutated ghost bird Dazhen has the ability to drive the soul of the living being killed by him.The more ghosts there are, the stronger Niao Dazhen's demon power will be.But the harassment he suffered from ghosts became more and more serious. 】

[2 Swallowing, the swallowing ability of Yamata no Orochi, can create a swallowing black hole and pull all matter into a different dimension. 】

[3 Overlord of the ocean, has a great deterrent effect on ocean monsters, and possesses the aura of overlord to rule them. 】

【4 Evil snake breathes, Kaibozu's bubbles can store extremely strong corrosive liquid, any creature that comes into contact with the corrosive liquid will be corroded into bones. 】

[5 human form, the human form shaped by the silent hand of the wood carving master, has 70.00% of the combat power of the monster form, and maintains the above special effects skills. 】

After reading the doll information of Yamata no Orochi, I was silently determined. From the perspective of ability, it perfectly preserved the devouring power of Yamata no Orochi.From the perspective of the temperament of the puppet, the breath of Yamata no Orochi perfectly conceals the breath of Bird Dazhen and others. If you are not very good at sensing the existence of evil spirits, you will not be able to detect the essence of Yamata no Orochi.

Such a concoction, if evaluated with a perfect score of 95 points, Shen Mo is confident to score [-] points, and the remaining [-] points are mainly because of his pride.

Moreover, when Shen Mo made the Yamata no Orochi doll, he used a little trick to slightly modify the memory of Bird Dazhen. In addition to being 100% finally silent, he also added an unfeminine character. set up.

In this way, he would not be afraid that Yuzao would seduce this little boy, Bird Dazhen.

This is the silent style of doing things.

(End of this chapter)

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