The aura of a priest is infinite

Chapter 401 The Reward of the Eight Qi Orochi

Chapter 401 Yamata no Orochi's Reward

It is not an exaggeration to say that Silence has already won a lot of rewards from this war, including Toshiba, which is in charge of Yamata no Orochi, and renamed it Toshiba Shinsha, as well as manufacturing high-quality dolls, Yamata no Orochi, And a series of manipulations such as subduing the snow girl.

Now that the rewards are in the account, it can be said to be the icing on the cake.

While pampering Nannan and Tomoko as a beckoning cat, and summoning Yuki Nai to shrink into his collar, he bid farewell to Tori Dama, Tamazamae, Suzu, Ghost Mask, etc., packed lightly, and prepared to go to Iwate county.

Speaking of Suzu and Tamamo-mae, they are now the relationship between Shikigami and Shiki-master, the same relationship as Ampere Jingming and Tamamo-mae back then.

Thinking about having Tamazamae take care of Suzu, Suzu will not be bullied by other monsters.

After knowing that Shen Mo had defeated Yamata no Orochi, Ling was very grateful to Mo Mo, and finally saw Suzu in Yamata no Orochi's evil mouth. If it wasn't for Yumoqian's persuasion, she would have doubted life already.

In this way, Toshiba News Agency has nothing to worry about in silence. He only needs to check and collect the money sent by Yuzao on time.

Three and 10 minutes later, Shen Mo had already boarded the high-speed train to Iwate Prefecture alone.

When he first came out of the Ueno Zoo, a large number of melon-eating people gathered outside the gate, reporters from various newspapers, and relevant emergency personnel. As the first living person to come out of the Ueno Zoo, Mo Mo naturally became everyone's favorite. focus.

Reporters from various newspapers gathered towards Silence one after another, bombarded by various flashing lights one after another, and the noisy inquiries made people feel irritated.

"Excuse me, what happened at Ueno Zoo?"

"Why did you come out alone, is there anyone else inside?"

"It is said that there was a big earthquake in Ueno Zoo, so what happened to the black hole in the sky? Is it a sign of the Emperor?"

"Sir, speak up!"

Although Shen Mo is a person who has seen the world, he couldn't stand such a crazy bombardment. Fortunately, Niao Dazhen and Yuzao came out to rescue him in time. With Niao Dazhen's special appearance and Yuzaqian's peerless beauty, they succeeded. Attracting everyone's attention provided an opportunity for a silent departure.

Silence couldn't help but think of an Internet term.

Why!There are always people who want to embarrass me!

Wouldn't it be nice for him to quietly be a big boss behind the scenes?If I had known about Silence, I would not have gone through the front door, but slipped through the back door.

Shen Mo leaned back in the chair, pretending to close his eyes and meditate, but actually began to check the mission rewards this time.

【Ding!Side mission: Yamata no Orochi.Mission rewards have been issued. 】

[Task Rewards: 1 Reiki Value 15000, 2 Unlock Unlimited Reiki Copy: Ueno Zoo, 3 Yamata Orochi’s Perfect Pocket Jar*1, 4 Customized Exclusive Weapon: Calamity Yamata Orochi, 5 Skills: Ascension Formation. 】

Level: Level 14 (Aura 19950/8000)

The reward of 11950 aura points is neither too much nor too little for Shen Mo. It is enough for him to raise his level by one level and keep [-] points of aura for backup.

Ding!Level up!

Level: 15 (Aura 11950/9000)

Mo Mo looked at the attribute panel again, each attribute increased by 4 points, and the strength and physique were about to break through the 100 mark. I don't know what kind of talent will be awakened.

Although he has enough spiritual energy to raise his level to level 16 and awaken two talents, but considering that the spare spiritual energy is indispensable, Shen Mo resolutely gave up continuing to upgrade and waited until the spiritual energy was rich enough to upgrade.

Next, Mo Mo directly ignored the dungeon unlocking rewards and pocket pot rewards, and set his sights on [Customized Exclusive Weapon · Disaster · Yamata no Orochi].

【Customized Exclusive Weapon · Calamity · Yamata no Orochi: Priests can choose to customize weapons as sickle, battle axe, rosary, totem, and cross.Each weapon has a different focus, please choose carefully. 】

[Tip: After selecting the style, the special effect properties of the weapon will be displayed. 】

Silence couldn't help correcting his expression, his third weapon finally came.

Now is the critical moment to decide his fate, how should he choose?
First of all, Silence puts his consciousness into the sickle, and the special effects skills and attributes about the sickle are manifested.

