The aura of a priest is infinite

Chapter 400 Toshiba Shinshe

Chapter 400 Toshiba Shinshe
Ding!After checking the information of Yamata no Orochi silently, he raised his hand and took out the doll from his personal warehouse, and threw it in front of everyone, only to see that the palm-sized doll was good at facing the wind, and turned into the appearance of a young boy named Niao Dazhen.

Tori Dama is dressed in a pitch-black kendo suit, his temperament has become extremely strange under the influence of Yamata no Orochi, his jaw has become uncontrollably sharp, and even his voice is a bit hoarse and hazy. The details are not what Tori Dama originally was. Appearance, but it just fits the various detail settings of Yamata no Orochi.

It can be seen that Silence has worked very hard on the details.

But such an appearance, in the eyes of Yuzao, is a big mistake.

"Silence, this is the Yamata no Orochi you refined?!" Tamazamo was a little disappointed, "He is clearly Toshima! With this appearance, even I can't be fooled, let alone those big monsters."

Shen Shen nodded and replied, "This kind of appearance really can't even fool you... how about changing it?"

Silence beckoned, and Bird Dazhen, who was feeling the new body, nodded quickly in response. His body trembled slightly, and waves of black air gushed out of his body like tides, turning into a cloud of mist to cover him. The next moment, The demonic energy erupted, radiating like air waves, and Niao Dazhen's body swelled rapidly, turning into a giant snake as huge as a mountain in just a few breaths.

hiss!In the black mist, the scarlet snake core heaves and puffs up, raising streams of foul-smelling thick fog, which is the corrosive thick liquid overflowed from the breath of the evil snake. The snake body is coiled and circled, stirring the black mist and then dissipating. The true identity of the giant snake The capacity is gradually revealed in front of everyone.

Yuzao looked up at Niao Dazhen in the black mist, her eyes gradually changed from solemn to astonished, what did she see?She saw Yamata no Orochi!

That's right, the true Yamata no Orochi, whether it's breath or behavior, even the scars on the abdominal cavity are exactly the same Yamata no Orochi.

Is this really a puppet created by Silence?Is his skill already so superb?
hey-hey!Yu Zaoqian couldn't help laughing at himself, no wonder this stinky brother has always looked down on his sister, it turns out that he has such excellent puppet skills.

Frankly speaking, among the masters with such puppet skills, which one is close to women, even if there is such a case, wouldn't he carve a puppet for himself to play with?Why bother to trouble yourself and find something else.

Yuzao had a vague premonition that in the near future, there would be countless dolls around Shen Mo, and each of them had the ability or capital that Yuzao would be amazed and envious of.

Smelly brother!You surprised my sister again.

hiss!The black mist dissipated, Niao Dazhen opened his bloody mouth, and the black vortex condensed into a strange black hole, which became bigger and bigger under the agitation of the evil spirit, and the surrounding light twisted and changed under the terrifying suction of the black hole until it was swallowed exhausted...

hiss!With a deep roar, Niao Dazhen, under the signal of silence, threw the black hole representing the swallowing power of Yamata no Orochi into the sky. The shackles unfolded over the entire Tokyo.

In an instant, as if the entire sky was swallowed by a black hole, the eyes of all creatures fell on the black hole in Ueno Zoo. Some people were afraid, some were hesitant, some were excited, and some were crazy... ·But without exception, the shocking change at Ueno Zoo has become the shocking change in Tokyo and the hottest hotspot.

"Silence, what are you?" Tamazamae couldn't figure out why Shen Mo asked Niao Dazhen to do this, but there must be his reasons for it.

Shen Mo looked up at the black hole in the sky, raised the corners of his mouth, and said with a smile, "There is an old saying in Huaxia that there are three fires when a new official takes office, and this is the first fire that Bird Dazhen burned."

Tamamo made an embarrassing comparison, you are setting fire, you are clearly burning yourself, and now you are impersonating Yamata no Orochi, can we keep a low profile?

no!The attitude of silence is very firm. He fought Yamata no Orochi and made such a big fuss. Which of those monsters didn’t know what to do. , Only then can those big monsters dispel their worries.

How can anyone in this world dare to be so high-profile? !In the bottom of most people's hearts, only the truth can have such confidence and confidence.

If you want to play, just play a little bigger, how can you convince all the monsters if you are afraid of your hands and feet.

"Hey, it seems that my sister can't persuade you anymore," Yuzao said helplessly, "Then tell me, how do you burn the second and third fires?"

Mo Mo said righteously, "The second fire is to permanently suspend Toshiba's monster trading business indefinitely, and unconditionally release harmless monsters to create a more harmonious monster atmosphere."

Yuzao nodded before, and gave Nannan and Tomoko a meaningful look. This kind of trading should have been banned long ago. Only by stopping the trading of monsters can the little monsters feel at ease and integrate into human society.

On this point, Kotama Momo agrees very much with the silent approach.

"What about the third fire?"

