The aura of a priest is infinite

Chapter 405 Chapter 404

Chapter 405 Chapter 404

Gao Ye Jianren died of silence? !
How many people has been hurt by silence! ?
Wait, this script is wrong, Mo Mo doesn't remember that she has hurt Gao Ye Jianren, how could she die because of herself.

Silence is just asking Gao Ye Jianren to help track down Nannan's life experience... why did he die?

Could it be that Gao Ye Jianren died because of this incident?
"How did she die?"

The welcoming monk snorted coldly, "Ask knowingly, don't you know why she died?"

Shen Mo paused in his heart, it seems that the truth is as he guessed, Gao Ye Jianren died because of investigating Nan Nan's life experience.

Can this thing kill people? !

Didn't the Takano clan specialize in raising zashiki warji?How could you lose your life because of this kind of thing.

Shen Mo asked solemnly, "Since you know me, you must know that I have no malicious intentions. I came here today to find Miss Gao Ye and ask about Nannan's life experience. Now I want to know what happened to Miss Gao Ye? Where is her body?" ?”

The welcoming monk shook his head and sighed. After knowing Shen Mo's name, he gradually let go of his vigilance. They had already learned from Gao Ye Jianren that they were not wary of Mo Mo, but someone else. .

"Mr. Shen, please follow me into the temple." The welcoming monk turned his body sideways, signaling silence to enter the temple, and finally asked, "Is your zashiki boy accompanying you?"

Nodding silently, he added, "Not only that, I also rescued a zashiki boy named Tomoko, she is from your Zhengjue Temple."

hum!With a flash of red light, Shen Mo released Tomoko from the beckoning cat, everyone not only saw Tomoko, but also noticed the beckoning cat on Mo Mo's waist.

"Hiss! This is the magical weapon that Jianren said... it is indeed in Mr. Shen's hands."

"Tomoko is indeed a zashiki boy raised in captivity by our Zhengjue Temple. He was captured by the monster hunting team some time ago, and we have no ability to rescue her. Thank you, Mr. Shen, for your rescue. Zhengjue Temple is very grateful."

"Please go to the main hall to rest for a while, I will arrange for Sophon, and I will tell you about Jianren in detail."

The welcoming monk took Zhizi from Shen Mo's hand, and then went to the barrier behind the mountain. Under the leadership of other monks, Mo Mo was led to the main hall to rest for a while.

Not long after, the welcoming monk turned back and brought a dozen monks from the Takano family behind him, each of them was extremely sturdy, imposing, and all had weapons in their hands.

Shen Mo frowned slightly, this posture was obviously not good!
The welcoming monk bowed politely to Shen Mo, and then said frankly, "Please Mo Mo, please return the temple's artifact, the beckoning cat, and the zashiki boy Nannan to this temple."

Good guy!Sure enough, it was not kind, this opening of the mouth was about to snatch Nan Nan and the Lucky Cat from Shen Mo's hands.

"Hmph! I thought you had seen the reality clearly just now, but now it seems that you are still obsessed with it."

Shen Mo took off the lucky cat from his waist and held it in his hands, "If it were you, would you hand her over to Zhengjue Temple? Besides, what proof is there that she belongs to your Zhengjue Temple."

The face of the welcoming monk was gloomy, and the monks behind him gathered their strength and were ready to go, as if they would strike at the slightest disagreement.

"Mr. Shen, please respect yourself. Don't lie, the beckoning cat and the zashiki boy are all belongings of my Zhengjue Temple. This is known to everyone in the world."


The welcoming monk was surprised: "What did you say?"


The welcoming monk was furious, "You actually spoke harsh words to my despicable and rude villain."

Shrugged silently, "Everyone is mortal, and this is well known to the world, am I wrong?"

"Hmph! Since Mr. Shen is obsessed with obsession, don't blame our Zhengjue Temple for being rude! Do it!"

Following the order from the welcoming monk, the dozen or so monks behind him immediately dispersed, forming an enchantment to surround Shen Mo, the dharma staff in their hands buzzed, and they chanted bitter and incomprehensible mantras, The mana in the whole body was twisted and twisted, and gradually gathered together, forming an irresistible terrifying coercion, directly hitting the silence.

Silently sneered, the corners of his mouth raised. The mission rewards he got from Yamata no Orochi hadn't had a chance to be used yet. Isn't now the best chance!
hum!The silent mental power erupts, and activates the newly acquired skill [Ascension Array]

[Ascension Formation: The current skill level is 1. Reiki (19950/1000) consumes a certain amount of mental power to deploy the Ascension Formation, causing the enemies in the formation to temporarily lose gravity, passively ascend to the sky, and enter a floating state. 】

[Reminder: Ascension to Heaven Formation is very powerful in advance, and the power of temporary formation is reduced in turn. 】

hum!An invisible air wave erupted with silence as the center of the circle. Although the power of the Ascension Formation that was deployed in an instant was weakened, it was not something that these monks could resist.

In the next second, all the monks only felt that their feet were empty, and their bodies rose uncontrollably to the sky. The enchantment that had just condensed collapsed suddenly, floating in midair like a plate of loose sand.