[Disaster · Yamata no Orochi · Sickle: Agility +20, Strength +15.Special effect skills: Baqi slash (light), the light attribute of Baqi slash has an extremely terrifying slashing speed, once slashed, it can condense the light attribute sword energy, as fast as lightning, and as fast as light.The enemy only felt a flash of light, and he was already defeated.Triggering this special effect skill consumes 1000 aura points/time]

Mo Mo was amazed, the attribute blessing attached to the sickle is extremely high, and its special effect skills are also very domineering, the light-like slash, this is a very powerful attack skill.

What Silence lacks most at the moment is extremely strong offensive skills, so the sickle is very cost-effective.

But he didn't rush to make a conclusion, and set his sights on the next weapon.

[Catastrophe · Yamata no Orochi · Tomahawk: strength +20, constitution +15. Special effect skills: black hole, black hole with dark attribute has the terrifying lethality of swallowing everything, and its power can even swallow light.Triggering this skill requires 5000 aura points/time]

Forehead!The corner of Shen Mo's mouth twitched, and compared with the black hole, Baqi Zhan couldn't help being inferior.It is also an offensive skill, the former focuses on speed, and the latter is the real group-killing skill.

Recalling the black hole shot by Yamata no Orochi, Silence still has lingering fears.

It's a pity that the attack speed of the black hole is not fast. Once triggered, the attack trajectory is fixed and the movement speed is too slow. If it is used improperly, the hit rate is lacking.

This is also the main reason why Shen Mo can frequently avoid the black hole attack of Yamata no Orochi.

Shaking his head silently, he continued to look down.

[Disaster · Yamata no Orochi · rosary, spirit +20, strength +15.Special effect skills: speed of light healing.The light attribute healing skill can instantly heal serious injuries.Triggering this skill requires 500 aura points/time]

Silence directly ignores the rosary. If the priest uses the special effect skills of the weapon to heal, it is simply a shame to the priest.

The most indispensable thing for Silence is the healing skill.

Looking further down, the totem and the cross, both of which, like the rosary, are focused on the existence of healing skills, Silence can only choose to ignore them.

The final choice is still the sickle and the battle axe.

Should I choose a sickle with a light attribute, or a battle ax with a dark attribute? !

After a fierce ideological struggle, Shen Mo still chose the battle axe, because he has a mastery of the battle axe, and the battle axe can give full play to his strength.

And the disadvantages of the black hole, with the assistance of the shrinking ground into an inch talisman, are not so important.

【Ding!Choose a weapon: Calamity, Yamata no Orochi, and battle axe. 】

hum!The buzzing sound of metal clashing sounded in the silent mind, and with the flow of golden brilliance, a battle ax exuding a dark atmosphere appeared in his personal warehouse. The big snake looks more ruthless and domineering, giving people a sense of unfathomable, and the gaze falls on it, as if it wants to swallow people's gaze.

Like all clergy weapons, the battle ax is huge and heavy. The difference is that the whole battle ax is condensed from the body of Yamata no Orochi. full.

Silence suppressed the desire to take out the tomahawk to play with, after all it was not appropriate to take it out on the train.

It's not so good to scare the children.

Just as he was about to check out the new skill [Ascension Formation], a voice could not help but sound in his ears.

"Uncle, can I be next to you?"

The immature voice pulled the silence back from his consciousness, and he turned his eyes to the source of the voice. It was a female college student wearing an island-style school uniform. She was in her prime, and her slightly round face was made more immature by air bangs. , the clear eyes exuded youthful breath under the flickering, the over-the-shoulder ponytail was draped over the blue school uniform, and underneath was a yellow-brown hello kiity schoolbag, and the knee-length miniskirt seemed to be in this slightly cold autumn. It's a bit out of place, but in the island country, this is the normal emphasis of women. No matter how cold the weather is, they love such miniskirts. If it weren't for the artifact of meaty leggings, many women in the island country would freeze to death every year.

Silent was a little surprised, why did such a pure female college student sit next to him? He instinctively scanned the girl's whole body with his mind and eyes. He really didn't find anything except that the girl's measurements were 86·60·88. Uniqueness.

Shen Mo looked around again, and then noticed that when he was fully absorbed, a wave of college students came up, the originally empty carriage was now full of people, only the seat next to Mo Mo was empty, the girl wanted to sit in, really Just want to sit in it.

"of course can."

Shen Mo moved his legs a little towards the aisle, to make room for the girl to enter.

"Thank you uncle."