"The third fire is to change the name of the Toshiba Club to the Toshiba New Club. All members of the club stop all cross-border behaviors that are not conducive to the coexistence of monsters, such as cannibalism, killing, and hurting people... all members of the club roll up their sleeves and start economics together."

Tamamo Mae: "..."

Ji Nai: "Who is the economy? Why do you bully her?"

Nannan: "The boss means to imitate the domestic policy, let the monsters have something to do, and integrate into human society as soon as possible. The so-called economic development is just a general term."

Yuzao added, "This method is really great, I finally understand why I have been failing... The so-called coexistence of monsters does not just mean eliminating hostility between monsters, but to eliminate the hostility between monsters through the same system. The blurring of the boundary makes them blend together naturally...the former monsters never learned how to live like humans, and now it is time for the monsters to learn how to survive in human society like humans."

Yuzao became more and more excited as he talked, and proposed, "We can establish a Yokai Entrepreneurship Foundation to help those Yokai who want to integrate into society. Not only can it teach and supervise them, but it can also help them overcome the difficulties in the early stage; we should also establish a Yokai Foundation. Supervise the organization, supervise and reward and punish monsters in human society, and form a good atmosphere of monsters; we should also form..."

Silently listening to Yu Zaoqian's long talk, to be honest, he really didn't think so much, he just wanted the monsters to engage in economics so that he could earn more money for himself.

Yuzaoqian is good, just one idea radiates more than a dozen sub-projects, with only one purpose, to put such excellent and outstanding labor force of monsters into the market, and create infinite value.

The value involved here is much more promising than buying and selling monsters.

From this point of view, Tamamo-mae has excellent management ability!

Mo Mo has even seen the day when Toshiba Xinshe becomes the largest society in the island country. How cool it would be to think of the time when the power of the whole country can be used to help him realize his plan of the elixir empire.

Tut tut!From this point of view, Yamata no Orochi looks more and more handsome!

As the evil spirit gradually dissipated, the black hole in the sky disappeared, but all monsters and humans who knew the existence of Yamata no Orochi had seen the terrifying power of Yamata no Orochi, and their sense of belonging to Toshiba was getting higher and higher. I am also looking forward to the future of Toshiba...

But they never imagined that Toshiba Club has become Toshiba New Club, and the next series of policies will catch the monsters by surprise. A new era is about to come to the monsters of the island country. They either choose to adapt, or they will be eliminated... ·

Change is always cruel. Fortunately, this time the change does not require Shen Mo to intervene in person. Niao Dazhen and Yuzao will do the next thing for Shen Mo.

Silence only needs to control the overall situation and quietly be a master behind the scenes.

hum!With the disappearance of the black hole, Kappa once again used his ability to restore the barrier. This is its job. Without the order of Yamata no Orochi, it dare not stop privately, even if Yamata no Orochi just broke through its barrier and let the world see To his horror.

"Then, the next thing is up to you."

Silently patted Niao Dazhen on the shoulder, Niao Dazhen in human form was still so strange, the latter nodded heavily, his eyes filled with gratitude, not long ago he was a weak ghost under the bull ghost, now But he has become the president of Toshiba Corporation. Such a drastic change is like the rhythm of the company's security guard downstairs marrying the chairman's daughter and becoming the general manager in one fell swoop. All the puppets created by Silence can have a silent way of thinking.

He is no longer a child.

"Thank you, master, I will not let you down."

Yu Zaoqian stood behind Niao Dazhen, and smiled softly, "Smelly brother, you can rest assured that I will watch you Niao Dazhen."

"Then I will wait and see! I will still be in the island country during this period of time, and I hope you can produce some results before I leave."

After Shen Mo finished speaking, his eyes fell on Nan Nan and Tomoko. What needs to be done now is naturally to help Nan Nan find her hometown.

According to Tomoko, as long as you go to Iwate Prefecture, you can find the ethnic group of Zashiki Doji, and Nannan's family must be there.

"Stupid, are you going to help me find my family?"

Nan Nan's eyes are a bit complicated.

"Do you not want me anymore?"


Why did this suddenly cause a small mood, wasn't it fine before?

Shen Mo couldn't help looking at Tomoko, who deliberately looked away from Momo, it was obvious that Tomoko must have said something to Nan Nan.


"Yeah~ It's not my fault, I just said, when Nan Nan finds his family, we can live together in Iwate Prefecture... I didn't expect Nan Nan's reaction to be so big."

Silently smiled, he didn't blame Tomoko, after all, Tong Yan said nothing, he stepped to Nan Nan's side, lovingly stroking her head, "Nan Nan, I promised you that I will help you find your family As for whether you choose to stay in your hometown or go home with me, I respect your opinion."

After Nan Nan heard this, the tearful eyes immediately shone with hope, "Really?"

"Have I lied to you?"

"No...that's great! Nannan knows how to choose...then let's find my family quickly, I want to tell them that Nannan already has a new home and a new family .”

"Go! Go!"

【Ding!Your reward has arrived, please pay attention to check it. 】

Yamata no Orochi's rewards have finally been calculated.

(End of this chapter)

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