What! ?What kind of magic circle is this?It can actually make people float in the air!

Although the Ascension Array has no lethal power for the time being, the ability to float in the air is enough to shock. After all, this is a magic circle that involves gravity, and any magic circle that changes the laws of nature is a high-level magic circle. circle.

Standing silently among the monks, he raised his right hand gently, and quickly condensed a black mist from his chest. The mist rolled, and a ferocious magic hand came out loudly, and slammed the monks away like a fly.

To put it bluntly, the Ascension Array is just an auxiliary skill, combined with offensive skills, the effect is really excellent.

Boom boom boom!The bodies of all the monks flew out of the main hall like kites with broken strings, and rolled down the mountain gate in all directions, leaving only the welcoming monk standing there, in a trance. up.

This person's strength is indeed as Gao Ye Jianren said, unfathomable.

But so what, the beckoning cat and the zashiki boy Nannan must be obtained, otherwise, the Takano clan will be expelled from the island country.

Before and after are all dead, it is better to let go and seek a future.

The welcoming monk's legs went limp, and he knelt down in front of Shen Mo. He wept bitterly, "Mr. Shen, please be merciful and hand over the Lucky Cat and Nannan to Zhengjue Temple."

Mo Mo felt a chill in his heart, there really are such brazen people in the world.

One second he wanted to grab it hard, but the next moment he saw that he was not his opponent, he still had the face to kneel down and beg.This move is not clever at all!
"You should give up on this! Nannan and the lucky cat will never give it to you. I came here today to find out Nannan's life experience. Since Miss Takano died because of me, I also want to I know the reason, if you tell me, we still have something to talk about, if you continue to play tricks, then, sorry, leave!"

After speaking in silence, he stared coldly at the welcoming monk, waiting for the other party's reply.

The welcoming monk fell to the ground like a deflated balloon, and he muttered with empty eyes, "I am Jianren's father, Takano Taiko."

You are actually the father of Jianren Gaoye, no wonder a monk who welcomes guests plays so well.

"After Jianren came back from India, she kept chanting your name to me. She said that you are the most powerful exorcist she has ever seen in her life..."

cough cough!Tako Takano, please get to the point!

"Jianren told me that she wanted to help you find Nannan's family, so she went to Gongmi Mountain behind the back mountain alone..."

"Who would have thought that three days later, we would receive the news of Jianren's death and a frightening news of the demon."

"The Takano family must find Zashiki-douji Nannan and the lost artifact beckoning cat. If they can't find it, they have to sacrifice a Zashiki-douji to Mt. Yumi every month."

Shen Mo frowned, "Don't you know how to resist?"

"Resisted! The patriarch of the Gaoye family led the great mages in the family to kill Gong Mishan that day...but none of them came back. Now the only ones left in the Gaoye family, except me, are the new generation new mage."

Shen Mo realized that Gong Mishan was definitely not simple, "What useful information do you know about Gong Mishan?"

Mt. Yumi is where the legendary Yumi Spring is located. It is the place where the spring of life originated. It has been guarded by the Zashiki Doji clan throughout the ages. Even our Takano clan is not qualified to step in...
But they will not harm our Takano clan, so I think something uncontrollable must have happened to Yumi-san.

It's probably covered in darkness...
This shit is useful information? !Saying it is the same as not saying it!Emotionally, your Takano clan lost troops and generals, and you didn't even know who the enemy was.

Takano Taihuang looked up to the sky and sighed, and hammered his chest, "It was I, Takano Taihuang, who was sorry for the Takano family, it was my daughter who caused the Takano family to fall to this point..."

Shen Mo waved his hand, come on, don't act miserable in front of me.If you regret yourself, do you need to cry in front of me now?

Whether you cry or not, Gong Mishan and his party must be silent.

On the one hand, it is for Nan Nan, and on the other hand, it is for the Gao Ye Jianren who died because of it.

Boom!Mo Mo kicked Takano Taihuang hard, "Stop crying, get up, and take me to Mount Yumi!"

Forehead? !Gao Ye Taihuang's face darkened, he originally wanted to refuse, but the drama just now was too much, if he refused again, it would be unreasonable.

Taihuang is the only elder in the Gaoye family.Although he has no skills, he can only be a welcoming monk.

But his seniority is far higher than those newly promoted young mages, if he also falls in Gongmi Mountain, there will really only be one or two new seedlings left in the Gaoye family.

Before the patriarch was carrying it, Taihuang couldn't feel the pressure of the family. Now, he finally knows the hardships and hardships of the patriarch.

"I'll take you there!" Takano Taihuang made up his mind, and he repeatedly asked the newly promoted young mages, with a look of generosity to die.

Shen Mo doesn't like this Gao Ye Taihuang at all, if he is not the father of Gao Ye Jianren, Shen Mo would not bother to talk to him, no wonder he can only be a welcoming monk of Zhengjue Temple at such an old age.

Gao Ye Jianren, my silence will never let you die so unclearly.

(End of this chapter)

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