The girl thanked politely, turned sideways, and squeezed into the empty seat next to Shen Mo against the back of the chair. Waiting for the girl to sit down, she put down the small table on the chair very skillfully, and took out a thick book from her schoolbag. I put on the pink earphones and read the book quietly.

Silently cast a glance, the textbook reads [Chinese Level [-] Listening Exam Questions] Obviously, this is an island girl who is preparing for the Chinese Level [-] test, and what sounds in her earphones is exactly the test questions in the textbook.

With silent hearing, you can listen carefully even if you don't get close.

Narrator: The CET-[-] listening test is starting now, please listen to the questions.

Female: How many seats do you want?
Man: How many waits do you have in total?

Female: special class, first class, second class and so on.The second class has to wait a little longer.

Man: Let me take a look, wait a minute!

Female: Don't wait any longer, wait a little longer, it will be gone soon.

Man: Don’t wait any longer, just this one.

Narrator: Excuse me, how many seats did the boy finally buy?

The girl looked dazed, with nowhere to put her little hand holding the pencil. She stared blankly at the four options of ABCD, hesitated for a long time, and finally chose [D, etc.]

Shen Mo frowned slightly. Given his Chinese level, this answer must be wrong.

"You chose wrong!"

Girl: "Huh?!"

She quickly took off her earphones and said apologetically, "I'm sorry, did I bother you? Did I just focus too much and make some noise."

"That's not true, I just want to tell you that you should choose [Seat A First Class] for this question."

The girl was taken aback, "Are you from China?!"

Nodding silently, it seems that his Chinese has not been translated into Japanese, and the system is quite humane in terms of details.

"That's really great. You can teach me Chinese. I happen to have a lot of problems that I don't understand." The girl said in substandard Mandarin, "I have to take the Chinese level [-] test next week. If I can't pass , you will not be able to compete for the number of overseas students, you may not know that it has been my dream for many years to be able to study in Huaxia."

Shen Mo frowned slightly, the first time they met, after only chatting for a few words, the girl took the initiative to invite Shen Mo to teach her Chinese, which is a bit too bloody!

The girl seemed to see Silence's thoughts, and quickly apologized, "I'm sorry, I was too abrupt, and I haven't introduced myself yet. My name is Chisa Nishijima, and I am of Chinese-Japanese mixed race. My father is from Huaxia Hu Jian, and my mother is Dao Guoyuan. Savage, so I really want to study in Huaxia. As you know, the fees for Chinese tutoring classes in the island country are very high, and the teaching ability is also mediocre. After my parents passed away unexpectedly, my finances are not well-off... I am also in a hurry I'm asking for your help, I'm really sorry if I offended you."

Um? !Sensible and cute, both parents died.This setting has some stories!
Besides, Hu Jian?Listening to her pronunciation really has a little taste of Fujian.

"Ahem, you should be talking about Fujian, not Hu Jian."

"Sorry, I'm always indiscriminate."

"You said your mother is from Tono?"


"Which county is Tono?"

"Iwate Prefecture! It is Iwate Prefecture, where the legend of kappa and zashiki boy is widely spread."

Silence was clear in his chest, and he subconsciously glanced at the lucky cat on his waist. Nannan and Tomoko thought that I was lonely and cold along the way, so they specially arranged this encounter for me!

Since Nannan and Tomoko are so sensible, silence follows their wishes.

"Coincidentally, I happen to be going to Iwate County, how about this, you will be my tour guide, and I will teach you Chinese."

After hearing this, Chisa Nishijima said happily, "That's really great, I'm sorry to trouble you, Uncle."

"Ahem, don't call me uncle, we are not much different in age."

Chisa Nishijima was taken aback, and immediately changed her tune, "Okay, senior!"

have to!The name of the island country is really confusing!Call it whatever you like.

"Come on! Let me look at your exam questions first."

After 5 minutes, Silence had one head and two big heads. Who the hell came up with the exam questions, and even a native Chinese speaker would have a terrible headache doing it.

How did you let Silence improve Chisa Nishijima's test scores in just one week?

Besides, knowing how to do this kind of question will help normal oral communication? !

It's just torturing people's brain cells...

Um?etc!Silently muttered to himself, he doesn't need to teach Chisa Nishijima Chinese, he just needs to help her pass the tenth test!

At this moment, Tomoko, who was inside the beckoning cat, felt a chill down his spine, as if he was being watched by a silent beast.

Tomoko: "Nannan, I have an ominous feeling coming from your stupid boss."

(End of this chapter)

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